“Good sword! For nothing, can I buy this sword?” Ye Fei is a swordsman, and now he sees such a top grade Divine Sword. Can’t help but excite. Standing aside, Bai Er looked at Ye Fei with some envy: “Young Master Ye, you are lucky this time. This mysterious heavy sword is a refiner master of our Qizhen Pavilion. Suddenly have a thought It took a lot of tens of thousands of years of profound iron to create a heavy-duty Divine Sword! Don’t think it is only a fourth-order divine material, but its hardness is actually comparable to a fifth-order divine material, but it has a major shortcoming! “

“What’s the shortcoming?” “The profound iron is very heavy. This dark iron heavy sword is the heaviest of all the dark iron weapons. It needs 40,000 jin of divine force to lift it up.” , 50,000 jin divine force can be used freely, and 60,000 jin divine force can fully exert its formidable power, and such power is many powerful masters, all impossible to achieve!” Bai Er sighed . Ye Fei’s eyes are fiercely bright. It takes 60,000 jin divine force to lift the Divine Sword. The hardness is even comparable to that of the fifth-order divine talent. Such a treasure is simply tailor-made for him. Ye Fei immediately Without further ado, he walked over with excitement, and with one hand, he lifted the mysterious iron heavy sword



He just waved his hand casually, and the air blasted loudly. When he injected his profound energy, the entire profound iron heavy sword, suddenly the sword energy, a tiny sword Glow, like a thread, splits the space.

“Good sword! For nothing, I need this sword!” So Divine Sword, since I encountered it, it must not be let go. Ye Fei immediately handed over all the 800,000 profound stones on his body. Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, who also watched it to Bai Er, were in tears again.

I can only feel aggrieved a little bit, gnawing on the Spirit Stone that Ye Fei dug out the floor.

Seeing that Ye Fei raised the heavy sword with one hand, Bai Er was also very shocked. You know, the average Heavenly Venerate martial artist, the divine force is only ten thousand catties, reaching the limit It is Heavenly Venerate which specializes in body refinement, and the divine force rarely reaches 40,000 catties.

Unless it is the master of specialized body refinement, its own divine force can reach more than 50,000 jin. That is to say, if you don’t use Martial Arts Divine Ability, it will be his late master of Bai Er, facing Ye Fei can only be beaten while hanging.

“This kid, really is a Loose Cultivator? Which Loose Cultivator is so perverted?” Bai Er dumbstruck on the spot, but it was Ye Fei deliberately hiding part of his power, otherwise his 100,000 Jin’s divine force would come out. That is too shocking.

Even Ye Fei has a feeling that his 100,000 Jin’s divine force, coupled with this mysterious iron heavy sword, may be able to fight the master without attaching a spirit. Thinking of this, Ye Fei is even more excited.

At this time, Bai Er also ordered people to bring two basins of spiritual medicine that failed to attach spirits, and handed them to Ye Fei: “Young Master Ye, these are these two spiritual medicines, please take them back. Please master to repair the divine runes as soon as possible. They will be completely withered and die within ten days at most!”

“Don’t worry about anything else, I can’t guarantee anything else, but it’s mine to cultivate spiritual medicine. My friend is best at it! Ten days later, I will send spiritual medicine back!”

Ye Fei is very confident. No one knows Xiaocao’s ability better than him.

“Then we will wait for the good news!”

Discovering Ye Fei’s amazing divine force, Bai Er did not dare to treat Ye Fei as an ordinary Heavenly Venerate junior. He personally sent Ye Fei out of Qizhen Pavilion.

But Bai Er not at all told Ye Fei that the two sets of spiritual medicine he gave to Ye Fei were not the first-order spiritual medicine last time, but the precious third-order spiritual medicine. At the same time, these two basins of spiritual medicine did not fail to possess spirit, but Mrs. Dream deliberately destroyed the divine runes above.

In this way, if you want to repair the divine runes above and perform a second attachment, the difficulty has increased by at least 30 times. This kind of difficulty, let alone the third-order attached to the Spirit Master, is four It is impossible to repair the Spirit Master of Tier Attachment. Only the Spirit Master of Tier 5 or higher can be repaired.

It’s just this. Ye Fei, who doesn’t know anything about Po Ling, will naturally not be clear. With these two basins of spiritual medicine, Ye Fei will return to Shenxing Academy as quickly as possible.


The first thing in the return to house, Xiaocao ran out with a heartache, looking at the two basins of sympathetic spiritual medicine, very Worried look.

