The broken fleshy body escaped, but didn’t wait for his Divine Soul to escape.

Ye Fei roared fiercely again. The mysterious iron heavy sword, with the burst Space Power for the third time, shattered this person’s Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul. This princely son of the palace, died suddenly and could not die again!

Chapter 2073 Killing with a Sword

It’s just a momentary effort. A powerhouse ruler is beheaded by the Ye Fei sneak attack, and time, only ten breaths have passed.

This is the power of the golden body!

At the time, Chen Dutian was able to gain a great reputation in imperial city, and he also relied on this law of golden body. As long as the golden body is not broken, even if it is Heavenly Venerate, Ye Fei may also be able to kill the master.

Quickly took this person’s space belt, Ye Fei suddenly retreated quickly, moved towards the depths of Daojun world, and ran away, like a sneak attack, which can’t be repeated, and He beheaded the breath of the princely son of the palace, and at the entrance, two figures have appeared again. It was the Jiangyang thief and the old man with the snake stick. They were afraid that the royal son would kill Ye Fei first, and cut off their chance of making contact with the Blood Wolf Gang. They simply joined forces and rushed in, but the result was a shock to them, “How come? Fei Prince is the expert who dominates the mid-term, and he was killed by three breaths.

“hmph, he was paralyzed, he deserved it if he died! But death is better, just right. The two of us joined forces to catch that kid together. The Blood Wolf Gang tried so hard to kill that kid. There must be some treasure on his body that attracted the blood of Heavenly Wolf!”

Robust man, he was originally Jiang Yang thief and was used to murdering to seize the treasures. He had valued the heavy sword in Ye Fei’s hand a long time ago. At this time, he saw Ye Fei easily slay the prince son of the palace. The eyes of this person are more It was gleaming greedy eyes. “Snake, find me the trace of that person!” The old man of the snake stick, suddenly moved the snake stick in his hand towards the sky, and the snake stick suddenly became a huge snake with a poisonous core, flat. The head of the snake even sniffed at the air all around, and then moved towards a certain direction like lightning

and chased it up.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What a monster snake.

Ye Fei was also taken aback, naturally thinking of the snake stick in the hands of the snake stick old man, and felt the magic of Heaven Realm Martial Cultivation Art in his heart. Emperor Tianhe could turn a corpse into a soldier. It’s very weird. I didn’t expect this old man to turn an ominous beast into a special magic weapon.

“Not good, snakes are highly poisonous things, that old man with green hair, probably is also an expert in using poison, if it’s fighting, this old bastard will poison me ……” Ye Fei shuddered, and made up his mind even more, and must give priority to solving the snake stick old man.

After all, martial artists who use poison may not have very strong battle strength, but the poison they release is that you can’t guard against it. The best way to deal with such an opponent is one Strike certain kill, absolutely can’t give him a chance to poison!

It’s just that the snake stick old man also clearly knows his shortcomings, so he will join forces with the robust man to hunt down Ye Fei instead of acting alone.

Want to kill this person instantaneously is definitely not as simple as Ye Fei imagined. During the running process, Ye Fei thought about several plans to kill the old man with the snake stick, but they couldn’t succeed.

“Unless I have a way to separate the old man with the snake stick and the Jiangyang robber temporarily, not too long, even if they only have three or five breaths apart, it is enough for me to kill this person. “

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s brain was also rapidly turning, and during this period, Xiaocao also kept sending warnings, telling Ye Fei that the strange snake was getting closer and closer.

“Boy, you surrender now and surrender enough treasure to survive, grandfather, I promise, I will never kill you, we have the right to steal!”

“get lost! You When I was a three-year-old kid, I talked about faith with robbers. That would be to stick my head out and let you chop it!” Ye Fei hearing this sneered. The robust man chased by the rear suddenly turned ugly. Persuading him to surrender before killing was a useful trick. This not only reduced the opponent’s will to resist, but he also mentally humiliated the opponent fiercely. didn’t expect this trick was useless for Ye Fei. Robust man’s eyes suddenly exploded

and made even more amazing murderous intention.

“Damn boy, when I get him, I want to one blade after another, cut his meat and drink, especially the child’s meat, it’s best!” Robust man licked his lips ferociously , Let the old man with the snake stick around him have one’s hair stand on end, subconsciously far away from the robust man.

I sensed this through Divine Consciousness, Ye Fei’s heart violently moved, “Yes! Dahei, see that the hillside is not there, wait for me to attract them, you hurry up, climb Go up to that mountain and wait for me to come back!”

