At this time, Ye Fei finally walked to the front of the palace. An old man dressed in Tsing Yi and Chinese clothes came out from the inside. This man was no more than the early- The stage of the realm, but let the bloody Heavenly Wolf and the like, bow their heads, it can be seen how powerful the Azure Cloud Pavillion is in the Cloud Nation. “You escaped from Tianhe Kingdom? Tianhe Lin Family, I have always heard about the Nine Revolutions Divine Stars of the Academy of Divine Stars and the Five Thunder God Bell. The old man is also known for a long time. Since you can overcome the barriers and enter Qingyunfeng, that proves your strength. Now you have two

paths in Baiyun Country. One is to conduct an assessment and join my Azure Cloud Pavillion, and the other is to conduct an assessment and build your own power!”


Ye Fei was surprised at hearing, “Why, to build a power, you have to pass the assessment?” “Of course! If a few any cat any dog ​​comes in, you can build power, then I worship the cloud Isn’t the country all messed up? Besides, we don’t have that many peaks to house these forces! So, if you want to survive in Baiyun Country, you have only two choices, or join its forces.

Settle down, or build up your own power and self-reliance!” The old man said proudly.

“This Senior, we choose to build our own forces!”

Lin Chen immediately bowed his hands to express his attitude, after all, they plan to return to Tianhe Nation to avenge the bloodbathed Lin Family. If you join the Azure Cloud Pavillion or other forces, the Lin Family is also completely destroyed.

Jiang Zhen is the same. He shoulders the important task of revitalizing the Academy of God Star, and naturally it is impossible to join other forces.

Ye Fei doesn’t matter. He is alone and widowed anyway. Now he just wants to find a safe place, break through the master, Heavenly Monarch as soon as possible, and then think of a way to return to the land boundary is his goal.

But it’s best to be able to build your own power and not send others to the fence. So Ye Fei is nodded, and the azure clothed old man is no longer reluctant, just nodded and said in a deep voice: “To build power, Yes, but one hundred profound veins need to be paid as an assessment fee!”

Hundred profound veins! I go!

Ye Fei’s eyes are red, and Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are also jealous. They are both big consumers of profound veins.

Especially Ye Fei. Since obtaining the follow-up cultivation technique of The Way of Despair, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his life was going to be tight.

Because of the golden body of the cultivation law, it also requires a lot of profound veins.

“Yes, these are a hundred profound veins!”

Lin Chen and Lin Gui were prepared for a long time. They all carry the Lin Family’s savings for hundreds of years, even if Most of the treasure was thrown out just now, but the profound stone and profound veins, they still haven’t been willing to throw it out. Ye Fei, who was watching this, moved in his heart. You must know that in Wind City, in order to escape for his life, almost all the treasures on his body were thrown out. Now Xiaocao is still hungry. At this time, I saw that Lin Chen still had a lot of mystery. Shi Fuyu, Ye Fei didn’t care about being thick-skinned; he caught Dragon Tortoise again

come and said, “Brother Lin, talk to you about something. How about borrowing me some black stones first? Look at the turtle I raised. I have a huge appetite. I don’t have enough black stones, and I can’t afford it!” Ye Fei sighed and kicked Dragon Tortoise hard. Dragon Tortoise let out a painful roar, two lines of tears flowed down, a pitiful expression of pain and hungry, the two brothers Lin Gui and Lin Chen looked straight, their hearts secretly, “This black turtle It’s not just a big appetite. It’s simply shameless. Most of the profound stone we threw out just now has been scooped by it with two big black scoops. Now it has tears on its face and pretends to be pitiful!”

Chapter 2071 I can fight

Although the black turtle in front of me is very uncomfortable, the Lin Family is now lonely and desperate to win Ye Fei. What is wrong with Lin Chen? There are so many profound stone and profound veins. I took out several hundred thousand on the spot and handed it to Ye Fei, “brother Ye, it’s too much to see, we have all experienced common suffering.

My companion, my own person, will lack profound stone profound veins in the future, so just ask me!”

“The same goes for Jiang Zhen Senior, Senior, I have already handed in the profound veins, and I will register for the assessment. It’s done. The strongest of us is Senior Jiang. This time, I can only trouble you!” Just when Lin Chen took out the black stone and sent Dragon Tortoise.

Lin Gui and Azure Cloud Pavillion also formally applied for the assessment of self-built forces. What is interesting is that such assessment is not set by Azure Cloud Pavillion, but the emperor of the country of worship. Worship the set of rules set by Yun Shenjun himself.

