“No, stay here, there is only one dead end. Among you, who knows the way out?” Ye Fei solemnly asked.

After all, when he first came to Heavenly Grade, many things were unfamiliar, and when he heard his words, ten Academy disciples were all looked at each other in blank dismay, and said together: “We only know that as long as we insist on ten days, We will be automatically teleported out, and the one who hunts the most evil spirits will win!”

“What, in ten days…”

Ye Fei’s face changed It was even more ugly. The injuries he was dominated by the battle were too late to heal, let alone persisting for ten days, even now, it was a bit difficult for him to wield the dark iron heavy sword.

I understand that it will take a long time to leave here. Ye Fei doesn’t dare to attack the soldiers at will. Instead, he can avoid it and avoid it, try to save his physical strength and profound strength, and look around for relatives. A safe place to find opportunities for healing.

Relying on years of experience in fighting. Ye Fei quickly found a safer road. It was just that Ye Fei chose this path, and was quickly surrounded by a large number of soldiers, but these soldiers were not attacking Ye Fei, but another pair of people. Obviously, this group of people was very careless. A large number of soldiers were disturbed. Although the battle awareness of Heavenly Venerate of these young people was very tenacious, it was only a matter of time before the entire army was annihilated when they were less than seven people.

Chapter 2029 meets the door again


Ye Fei is very decisive. The road here has been filled with soldiers. When the seven opposing troops were wiped out, then it was their turn.

The ten Academy disciples immediately followed Ye Fei’s orders and turned around to leave. However, there were still some soldiers who sensed the vitality here, including soldiers wearing generals’ armor Sha, has already taken a step, walking towards this side with heavy steps.

It also held a giant Warhammer with a missing piece in its hand. There were also broken divine runes symbols on it. Obviously, it was the commander of this army. Following the commander’s actions, more soldiers turned their heads and stared at Ye Fei with gloomy eyes. They also alarmed the seven youths who were besieged. When they saw Ye Fei, one of them was still excited. He waved his hand and shouted, “Ye guest official, it’s me. Seeing how I helped you get through a fight

Go on, please, help me!”

Ye Fei was also surprised to find that among the seven people, one of them was an acquaintance, Liu Yong from the Liu Family of Wuhou Mansion.

Because of Liu Yong’s height and body shape, he is similar to Ye Fei, and he also likes to wear black clothed clothes. When he was at the city gate, Wang Zhongshan was mistaken, and he was beaten again by He Chun.

“You stay here, I will save this person!” Ye Fei disciple instructed these Academy disciple, and then without the slightest hesitation, he rushed up with the black iron heavy sword, and watched ten An Academy disciple looked at each other in blank dismay. Didn’t Ye Fei just say that he couldn’t save him? Why did he suddenly change his mind?

Liu Yong, who saw Ye Fei’s help, also burst into tears, “Who said Ye Fei is a demon? Brother Ye is clearly an upright gentleman. It’s much better than leaving our Lin Family. Brother Ye, thank you very much!” Liu Yong solemnly made a cup one fist in the other hand to Ye Fei, and Ye Fei immediately returned the gift and said seriously, “You don’t need to thank me, this is how I am. , A month ago, you were beaten up at the city gate by the He family as me, but you also accidentally covered me. This time I help you, and it can be regarded as paying back this favor!


While speaking, Ye Fei had already rushed over the heads of countless Bingsha, and his body dexterously fell among the seven. His actions also completely angered the howling Warhammer, the leader of the Bingsha. With the sound of the wind, he slammed fiercely. Ye Fei didn’t even look at it, so he erected the heavy sword in front of him as a shield, and moved towards the heavy sword with his body, leaning on it hard. This is the case. The hammer commanded by the warfare also smashed Ye Fei’s body slightly. After shaking for a while, his face suddenly changed, “This soldier is probably also Heavenly Venerate of body refinement, divine force

at least 50,000 jin, you guys go, I will break!”

“Brother Ye, we are not acquainted with each other. After I accompany you to break, the others, hurry out!” Liu Yong said solemnly.

Ye Fei glanced at Liu Yong with a little surprise, and saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, and he was secretly nodded in his heart, and did not speak anymore, but the heavy sword from the left hand wheel slammed. With a full 100,000 Jin’s divine force, the smashed Bingsha commander Hong Long Long rolled on the ground.

