must be beaten too.

In front of Ye Fei’s eyes, the three corpses touched even more. In an instant, they were shot and exploded in the air. The dead skeleton doesn’t exist!

“This…” The emperor and the others who saw this scene all had scalp numbness. For the first time, I felt the terrifying battle hidden in these simple war trees. strength. Especially the terrifying matchless regenerative ability of the war tree, as well as strong defense and unmatched power, this is simply a battle race specially born for war!

Chapter 2189 Chasing and Killing King Chu

I just returned the snake-like hair and wanted to backlash Ye Fei’s snake. Seeing three powerful corpses, hundreds of them were instantly killed The slap became blood mist, the whole body of the snake started to weaken, and a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on his face, and he hurriedly bowed to these war trees nodded, no

Break with laughter.

Unfortunately, these war treants, without even looking at the snake, solved the three most intractable Tao corpses, hundreds of war treants, and immediately lined up in a dense charge formation, just moving forward. In a rush, hundreds of fierce and restless corpse soldiers were killed and smashed into pieces in an instant.

After that, there were hundreds of divine wood giant palms the size of grinding discs, like a blade wall, neatly and continuously shot forward, the void burst, the black mist churned, and the leftovers The fallen corpse soldiers shattered into dregs, and the floor was full of blood and stinky bones!

The snake who saw this scene was not scared and softened, but the whole body of the snake was scared, softened into dough, just shiver coldly constantly.

The same trembling is not only the snake alone. Outside Black Stone Peak, King Chu witnessed a group of terrifying monster races, slapped the flies, and photographed the Tianhe Imperial Family most strong in the Dao corpse. Meat sauce, his whole person, was also scared shiver coldly, sitting on the ground with soft legs and butt. “It’s over, my Tianhe Imperial Family is over! The power behind this kid is actually a mysterious race that masters Dongtian, so even if we hire Old Ancestor, we have no chance of winning!” At this time, King Chu has already begun to regret it, shouldn’t Then the iron-and-blooded destroy the Shenxing Academy and also hunt down Ye Fei


But now it’s too late.

Almost at the moment when Divine Consciousness sensed that the three-headed corpse was killed, King Chu was already ignorant of the pain of his severed arm, and was frightened, he just ran away desperately moved towards the distance.


Xiaocao’s spiritual eyes had already stared at King Chu secretly, and found that King Chu was going to escape, Xiaocao hurriedly reminded Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s gaze suddenly became gloomy, “The secret of Dongtian has been exposed, and it has been unexpected. The secret of the war tree must not be revealed so early! It must be before the news from King Chu , Kill this person, snake!”

“Young Master, no, the lord, the old slave is here, the old slave is willing to commit crimes to kill this King Chu.” When speaking, the snake’s eyes flashed Amazing hatred, he didn’t hate Ye Fei, but King Chu.

“Damn King Chu, if you hadn’t taken the corpse to attack the mountain, how could this Old Ancestor lose his mind, become snakelike, and kill, this kind of damn prince must be swallowed in one bite! Master! , You come up, the old slave promises to bring you one, no, one hour will catch up with this person!”

si si … When speaking, the snake has already rolled on the spot and recovered a huge The body and head of the snake leaned to Ye Fei’s side, creeping low, with a flattering look.

Ye Fei didn’t speak, but just kept his face cold, and stepped on the snake’s head with one foot. Before, if Ye Fei dared to step on it like this, the snake would turn his face immediately even if he was controlled. Then the snake is going to make a backlash! In the end, the snake is also a Daoist at any rate, and it is also the Divine King of the former snake. How can he tolerate a hairless brat like Ye Fei stepping on his head, but this time is different. I saw three Dao corpses, who were killed by the war. When photographed into meat sauce, let alone the snake being stepped on its head, even if Ye Fei wants to use him as a mount, the snake dare not say a word.

In order to fight for Ye Fei’s forgiveness, the snake made a rare effort. Not only did it voluntarily become a mount, carrying Ye Fei, but also burst out all the power of the Daojun realm.


Everyone only saw that a huge snake, like a Flood Dragon, rose into the air. In an instant, it slammed into the distance. At that speed, the Dragon Tortoise was flushed. With shame, Xiaocao also looked at the vigorous snake in surprise, and at the fat ball Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao was suddenly worried. Ling Siqi, who also relies on the Ye Fei beast seal space, is even more blunt, expressing her worriedly said: “Da Hei, you are finished, that snake is higher than you, and runs faster than you. The most important thing is still I can forage for food by myself, I don’t have to raise it with black stone! Dahei. Your job will be lost, or else,

You can follow me from now on, Little Elder Brother does not raise you, I raise you “

The little girl’s expression is innocent and serious, and the face of Dragon Tortoise is earthy, subconsciously looking at her chubby body that can’t climb, but can only bounce around. Dragon Tortoise burst into tears suddenly, and deeply felt a sense of crisis that his job was about to be lost.

