Seeing the fighting intent of God and Heavenly God, Ye Fei’s heart, the fighting intent burned like a flame again, he ignored that he was already bloodied, Golden Divine Depository, opened again.

The heavens and stars!


The terrifying spirit strength condenses countless starlights, dyes the starry sky golden, and also makes Ye Fei’s hair and eyes become golden s color. Another example is the undefeated Golden War God.

Ye Fei, God of Humanity, Heavenly God, at the same time killed the black Heavenly Venerable An.

Three Supreme level powerhouse attacks. Finally, the starry sky outside the Human Race battlefield was completely blown up, the black Heavenly Venerable An, standing in the broken starry sky at this time, his expression was rare and solemn, followed by a thick mocking and disdain!

“Do you know what the pitiful thing about ants is? They have no strength, but they always hope to shake the insurmountable mountains! Untouchables are always untouchables, even if you go together, so what! Heavenly Venerate Is powerful, beyond your imagination, death spear! Kill me!”

bang bang bang!

The broken starry sky was violently shaken three times, and then It is a dark magic spear, hacked Heavenly Venerable An comes out in the sky summon.


Black Heavenly Venerable An wields a magic spear, a terrifying spear glow, which is more terrifying than Heavenly Dao’s martial arts. Not only did it smash the Everlasting Country with one shot, but also the Heavenly God, which is a combination of man and spear, was stabbed through the body on the spot. , Was provoked by the magic spear in the air, and then thrown into the starry sky like a rag.


Black Heavenly Venerable An once again wields the magic spear, between Heaven and Earth, and a Black Divine Dragon composed of spear glow has appeared. This Divine Dragon swings its giant tail, which not only smashes the fists of the gods, but also Shattered all the strongest fists of humans and gods.


Finally, the black Heavenly Venerable An danced a magic spear, the spear was like a giant dragon flying in the sky, and the sharp spear blade was the tooth of a dragon, instantly biting Star Fragmentation Chen and Ye Fei’s body.


Even if it was a half-sovereign body, Ye Fei was also bitten by this dragon’s teeth, and a huge blood mouth was bitten out. Under the blood, the sharp bones showed signs of cracks.

“Heavenly God has lost!”

“Human God has lost!”

“Ye Human Sovereign has also lost!”

The defeat is complete and miserable. In the face of such a powerful black Heavenly Venerable An, who can stop and who dares to stop?

The Human Race Martial Gods who were still fighting high just now, at this moment, fell into a huge panic and deep despair!

And the countless golden witches of the Witch tribe, at this moment, uttered extreme enthusiastic cheers. Although the battle is not over yet, all the wizards are all about defeating the Human Race and entering the master stage. The belief in victory. This belief completely inspired the cruel and bloodthirsty side of wizards. Under the majestic pass, the battle between martial artist and wizard became more bloody and cruel. Martial God was screwed off in public, and the sun battleship, under the witchcraft jointly issued by the Golden Great Witch, broke apart. Martial artist, all violent death.

Chapter 1953, why not stand?

Even the two cruel wizards who died in the starry sky did not let go. They cast a vicious curse and began to bring the dead back to life. , Became the most indifferent corpse puppet, acting as cannon fodder, consuming the energy of the volcanic cannon.

Suddenly, there was a huge impact on Xiongguan, but there was a golden witch, offering sacrifices to the world, and summon splendid spiritual bridges, like a siege ladder, and the bronze waiting below The wizards and the silver wizards shouted one after another, passing these divine bridges and rushing into the Human Race Grand Pass.

“It’s over, our Human Race is over, and Human Race is completely over!” Inevitably, some martial artists began to shake.

Faced with the unfavorable situation, the Son of Man and God retreated in fear and became the first deserter on the battlefield. He was seriously injured. He burst into a mouthful of blood and roared with furious anger.

After that, a dazzling sword light suddenly passed through the head, and instantly nailed the Son of Man and God to the starry sky. It was Wang Bai who shot it!

Wang Bai alone fought ten witch gods alone. He was bloodied all over his body, and even his four eyebrows turned into bloody eyebrows. He didn’t know how many witchcraft he had suffered and how many bloody wounds he had. Hole, but Wang Bai’s imposing manner is still tyrannical. Behind him is a hideous god and a merciful demon!

“The battle of genocide, no deserters! For our family, for our homeland, fight to the end! Where is my shirt?”

“The minister is here!” Holding Human The Vice Palace Lord in the Sovereign robe stumbled and rose into the air. He was cut off with an arm and half of his body was broken, but the Human Sovereign robe he was holding was untainted by even a speck of dust, holy as In the sun and moon, following Wang Bai’s roar, the Human Sovereign robe suddenly turned into a streamer, and put it on Wang Bai’s body,

all the witch gods that were approaching were also shaken away.

“Where are my weapons!” Wang Bai was wearing an imperial robe, and shouted again.

Vice Palace Lord, holding the Human Sovereign sword in his hand, covered in blood, with ten arrows stuck in his back, suddenly shot out of the wizards, throwing out the Human Sovereign sword, “Your Majesty, take the sword!”



Wang Bai is holding the Human Sovereign sword with four eyebrows. Suddenly the dragon’s beard trembles. Suddenly, the brilliant Human Sovereign sword is in Wang Bai’s hands. It bursts out of unprecedented horror light. The slowest retreating Majesty the sickle, beheaded with a sword!

“Where is my big seal!”

Wang Bai held the Human Sovereign sword in one hand and the head of the witch god in the other. Suddenly it was shouting loudly again, but it appeared instead of holding it. The Vice Palace Lord printed, but his discipline Lu Li, with a sad face holding the bloody Human Sovereign Seal, kneeling in the air, just howling.

Wang Bai’s powerful pupil light also trembled violently at this moment. Then, he let out a sorrowful roar. While grabbing the Human Sovereign Seal with his bare hands, the big seal turned the sky and smashed the stars.

There is a range of ten thousand meters, which was smashed into powder by the Human Sovereign Seal!

At this time, Wang Bai looked at the many Martial Gods, and roared sadly, “Now, who else is going to retreat! Humane emperor, cleave thorns, open up wild land! All the ways are respected, humanity is the emperor! This is man , This is Human Sovereign, now, who else wants to fight, who else dares to fight!”

Wang Bai is always frivolous and looks like a stubborn beating. Ye Fei has never seen such confidence before. , Such a powerful Wang Bai,

“Perhaps, this is the true face of Wang Bai! I finally understand why he can be a Human Sovereign, why he can get a three Martial God for a while to follow!”

Wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ye Fei shook, stood up again, shouted coldly: “I dare to fight!”

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