Chapter 2039 Wang Jue’s Temptation

Mrs. Meng’s arms are very tight, until Ye Fei struggles a little, and may touch parts that shouldn’t be touched. It is depressed, knowing that since stepping into this palace, he has fallen into the plot against Mrs. Dream, and he has no other choice at this time.

It’s impossible to offend Qizhen Pavilion and slam the door. After all, this is the palace and the territory of the Imperial Family. Heaven knows if he clearly refuses, will he suddenly come out all around? The Imperial Family expert.

“Don’t talk about the Imperial Family expert, it is Bai Dabai Er who dominates the guards, I am not an opponent!” Ye Fei shook the head, no wonder he always feels that Bai Dabai Er has a general aura It turns out that they are simply members of the Imperial Family.

Since Mrs. Meng is the Imperial Family, you don’t need to ask, Ye Fei knows in his heart that it’s who I want to see him. I was half-armed and walked into the study room in front. Sure enough, Ye Fei looked at him. I arrived at a middle-aged man with a face sank like water and sat on the chair in the study.

“Uncle Qi, he is the Ye Fei I mentioned to you, Young Master Ye! Young Master Ye deeply hidden, not only is Martial Dao extremely talented, he is also a high-level attached Spirit Master. I almost concealed it from me!” After Mrs. Meng finished speaking, she let go of Ye Fei’s arm and pointed to the middle-aged man in the robe and said, “This is King Qi! There are three kings in the Imperial Family, the most outstanding. One is King Chu, with amazing talent, is now the fourth Heavenly Monarch powerhouse in Tianhe Kingdom! The second is King Qi, who is good at business, and Qizhen Pavilion is the King of Qi.

It is the King of Qi who is in secret layout and collects money for the Imperial Family. Genius and Qizhen in the world!”

“hahaha, Mengru, you forgot to introduce yourself, this third king is just like you, if it wasn’t for you to abandon your Imperial Family identity and show your face outside these years , And there is no Qizhen Pavilion today, let alone my imperial family revitalization so smoothly!”

The king of Qi is very talkative, and his voice is very mellow and loud, but he does not have the kind of businessmen like merchants. The majesty of the Hawker. He stood up and looked up and down Ye Fei with admiration: “I heard what a dream said about you. King Chu has a bad temper. You can survive his oppression. You are indeed a talent, Ye Fei. , We won’t say any more. Now that our Imperial Family revitalizes, it’s your Majesty

at the time to recruit the heroes and show your strength. This king will now ask you a word, high position and great wealth , Right in front of you, can you dare to take it?”

Ye Fei calmly said, “Then it depends on what glory and wealth is? A gentleman loves money, and it is right! This Ye counts I’m not a gentleman, but I shouldn’t take advantage of it, I will never take it!”

“Which should you take?” Qi Wang was very interested.

“Then you won’t be polite!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

The king of Qi stared at Ye Fei tightly, and suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Now there is a chance for you to sit on an equal footing with the king, do you want it, Prince Wang, do you want it? “

“What, Wang Jue!?”

The first thing that shocked was not Ye Fei, but Mrs. Meng. She also didn’t expect that King Qi recruited Ye. Fei’s conditions will be so rich, rich enough to make any clan crazy!

You must know that it is the first family of imperial city, the Grade 8 family Lin Family, the highest title is also a public, not a king, and Ye Fei is nothing but the Heavenly Venerable Realm, and it can be crowned king. !

The generosity of King Qi not only scared Mrs. Meng, but also Ye Fei himself. I was shocked on the spot, and there was a moment of excitement in my heart, but soon, Ye Fei forced himself to calm down again. “I remember that Lin Family had Heavenly Monarch, which was just a Duke. I was nothing but a Loose Cultivator of Heavenly Venerable Realm and a guest official of the Academy of God. Even if I was really a high-level attached Spirit Master, I couldn’t be a king. Title, after all, what exactly does the Imperial Family want me to do, or what price do I have to pay to get this king?” Seeing Ye Fei facing the great temptation of the king, he still Being able to remain calm, the appreciation in King Qi’s eyes is stronger, said with a smile: “You deserve to be the person who can let Ren Tianhang come out to protect you! Ye Fei, you are indeed a talent, not your martial arts talent, nor is it Your spiritual talent is your mind

! Your calmness!” “Yes, a pure Heavenly Venerate martial artist, even if you are a high-level Spirit Master, you are not qualified , Received the award from the king, but you are lucky, Ren Tianhang values ​​you very much, Jiang Zhen also values ​​you very much, and it just so happens that our Imperial Family is very interested in something about the Shenxing Academy!” King Qi’s eyes

, suddenly became a little weird.

And this kind of weirdness caused Ye Fei’s heart to slam in his heart, and he immediately reacted. The Imperial Family was clearly using the king to buy him and let him betray the Star Academy.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly flashed a sneer, but he was not at all busy to refuse, but solemnly asked: “What on earth does the Academy of God have? What makes the Imperial Family so interested?” “Then. It’s just a very simple thing. As long as you promise me and be loyal to the Imperial Family, I will tell you what it is. Of course, for the Academy of Makes, more than that thing attracts us. If you can take the Nine Revolutions of Academy of Makes The Divine Star Decision is completely handed over to us, and this king can still

reward you with thousands of profound veins and hundreds of beauties! Even this County King Mansion, this king will give it to you!”

