treated you badly…”

Ye Fei still did not say a word, just clenched his hands tightly, there seemed to be a volcano burning in his heart, but there was a word he admitted that Qi Lao said It’s right. He doesn’t have the strength to fight against the Great Family like Hejia.

In the end, he is just a small martial artist. In the end, there is Heaven on him. Realm’s seal has not been unlocked. After all, he is still leaving the city, still in the Inn of the He Family!

The so-called “send people’s fence”, humiliated and patience, is what it means!

Even if the heart is angry again, Ye Fei must be patient, calm, must hold back the humiliation and anger!

Finally, after the Qi Lao chattered and persuaded for two hours, Ye Fei was ugly His face calmed down, and his tone was not as cold as before. He seemed to have been persuaded, but also like he was under the strong pressure of the He family, he gave in and bowed his head.

Ye Fei finally had a special tone calmly said: “Supernatural powers can be given to you, but I have to consider it for a few days. The conditions given by the He Family are too low! “You must know that in Heaven Realm, only the Heavenly Venerate condensing the Heavenly Palace can perform magical powers, and the sword master’s heart Sword God can also allow martial artists below Heavenly Venerate to perform magical powers. If this is obtained by the He family The martial artist of Hejia’s martial artist will instantly have the battle strength of Heavenly Venerate. What kind of terrifying force is that?

The amount?

And Hejia wants to use both Just let him offer his supernatural powers obediently. This is just playing him like a fool.

However, Ye Fei’s tone is still loose, and Qi Lao’s expression is suddenly happy. Without taking a sip of the water, he immediately instigated a three-inch tongue and said: “Okay, as long as you surrender your magical powers, the conditions are up to you! “

“It’s really casual, then I want to marry Wushuang Young Lady as my wife, and the He family will be nodded? “Ye Fei satirically said with a smile.

“Impudent! “The Seven Elders almost shattered the tables and chairs in the room in anger, but thinking that the magical powers are still in Ye Fei’s hands, he immediately slowed down and shook his head very seriously: “Ye Fei, don’t be foolish.” Now, it’s a bit hard to say, you are just a toad on the ground, but Wushuang Young Lady is my jewel from the city!

You and her, simply are people of two worlds, let alone marry a Wushuang Young Lady as your wife, even if you talk to her and be the most ordinary friend, you are not qualified! “

“But I can promise you to help you gather Heavenly Palace, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate, or marry a collateral Young Lady as your wife. These two conditions must be fulfilled. You are handing over Divine Ability! Qi Lao suppressed his anger and offered a more sensible condition. Ye Fei sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he did not seem to have heard the insult Qi Lao just now, and nodded and said with some joy: “Okay, Wushuang Young Lady, I I dare not climb high, but I must marry the Young Lady from the He family. This is my condition. Please ask Qi Lao to go back and sue the Patriarch! By the way, that hundred

10,000 spirit vein, I also have to get it, now I want it! “

I understand that the He family is just a polite hypocrite. Ye Fei has no affection for the He family, but he must ask for the spirit vein that sells Shijiao. This is related to Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise. The stomach problem must be solved immediately. Seven Elders hearing this slightly smiled, proudly said: “It’s only trifling million spirit veins, Ye Fei, you are used to Loose Cultivator, and I don’t know how strong our great family background is. Yes, this is the one million spirit vein you want. Of course, when you join the He Family and marry the collateral Young Lady, the cultivation

resources you get are not low-level spirit veins. It’s a profound stone, it’s a profound vein! And Source Law! What choice you should make, you’d better consider it yourself! “Leaving this sentence aside, I took out a luxurious spiritual gathering tower and threw it to Ye Fei. Qi Lao left with satisfaction. Although Ye Fei was rebellious and wishful thinking during the persuasion process, Qi Lao believed that Ye Fei was like this. Smart people, you will understand that there are some people in this world who have offended him all his life

Can’t afford it!

“Gong Qi Lao, I am waiting for your good news! “

Ye Fei made the appearance of seeing off the guests, but he didn’t mean to get up to see him off at all. Instead, he instantly took the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and confirmed that there were a million spirit veins inside. He was cold. Standing up, simply didn’t mean to stay at the Inn.

Holding the blood-red wooden sword, Ye Fei strode out of the room, ready to leave the Inn and leave the city.

