The more times you attach spirits at the same time, the more powerful the function of this treasure will be. Take spiritual medicine as an example. Usually, spiritual medicine has a long growth time, one hundred years, one thousand years. , Even ten thousand years is possible, but the average martial artist can’t wait that long.

At this time, the martial artist will bring the seedlings of spiritual medicine, and even the seeds of spiritual medicine. Please attach the Spirit Master to attach the spiritual medicine to the spiritual medicine, so that the spiritual medicine can be tens of times, hundreds of times faster. Mature!

When I heard about this, Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly became weird. “Spiritual medicine can ripen spiritual medicine. How do I feel so familiar with this situation?”


When Ye Fei asked. Dragon Tortoise was also eavesdropping in the beast print space. When I heard the introduction of Spirit Master, Dragon Tortoise also felt very familiar. Then Dragon Tortoise suddenly remembered something, and quickly pointed to the sweet sleep on the fairy bed. Of grass.

Ye Fei is shocked. The Spirit Master can ripen spiritual medicine. Xiaocao seems to have this ability.

Moreover, in the land boundary, there is also a very partial profession called Hua Dao! While in the Northern Territory, Ye Fei and Xiaocao used to show off their skills on the flower path and matured many spiritual grass flowers!

“Could it be said that in the Northern Territory and Zhong Prefecture, the very sacred hand of ikebana is actually the Spirit Master of Heaven Realm?” Ye Fei was more shocked as he thought about it, but he was not sure.

But soon, he thought of a best way to confirm, to determine whether the method of cultivating spiritual grass spiritual flowers by the grass is the spiritual method of Heaven Realm. He only needs to buy a plant of spiritual grass. The spiritual grass of the Queen of the Spirit, the Spirit Flower, bring it back and let Xiaocao confirm it.

“This brother, dare to ask where there are spiritual grass spiritual flowers that can be purchased?” Ye Fei hurriedly asked the martial artist who inquired about and gave a black stone. Soon, this local tyrant So he took Ye Fei to a very stylish luxury shop.

On the door plaque of the shop, there are three gilt characters “Qizhen Pavilion”. Seeing Ye Fei coming in, his temperament was quite good, and immediately a smiling fatty steward greeted him with his hands folded and politely said: “The guest is looking at the face, you are the first time to come to our Qizhen Pavilion. , I don’t know what treasure you want to buy, we have everything in Chizhen Pavilion, medicine pill

, Divine Weapon, Martial Cultivation Art ……”

Ye Fei nodded, interrupt this person “I need to buy a spiritual medicine with a spirit! The best is a spiritual medicine!”

“Spiritual flower? haha, Young Master has good eyesight, the spiritual flower cultivated by our Qizhen Pavilion It’s definitely the best in the entire imperial city, especially for your sweetheart, that’s great, Young Master, please!” The fatty manager smiles more diligently. After all, it’s not bad for those who can buy Linghua. Lord of the stone.

Although Ye Fei wears very ordinary clothes, but Fatty manages things and has automatically classified Ye Fei as the kind of low-key Aristocratic Family Young Master.

Ye Fei didn’t know that compared to spiritual medicine, which can be pill concocting, spiritual flowers are more of ornamental value. Therefore, in Heaven Realm, every spiritual flower with spirit is a luxury item. , The purchase is either rich or expensive. There are few ordinary martial artists who are willing to buy.

It is also because of this that this fatty steward is so attentive to Ye Fei, that is, his body is slightly bent down a lot, and he quickly took Ye Fei to the attic where the spirit flowers are stored, before entering the attic. Ye Fei can smell the rich Spiritual Qi and floral fragrance of today’s heart and spleen.

“Young Master, the spirit flowers of our Qizheng Pavilion are absolutely fine products. I strongly recommend Young Master to choose this E dragon fragrance. This kind of spirit flower is a must-have for the imperial family princesses. , The price is not expensive, only one basin of hundred thousand black stones.” The fatty steward is endless.

Ye Fei listened to have one’s hair stand on end, “What, hundred thousand black stone! It’s just a spiritual flower, so expensive! Is there a cheaper one?”

“It’s cheaper?” The fatty steward heard this for a moment. He couldn’t help but look at Ye Fei again. His attitude suddenly became much colder. He pointed to a pot of unremarkable Linghua near the corner and said, “That pot of lantern grass is the most important thing here. It’s cheap, a pot of ten thousand profound stones!”

