In this way, he only needs to open the Domain Portal to communicate with the stars in the sky. These stars will automatically guide him to the places marked on the star map.

“It’s just that the points on these star maps are large and small, and the colors are different. In some places, Lei Zu even crossed them. It seems that they are forbidden areas that even the ancestors dare not approach. In the past, I don’t know how to die.”

Ye Fei stared at the star map and looked at it again. Although he did not know why Lei Zu marked the star map, he decided to use this Go to Domain Portal and enter Divine State to take a look.

After all, whether Baiyun Country or Qing State is too small, and the resources are too scarce, why does Qing State only have Taoists but not Gods?

Qing State has too few resources, it is difficult to give birth to the powerhouse of Divine Sovereign Realm, that is, Lei Zu, also in Divine State, after the breakthrough ancestors, this returned to Qing State!

More importantly, Zhao Yu is currently in the Divine King Palace of Divine State. Knowing this, Ye Fei feels that he has a good reason for entering Divine State.

Finally, he thought of an alternative method. Since he could not determine the meaning of the star map marked by Lei Zu, he could determine this place by opening the Domain Portal and the amount of profound veins consumed. The level of strength.

For example, those who consume ten thousand profound veins are definitely not allowed. First, it is too dangerous, and secondly, they consume too many profound veins. Ye Fei also feels pain.

“It’s better to have a few hundred profound veins, the best that can be transmitted.” Ye Fei thought secretly, and then began to experiment with each direction.

About a day passed like this.

Finally, Ye Fei found a slightly suitable position, and the cost of profound veins transmitted to this position was not too much, exactly one thousand profound veins.

Ye Fei opened the Domain Portal and walked directly in. This time, he didn’t bring Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao. After all, it was the first time to enter Divine State, and he still had no bottom in his heart.


The powerful energy formed by thousands of profound veins instantly activates hundreds of divine runes on the stone gate. These divine runes are arranged into a strange Domain Portal. .

Step into this Domain Portal.

Ye Fei’s whole person has entered a whole new world. This world is not the Divine State land that Ye Fei thought, because there is no sun, moon, and stars in the sky above.

At the foot, there are rolling mountains, and the mountains are full of solemn killing aura. It just emits this aura, not like an ominous beast, but a very peculiar power. Ye Fei is still a little familiar with this power.

At the same time he was thinking, a strong profound energy fluctuation suddenly broke out in the distant mountain range, and then. A shining wheel of destiny illuminates the sky. On that wheel of destiny, Ye Fei clearly sees twelve halos.

That is actually the wheel of twelve fate!

In general, the wheel of Destiny can reach the 9th layer, which is already the limit. It can become a genius powerhouse in a certain area, but in Divine State, Martial Dao is more prosperous. Therefore, the genius of Divine State We can improve the 3rd-layer Fate Wheel on the basis of the Nine Fate Wheel.

This is equivalent to being in Ruler Realm, which is one more small realm than ordinary martial artists, which is enough to be invincible at the same level. At this time, seeing the twelve destiny heaven wheel, Ye Fei’s heart moved immediately. moved towards that mountain range rushed over.

In the mountain range at this time, there are a total of more than 20 young martial artists from Divine State standing. They have strong breaths and wear special divine runes costumes. Through these costumes, It can be judged which force they come from.

They were all a little surprised when they saw Ye Fei rushing over, “It’s strange, isn’t it said that this trial is only a few of our forces? That guy came out from it. Which force does he belong to?”

Led by a very cold young man, when Ye Fei appeared, his eyes suddenly seemed to be two sharp blades, as if to pass through Ye Fei’s fleshy body. Divine Soul of Ye Fei.

It was him just now, the released twelve destiny heaven wheel, under the feet of the cold young man, there was a dead ominous beast lying, but the ominous beast had no blood, but it exuded a powerful Law Aura.

