Lin Rong clenched the snow pistol in both hands and made a fight on the battlefield. His slumped expression became mad, his snow-white hair burned with divine light, and his old tone was full of extreme excitement.

“Lin Chen was defeated, and Lin Rong went crazy even more! What the hell was going on, a good imperial city hunt, why did it become like this?”

“Chen Dutian? I think When he got up, Lin Rong also inspired the third-order divine runes of the Piaoxue Gun. In the end, he was still defeated and lost to Chen Dutian. That defeat has become a shadow of his life!”

Lin Rong’s madness evoked the memories of many older powerhouses. After all, Chen Dutian once shocked the youth powerhouses in the imperial city of Tianhe.

Just hearing these words, Lin Rong’s expression of madness, suddenly became even more mad. The snow gun in his hand suddenly burst into more eye-catching rays of light, which was originally destroyed. 3rd divine runes, instantly brightened up, and the whole world suddenly floated with terrifying big snowflakes.

It was not real blood, but Lin Rong’s spear glow, but the spear glow was too fast, and it was too terrifying, forming a natural phenomenon like a creation. Those martial artists who talked about Lin Rong’s failure were instantly swallowed by this endless big snowflakes, leaving only an ice sculpture. Even the Heavenly Palace Divine Soul was blown into ice slag, and Lin Rong was casually killed. After these martial artists, they stared at Ye Fei without blinking, “Chen Dutian, you tell them

I didn’t lose, and you didn’t win! After all, I didn’t If you die, it’s not defeated. You didn’t kill me, it’s not victory! You think so too, so you come back and continue our battle, right? Right!”

Lin Rong’s eyes with intense desire in his madness, Ye Fei suddenly had one’s hair stand on end. He couldn’t imagine how much the Du Tiandi Zun had hit Lin Rong back then, and it would have made it possible to break through Heavenly Monarch. Genius has become the master of madness today.

Even Chen Dutian may have become Lin Rong’s Heart Demon, and Lin Rong, because of this Heart Demon, would treat him as Chen Dutian. After all, like Du Tiandi Zun, Ye Fei also took the path of despair. The breath of the two was originally the same lineage.

Ye Fei suddenly regretted that he should not release the Supreme Divine Physique and trigger the Heart Demon hidden in Lin Rong’s heart. He didn’t answer Lin Rong’s question immediately.

Close the sword, turn around, Ye Fei ran away!

He has the confidence to face a Heavenly Venerate like Lin Chen, but he has no confidence to face a madman like Lin Rong!

“Chen Dutian, you can’t go. In my life, Lin Rong, my only thought is to defeat you and kill you. Only when you die can my heart be calm. I want your life. , I want to regain the number one that belongs to me!”

Lin Rong roared, his madness became even more mad. He didn’t distinguish between enemy and me, while chasing and killing Ye Fei, he was all around him. martial artist, start a crazy killing.

Any martial artist involved in the big snowflakes of the sky, at the moment of forming an ice sculpture, Heavenly Palace collapsed, Divine Soul burst, and violent death.

There are screams, curses, and panic begging for mercy everywhere.

bang! Suddenly a terrifying spear glow swept towards Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s cold sweat burst into fright, and his powerful fighting instincts made him instantly use the heavy sword as a shield to block. Behind. Because of this, Ruler Realm’s attack still made Ye Fei numb all over, the tiger’s mouth exploded, and the blood dyed black iron

heavy sword.

But Ye Fei not even think, at the moment when he blocked the spear glow, his whole person turned his head like a tiger, and 100,000 Jin’s explosive divine force, moved towards, was cut behind him.


It was another spear glow, blocking the mysterious iron heavy sword. Amidst the sky full of wind and snow, a Patriarch Lin Jae in Tsing Yi suddenly walked out, but it was not Lin Rong!

“You want to kill me too?” Ye Fei looked cold.