Seeing Xiaocao like this, Ye Fei is also relaxed, knowing that Xiaocao’s kindness will definitely find a way to treat these two basins of spiritual medicine, “Xiaocao, we only have ten days, you Are you sure to save these two basins of spiritual medicine?”

Xiao Cao didn’t speak, but was nodded with a solemn expression. He shook his head again, and said something.

I don’t know why, Dragon Tortoise suddenly behaved very positively. He also erected a small wooden token and translated Xiaocao during the whole process. Ye Fei immediately understood the meaning of Xiaocao, “What, to save life. This basin of spiritual medicine actually needs bloodletting, no, without my consent, Xiaocao, you can’t hurt yourself!”

When he was in the land boundary, Xiaocao lost a lot of blood of immortal spirit and was weak for a long time. Ye Fei is also distressed.


Xiao Cao spreads out his hand, and said helplessly that to save the two basins of spiritual medicine, he must have blood full of Spiritual Qi. After that, when he thought of biting his finger, it was really painful, Xiaocao’s gaze suddenly stared at Dragon Tortoise. Ye Fei was stunned to the soul. He also squinted and stared at Dragon Tortoise. The scared Dragon Tortoise’s face was green. After losing the wooden token, he shrank into the turtle shell, but before Dragon Tortoise retracted, Ye Fei suddenly seemed inadvertent. He said, “Originally, I planned to release the blood once and reward 10,000 black stones. Since Da Hei doesn’t agree, then Xiaocao, let’s just give the remaining 10,000 black stones… …”


Dragon Tortoise has opened his mouth and spit out a large group of fierce Monster God Blood, and he is holding a black pot, and placed it in front of Ye Fei very seriously. .

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s faces are black.

But with the blood essence of Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao finally doesn’t need to bite his fingers, releases the blood of his immortal spirit, and quickly releases the Eight-Colored Spiritual Wind into the Monster God blood of Dragon Tortoise essence. Ye Fei watched it very carefully this time. He was shocked to find that the colorful spiritual wind released by Xiaocao this time was not purely Spiritual Qi, it actually contained the wonderful Heaven and Earth Rule, and these Heaven and Earth Under the stimulation of dragon’s blood, Rule gradually formed silk threads, appeared texture, and condensed symbols

, forming a unique world of spirit divine runes.

Finally, Xiaocao closely linked these divine runes with the divine runes that failed to attach to spiritual medicine, and then a magical thing happened. Those two basins of attaching failed and were about to wither. And the dead third-order spiritual medicine suddenly broke out with strong drug fluctuations.

Moreover, this kind of medicinal properties are stronger and more magnificent than before the spirits. Obviously, under the spirits of the grass, the two spiritual medicines not only came back to life, but also in just five days. In time, it has skipped thousands of years of growing up, and it has matured completely! Xiaocao also raised her head very happily, her face full of pride and contentment!

Chapter 2018 Succeeded with Spiritual Medicine

“Five days, Xiaocao, you actually saved these two basins of spiritual medicine in only five days. You did a beautiful job. Ye Fei is so beautiful!”

Ye Fei was pleasantly surprised. Now, what he lacks most is time. Xiaocao’s high efficiency possesses spirit, which undoubtedly makes Ye Fei overjoyed. He hugged Xiaocao on the spot and kissed fiercely several times. Xiaocao also raised his head happily again, holding hands on his back, like a proud Little Princess. In this scene, Dragon Tortoise was immediately jealous. After all, it can save the two basins of third-order spiritual medicine. It is also a hard work and a few mouthfuls of blood. Seeing that Ye Fei did not intend to increase food, Dragon Tortoise proactively moved his black mouth, sticking out his tongue, and licked Ye Fei and Xiaocao with great effort

, not only did he lick the grass all over his body It was wet and covered with ambergris.

Seeing a strand of scattered hair hanging from Ye Fei’s ear, Dragon Tortoise wagged his tail very flatteringly, and quickly licked the hair back to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s complexion suddenly turned black, and they decided in their hearts that it would be necessary to reduce food for Dragon Tortoise in the future. After all, Dragon Tortoise is already fat. This was licked, that dragon The salivation is crash-bang, just like rain.

After that, Ye Fei’s heart moved again, “Xiaocao’s ability seems to be more powerful than Spirit Master. I wonder if Xiaocao can give medicine pill or weapons also have spirits?”


Then Ye Fei threw out a lot of medicine pill and asked the Big Fatty Dragon Tortoise to move aside and lick it by himself.

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