Although today’s God of Cloud Worship has lived in Divine State for a long time, it is estimated that he has forgotten the Kingdom of Baiyun, but the old man Qingyun who controls the Kingdom of Baiyun still dare not break the Lord of Cloud Worship. The rules laid down.

So, self-building forces and accepting assessment have become the second iron law of Baiyun Kingdom! Before Ye Fei and the others rushed into Qingyun Peak, the entire Qing State still had large and small forces, a dozen forces, and for various reasons, fled to Baiyun Country for refuge. These forces have families and sects. There are rebel leaders and even some Jiangyang thieves who can’t get around outside, so they can only hide

to take refuge in Baiyun Country.

Similarly, these people were not willing to become vassals of other forces. Many of them chose to build their own forces. At this time, they all gathered on Qingyun Peak. When they saw Ye Fei this There are only four people in Bian who actually want to build their own forces, they all can’t help but sneer in disdain. The old man of Azure Cloud Pavillion didn’t laugh, but rather said loudly and seriously: “The rules for forming power are very simple. Back then, the god of worship had left his Taoist world on this Qingyun peak. Now Each of your forces will have a token in your hand, defeat others, and those who collect four tokens will be able to form their own forces in the Kingdom of Baiyun!”

” What? We have a total of twelve forces here. Doesn’t that mean that there are only three of us to form forces?” A certain power leader couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Azure Cloud Pavillion old man has a cold expression, “It is true, this is the rule of the God of Baiyun! Every year, the Baiyun Congress vacates three mountain peaks for new forces to compete! As for who can win the final victory , Then it depends on your ability! Those who regret now, can choose to give up actively!”

“Take the initiative to give up? What a joke! We nine deaths and still alive, we entered the Kingdom of Baiyun, for It’s here to accumulate strength and make a comeback!”

“Yes, compare! One day sooner or later, I will go back and regain power in the palace!”


Understanding the cruel nature of the assessment, all the eleven forces present became murderous-looking, looking towards people who are not their own forces, but even more faintly with murderous aura.

This also made Lin Chen and Lin Gui extremely nervous. After all, the twelve forces, they are the least in number, they are lonely.

Ye Fei also jumped his brows, and continued to ask the old man, “Dare to ask Senior, how many people can each force enter in this assessment?”

old man expressionless “In order to ensure the fairness of the assessment, each force can only send one person to participate in the assessment. Which of you will be in the battle?”

“Then it needs to be said, of course it is Senior Jiang!” Lin Chenhe Lin Gui’s spirit was shocked. They were afraid of group fights, but not afraid of singles.

After all, Jiang Zhen’s strength is there, and Academy Ruler Realm’s strongest reputation is placed here. Jiang Zhen is also doing his part and stepping up to say solemnly: “Okay, I will play this time!”


Ye Fei frowned suddenly, and resolutely shook his head: “No, Senior Jiang can’t play!”

“Ye Fei, what do you mean?”

Lin Chen Lin Gui and Lin Gui looked at Ye Fei incomprehensibly, “We have the strongest Ruler Realm expert, why don’t we use it?” Ye Fei pointed at Jiang Zhen with a calm face, and said with a bit of heartache: “We are killed from the Tianhe Kingdom, yes Who rushed to the forefront is Senior Jiang, who has never rested, fought for us for dozens of days, blocked the Tianhe Imperial Family for us, and blocked the Blood Wolf Gang for us. I wonder if there is a master who can keep fighting

After fighting for so long, can you still exert all your battle strength?” Lin Chen and Lin Gui’s expressions also changed, Jiang Zhen was bitterly laughed, his majestic body became rickety, and his face was full of fatigue. Unexpectedly, I was hiding so well, but I was still seen by you. That’s right, the real battle strength of me now is less than 30%, but here I am the highest in the realm

I will not play. Who else can play?”

“I! I can fight!” Ye Fei stood up and offered himself unrelentingly. He did this not for Lin Family, nor for Shenxing Academy. It’s just out of worry about Jiang Zhen. After all, Jiang Zhen is now close to the limit, and it is the weakest time. At this time, if Jiang Zhen continues to fight, he will only die in vain. .

And Jiang Zhen is kind to him, and it is Du Tiandi Zun’s Junior Brother, reasonable in every circumstance, Ye Fei doesn’t want Jiang Zhen to fall in vain, Lin Chen and Lin Gui are too weak. He couldn’t count on it, and he was the only one who could fight right now.

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