Ye Fei saw a steep mountain in front of him. He suddenly had a good idea, and when he rushed across the back of the mountain, he had turned into The palm-size Dragon Tortoise threw it out, and then suddenly turned, his feet moved towards the mountain and kicked into the high altitude.

“Where to go!”

After a few breaths, the robust man and the old man chased them at the same time, their feet slammed on the mountain peak and suddenly jumped into the sky , On the contrary, the snake seemed to sense the breath of Dragon Tortoise and glanced at the mountain with some doubts. But Dragon Tortoise’s entire body was retracted into the tortoise shell, and it also entered the state of tortoise breath suspended animation. It looked like a black stone, very unremarkable, and the old man kept urging, this earthly respected snake had no time to take a closer look. Busy, follow the old man to the sky, and open his mouth to spray out a horrible poison mist around 100 meters, trying to slow Ye Fei’s footsteps.

But at this moment, Ye Fei’s body suddenly sank, and the heavy dark iron heavy sword, which has taken him from the sky, fell into the earth like a meteor, and the angry robust man and old man are together With a roar of anger, they hurriedly landed, wanting to continue chasing Ye Fei. I didn’t even notice that the place where Ye Fei fell was the same mountain. Moreover, this mountain was not the same as before. The previous mountain was bare, but now there is a big black stone abruptly. , Ye Fei is a person carrying a sword and falling on the big black rock.

The mountain peaks that I stepped on were all shaken, and then the huge counter-shock force made Ye Fei eject, like lightning Rushed in the other direction. This almost blasted the lungs of the robust man and the old man. It was not even think immediately. They also fell on the big black rock. They had to kick their feet, and with the help of the mountain’s counter-shock, change the direction and continue to chase and kill Ye Fei. But their action was not successful, because just when their feet fell on the big black stone

, the huge black stone, like a fierce conjure, shrank into a palm-size in the blink of an eye. Let the robust man who fell first stepped down, and the solemn Controller, because of this tiny mistake, fell into a dog-eating posture, rolled, and rolled down the mountain.

The old man with the snake stick stared blankly at the mountain that was almost hollowed out, and squatting inside the mountain, sticking one’s head around to look for, I don’t know if it’s a black turtle or a black pig. ominous beast.

Ye Fei was also at this time, suddenly turned around, turning around, just when the robust man fell into the air and fell down, Ye Fei had carried the heavy sword and suddenly slammed to the snake stick old man and old man also roared in anger, and while performing poison power, there was a whistle in their mouth.

The snake hovering next to him has already made a violent hiss, moved towards Ye Fei swooping down, but before the snake swooped down, Ye Fei’s shoulder suddenly snapped and hit A weird vine whip exuding colorful spiritual wind came out, and in turn moved towards the snake fiercely.

Dragon Tortoise had already looked at this earthly respected snake with sympathy, hiss screamed, and instantly fell into a stiff situation of suspicion of snake life. At this time, Ye Fei’s feet were slamming on the stiff snake that was pulled by the grass, and suddenly appeared in front of the old man with the snake stick. The howling mysterious iron heavy sword, with the most violent power, hit While exploding the space, he had already hit the old man’s body with the snake stick and exploded in the air.

Chapter 2074 Killing Pigs and Eating Meat


The death of the old man made the snake furious. Its body was stiff, but its mouth was open. Open, revealing two hideous fangs. The fangs are green all over, enough to poison to death dominator!

This is the greatest ability of the snake stick old man, and it is also the last attack that the old man ordered the snake to launch before he died. While beheading the old man, Ye Fei also swiftly used the dark iron heavy sword as a shield to block his back. Only two loud noises were heard. Those fangs were like two sharp drills that smashed Ye Fei’s arm. They were all numb, and at this moment, the Jiang Yang, who lost his center of gravity and rolled down the mountain with his foot on the air, had already fly into a rage out of humiliation, smashed the mountain and smashed it again. sky.

“Damn boy, you dare to let this black pig come to Yin Lao Tzu, today Lao Tzu is going to kill people and eat pigs!”


The answer is yes Dragon Tortoise roared in anger. It admitted that he had a lot of fat on his body, but it was definitely not fat, just a little stronger!

Kill! Ye Fei didn’t give the robust man a chance to use magical powers. At the moment he killed the old man, he stretched out his big hand and forcibly grabbed the snake into the beast seal space and handed it to Xiaocao to repair it. The mysterious iron heavy sword in his hand already carries a huge roar, like a heavy mountain of mysterious iron, shining on the body of a robust man

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