Relying on the ability of the immortal Sword Soul, Ye Fei took the courage. After taking a hundred steps, he walked a hundred more steps in succession, shocking the group of masters outside. Amazed, shocked Jiang Zhen stared wide-eyed in surprise. Of course, although the immortal Sword Soul absorbs Power of Stars, the star pressure of the gods all around is too terrifying. Ye Fei can only take a hundred steps forward and reach the limit. Then, he is the most Sit down close to the makeshift fragment. He opened the

last treasure that Du Tiandi Zun left him, a dark iron box.

The box contained a cultivation technique written in special animal skins: “The follow-up cultivation technique of the way of despair, the law of golden body!” Ye Fei suddenly widened his eyes, “The way of despair, unexpectedly There is a follow-up cultivation technique! Yes, the original way of despair is the Dark Heavenly Venerable An, which was brought from Heaven Realm to the realm, and the strongest thing in Heaven Realm is not martial arts, but magical powers! In this case, the way of despair has a follow-up Divine Ability, it’s not strange.

It seems that this golden body should be the follow-up Divine Ability!” Ye Fei’s eyes brightened sharply, and then he began to calm down, while using the immortal Sword Soul, Absorb the Power of Stars all around, improve the realm, and quickly comprehend this golden body.

Chapter 2046 The war rises up

Time has passed, Ye Fei has entered the strongest land of cultivation, and it has been a month. It was also this month that Qi Zhen Ge suddenly announced his allegiance to the Imperial Family!

This news shocked the many families and sects who were still on the sidelines. You must know that Qizhenge is the largest Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe Nation. It is rich and enemy country. No one didn’t. expect, such a huge force will actually be the property of the Imperial Family!

But this is also a good explanation, why the Imperial Family is hunted and searched by the Great Family with the help of imperial city every year, exhausting the national treasury, and still being able to give birth to a new Heavenly Monarch. Obviously, all of this It was King Qi and Qizhenge’s full support behind them.

The real name of Qizhenge should be called Qizhenge! It is the name of Qi Wang and Bai Qizhen! However, King Qi’s death caused Qizhenge to walk from behind the scenes to the front desk prematurely. Ye Fei didn’t know that after he sabotaged the royal hunting, he again inadvertently ruined the Imperial Family plan. On the death list of the Imperial Family, Ye Fei’s name has been ranked very high.

But that’s it, the Imperial Family still has no intention of making a move. The entire imperial city is quietly terrifying this month. The imperial city is still tightly closed. A large number of soldiers and horses loyal to the Imperial Family, or bought by Qizhen Pavilion, are quietly gathering from all over the Tianhe Kingdom.

There are a large number of once glorious five Grade 6 families, in various cities, they are hunted down and suppressed by a large number of experts from the army and the Imperial Family. One by one family fortresses were breached, and countless corpses were hung on the city wall everywhere. The once glorious family suffered a disaster in Tianhe Kingdom. More families chose to surrender and surrender under the strong Great Influence that the Imperial Family suddenly showed. Then, these surrendered families were forcibly organized to form cannon fodder soldiers, and came silently to the imperial city. But there will always be people who are not reconciled. Time and again, they send dead soldiers to rush into the imperial city and issue warnings.

Finally, after not knowing how many people died, a certain ruler desperately broke through the city wall and rushed into the imperial city. Although this person was quickly beheaded, there were some in the imperial city A wise man, of course, understands what it means to be the master of killing intent.

Inevitably, the imperial city of Tianhe began to be filled with blood, horror and tension. In such a depressing environment, all the families and sects could not help but turn their eyes to the Lin Family again. , Cast to the Shenxing Academy.

This is also Tianhe Nation, the only force that can fight the Imperial Family. Especially the imperial city Lin Family, if it were not for the sudden rise of the Imperial Family, after several decades, maybe the Lin Family could replace the Imperial Family and become the new Imperial Family of Tianhe Country.

When I learned that the Imperial Family had begun to raise the butcher knife, the entire Lin Family became nervous. A large number of Lin Family children were armed, and there were many Grade 7 families who were not reconciled. After receiving a contact from Lin Family secretly, he simply abandoned his own family and went into Lin Family one after another. The ancestor of Lin Family, Heavenly Monarch Lin Xiong, was standing on the Martial Practice Stage of Lin Family at this time, facing the twenty-six Grade 7 families who secretly took refuge in, loudly agitated: “Everyone, these centuries , We searched the Imperial Family too badly. Even the princess of the Imperial Family got married and couldn’t come up with a few decent treasures.

What a deep hatred this is, even if we surrender, it can only be There is a dead end, and only everyone can unite! We have a way to survive!”

“Yes, unite, we listen to Lin Heavenly Monarch!”

“And Ren Heavenly Monarch, God Star Academy is also a great influence. If two Heavenly Monarchs join forces, even if it is the Imperial Family, we are not afraid!” Many patriarchs of the family are clamoring, and Lin Xiong’s face has also changed, but thinking about the Imperial Family now Strong, he was still ruthless, looking towards Lin City and Lin Rong said: “You two, immediately take Lin Chen and Lin Gui to Shenxing Academy, and personally plead with Ren Tianhang and Ye Fei! Shun

Pass on the kindness of my Lin Family!”

