When the bloody Heavenly Wolf heard this, the whole person was stunned again, and looked at Ye Fei incredibly, “What, you actually used the power of Divine State to run Let’s pretend to be forced by Qing State! Boy, I think you’re tired of your life, you’re too tired of your life!”

Ye Fei then realized that something was wrong. Jian Gong was obviously the Great Influence of Divine State, and this was Nine. The Lord Heavens Sword told him himself, how come this little Blood Wolf Gang was not scared?

“Where is the problem?” Ye Fei couldn’t help but throw Jiang Zhen a questioning look, Jiang Zhen also looked at Ye Fei crying.

“Ye Fei, there is a big problem! Do you know how far Qing State is from Divine State? Even if we dominate, we will have to fly for ten years to resist. Such a long distance is estimated to be waiting for the sword palace After getting the news, our bones are cold.”

“What, the distance between Divine State and Qing State is so far…” Ye Fei’s face is a bit ugly. The first time Heaven Realm pretended to be forced, it failed. Yes, this is a bit too embarrassing, of course, this is also related to his lack of understanding of Heaven Realm.

If you knew the terrifying distance between Qing State and Divine State for a long time, Ye Fei said nothing would show the sign of Sword Palace, which is scary here.

After all, the distance can’t dissolve the near fire. Even if the sword palace is powerful in the Divine State, it is impossible to affect the Qing State side.

Hearing Ye Fei’s lifting force, it was so far away from Qing State, Lin Chen and Lin Gui’s faces became pale, they looked at Ye Fei together and complained: “The head of Ye Fei, We were really killed by you this time, what should we do now?”

“What else can we do, the paper tiger was exposed and didn’t rush to run, is it still waiting to be surrounded and beaten by the Blood Wolf Gang? Die, the wind is tight, hurry!”


While speaking, Ye Fei was already the first one. He turned his head and ran, and ran out to count 1000 meters in the blink of an eye. Lin Chen and Lin Gui were stunned to see the distance, and what made them even more sluggish was that Jiang Zhen, who had always been serious, didn’t run too slowly, and instantly charged ahead a long distance.

In the end, only Lin Chen and Lin Gui were left. Father and mother had to give birth to two less legs. They used all one’s strength and couldn’t catch up with Ye Fei and Jiang Zhen. Instead, behind them, there was a roar from the master of the Blood Wolf Gang.

Sect Leader Blood Heavenly Wolf, it’s the first time that he hates a person so much. He was almost frightened by a little Heavenly Venerate, and he was so frightened. If this spreads out, it’s definitely To become the laughingstock of the big and small forces in the Kingdom of Worship, it is natural that the blood Heavenly Wolf was furious, furious, and angered to the entire body, exuding a blood-like fierce light, and then these fierce lights , Actually formed countless blood wolves, roar towards the sky, and moved towards Ye Fei, biting wildly.

“Boy, you dare to fight with me, if this Sect Leader doesn’t break your body into pieces today, I am not a blood wolf! Kill me, life and death!”


Following the roar of Blood Heavenly Wolf, a large number of ominous wolf roars were heard in the nearby forests, and then hundreds of Blood Wolf Gang crowds, from ambushing various peaks, The tide generally surging towards Ye Fei. Lin Gui, who escaped at the end, issued a mournful scream, but it was dominated by a certain angry Blood Wolf Gang who threw away a piece of silver fire flying needles, one of which happened to be stuck in Lin Gui’s buttocks, or Jiang Zhen With a soft heart, I quickly pulled Lin Gui back. The flying needle was enough to kill Lin Gui.

And with the sudden turn of the Blood Wolf Gang and Lin Gui’s serious injury, Lin Chen’s General demeanor finally couldn’t be maintained. He looked towards Ye Fei in fear, hissing and shouting: “Ye Fei, we are really caught this time. You are killed, you don’t run to a place with few people, you actually took us to a place with the most people


“Fool! There are many people here, but there are no Master, there are few people in other places, but there are experts of Ruler Realm hidden. Would you rather face twenty Heavenly Venerates or face one master?” Ye Fei sneered, I have to say that the blood Heavenly Wolf is still very good. Mindful. The Blood Wolf Gang’s ambush is also well arranged, but the Blood Wolf Gang also has its shortcomings. That is, the Blood Wolf Gang is only a Grade 6 force. Like the Feng Family of Wind City, the Blood Wolf Gang’s master expert is only fiveteen-sixteen. Exclude several masters guarding the Blood Wolf Gang, as well as seven or eight masters following the blood Heavenly Wolf


The remaining three masters can only lie in the three directions between the mountains, and the remaining one direction seems to have the largest number of people, but because there is no master hidden, it is in the ambush The weakest one.

Ye Fei also from the very beginning, did not expect to rely on the sword palace to frighten the Blood Wolf Gang, he did that, only delaying time, secretly also found the hidden master for Xiaocao, Just buy time. “Not good, this kid is really evil, how could he know that I didn’t arrange to dominate the guard!” Seeing the direction of Ye Fei’s breakthrough, the blood Heavenly Wolf complexion greatly changed, he only realized that he still underestimated Ye Fei “If I knew that this kid is so evil, this Sect Leader should bring all the masters over

and completely block their way to break through!”

