, I didn’t ask for it. As a result, he immediately took out a pot of intact E Longxiang and lied to me that he had rescued E Longxiang who had failed to possess the spirit again. This is not here. What is the trouble? Once the treasure fails, it is equivalent to completely scrapped. Who does not know this common sense. Hearing that Ye Fei used such a low-level method to make trouble in Qizhen Pavilion, Madam Meng immediately stared at Ye Fei with fierce eyes. Seeing Ye Fei’s face calm, she didn’t see her frustration for the first time, nor was she panicked by

dismantling the trouble.

Mrs. Meng was not only stunned for a moment, she seemed to notice Ye Fei’s not simple, but He didn’t listen to Fatty’s complaint, but looked at Ye Fei lightly and said, “What he said is true. Did you really rescue E Longxiang who failed to possess spirit? “

“That’s right! “Ye Fei nodded.

“Are you attached to a Spirit Master? “

Mrs. Meng couldn’t help being a little curious about Ye Fei.

Ye Fei hesitated for a moment. He didn’t know whether Xiaocao’s technique was a kind of spirit, Ye Fei finally I decided to skip this question and directly pushed E Longxiang over and said: “true or false, please judge by yourself! “

Looking at Ye Fei’s manner of being neither humble nor arrogant, Madam Meng was even more surprised, but it was related to Qizhen Pavilion’s reputation, and she had to take it seriously, and quickly whispered to the martial artist beside her instructed: “Go, quickly Please come out Old Zou! “Mrs. Meng seems to have a high status in Qizhen Pavilion. Following his order, a martial artist from Ruler Realm flew directly towards the imperial city, and quickly returned with an old man from Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Chapter 2004 Peerless Enchanting

But seeing the appearance of this old man, everyone present, except Ye Fei, all showed respect, because this old man also had A badge representing Spirit Master attached, and there are two green leaves on the badge.

Ye Fei once inquired about Spirit Master attached information.

Knowing two green leaves, it means This attached Spirit Master is Rank 2 attached to Spirit Master!

And Rank 2 attached to Spirit Master can not only attach spirit to spiritual medicine, but also attach spirit to medicine pill, such as Heaven Realm The most common Divine Strength Pill, one can only increase the divine force, and may suffer medicinal power backlash.

But if there is Rank 2 with Spirit Master, this Divine Strength Pill will be enchanted and inspired The spirituality of the medicine pill, the medicine efficacy of this Divine Strength Pill, will immediately increase twice or even more, so that the martial artist who takes it can increase the divine force of more than 2000 Jin without the slightest medical power backlash.

This is also the reason. The attached Spirit Master is very popular in Heaven Realm, but to become a attached Spirit Master, in addition to requiring a strong talent, it also takes a lot of time and energy, which greatly delays Martial Dao cultivation, so attaching a Spirit Master The number in Heaven Realm is very scarce, and it is more sought after by martial artists.

Like the Old Zou in front of him, he is just the Heavenly Venerate cultivation base with Spi The rit Master level is also Rank 2 only, but it still does not prevent Mrs. Dream from paying attention to him.

At this time, Mrs. Dream even passed the pot of E Longxiang directly to Old Zou, “Old Zou, please help me identify this time.”

Old Zou is very The cold and arrogant nodded, took E Longxiang, a layer of colorful halo appeared in his hand, Ye Fei’s expression could not help but be even stranger when he saw that halo. Old Zou’s methods are countless times more brilliant than the ikebana masters in the land.

However, the colorful halo he inspires seems to be several grades worse than Xiaocao’s colorful spiritual wind.

Mrs. Meng didn’t care about Old Zou’s attitude at all, she just asked in a low voice with interest: “Old Zou, how is it, do you see anything?” Old Zou ignored Mrs. Meng. , Just look at the special divine runes inspired from the spirit flower intently. Half of this divine runes existed in the first place, and the other half was made up by grass. Old Zou concentrate attention completely. Yes, it’s the half that Xiaocao made up, and the more

look at it, the more excited Old Zou’s expression becomes. After spending a full hour, and unable to figure out how the grass can complement the divine runes, Old Zou yelled with excitement, “It’s amazing skills, it’s amazing skills! This is only a high-level Spirit Master attached. It’s a secondary attachment that can only be used, and such a perfect secondary attachment, the old man has never seen this in his life

Who is this master, the old man wants to see him, no, the old man wants Adore him as a teacher.”

Old Zou was incoherent with excitement throughout.