“What, grandfather, let us go and make amends to Ye Fei!” Lin Chen and Lin Gui complexion ashen are more uncomfortable than eating flies.

As Lin Family number one genius, Lin Chen was severely injured by Ye Fei in public, which made Lin Chen feel uncomfortable and crazy. Lin Gui was even more miserable. Unfathomable mystery carried Ye Fei’s scapegoat and had to pee his pants in public to save his life. This was the shame of his life!

They didn’t go to Ye Fei to settle the accounts. As a result, Old Ancestor suddenly asked them to turn around and apologize to Ye Fei. Lin Chen and Lin Gui felt so embarrassed.

Lin City and Lin Rong looked away, they reminded in a deep voice: “You can do whatever Old Ancestor tells you. Is your face important, or the survival of my Lin Family is more important!”

Lin Xiong also said indifferently: “Only Heavenly Monarch can deal with Heavenly Monarch! Ren Tianhang is a wise man. If he still wants to guard the Academy of God, he will make the wisest choice. That is working with the old man to force the palace and change the dynasty!” Lin Xiong, who was just negotiating and the others not at all, noticed that in the enthusiasm of working together to force the palace, there were two pairs of indifferent like wolves. Their eyes were always on the sidelines. They were He Chun, Wang Chongshan, and Wang Chongshan’s body, there was still Wang Jian, who was as thin as wood but cold as a poisonous snake.

imperial city.

Luwang Mansion.

He Wushuang stood nervously and apprehensively in front of King Lu, whispering and quickly reporting what happened to the Lin Family, “His Royal Highness, that’s it. Concubine has been cold by Lin Chen recently, and can’t hear Lin Family’s specific plan, but all the Great Family who participated in the rebellion, the list is here!” He Wushuang took out a list and wanted to pass it to King Lu. King Lu was very satisfied and very proud. Not bad, after the Lin Family is destroyed, this king will let the He family become the first family of imperial city, but Wushuang, this king praises your He family so, I don’t know what you can repay.

Is it?”

Lu Wang Yinyin smiled. He was a greedy and lustful person, otherwise Chen Dutian would not have interrupted his third leg. Cheng Mingzhu, how can he let it go?

How could He Wushuang not hear what Lu Wang meant? In her mind, she could not help but think of Lin Chen’s handsome and suave, Ye Fei’s wild and unruly. At this time, look at Wang Lu’s open belly, There was fat overlapping on her belly, and there was a sudden urge to nause in her heart.

But then, she thought about Lin Chen’s indifference, and the humiliation she suffered in the imperial city, the pearl of the city. He Wushuang’s beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of resentment.” Ye Fei, Lin Chen, I said that I will make you regret it, and He Wushuang did what he said!”

Suddenly, this once beautiful pearl from the city has changed into a charming pair His face, took the initiative to walk towards King Lu.

Long time. He Wushuang wiped away the tears and nestled in Wang Lu’s arms. Her tone was filled with hatred, and she said to Wang Lu like a spoiled voice: “The prince, the information you want, the concubine has already given you, I don’t know when the Imperial Family will do it. Only in order to eradicate Lin Family and Shenxing Academy, I am afraid that I will endure it, Lin Family and Shenxing Xue will join forces to force the palace.”

“hahaha, unite to force the palace? Wushuang, you underestimate our Imperial Family. Our ancestors, but the only Taoist monarch of Tianhe Nation, is that all the families of Tianhe Nation are united. They will not be the opponent of my Imperial Family! Look, what is that…” King Lu pointed to the distant sky, only to see a terrifying divine light above the sky, the rays of light, breakthrough clouds, smashed the sky, and finally rushed directly to the deep starry sky.

Chapter 2047 The Heavenly Ghoul General

“The light of the gods appears, the corpses of the heavens appear! How many years have passed, this king has finally waited until this moment, starting today, I am the Imperial Family He will surely regain control of the Tianhe Kingdom. Finally, this king does not have to look at any beauty as before, but also stealthily snatch it. From now on, this king will just and honourable to take possession, hahaha!”

Lu Wang Laughing wildly, it seems that he has seen him rampant and powerful in imperial city not long after, but when He Wushuang heard this, his face was pale, and her eyes were full of obvious regret. It was a lot of shock and fear.

“It is actually a ghost general and a corpse. It is said that such an evil soldier, it seems that only the founder of the country can be trained…” He Wu trembled bilingually.

Wang Lu looked mad, “Yes, these are the ghoul generals! My Tianhe Imperial Family, the final trump card! 300 years ago, it was also due to the ghost generals left by our ancestors, all Death, my Tianhe Imperial Family will only decline, but the ancestors left us with the method of refining ghosts!” “Over the years, our Imperial Family has been forbearing, while secretly at all costs, collecting high-level attached Spirit Masters. Then use their blood and their souls to give spirits to the evil spirits! Finally, today, the two Heavenly Monarch corpses that my Imperial Family got, successfully awakened the corpses and turned them into ghosts from evil spirits

Corpse!” King Lu looked at those two divine lights above the Imperial Palace, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

This kind of enthusiasm is not only King Lu alone, but in the Imperial Palace, an old man wearing an imperial robe is enthusiastically breaking out of the sealed crystal coffin.

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