Blood Heavenly Wolf regret The scars on his face turned green. Now all he can do is take all the masters and chase them crazily, hoping to kill Ye Fei completely before he escapes into the real Baiyun country .

“Ye Fei, you go first, and I will stay behind!” Jiang Zhen took Ye Fei and the others through the Defensive Array composed of Blood Wolf Gang Heavenly Venerate, suddenly did After making a decision of nine deaths and still alive, after understanding that everyone flees together and will only be caught by the Blood Wolf Gang, Jiang Zhen resolutely turned around and greeted the thirteen Ruler Realm rushing from everywhere alone


Ye Fei’s heart trembled suddenly. He thought of the many masters of the Academy, who had left behind. He thought of Lin City and Lin Rong in Wind City, Self-destruction. Could it be that … “No, Senior Jiang, you can’t do this, we finally managed to get out of Tianhe Nation, you can’t die!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t die, before I give revenge to Senior Brother Heavens, Before reclaiming the blood debt of the Academy of God from Tianhe Imperial Family, Jiang Zhen will never die! Blood Wolf Gang, let you know now that the Academy of God, Ruler Realm is powerful!”


Jiang Zhen’s within the body suddenly erupted with terrible thunder, and then the infinite thunderbolt lightning formed a five-color divine clock as large as a mountain, which fell from the sky, not only Put Jiang Zhen himself, and even the blood Heavenly Wolf, together with the seven or eight masters who gathered with the blood Heavenly Wolf, all trapped in the divine clock.

“Jiang Zhen, you are courting death!” The blood Heavenly Wolf was completely furious, and both of his hands came out, suddenly tearing the sky like wolf claws, trying to tear the divine bell blocking him Smashed, but soon, the Blood Heavenly Wolf and the other masters were shocked to discover that no matter how violent their attacks were, they could not break this divine clock in a short time and go to hunt down Ye Fei.

Chapter 2069 Azure Cloud Pavillion


I heard the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering roar of the five thunder gods, Ye Fei knew , No matter how strong Jiang Zhen is, he can only block the dominance of the Blood Wolf Gang for a short time. All he has to do now is to break out as soon as possible, then find a safe place and wait for Jiang Zhen to come and meet.

However, Ye Fei did not intend to leave Baiyun Country, but rushed towards the deeper part of Baiyun Country at the fastest speed immediately after breaking through.

This puzzled Lin Gui, “Ye Fei, you are crazy, we are being chased by the Blood Wolf Gang, and we are still entering Baiyun Country, isn’t that walking right into a trap?”

“Lin Gui, you are wrong, Brother Ye’s choice is correct! Since the Imperial Family can buy the Blood Wolf Gang, then the Imperial Family must be near Baiyun Country, waiting for us to escape, Leaving Baiyun Country now is a dead end, but instead rushing in, we still have the possibility of survival!” Lin Chen said solemnly.

Ye Fei also glanced at Lin Chen in surprise, “It seems that you are not too stupid. To Baiyun Country, you know more than I do. Then you can tell us, what are we going to do now? In order to quickly find a safe place in Baiyun Country.”

The roar of the five thunder bells behind him became more intense. Obviously, Jiang Zhen was almost unable to resist it. Remind Ye Fei and the others that he is also preparing to break through.

This also changed the complexion of Lin Gui and Lin Chen. Lin Chen didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately said what he knew, as if it were Douzi. “In fact, before coming to worship the cloud country, although we did not expect that the blood Heavenly Wolf would be bought by the emperor, we also prepared for the blood Heavenly Wolf falling out to become hostile and refused to take us in, so we Lin Family still stayed One way back is to go directly to Azure Cloud Pavillion and apply to form a new momentum in Baiyun Country


Hearing this, Ye Fei’s eyes also brightened. It is better to be able to form a force by yourself than to send someone under the fence. He couldn’t help complaining: “Since we can form a force on our own, why didn’t you say it earlier, and also put Senior Jiang in a heavy siege!” But Ye Fei is not the one for Jiang Zhen’s safety. I am especially worried that the Academy Ruler Realm is the strongest, ordinary ruler, Jiang Zhen can even beat ten. Erlai Jiangzhen blocked only eight of the Blood Wolf Gang masters, and the remaining three were dominated by the Blood Wolf Gang. Simply did not participate in the siege of Jiang Zhen, and

in the Blood Heavenly Wolf flustered and exasperated orders Next, they chased Ye Fei.

So, as long as there are no more than ten masters besieging Jiang Zhen, Jiang Zhen has no chance of falling. Thinking of this, Ye Fei no longer retains his strength, and Lin Chen alone and one hand, grabbing the seriously injured Lin Gui burst out all the Heavenly Venerate profound energy, and rushed towards the depths of Baiyun Country frantically. As for the injured Lin Gui, even though he was still bleeding with flying needles in his hips, he also urged his profound strength to rush forward. At the same time, Lin Gui lost a map by Lin Chen, “Hurry up, let’s run with you, and you will show us the way. If we are overtaken by the master behind, we will be completely finished

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