Speaking, Bai Yanran took Ye Fei into the Panwang Palace again, but this time, Ye Fei clearly felt the hostility from the Daojun from Panwang Palace .

He smiled secretly, understanding that Panwang Palace and Lei Zu, although both came from the Desperate Heavenly Palace, the relationship between them was very bad.

“Bai Yanran, thank you.” Ye Fei expressed his sincere thanks.

He knows, he knows that he can still stay in the Panwang Palace now, and Bai Yanran must have made a considerable effort.

Bai Yanran smiled indifferently, and blinked at Ye Fei, “We are friends, aren’t we? Besides, you did a great job with Yan Family!”

Obviously, Bai Yanran also knew that Yan Family had been annihilated. It was definitely related to Ye Fei. After speaking, she blinked at Ye Fei again and smiled at each other knowingly.

At this moment, a handsome young man walked out of the Panwang Palace, calmly said with a smile: “Yan Ran, what is there to be happy about, how about telling me to my brother?”

Bai Yanran’s face blushed, obviously didn’t expect, her joking with Ye Fei would be seen by her brother. In the end, Bai Yanran pays more attention to image in front of outsiders.

“This is?” Ye Fei also looked at the young man in front of him curiously, and found that this person was already the Taoist cultivation base, which gave him a very strong pressure.

“My big brother, Bai Shizhong! Brother, this is Ye Fei, I was ordered to take him to see the ancestor.” Bai Yanran introduced each other.

“It turned out to be Senior Brother Bai.” Ye Fei greeted politely.

Bai Shizhong smiled slightly, “You are Ye Fei, the ancestor has been waiting for you for a long time, come with me, Yanran, you go to the study first, father has something to say to you.”

“Or, I’ll go to see the ancestor with Ye Fei first.” Bai Yanran hesitated. Bai Shizhong shook his head indifferently, “That won’t work, my father is very anxious to find you. As for Brother Ye, I will treat you well. Brother Ye, please!”

After that, Bai Shi Zhong already led the way, and did not give Ye Fei a chance to refuse. In desperation, Ye Fei could only follow Bai Shizhong and continue moving towards the depths of the Panwang Palace. Just walking, Ye Fei clearly noticed something wrong.

Bai Shizhong took him to a Martial Practice Stage, not the place of the ancestor of King Pan.

“Senior Brother Bai, you are…” Ye Fei stopped. Secretly vigilant in my heart.

“Brother Ye, I am very grateful to you. In the battlefield of life and death, in order to protect my younger sister’s reputation, what I have done, but private is private, public is public! You want to see the ancestor, yes, But there must be one condition!”

Bai Shizhong was talking, stepping on the void, step by step, stepping onto a Martial Practice Stage ring, swinging his sleeves, watching full of fighting intents Ye Fei.

Chapter 2283 Trapped

Chapter 2283 Trapped

Ye Fei also immediately understood that Bai Shizhong opened Bai Yanran and brought herself here. The reason here, “The so-called condition is to defeat you?”

“Beat me?”

The smile on Bai Shizhong’s face disappeared, and then he shook his head with a weird expression:” You are really confident, but relying on the desperate golden body, those ordinary Heavenly Monarchs of Qing State are really impossible to be your opponents. No wonder you are so confident, but it is a pity. This is not Qing State, but Divine State. It’s Panwang Palace, Ye Fei, do you come up by yourself or I invite you to come up!”


A terrifying power broke out from the feet of Bai Shizhong , And then triggered the entire Martial Practice Stage, the endless divine runes, unexpectedly appeared out of thin air, forming a special transmission rays of light, Ye Fei, to be directly transmitted to the ring.

Ye Fei was shocked to discover that Bai Shizhong was not only a very powerful Taoist expert, but also a very difficult to deal with spirit Grandmaster.

What’s even more frightening is that Bai Shizhong actually gave the entire Martial Practice Stage to the spirit, stepping into this Martial Practice Stage, Ye Fei, is like stepping into the world where Bai Shizhong is. .

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh A burst of colorful spiritual wind instantly erased the divine runes that bound Ye Fei.

In this scene, Bai Shizhong’s face trembles violently, you know, he is a seventh-tier spirit Grandmaster, and he can only inscribe divine runes, but cannot erase divine runes. As a result, Ye Fei He didn’t do anything, just released a spiritual wind, which actually ruined the disarming power he had painstakingly arranged.

Bai Shizhong’s body suddenly burst into more violent fighting intents, “You are very good, it seems that I can’t do my best if I don’t use all my strength, Panwang stand back to Qianfeng!”


Bai Shizhong was completely motionless, but as his profound energy urged, the whole ground actually continued to rotate, and with this rotation, the ground under Ye Fei’s feet, Uncontrollably, suddenly moved towards the ring where Bai Shizhong was near.

Although I don’t know what is on the ring, Ye Fei understands that Bai Shizhong is so anxious to let him go up, I am afraid it is more than just a contest.

“Give it to me!”

Ye Fei suddenly growled, turned over the palm, the mysterious heavy sword, which has been held in his hand, and fiercely moved towards the ground with a hard blow , The entire rotating ground, under the suppression of Ye Fei’s terrifying divine force, came to a halt. But at this moment, Bai Shizhong’s pair of fists suddenly condensed into two peaks, and suddenly moved towards Ye Fei crushed.


Apart from anything else, the heavy sword inserted in the ground suddenly revolves like a hurricane. The howling sword light makes the space tremble and the earth shakes.

The heavy sword light suddenly collided with the Xuanli mountain peak in Bai Shizhong, but this time, Ye Fei failed to smash the two peaks. Because of that mountain peak, Bai Shizhong’s proud silhouette suddenly appeared, “Ye Fei, you are very good. No wonder Yan Ran would say that you have the potential to hit the ground, but it is a pity that you only have the potential to impact, and I, It’s already an expert on the Disha list! Our gap is destined to be impossible and my opponent!”,


A heavy Iron Fist blasted down, Blasting directly on the blade of Xuantie heavy sword, Ling’s reseeing made a metal twisting sound.

What’s more terrifying is the powerful fleshy body divine force in the white time. This divine force directly forms magical powers, fiercely crushed by Ye Fei.

“The golden body of the law! The power of the war demon!”

Ye Fei’s face is cold, he did not flinch, but muster up all his strength, profound strength, divine force, together Brilliant purple-gold rays of light burst out, resisting the attack of the white time; at the same time, Ye Fei’s heavy sword, roaring like a swimming fish, bursts out of the ice, and stabs the white time at an impossible angle. body of.

However, Bai Shizhong was laughed heartily, and his body also burst out with bright Purple Gold rays of light. As a branch of the desperate Heavenly Palace, how could he not cultivate the desperate golden body ?

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