Then Dragon Tortoise didn’t say anything. With tears in his eyes, his whole head plunged into the piles of profound stones and ate it. The grass was shocked and speechless. Ling Siqi was also puzzled, “Weird, didn’t Da Hei feel a sense of crisis just now, why did he suddenly start eating again?”

Dragon Tortoise also immediately erected a small wooden token, very painful Said that even if you lose your job, you have to eat this meal first!

When I took the time to see Ye Fei of Dragon Tortoise’s wooden token, he was speechless for an instant. He wanted to stimulate Dragon Tortoise with a snake. Who knows that this broken tortoise is actually a dead pig. You are not afraid of boiling water. Ye Fei Can only reluctantly return to Divine Consciousness, and stare into the distance. I saw a thick silhouette of corpse in the darkness in the distance, at an extremely frightening speed. Moved towards Clear Sky City, King Chu’s face is full of deep humiliation and regret. You know, Tianhe Imperial Family has paid enough attention to Ye Fei, and it is the life and death that must be eradicated on the spot

The enemy, made this plan for cutting the leaves.

According to this plan, as well as the three Taoist corpses, Ye Fei and Heishifeng are bound to be destroyed today, but the emergence of the war tree people completely shattered this plan. Desperately hunting down, made King Chu feel a huge death crisis. This kind of crisis finally made King Chu roar frantically regardless of his identity, and Ye Fei’s expression became even colder when he heard the roar, “King Chu roared like this, he must be seeking reinforcements, maybe, When King Chu led the group of corpses to attack the mountain, the Medicine King’s Mansion and Azure Cloud Pavillion were hidden in the dark

, waiting to pick up the bargain at any time, if this King Chu escapes…”

Next, Ye Fei didn’t say anything, but the frightened snake’s body trembled. If the secret of immortal spirit clan is revealed, as Ye Fei’s entourage, he is sure to be buried with him!


There is no need to encourage Ye Fei. The snake has already issued a roar, “The lord can rest assured, the old slave is fighting this life and must catch up with the dog king. This Old Ancestor is going to eat him, damn dog thief, if it weren’t for you, how could this Old Ancestor fall to this point!”

Snakes hate!

After that, this amazing hatred turned into a huge power. Under the desperate situation, the snake burned the Daojun’s origin, and the speed became even more amazing, almost forming a huge snake shadow After dozens of breaths, he chased him a hundred steps away from King Chu!

“no!” Feeling the crisis behind him, King Chu immediately exploded with an astonishing survival instinct. It also burned the origin, and reflexively began to work hard. Unfortunately, this time King Chu faced It was not the pursuit of Ye Fei, but the pursuit of the Taoist Snake. Without waiting for King Chu to turn around, a python, already carrying crazy hatred, bit off King Chu’s entire head with one bite.

Chapter 2190 The Death of Lin Chen


King Chu’s stiff corpse fell from the sky to the ground, his space belt was preempted by the snake, seized in his hand, and respectfully dedicated to Ye Fei, “Master. The old slave is not lucky. Insult to life, I finally killed the half of King Chu!”

Ye Fei did not speak, but looked at the headless corpse of King Chu in a daze. Once in the imperial city of Tianhe, King Chu and the old emperor joined forces. The persecuted Ren Tianhang had to Self-destruction, to break through for him and Jiang Zhen, and fight for a way out.

Like Ren Tianhang Self-destruction, and many Ruler Level powerhouses of Shenxing Academy. Originally, at this time, the snake killed King Chu, he should feel happy, but Ye Fei was not at all Happy does not raise.

Snake also has cold sweat on his forehead, and it came out with a swipe. Thinking that Ye Fei didn’t forgive him, the snake hurriedly asked cautiously: “Lord, but the old slave did what Not good enough?” “It’s none of your business, I just feel that something is wrong.” Ye Fei shook his head, his expression is still a bit dull, but after all, the snake has killed King Chu, and his performance is fairly submissive, and Hei Shifeng is indeed Still need the snake, the only Daoist support scene, Ye Fei also forgives the backlash before the snake.

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