Ye Fei’s face turned pale when he heard this, what, this Senior wants to worship Xiaocao as his teacher? There is also the divine runes that Xiaocao casually tinkered with, which was actually used as the master by this Rank 2 attached to the Spirit Master?

Ye Fei’s heart is really weird. Then, there was a scream like killing a pig, from the mouth of the fatty steward, he didn’t expect anyhow, that silly boy who was once treated as a soft-shelled turtle, fiercely pitted once, the background would be so terrifying, not only Became the spirit master on the spot, and completed the second spirit that excited Old Zou.

Second spirit?

“God damn, this kid is not a thing, he is so powerful, why do you want to pretend to be a terrapin, isn’t it clear that I should bully him?”

The more he thought about things, the more grief and indignation he got, but before the result came out, his legs became frightened and he sat directly on the ground shiver coldly.

Mrs. Meng didn’t understand what was going on, her tone suddenly turned cold, “Drag out, abolish his cultivation base, and drive out the Bai Family from now on, let him fend for himself!”

The fatty manager who heard this screamed even more terribly, “Madam, forgiveness, forgiveness, I’m just confused for a while, master, I will kneel for you, I will kowtow to you, please, Let me go!”

This fatty still has some eyesight, knowing that Madame Qiu Meng is useless, so she hurriedly crawled to Ye Fei’s face, and without a word, she knelt down and knocked on the floor. All sounded in hong long long.

“I knew this, why did it in the first place!”

Ye Fei coldly treated this fatty manager as air, but he was not a murderer after all. Although the fatty manager pitted him, if it weren’t for the E Longxiang, he wouldn’t accidentally lead Mrs. Dream, and then come into contact with the real Spirit Master Old Zou.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei finally took a hand in the air and took the spit blood flying upside down taken by the fatty steward. Coldly said: “This palm, end your grievances!”

I understand that Ye Fei has forgive him, and the fatty manager is grateful. Regarding Ye Fei’s treatment, Mrs. Meng’s eyes also lit up, and then she shouted at the fatty steward: “Capital crimes are inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable. After handing over the errands here, go back to the family and collect the crimes yourself. This Young Master is a little girl. I couldn’t help but angered Young Master, and asked Young Master to join me in the Chi Zhen Pavilion.

Ms. Rong personally made a complaint to Young Master.”

Madam Meng also cast an attracting spirit seizing soul look at Ye Fei. Suddenly, a mature and seductive charm assaults the senses, almost making Ye Fei blush and embarrassed on the spot.

Knowing that I met the legendary Banshee, I hurried to cheer up 100%, and still calmly said: “deference is no substitute for obedience, it just happens that I have something to do, I need Qizhenge’s help!”

Mrs.Meng’s eyes became sharper and brighter when she heard this, and she took Ye Fei to the third floor of Qizhen Pavilion, in her warm pavilion. Then, Madam Meng lay unsuspectingly on a bench, stroking her bangs and asked, “This Young Master, we don’t speak secretly, no matter what you ask of us, Qizhen Pavilion, It’s not as good as joining our Qizheng Pavilion, and I can assure you that as long as you join

Qizheng Pavilion, you will not only open the terms as you like, and you will get what you want. !” At the end of the speech, Mrs. Meng’s tone was still a little seductive. Ye Fei’s will is like iron, and there is also a feeling of speeding up the heartbeat, so I can’t help but yell Banshee. It’s sexual entrapment. If he hadn’t been steadfast in consciousness, he might have fallen in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fei quickly calmed his mind, and his eyes were completely clear, and he said directly: “If Madam is not sincere, please forgive me!”

While speaking, Ye Fei turned around and left without any nostalgia. Zou Old Ma, who was looking steadily forward next to him, was anxious and tried to wink Mrs. Dream.

Seeing her repeated temptations, she was blocked by Ye Fei. Madame Meng couldn’t help but flash a different color in her eyes. The more she felt Ye Fei’s not simple, she no longer tried. After sitting upright, he also became serious. “The Young Master, please hold your steps. Since you asked me to show my sincerity, the lady sincerely promises you that, as long as you can help us introduce the spirit master behind you, my Qizhen Pavilion, There must be a big reward. Of course, if you have any difficulties, our Qizheng Pavilion can help, and we will definitely help you!” Obviously, enchanting is just a disguise for Mrs. Meng, the real Mrs. Meng. It’s so clean and tidy, and this is her real face!

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