like Ye Fei that can absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation are not unavailable in Heaven Realm, but like Ye Fei, who is so vicious, dare to swallow Heavenly Tribulation whole, that’s crazy And terrifying it.

Originally, I saw that Ye Fei and Wang Bai were both suppressed by the colorful Divine Thunder. Some witch gods still turned their minds, wondering if Ye Fei beheaded the Black Heavenly Venerable An, taking advantage of Ye Fei and Wang Bai tried his best to fight against the true Heavenly Dao Jie. When he couldn’t resist, he suddenly shot.

If you can smoothly kill Ye Fei and Wang Bai and lose two generations of Human Sovereign’s Human Race, it is definitely not the opponent of their nine witch gods.

The only thing that the witch gods didn’t expect is that Ye Fei can actually use the true Heavenly Dao to refine the divine tribulation liquid that exists only in the legendary. Not only did he quickly restore his strength, he was even more crazy at this time, and in turn absorbed Heavenly Tribulation!

Finally broke into the Human Race Xiongguan, these nine witch gods, instead of the joy of victory, there is a kind of horror from head to toe!

“What to do, the black Heavenly Venerable An has been killed in battle, this surnamed Ye’s, and so perverted and crazy…”

“It’s over, there are two clans of humans and witches, but there are hundreds The blood feud of thousands of years! If Human Race retaliates…”

“No, we can’t let this happen. Even humiliating and asking for peace is better than extermination! By the way, why don’t we do that? So?”

Suddenly, a certain shaman who is good at strategy, thought of something, and quickly discussed it with other shamans through spiritual sound transmission.

Ye Fei didn’t know that his act of swallowing Heavenly Tribulation directly scared many people on the spot. Not to mention the shaman gods who were afraid of fear, the gods and the heavenly gods also have vests. The feeling of coldness was even more secretly thankful. They finally chose the right position and did not completely confront Ye Fei.


Heavenly Dao is still furious, this is the real sky wrath!

Ye Fei absorbed the actions of Heavenly Tribulation, and accidentally touched the taboo of Heavenly Dao, but unfortunately, this is just the most common true Heavenly Dao calamity, it is still coming across the boundary.

Even if Heavenly Dao is angry again, the rules of the universe, heaven and earth, it is impossible for Heavenly Dao to have the ability to smash Ye Fei across boundaries. At this time, after Ye Fei completely absorbed the power of the colorful Divine Thunder, he was originally The torn barrier of Heaven Realm has begun to heal gradually.

This also represents Ye Fei, who has officially passed the eighth desperate Heavenly Tribulation.

Looking at the healed Heaven Realm barrier, Wang Bai suddenly said: “Ye Fei, if you rush up now, you will have the opportunity to rush into Heaven Realm like Du Tiandi Zun!”

Wang Bai’s words made the gods and the Heavenly God extremely excited. The nine witch gods all stared enthusiastically at the gradually healed Heaven Realm barrier. Breathing became hurried.

Ye Fei’s heart is also agitated, but when he thinks that if he enters the Heaven Realm, he will abandon everything in the realm, abandon his relatives, abandon his lover, and abandon all brothers. Ye Fei hesitated again. Finally, in his mind, Zhao Yu, desperately, rushed into the silhouette of the true Heavenly Dao.

He thought of Lu Qing, thought of Shangluo, thought of Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, with that worried look, he thought of the robe who was fighting bravely in Human Race Xiongguan, giving up life and death!

He thought… Ye Fei was silent for a while, and finally shook his head, saying solemnly: “Heaven Realm, I will definitely find a way to go, but not now!”


With a wave of his hand, Ye Fei has completely blocked the Heaven Realm barrier, simply what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

“It’s a pity!”

Wang Bai flashed a faintly concealed disappointment, and then silently retracted the Human Sovereign sword.

Seeing that the great opportunity is right in front of me, Ye Fei gave up so easily, Heavenly God thumped his chest and cursed in a low voice: “Unscrupulous son-in-law, Heaven Realm, if you don’t go, you can let Lao Tzu go! A good opportunity, it was so wasted!”

If possible, Heavenly God would definitely break his head and rush in. The gods also sighed, and then calmly said with a smile: “If he doesn’t choose this way , He is not Ye Fei!”

Enter Heaven Realm, of course, it is full of great temptation, but in the same way, it will also abandon relatives, abandon lovers, abandon all brothers and feelings, just to enter Heaven Realm, this is too costly and too cruel.

“If the deity’s lifespan had not reached its limit, how could the deity make such a choice?”

Ren Shen sighed, he looked at the corpses all over the ground inside and outside Xiongguan , And the Son of God who was crucified in the sky, his eyes flashed with sadness and shame.

But soon, God and Heavenly God got themselves together again, and began to dispatch troops like an enemy. Even though the black Heavenly Venerable An died, the witches still rely on their numbers. He entered the Xiongguan, and at this time occupied half of the Xiongguan area.

Human Race has broken!

The war may continue to erupt at any time!

The nine witch gods also showed seriousness and dignity. They understood that if they didn’t make up their minds, it would be too late. Suddenly, these nine witch gods walked out of Xiongguan together and walked towards Ye Fei. Just when many people thought that a war between humans and witches would begin again.

All the witch gods suddenly bowed their heads to Ye Fei and bowed their hands together. They said: “Ye Zhizun, we are willing to lead the witch clan to surrender. We are willing to swear to end the war between humans and witches, but we have one Conditions!”

“Assholes, hunted by hundreds of thousands of years, how many Martial Gods and Martial Emperors we have killed in battle… How can we easily give up with such bloody enmity!” Many Human Race Martial Gods, all It was a sad roar.

But many golden witches also roared with tears: “You know, these hundreds of thousands of years, how many witches have we killed in battle? How many tribes have died? You think, we are willing, Work for the black Heavenly Venerable An, and send the warriors and relatives of our tribe to you to kill!”

The roar of the wizards silenced many Martial Gods, and Ye Fei was also silent, indeed, In this war, there is no right and wrong, only life and death, if you really want to say something wrong. It is not Human Race that is wrong, not the Witch race, but the dark Heavenly Venerable An hidden behind!

“Let’s talk about what conditions do you want. Only when you are willing to surrender, and also end this hundreds of thousands of years war between people and martial arts!”

Ye Fei raised his hand and stopped Human The noise of Race Martial God, although these Martial Gods do not belong to the Human Sovereign Temple, but killing the Black Heavenly Venerable An also allowed Ye Fei’s prestige to reach pinnacle, and even surpassed Wang Bai, and surpassed the human god and Heavenly. God.

Hearing Ye Fei’s order, all Martial Gods of Human Race shut up, just looking towards Ye Fei with respect. The nine Martial Gods are the same. They bent over together and said: “We can surrender, but Ye Zhizun, you must become our Witch Emperor! We are also willing to be your subordinates, assist you, and rule the entire Witch Clan!” /p>

Chapter 1958 The Sorcerer’s Oath

Ye Fei becomes the Witch Emperor and rules the Witch Clan. This is the condition proposed by the Witch God.

Wizards can surrender, but with the pride of the Witch Gods, they are impossible, and they are willing to subdue to the Human Race, and the Witch Gods do not trust Human Race.

After all, in the war between people and witches of hundreds of thousands of years, the hatred between the two sides is too deep. It will take hundreds of years and thousands of years to resolve, and during this time, everything can happen.

At this time, the witch gods are very natural and need a strong guarantee to ensure that Human Race will not retaliate against the witch clan after its power increases. The most advantageous guarantee is to let Ye Fei become the witch emperor!

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