“What, do you even want the Nine Revolutions Divine Stars?” Ye Fei’s heart trembles fiercely again. A dominating cultivation technique, even if it is the strongest in the Tianhe Kingdom, is impossible and worth a thousand spirit veins!

Moreover, since the Imperial Family can get out of the powerhouse of Taoist monarchs like Tianhe Daojun, the dominating cultivation technique of the Imperial Family must also be extraordinary. In this way, the Imperial Family simply doesn’t have to be, let’s covet the Nine Revolutions Divine Star Decision , But the Imperial Family did just that.

The only possibility, there is only one, and that is the purpose of the Imperial Family to obtain the Nine Revolutions Divine Star. It is not for cultivation at all, but to find the weak spot that dominates the cultivation technique!

Any cultivation technique has a weak spot!

The same is true for dominating the cultivation technique, and once you find this weak spot, for martial artists above the Heavenly Venerable Realm, it is a deadly spot.

Could it be said that the Imperial Family has already decided to do something on Shenxing Academy? In Ye Fei’s heart, huge waves and hidden worries inevitably occurred.

When Ye Fei didn’t say a word, Wang Qi’s face suddenly became gloomy. Madam Meng also became nervous, she couldn’t help holding Ye Fei’s arm again, and whispered: “Ye Fei, I know you don’t want to betray the Shenxing Academy, but the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. Please come here. I just don’t want to look at such a talented person as you, buried in a small place like Shenxing Academy


Seeing Ye Fei, he still didn’t say a word. The king of Qi was originally heroic. The look was completely gloomy. “Ye Fei, success or failure, you can give a word! Whatever you want, you can open the conditions! Now the great high position and great wealth are right in front of you, and all you have to do is just a small betrayal It’s just a look at the Shenxing Academy. After all, you are only a guest official and you haven’t joined the Shenxing Academy. You are simply not loyal. What else can you hesitate?” Qi Wang’s words sounded loud and full Great temptation.

Chapter 2040 is a pity for a talent

Faced with this temptation, Ye Fei’s heart is full of coldness and ridicule. Yes, Wang Jue’s temptation is indeed Huge, as a utilitarian person, I am afraid that nodded will agree without saying anything, but Ye Fei is different. He has his own rules.

This rule is absolutely not a traitor!

Even if he is not from the Shenxing Academy, even if he is just a guest official who can go anytime, betrayal is betrayal! This is a stain that cannot be washed away in a lifetime! Ye Fei used his profound strength very seriously and gently shook Madame Meng’s arm. His expression was serious and determined, “Mr. Meng, King Qi, but many thanks. You value me. This Ye may not be counted.” What a good person, but I can become an evil, I can become a demon, but I will never become a traitor, a traitor!” “hmph, really stupid! You know what the king of my Tianhe kingdom represents, This is the glory of under one person, above ten thousand people, this is high position and great wealth! This is to rebuke Heaven and Earth! With Wang Jue, Loose Cultivator like you, you can completely gain a foothold in Tianhe Kingdom Land! With the king, you will completely get rid of humbleness and become a master! With the king, you have the opportunity to obtain the full training of our Imperial Family, and the breakthrough master Heavenly Monarch, it’s not a problem! This is a great opportunity to change your life, and all you have to do is to betray you!”

The expression of King Qi was cold and bewitching. He is both a temptation and a threat. After all, the current Imperial Family is no longer the previous Imperial Family. The Imperial Family looks at Ye Fei, which is the glory of Ye Fei. If Ye Fei rejects this glory, it is an insult to the Imperial Family. Up. Mrs. Meng also sincerely persuaded: “Ye Fei, I know, it’s a bit embarrassing to let you betray the Shenxing Academy, but I promise that this matter will never be spread. The entire Tianhe Nation, will not anyone know that you have ever Once you have been a traitor, you have been a traitor, you are the future King of Tianhe! Your future

is bright!” Upon hearing this, Ye Fei laughed completely, it was a mocking smile. It was also a clean smile, “Mrs. Meng, originally I thought that if you investigated me so clearly, you must know me well, but unfortunately, I was wrong! You simply can’t help me, you think I am carrying Ye Mo on my back The notoriety of the head makes me think that I am the kind of villain who sees profits and forgets righteousness. I am not afraid to tell you that I am indeed a villain, but I am a real villain! I am a person, if there is grace, I will pay back, and if there is hatred, I will get revenge! God! Star Academy has gratitude and no enmity with me, this Wang Jue’s award is too stinky, please forgive me for not accepting it, and sing


No courtesy, blunt express yourself Ye Fei turned around and left. He knew that when he walked out of this door, he and Qizhenge, he and the Imperial Family were enemies.

But Ye Fei still has no hesitation. Compared with being a traitor and a rape, he still likes to be a real villain.

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