When it
came to the space belt of the He family steward, Ye Fei found a few Pills of Law, two Heavenly Venerate space belts, and also found a dozen, but these medicine pills can only It is useful to understand the Martial Dao law, but it is useless at all for lifting the seal of Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise!

“It seems that if you want to escape from the city, you must first let me and Dragon Tortoise remove the Heaven Realm seal! Xiaocao, immediately feel where the number of Divine Strength Pills is the most!” Ye Fei encouraged Xiaocao Tao.

Knowing that Ye Fei is very dangerous at this time, Xiaocao also worked very hard, and immediately opened the heaven and earth spiritual eyes, feeling everywhere, suddenly, Xiaocao sensed something, suddenly very excited, and very happy pointing in a direction .

Ye Fei fiercely praised: “The grass is beautifully dried. Are there many Divine Strength Pills in that place? Are the guards strong there?”


Xiaocao waved his hand triumphantly, saying that there were no guards or Divine Strength Pill found there, but Xiaocao had found so many delicious profound veins!

When making the gesture, Xiaocao picked up a black stone by the way, and ate it elated. Ye Fei’s happy face suddenly froze, but Dragon Tortoise’s face was ecstatic.

Chapter 1984 He Family Treasure House

Hearing that Xiaocao found a lot of profound veins, Dragon Tortoise’s face was ecstatic. As a standard foodie, Shi Shiwen had eaten it. After the high-level treasures like Xuanshi, how can you go back and eat those low-level Spirit Stone spirit veins?

Almost at the same time Xiaocao discovered the profound veins, the Dragon Tortoise, which was originally gasping for breath, suddenly seemed to be hit with chicken blood. The dragon claw waved more quickly than once, on the side of hong long long. Digging a hole, while digging desperately in the direction where Xiaocao found the profound veins.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao were shocked. Ye Fei didn’t know what to say except secretly scolding this tortoise was so delicious.

But it’s rare that Dragon Tortoise worked so hard, Ye Fei didn’t stop Dragon Tortoise, but let Dragon Tortoise dig a hole in the front, he walked carefully behind, letting the grass feel at any time. The movement from the city.

During the period of digging a hole in Dragon Tortoise, the entire departure from the city was caught in a frantic hunt. The street was full of martial artists looking for Ye Fei trails, not just He The family members are looking for it, even the Wang Family members are also secretly looking for it.

After all, the He family made such a big noise just to catch a loose Cultivator. This is too unreasonable. Even if He Chun went to Wang Family to explain in person, he did it just to catch the indecent Cultivator. Peerless Demon Ye Fei. But being able to become another overlord of Licheng, Wang Hongshan, the owner of Wang Family, is not a fool. He quickly discovered that there was something wrong with it. Let alone a martial cultivator, whether he has the courage, he rushed to indecent Licheng Pearl He Wushuang. How did Ye Fei escape the He family for so many days?

Zun expert’s pursuit?

“Check, check it now! Must find out why the He family pursued and killed Ye Fei!” Wang Hongshan quickly gave the order.

Wang Family’s Heavenly Venerate experts also quickly started to act in secret.

Ye Fei also didn’t know that the heart Sword God created by the sword idiot Elder would be so attractive to these Heaven Realm families that it turned him into the Two Great Overlords in an instant. The target must be captured.

Shortly after, under the “struggling” of Dragon Tortoise’s digging, Ye Fei was shocked to discover that Dragon Tortoise had dug into a peculiar space. This space was full of amazing mysteries. Gas fluctuations.

Xuan Qi is actually Spiritual Qi, but the energy it contains is a hundred times stronger than Spiritual Qi! It is very suitable for the martial artist of Heaven Realm to absorb cultivation.

Just like this underground space, there are dozens of profound veins, condensed into a whole profound energy Dragon Vein, Ye Fei is still full of shock.

Dragon Tortoise was even more violent, so he rushed towards those profound veins, intending to make his mouth stronger first, but Ye Fei grabbed Dragon Tortoise’s tail and dragged it back at the same time. Throwing a piece of profound stone, it fell on that piece of profound energy Dragon Vein like lightning.


When you feel the intrusion of foreign objects, the creeping profound energy Dragon Vein suddenly opens the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon’s mouth is even more terrifying. The Heavenly Venerate beam of light instantly vaporized the black stone shot by Ye Fei and disappeared completely.

Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth turned white.

Xiao Cao has such an expression. Just now Ye Fei pulled Dragon Tortoise and Xiao Cao discovered that this piece of profound energy Dragon Vein is actually a very secret Defensive Array, not natural Forming.

In other words, these profound veins were deliberately placed here and arranged into a huge array of profound veins!

“I just don’t know what is in this profound formation…” Ye Fei threw the frightened Dragon Tortoise aside, then turned to ask Xiaocao, “Xiaocao, Can your spiritual eyes see through this great formation:”

Any formation must have a safe passage to enter. As long as you find this passage, then this profound vein formation is more subtle , Ye Fei can’t hurt them anymore.


When Xiaocao heard Ye Fei’s words, he immediately raised his head with confidence, and then fully moved the heaven and earth spiritual eyes, moved towards this big Array looked over.

After a while, suddenly, Xiaocao seemed to have discovered something, stepped away from his short legs, pulled Dragon Tortoise’s tail, and rushed into the Formation.


Dragon Tortoise’s scared black mouth is pale, and he is extremely worried that Xiaocao will throw it into the Formation, throwing a turtle to ask for directions. Ye Fei was taken aback by Dragon Tortoise’s roar, and hurriedly stuffed a handful of black stones, and finally blocked Dragon Tortoise’s mouth.

At this time, Xiaocao was already happily running around in this Defensive Great Array, and none of the surrounding defensive restrictions attacked Xiaocao.

Ye Fei eyes immediately lit up, secretly glad that he brought the grass, otherwise, with the bad luck of his abandoned person, let alone find here, even if he finds, he can’t get through this big formation. Walk in.

“I just don’t know who set up this big formation, and what is it to protect?” Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel strong curiosity when he walked into this big formation.

But after walking through the formation and looking at the huge bronze door behind Formation, Ye Fei’s whole person couldn’t help but stared in shock, his eyes rounded as well. There are also Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise.

On this bronze door, there are four big words written: “Hejia Treasure House!”

Ye Fei didn’t expect what happened, Xiaocao found out The place where the veins gather is actually the treasure house of the He family, but it is no wonder that if it were not the treasure house, who would spend so much energy to gather dozens of profound veins and arrange a huge array of profound veins!

Such extravagant means, in addition to dominating, the general Heavenly Venerate martial artist, simply impossible. Then, Ye Fei’s expression was unavoidable.

“It took me so hard to get out of the He Family Inn. Now the martial artists all over the city are looking for me. Dragon Tortoise, you dug a hole outside the He Family treasure house…” Ye Fei was speechless for a while, and Dragon Tortoise was also very guilty and looked around. For fear that the martial artist of the He family would appear around, Xiaocao also nervously opened the heaven and earth spiritual eyes and looked around until he found that besides the profound vein Formation, not at all. After all the other martial artists were hidden, Xiaocao relaxed, and then Xiaocao looked at Ye Fei eagerly.

Dragon Tortoise also looked at Ye Fei eagerly.

Ye Fei was helpless, “Forget it, since it’s here, then you can’t leave empty-handed! The He family didn’t want to catch me, so no one can blame me and emptied their treasure house!”

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