“It’s actually a flower in the void!” Ye Fei was shocked. Based on his Divine Consciousness, he of course knew that these lotus flowers were not real, but the ancestors used the means of creation and forcibly created them. of.

He tried to attack a recent lotus, and that lotus immediately burst out of the terrifying Law Aura, forming a storm, and moving towards Ye Fei came back with a shock.

“The law, these lotus flowers are all rules!” Ye Fei looked at the sky full of lotus flowers in shock, vaguely feeling that the void was a bit familiar. Thinking back carefully, he found that this piece of void was exactly the same as the void of law he felt.

It’s just the emptiness of the law. What exists is the light of the infinite law, while the void created by Lei Zu, there is the lotus that evolved from the law of infinity.

Then, in Ye Fei’s heart, a huge association was unstoppable, “Entering the void of law, the martial artist can comprehend the endless law, then, entering this lot of void, I Is it possible to comprehend the power of the law in the same way?”

You must know that his Nine Revolutions Divine star must be thoroughly trained, but he needs to fully understand the nine 2nd layer rules!

After confirming that there was no danger, Ye Fei rushed directly to the nearest lotus. As the distance approaches, the immortal Sword Soul within the body trembles violently at this time. It is excitement and desire!

This is the signal that the immortal Sword Soul senses that there is energy to absorb.

Ye Fei suddenly became ecstatic. Needless to say, this flower of the law of in the sky should be the reward after passing through the ancient thunderbolt trail!

“While Lou Qianzhong has not rushed up, I must refining these lotus flowers as soon as possible, immortal Sword Soul, give me fiercely suck!”


Ye Fei’s body, once again turned into a terrifying indestructible vortex, rushed to the lotus platform of the flowers of the law, and he began to absorb it frantically, and with the flowers of the law, Ye Fei Refining absorbed, Ye Fei’s body, the aura of law became stronger and stronger.

Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were also alarmed, and seemed to be very interested in the flowers of these laws.

While no one noticed, Xiaocao ran out riding the Dragon Tortoise, and suddenly he waved his hand, threw away the vine whip, and at the same time, he had already put an immortal Sword Soul into one of the laws that had not been absorbed. The flowers dragged back.

Just a light bite, Xiaocao’s eyes suddenly popped out a lot of hearts, Xiaocao was very happy to find that these flowers of the law are not only edible, they seem to be delicious Look like. Dragon Tortoise did not compete with Xiaocao this time. Seeing that the flowers of these laws are indeed edible, two large black scoops suddenly appeared on Dragon Tortoise’s dragon claw, just like scooping water in a river. Two big black scoops were scooped over, and they were already filled with the flowers of the law attracted by the immortal Sword Soul, and then

you are welcome, Dragon Tortoise, a black mouth, a dozen flowers of the law , Has entered the mouth.

It’s almost like a cow chewing peony. Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s faces are very dark, but in the end the flowers of these laws are not their own. It doesn’t hurt how much Dragon Tortoise eats, and thinking of Lou Qianzhong and the others that will soon rush over, Ye Fei even wished Dragon Tortoise. Eat more, after all, the more Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao eat, the less Qianzhong who comes in afterwards and the others will get fewer laws.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei is not busy refining the flowers of the laws, but just uses the attraction of the immortal Sword Soul to attract these flowers of the laws one by one, and then install them all into himself Space belt. Dragon Tortoise also quickly combined the two black scoops and turned into a big black cylinder again. Then Dragon Tortoise took Ye Fei’s flower of law and brought it back to Ye Fei’s beast print space. Quickly, Ye Fei’s space belt and beast seal space are filled with a lot of flowers of law


“Oh my god, there are too many flowers of the law of void evolution. Even if I capture hundreds of them, the flowers of the law of all around are endless. Unfortunately, these flowers of the law contain These are all one-fold rules, which may be useful for Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, but for me, it’s not at all too great!”

Nevertheless, Ye Fei continues to use the immortal Sword Soul to form Destroy vortex, keep absorbing, and refining the flower of the law of approach.