“Fuck, that stuff actually costs ten thousand!” Ye Fei was very depressed, and suddenly felt like being slaughtered. He knew the lantern plant. On the small quilt of Xiaocao’s spiritual medicine, there seems to be a lantern plant, which is bigger and brighter than this lantern plant. When it blooms, it is like a row of red lanterns, making the fairy crystal bed of the grass. Shine


I heard that Ye Fei is too expensive even for ten thousand profound stones. Fatty is in charge. I am finally overwhelmed. The feelings of Ye Fei are not a low-key Aristocratic Family Young Master at all. Where did the turtles come from, even if they didn’t even know the value of the spirit flowers, they dared to come to Qizhen Pavilion.

The tone of the fatty manager suddenly became tough: “Ten thousand profound stones, this is already the lowest price in this shop. If you can’t afford it, then please go out and don’t affect our business!”

This remark clearly shows a sense of contempt. Ye Fei’s heart suddenly became angry. Yes, he was a little bit reckless to buy Linghua without inquiring about the price, but the attitude of the fatty is so bad, it’s a bit too much.

Chapter 2002 Being Taken Offense

In general, Ye Fei would definitely turn his head away without saying anything in the face of such a bad attitude, but this time the situation is different. He must It is necessary to confirm whether the flower path of the grass and the spirit of Heaven Realm are the same thing.

This is more related to whether he can break through the blockade of the He family, enter the Shenxing Academy, and participate in the major event of the assessment. Ye Fei is still clear.

Immediately holding back his breath, Ye Fei’s face suddenly showed a smile again, very sincere and simple said with a slight smile: “Five thousand, is there a pot of five thousand profound stones? It doesn’t matter if it’s not a spiritual flower, spiritual grass is okay!”


There happened to be an Aristocratic Family Young Lady who was also buying Linghua. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, of course she couldn’t help but laughed. If she changed to another martial artist, her face would be flushed and ashamed. And go.

But Ye Fei has a thick-skinned face and is not angry when he was laughed. Instead, he turned his head and moved towards the little elder sister with a honest smile. His smile is simple and infectious, this one Aristocratic Family Young Lady originally laughed at Ye Fei for being poor, but she didn’t know why, but was infected by Ye Fei’s smile.

“This guy, he looks pretty when he smiles.” Thinking of this, the little elder sister turned blushing. She didn’t even buy flowers, but ran away shyly.

Seeing this scene of the fatty in charge, I just hit Ye Fei out with a stick, “This is so poor, I can’t afford it, and even the customers who bought it are scared away. , No, I can’t let him stay here!”

There are so many guests around, and no matter how fatty is in charge, it’s not easy to drive Ye Fei away. In the end, Ye Fei can’t help it. I can only helplessly point to the last pot of spirit flowers in the corner: “go go go, I’m afraid of you, if you don’t dislike it, the pot of spirit flowers will be sold to you with a thousand profound stones!”

” One thousand? Okay, we need that pot!” Ye Fei threw out 1,000 profound stones, and quickly walked over and held the pot of spirit flowers moved towards outside. His actions also made the surrounding guests laugh secretly. They all have eyesight, and they can see at a glance that the pot of spirit flower is clearly a defective product after the failure of the attachment. Once the spirit attachment fails, the spiritual medicine and the spirit flower will soon wither and be scrapped. Not to mention a thousand profound stones, but a single profound stone is not required.

The reason why the fatty steward quoted a thousand is purely to play Ye Fei as a fool. “Haha, this stupid boy is really easy to deceive!” Walking out of Chizhen Pavilion, Ye Fei smiled. He disappeared immediately, murmured and cursed, “Deadly fatty, a pot of discarded spirit flowers, actually sold me a thousand profound stones. This root clearly wants to cheat me, but Heaven Realm’s spirit flowers are expensive. Yes, compared to spending 10,000 profound stones, you can buy one pot with one thousand profound stones

I still make a lot of money!”

As for whether the spirit flower has failed to possess the spirit Ye Fei didn’t bother to care, after all, his main purpose was to verify whether the ikebana in the land boundary and the Spirit Master attached to Heaven Realm are the same lineage. Besides, there is Xiaocao, the sacred hand of ikebana by his side. Ye Fei once wilted a spiritual flower to death when he competed in the Northern Territory, but the grass could instantly make the spring the spring. Comes upon a withered tree, just at this point, let alone failing to attach a spirit, even if it is completely withered and died, Ye Fei feels that he will never suffer.

Return to Inn as quickly as possible and close the door. Ye Fei immediately impatiently placed the dying spirit flower on the table, and hurriedly shouted to the beast seal space: “Xiaocao, get up and work soon!” After shouting for a long time, Xiaocao didn’t respond.

Ye Fei was a little embarrassed, and could only shout again: “Xiaocao, get up and eat the black stone!”


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