Ye Fei was taken aback. “The ominous beast of the evolution of the law? This is very similar to the rules of Lei Zu in the sky, Kao, no wonder I feel familiar.”

He was very excited, you know, the law of Kao, but can raise his level of the wheel of destiny, then these laws of ominous beast, are definitely more precious than the law of Kao.

“Stop and ask you something, I have seen the power of God King City. I don’t seem to have seen you dressed like this.” Another woman with a delicate face looked at Ye very suspiciously. Fei.

Ye Fei was even more excited, “God King City, do you know the Divine King Palace?”

“We are from the Divine King Palace! Who are you, report it Your identity is the only one who can enter the Emperor’s Heaven. Only our Divine State Ten Great Influences. How did you get in?” Next to the woman, three men with white clothed purple belts stood. They all looked at Ye Fei warily.

Ye Fei only then realized that he was too excited and had already aroused the suspicion of these people. Ye Fei’s face immediately showed an honest and simple smile. This smile is very clean and very infectious.

He touched his head and said: “I don’t know how to get in. I was at home and found a stone gate. Then I opened the stone gate and I came in.”

This remark, Ye Fei said half true half false. At the same time, he moved his heart and took out the heavy sword against his shoulders. He looked like a rookie who was not deeply involved in the world, and said, “By the way, where is this place? How do you call your senior brother and senior sister?”

“You use a sword, are you from the sword palace?” When the woman saw Ye Fei take out the heavy sword, her hostility was obviously weakened, and it seemed a little bit friendly.

It is the coldly snorted headed young man, who seems to be not too cold with Jian Gong.

Ye Fei was moved in his heart, and immediately admitted frankly: “Since you have seen through it, yes, where is this Taihuangtian? The elders in the family asked me to cultivate hard and never told me Outside matters, this time I finally found the opportunity and sneaked out.” The smile on Ye Fei’s face became more and more honest, making people know at first glance that he is definitely a very honest and honest person.

Chapter 2177 Ancient Emperor

Maybe it was infected by Ye Fei’s honest smile. The girl quickly let go of her guard and hostility, and explained with a smile: “Since you are from the sword palace , Then follow me.”

“Okay, there will be more Senior Sister Xie.” Ye Fei’s Senior Sister sounded, and the girl called was exhilarated. The more you look at Ye Fei, the more Pleasing to the eye, with said with a smile: “Yes, we Divine King Palace and Jian Palace have always had a good relationship. Since you call me Senior Sister, then Senior Sister will take care of you. If you find any powerful rules, Demonic Beast, you just stand

behind me!”

The girl is very confident. This may have something to do with her coming from the Divine King palace, but the headed stern young man heard the girl want to take On Ye Fei, a hint of displeasure flashed across his face, but he didn’t say much. The Divine Sword Palace is also one of the Great Influences of Divine State. Naturally, it is also qualified to enter the Supreme Heaven. When Ye Fei was talking to the girl, the grim youth had each minding their own business. The law of killing that end was Demonic beast, refining. absorb. With the absorption, a strange breath of law suddenly burst out of the young man.

“It’s the Law of Blue Wings! Master speed! Congratulations to Senior Brother Ming, Yang!” The young people surrounded by the cold youth opened the mouth and said joy, and Ling’s cold youth couldn’t help showing a smile on his face. The Law of the Blue Wing is rare, but unfortunately it is not an offensive law. In Taihuangtian, we are the most important

, we still have to find the most powerful attack law.”

“Senior Yang Brother Ming, don’t worry, there’s not much in this Taihuangtian, but there are so many demonic beasts. As long as we have the heart, we will definitely find that violent demon bear!” Those youths are flattered again. It can be seen that the cold youth is among this group of people. , The status is very high.

The cold young man is also indifferent and nodded, and just continued to move towards the depths of the mountain range. Ye Fei also carried the heavy sword and followed the girl. After some conversation, he already knew that the girl’s name was Ziyue is the daughter of a certain Elder in the Divine King Palace.

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