Suddenly not far away, there was the scream of Dragon Tortoise, but it was Dragon Tortoise with black mouths everywhere, and accidentally gnawed a big law. The flower. The other flower of the law is only the size of a basin, while the flower that Dragon Tortoise gnaws is the size of a round table. I don’t know where Dragon Tortoise found it. The black mouth habitually stretches out. However, the flower of the law , But at a critical moment, from a lotus flower to a hedgehog ball full of thunder needles

. Dragon Tortoise gnawed down, but as a result, Xiaocao was stunned. Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth was swollen, and it was still alive. He stretched out the black scoop and faced the flower. I want to slap this flower flat, take it back and slowly refining, in order to avenge my grievances


But when the black scoop of Dragon Tortoise was shot out, I felt the flower of the law of crisis. Suddenly the thunder needles all over the sky softened, and in an instant, it turned into a mighty thunder lion, Zhang When he opened his mouth, he spouted a horrible beam of thunderbolt light. Take the Dragon Tortoise with the tortoise and roll in the void.

Ye Fei felt more sorrowful in his heart, “This broken tortoise, the black stone was eaten for nothing. Last time I couldn’t beat the deer eating grass, this time I couldn’t even win the flower of the law of instinct. It seems necessary to reduce some food.”

This remark also passed lightly into Dragon Tortoise’s ears. It was still full of emptiness, and Dragon Tortoise, who hoped that Ye Fei would quickly take a shot, was on the spot. It was the body that looked like earth and curled up, suddenly stretched out at this moment.


In the sky, there was a high-pitched dragon roar, but Dragon Tortoise completely activated the power of the dragon ball within the body at the critical moment. Dragon Tortoise’s body is swelling like a mountain at this moment. The four dragon claws also showed billowing green blades. That is the power of Poison Dragon Pearl! Not only that, but Dragon Tortoise’s mouth was spouting dragon flames and demon fire.

Chapter 2154 The Ten Fate Wheel

In a trance, Ye Fei seems to have returned to the North Foreign Domain sea when he first saw Dragon Tortoise. At that time, Dragon Tortoise was also Such a domineering side leak, a Flood Dragon chased and killed has no way to the sky, no way to enter the ground. It’s a pity that Dragon Tortoise’s domineering is domineering, mighty is mighty, helpless, the flower of the law is more domineering and mightier than Dragon Tortoise, seeing Dragon Tortoise become bigger, the flower of the law, unexpectedly changes rapidly Big. From a lion to a terrifying Thunderbolt Violent Bear, he fanned out a giant palm like a thunderbolt

, and slapped the Dragon Tortoise on the ground with just a slap.

Xiaocao hurriedly covered his eyes and couldn’t bear to watch the cruel scene of Dragon Tortoise. Ye Fei also looked at the Thunderbolt Violent Bear in shock. You must know that after the Dragon Tortoise became bigger, its sturdy size and super defense are difficult to break even if it is the master, but the violent bear slapped it. Overturned the huge Dragon Tortoise, this is no longer the power of dominance, it is clearly the power of Heavenly Monarch


“Not good, Da Hei hurry up and get smaller and avoid it!” Ye Fei quickly reminded, but soon, he found that his reminder was superfluous, seeing that he couldn’t do this violent bear, Dragon Tortoise was very spineless and moved towards the turtle shell again. At the same time the whole body became smaller, he rolled towards Ye Fei like a ball.

roar! Thunderbolt Violent Bear was obviously irritated by Dragon Tortoise. It roared with rage, huge bear paws, and moved towards Dragon Tortoise fiercely again, but it failed to capture Dragon Tortoise at the critical moment. , Dragon Tortoise’s shrinking tortoise shell suddenly stretched out a red and swollen black mouth, and a venomous gust of wind spewed out of the face, and the violent

poison wind also formed a counter-shock force. Quickly let the Dragon Tortoise ball bounce off.

Such a weird way to escape, the Thunderbolt Violent Bear that made him was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react.


Ye Fei would not give this Thunderbolt Violent Bear a chance to react, realizing that it had the power of Heavenly Monarch instead of dominating power, Ye Fei carried the heavy sword on the black iron and killed it.

Seeing Ye Fei rushing over, the Thunderbolt Violent Bear became obviously frightened. It made a huge thunderbolt sound. The bear body disappeared, but at this time, it turned into a huge thunderbolt bird. , The speed actually surpasses the lightning, and with a flash, the thunderbird disappears in front of Ye Fei’s eyes.

I swiped it again, and Ye Fei’s back instantly appeared. A sharp sharp claw, with a thunderbolt roar, grabbed the back of Ye Fei’s head and heart.


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