But when he stepped out of the room, suddenly two powerful Heavenly Venerate martial artists coldly blocked Ye Fei’s path. “Stop, where are you going? “

Chapter 1980 Humiliation Today Newspaper

Ye Fei’s heart sank. The He family’s movements were faster and more ruthless than he thought! The old persuasion has already secretly prepared two Heavenly Venerate martial artists and trapped him in the room. What’s the difference between this and house arrest?

This also strengthened Ye Fei’s determination to leave. The sinister and hypocritical family is not worthy of his service.

“This is an Inn or a cell, can’t I go for a walk and see the scenery? “Ye Fei said with a cold face, what about Heavenly Venerate, he hasn’t killed it!

“Ye Fei, I think you have misunderstood, this is not a cell, the owner of this is just let us protect you , Don’t be assassinated by Wang Family’s expert, you still go back to the room and wait for the owner’s order! “Heavenly Venerate on the left is quite kind.

But his tone is indeed beyond doubt. Ye Fei was immediately irritated, and he knew that if he didn’t leave at this time, he would Don’t want to get out of it. As soon as he moved, he carried the wooden sword and was about to force it out.

Unfortunately, before he could make a move, the Heavenly Venerate martial artist who was smiling just now was actually at the same time. Changed his face, the one on the right slapped his hand with a wind, slapped Ye Fei’s wooden sword, not to mention, but also shot Ye Fei’s whole person back to the room.

” Go inside and stay honestly, it’s just a piece of waste that doesn’t even condense in Heavenly Palace. Just like a toad like you, you also want to eat swan’s meat? “Heavenly Venerate on the right, showing contempt, from smashing the wooden sword to knocking Ye Fei back, this person didn’t bother to open his eyes to look at Ye Fei from beginning to end. Heavenly Venerate on the left immediately rounded the field: “Oh! , I can’t say that, this kid is a little bit of a waste, but it’s a bit dogshit luck anyway. I got the patron’s favor. Maybe, this kid can really get a collateral Young Lady. From then on, the toad flew on the branch and turned into gold. Phoenix, hahaha!

The two Heavenly Venerate guards both laughed wildly. Obviously, they all secretly listened to the negotiation between Qi Lao and Ye Fei just now, but they just endured it all the time. It didn’t happen. They didn’t look for a chance and prepared to humiliate it until Qi Lao left.

In the room, Ye Fei was attacked by Heavenly Venerate, and the internal organs seemed to explode. , But he neither yelled nor charged ahead with red eyes. He tried desperately to find these two Heavenly Venerate who deliberately humiliated him. He just stood up calmly.

Wipe off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, Photographed the dust on his body, and then, just like a okay person, closed the door again and let two Heavenly Venerate big eyes staring at small eyes. They thought that Ye Fei would definitely be like other young people in the face of such humiliation. People are ordinary, rushing to fight them hard.

They are also ready to step on Ye Fei at any time, ready to humiliate and make fun, but Ye Fei’s reaction is completely beyond their expectations .

“This kid, this is a bit wicked! “

“hmph, it’s just the waste of Earth Venerable Realm that’s all. Look at your nervousness. We have two Heavenly Venerate Early-Stage experts staying here. Are you afraid that the waste runs? Can it be done? “

The two Heavenly Venerates are still outside, frigid irony and scorching satire.

In the space of animal prints, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are angry again. I looked at Ye Fei worriedly again.

Ye Fei showed a clean smile and grinned, “I’m fine. Back then, I was in Blackstone City. I survived the harder days, even more how This dilemma! Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, you hug your belly first, and then watch me take you out! “

Although for a nobleman to take revenge, it is not too late for ten years, but the He family is obviously ready to kill him as a pig. How can Ye Fei remain indifferent.

“Really Think that I don’t have a cultivation base, can you insult me ​​arbitrarily? Humiliated today, reported today, Hejia, the least you should be, is to give me a million spirit veins! “

Why does he have to endure humiliation, and would rather pretend to lower his head, and get back the worthy million spirit vein from Qi Lao? Of course it is because of him and the final killing move, that is Indestructible Sword Soul!

Even if the cultivation base is sealed, the continuity between Ye Fei and the indestructible Sword Soul always exists, that is to say, as long as he wants, he can launch Heavenly Venerate at any time! Just need The number of spirit veins consumed would be terrifying.

When Ye Fei took out the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise immediately understood Ye Fei’s plan. Xiaocao’s eyes were immediately bright. While secretly happy, Xiaocao suddenly yawned, didn’t even eat the spirit vein, and ran to the fairy crystal bed, hu hu fell asleep.

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