“And me…”

The martial artists who stayed in the cultivation of the land of the gods, there are a total of 18 masters, they are also the strongest group of masters of the gods Academy, originally They absolutely have hope, using the gods, the blockade of breakthrough imperial city, and escape alive, but at this time, no one escaped.

Together with the battle, these eighteen masters, all of them reluctantly, smashed out of the land of the god star, and also killed the imperial family army that poured into the god star Academy.

This scene deeply shocked Ye Fei. This scene also made Jiang Zhen burst into tears. Then, Jiang Zhen suddenly decided something. He dried his eyes and suddenly took his own space belt. , Moved towards Ye Fei with a tuck in his hand, turned and turned his head, and moved towards the outside with a big stride.

Ye Fei hurriedly shouted: “Wait a minute!” Jiang Zhen turned around, pupil light with a trace of fierceness, a trace of determination, “Ye Fei, you are not from the Academy of God, you cannot stay I die, but I am different. My roots are here, my Master is fighting in front, and my uncle and uncle are fighting outside! Numerous Academy disciples are slaughtered outside, I can’t As a deserter, I can’t leave them alone!” “Then let me go together. Who said I’m not from the Faith Academy, don’t forget, I’m still the guest official of the Faith Academy! Besides, the war has just begun. It’s not known who wins and who loses. It’s not a man’s work to flee before a fight. So, please let me stay, for you, for Heavenly Monarch, for God

Star Academy, and Chen Dutian, fight to the last moment!”

Ye Fei suddenly moved towards Jiang Zhen with the space belt in his hand. He carried the heavy sword on the black iron, and strode to catch up with Jiang Zhen.

“You brat, are you really afraid of death?” Jiang Zhen was taken aback for a moment. ,

“To be honest, I am very afraid of death, and I am afraid of death, but because of this, I have to fight. When the strong is strong, I will never give up. This is my way!”

After saying this, Ye Fei has put the Tier 3 Divine Sword in his hand again. Lin Chen has dual spear magic power, and he also has dual Sword God power!

the one to emerge victorious, not yet known!

However, when Ye Fei rushed out of the land of the gods with his double swords, what he saw was a horrible scene that made him extremely angry. I only saw in the sky, an endless rain of arrows, like an endless black storm, sweeping the sky and the earth, screaming everywhere, and corpses everywhere. Some Academy disciples fly into the air, and their bodies are pierced into a hornet’s nest. Some disciplines, running on the ground, suddenly the whole body, just

is condensed, stiff, countless arrows, plunged into their backs, and penetrated their chests.

“Ah, kill me, kill me…” Suddenly a female disciple screamed not far away. She had a few arrows in her body and lost a lot of blood, making her face deathly pale It was like paper, but at this time, there was actually a scrawny young Young Master, carrying an iron halberd, halting and halting, tearing her clothes to pieces.

“Wang Jian, you beast!”

bang! Ye Fei The moment he saw this scene, the whole person exploded. He suddenly regretted that he shouldn’t have left Wang Jian’s life in the land of the evil spirits. At that time, Wang Jian was almost absorbed by soldiers, but he only regained some strength. Not only did Wang Jian not repent, he also became more vicious and more vicious.

But when he heard Ye Fei’s voice, Wang Jian’s rippling eyes suddenly became irritated, becoming fierce and spiteful, and did not give Ye Fei a chance to save people. Wang Jian suddenly laughed wildly. Lifting the iron halberd, puffing, nailed the female disciple directly to the ground.

Then, on Wang Jian’s body, there suddenly appeared a ghost qi horrible murderous aura, “Ye Fei, this Young Master has finally waited for you, this Young Master will let you this young turtle know who aloof? and remote, who lives as cheap as a dog! Suffer death, Ghost King!”

wu wu wu!

The air erupted with a terrifying ghost howl. No one thought that Wang Jian was greatly stimulated in the land of the evil spirits. Not only did he not die, he miraculously learned a forbidden magical power of Wang Family, Ghost King. halberd!