“Yes, I want to kill you! Defeat Lin Chen and drive Lin Rong crazy! No matter what your relationship is with Chen Dutian back then, you must die today!”

The Patriarch Lin looked cold, and while speaking, the terrifying master spear glow once again slammed Ye Fei.

A shadow of death made Ye Fei’s vest chill instantly. He quickly burned the Heavenly Palace again and waved the heavy sword of the black iron to block him. At this time, the huge power almost caused Ye Fei’s clenched hands to be blown off by the shock, and his body was knocked out uncontrollably for several hundred meters.

But Ye Fei still didn’t dare to strengthen his heart. Instead, he gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain of torn bones in his hands, and continued to block the black iron heavy sword as a shield.

“Lin City, do you dare to hurt Ye Fei, my star Academy, Lin Family irreconcilable with you!”

Jiang Zhen’s angry roar came from a distance, but he wanted To stop the stronger and more madden Lin Rong from approaching Ye Fei, he simply couldn’t make a move to stop the other master of the Lin Family, Lin City. Therefore, Jiang Zhen could only yell at Ye Fei desperately, “Ye Fei, run quickly, and run into the portal of imperial city hunting. There are restrictions inside, and you cannot enter if you are above the master!”

Chapter 2025 Dilemma

Only Heavenly Venerate can enter the imperial city hunting!

This is the iron law! In addition, the only Taoist monarch of the Tianhe Nation, the absolute prohibition placed by the Tianhe Taoist Emperor, this kind of prohibition is placed on the earth boundary, that is the eternal Heaven and Earth Law, unless someone has the power of the Taoist monarch and can break this rule, Otherwise, if you dominate or above, you will never want to pass through the portal light of the Imperial Family hunting


Hearing Jiang Zhen’s reminder, Ye Fei’s figure suddenly retreated. He once again displayed a large void step, and quickly rushed to the middle of the imperial city square, where the tall Teleportation Formation Platform rushed over. .

“Ye Fei, don’t want to run. The consequences of offending my Lin Family, you have to die!”

Lin City’s face is grinning, the sky is full of wind and snow, and it is more terrifying.

Heaven’s Line is snowing!

Lin City spears, stabs, like an emperor in ice and snow. Dominate the world, control life and death.


The more terrifying spear glow was pierced. This time, Ye Fei also gave up. He burst out all Divine Ability, Octopus Heavenly Dragon, and Sword God. Overlord Halberd!

Three kinds of magical powers, forming three horrors, Divine Ability rays of light, which shattered the space, but couldn’t shatter the snow and ice. Lin City sneered, and the spear glow in his hand suddenly pierced Ye Fei. before. Ye Fei also laughed and released his supernatural powers, just delaying time.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Fei has once again quickly slammed the heavy sword and shield in front of him. Lin City’s divine spear also not at all pierced Ye Fei’s body. , But stabbed the mysterious iron heavy sword again, making a terrifying explosion.

Ye Fei’s arms and shin bones finally couldn’t withstand the terrifying power of dominating supernatural powers. The bones ka-cha sounded, were broken by the shock, and the tiger’s mouth holding the sword was torn apart two bloody blood. Big mouth, but despite the miserable appearance, Ye Fei once again blocked the Dominator’s attack!

The body is even more like a cannonball, and the shock of the shock of Spear Art’s supernatural powers retreats rapidly, and the direction in which Ye Fei retreats is exactly the direction of imperial city hunting and Teleportation Formation Platform.

This result also greatly exceeded Lin City’s expectations, “How could it be possible that my three consecutive full shots were blocked by that mysterious iron heavy sword! Could it be that it is not a Tier 4 god,” It is a Tier 5 divine talent!”

After all, Lin City has a divine spear of Tier 4 divine talent! Even if there is no spirit attached, with his Ruler Realm’s attack power, it is enough to easily destroy other divine talents. The only thing he cannot destroy is the fifth-order divine talent! And such divine talents are extremely rare in the Lin Family.

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