“Let’s go!”

Liu Yong is very good at seizing the opportunity and immediately ordered the other six people to fly away quickly. He is clenched the teeth, really staying at the end. Waiting for Ye Fei.

Ye Fei nodded, said nothing. While repelling the leader of the Bingsha, they had already avoided the rest of the surrounding Bingsha, and the two rose into the air together and rushed to the distant open space.

xiu xiu xiu!

But at this moment, I noticed that there was a vigorous army of soldiers in the sky. Suddenly they raised their hands together, raised their bows, and the roaring arrow rain, very He soon shot all the six people who fled in advance into serious injuries. Liu Yong’s eyes were red immediately, “Da Niu Er Niu…”

“Young Master, leave us alone, Young Master Ye is rarely around There is a Bingsha attack, you go quickly, we will break the queen for you!” These six people are obviously the elite of Wuhou Mansion, knowing that they can’t go, they all turned around, and would rather be captured by the Bingsha. To cover Liu Yong’s retreat.

Ye Fei looked secretly nodded, the guards are still like this, it seems that Liu Yong is not much different, but can make friends, “but they said that the soldiers rarely attacked me. Don’t these soldiers look particularly pleasing to my eyes?”

I don’t know, Ye Fei and Liu Yong were really surprised to find that they were running fast in the sky. These soldiers, Although most of them raised their heads angrily and roared, they really didn’t shoot any more arrows! Ye Fei also found it strangely. It seemed that as long as he did not take the initiative to attack these soldiers, these soldiers really hesitated unless ordered by the commander, and did not attack him and the people around him. Liu Yong also quickly discovered this. Point, he was suddenly excited, “It seems that the city gate was not hit

Break, Brother Ye, is there any treasure on you to deal with the evil spirit?”

“Shit treasure! I have this dark iron heavy sword on me, and my situation seems to have a deterrent effect only on ordinary soldiers, and the commander-level soldiers seem not to be affected!” Ye Fei lightly saying, In fact, I feel very strange.

But before he wants to understand this question, the defeated Bingsha commander has picked up Warhammer furiously and issued a hoarse order: “Kill!”

“Kill! “

The command of the commander finally made these soldiers let go of their hesitation, but instead rolled the yin wind and killed them towards Ye Fei, Liu Yong’s expression suddenly changed, “Not good, these Tianhe Guard is going to be raging, brother Ye, hurry up with me, and I will take you to a safe zone!”

“Is there a safe zone here?” Ye Fei asked in surprise.

“Of course there is! There is a military city not far away. It is the place where the Tianhe Forbidden Army was stationed. Even if it turns into a soldier, they will not destroy it!” Liu Yong replied while running.

Ye Fei was even more surprised. “You seem to know a lot. These soldiers are all Tianhe Guards?” Liu Yong said: “Of course, my ancestor of Liu Family was also Tianhe Guard, but later The battle was severely wounded, Heavenly Palace was destroyed, and it was unable to be transformed into an evil spirit by Daojun! Ye Fei, you see, Guard City is in front of you. No, the jerk of Lin Family has already taken the first place. Seat


Ye Fei looked up, and his complexion also became unsightly. Not far from the front, there was indeed an extremely dilapidated military city. There was only one huge Martial Practice Stage in the house; at this time, Lin Family had many martial artists who avoided a catastrophe, gathered in this military city.

When Liu Yong came here with Ye Fei, the martial artist of Lin Family became angry almost immediately, “Liu Yong, your Wuhou Mansion is only Grade 6 family, so you dare to follow Our Lin Family is right, get out now, this city already belongs to our Lin Family!” When speaking, these Lin Family martial artists all stood up, like a city wall, blocking the outside of the military city, and Behind Ye Fei, a large group of soldiers are already roaring, like a black liquid tide, rolling towards here surging.

Chapter 2030 with one block and one hundred

“Get out of the way, this military city is not yours. Since you can enter, we can naturally also!”

After all, Liu Yong is the Young Master of Wuhou Mansion. After being honored, Lin Family is too strong and can’t do too much, so Lin Family quickly stood up alone.

His name is Lin Gui, and he is the Captain led by Lin Family this time. As for Lin Chen, he has been beaten so badly by Ye Fei that he simply has no face to come in.

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