This Halberd Art is more terrifying than the King’s Halberd, especially after joining the Imperial Family, Wang Jian’s realm was also elevated to the late Heavenly Venerate by King Chu, which made Wang Jian’s strength more terrifying.

“Ye Fei, do you know why this Young Master kills these female disciples, just to wait for you to come out, this Young Master personally, with a halberd and a halberd, cut you into pieces! roar!”

The halberd roared, suddenly forming a ghost dragon roaring towards Ye Fei, Ye Fei stared at the rushing Wang Jian, and suddenly exhaled and started speaking!

The one-handed profound iron heavy sword suddenly changed to clenching with both hands and smashed forward quickly. Not only did it instantly smash the gloomy ghost dragon, it also touched the god in Wang Jian’s hand. The halberd was bent and deformed. This sudden change also made Wang Jian scream in fear.

“In the late Heavenly Venerate, you actually reached the late Heavenly Venerate! No good, quickly retreat!” Wang Jian the soul flew away and scattered, the reason why he dared to kill Ye Fei was relying on him Heavenly Venerate’s late cultivation base, he didn’t expect to kill him. Ye Fei actually broke through the late Heavenly Venerate. It was a sword that destroyed his halberd.

Chapter 2049 Sending you father and son to meet

Wang Jian retired wildly. After discovering Ye Fei’s realm, he actually broke through the late stage of Heavenly Venerate, and was immediately terrified. In the final analysis, Wang Jian is just a young master who bullies good and fears evil. When Ye Fei was weak, he was as fierce as a jackal.

When Ye Fei is strong, Wang Jian will run for his life in fear.

If it were other times, Ye Fei would not bother to kill a dude like Wang Jian, but it was different at this time. Looking at the messy and crucified female disciple, Ye Fei’s heart , Suddenly killing intent skyrocketed.

“Kill! Wang Jian, I will kill you today!”

The mysterious iron heavy sword in his hand has become even more dazzling. Just as Wang Jian flees for his life in fear, Ye Fei has already used it. After taking a big void step, his body with countless afterimages, almost every step fell, the ground shook the ground hong long long.

Then Wang Jian saw that a mysterious iron heavy sword as heavy as a mountain slammed into his body with a loud noise.

At the critical moment, the instinct for survival caused Wang Jian to raise the smashed curved divine halberd to block the mysterious iron heavy sword, but the amazing power of the mysterious heavy sword is still like the entire mountain of profound iron. , Smashed Wang Jian’s entire body, half kneeling on the ground, shaking violently.


Ye Fei roared like Dragon Beast, a sword was blocked, both of his hands round, the more terrifying divine force, through the heavy sword, hit Wang Jian’s already curved arc Shaped Ghost King halberd.

Only listen to the ghostly dragon-like wailing from within the halberd, followed by a touch, a loud noise, Ye Fei’s dark iron heavy sword, has completely destroyed this Ghost King halberd , Cut into two pieces, and then, the heavy blade, from Wang Jian’s forehead, slashed into the depths of the earth.

“You…” Wang Jian was stared wide-eyed with fear and bitterness. Then, his body, centered on his forehead, suddenly split in half. The sword of Ye Fei actually took Wang Jian’s fleshy The body was cut in half on the spot. However, Wang Jian was not dead yet. He didn’t know what secret technique he used. Divine Soul managed to control the palace and escaped from his body in advance.

While Wang Jian took the wind again, ghost qi continued to flee, “Father, help, save me… I don’t want to die, I’m still young, and I have a lot of high position and great wealth. No enjoyment!”

“Ye Fei. You little bastard, dare to hurt my son, my family will put you to death! roar!”

Not far away, Wang Chongshan is now Direct the martial artist of the Wang Family, and slaughter the discipline of the Academy of God star wildly. These Wang Family martial artists slaughtered, it is not Heavenly Venerate, who dominates, but those who are not even Heavenly Venerate discipline.

They killed very happy, very enjoyable, countless people laughed wildly, blood and fire, revealing their hideous and cruel faces.

Ye Fei’s mood, when he saw this scene, was completely furious, his body suddenly left a shadow on the spot, in midair, suddenly there were eight terrifying dragon roars. !

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