This feeling is the same as Ye Fei’s use of the ancient emperor’s origin to improve the bloodline in the Taihuang Tianchi ancient land. It is just that the bloodline possesses spirit, which is more complicated and time-consuming.

“However, this is an important way for general martial artists to improve the bloodline!”

After all, only a few people can enter the ancient land of Tianchi. Most martial artists, not even Taihuangtian Want to enter.

Therefore, using the bloodline attachment of the Earth Core Fire eye like this has become the choice of many martial artists who want to improve their bloodline.

“I just don’t know whether this bloodline pagoda can use the eyes of the Earth Core Fire to break the bloodline seal of my within the body.”

Ye Fei thought, already dragging Following the tail of Dragon Tortoise, he walked to the bloodline pagoda on the next level.

Chapter 2286 Dragon Tortoise Transformation

Chapter 2286 Dragon Tortoise Transformation

Different from the bloodline pagoda that Ye Fei entered for the first time, that pagoda, At each breakthrough level, the pressure released by the divine runes is increased tenfold, and the power of the pagoda is relatively balanced, but it is obviously not a real bloodline pagoda, but just a simulation of the bloodline pagoda.

In the real bloodline pagoda, the pressure to increase is increasing with each step forward. For example, Ye Fei is on the 1st floor, and the pressure released by the bloodline pagoda through the Earth Core Fire eye is ten times that of Ye Fei. 2nd floor, this pressure has increased twenty times!

When Ye Fei stepped onto the 3rd floor, the pressure on the entire bloodline pagoda has been broken through thirty times, like three huge mountain peaks, crushing on the bloodline of Ye Fei, just Ye Fei His bloodline seal is too tenacious, even if it is thirty times the pressure, it is still unable to seal his first Heavenly God pattern, there is any sign of collapse.

On the contrary, it is Dragon Tortoise, with a relaxed expression. After entering the 3rd floor, it begins to become dignified. Dragon Tortoise no longer frolics, but quickly releases layers of demon fire to protect itself. Resist the bloodline pressure everywhere.

It’s just the pressure of the 3rd floor, which is obviously not the limit of Dragon Tortoise. Dragon Tortoise took the lead in going to the pagoda space on the 4th floor. This surprised Ye Fei a bit, but the most surprised thing was that the grass reversed. The speed of divine runes, cracking the 1st floor, Xiaocao spent half a day.

2nd floor, ten hours.

3rd floor, five hours.

On the 4th floor, Xiaocao actually only spent three hours. What makes Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise speechless is that Xiaocao seems to regard Divine Runes as a very fun game. After erasing the past and graffiti, Xiaocao immediately felt very proud and proud.


Xiaocao is proud of her head and chest, but unfortunately it is obviously not the time when she wants to hug to raise her head, Xiaocao can only wave her hand, let Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise hurried to keep up with her, because Xiaocao is now going to reverse the divine runes of the 5th floor pagoda.

After the gesture, the silhouette of Xiaocao leaped forward, with two croissants swaying in the wind. Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise who watched were speechless and envious. If you let King Pan or don’t The Grandmaster of Possession, seeing that Xiaocao reversed the divine runes so easily, it was even more frightening.

In the end, Xiaocao is a descendant of the immortal spirit clan, and immortal spirit clan is best at it. It is attached to spirit and divine runes. It is difficult to reverse the heavenly ascension of divine runes to other spirited Grandmasters. , In front of Xiaocao, just like playing a game, it takes a while to get it done.

Ye Fei knows that this is the advantage of race. For example, those war trees in Dongtian world. Their racial advantage is divine force and regeneration ability. It is very terrifying and almost impossible to kill Xiaoqiang. There is also the Heavenly Dao tree, which is part of Heavenly Dao by nature.

So, the racial advantage of the Heavenly Dao tree is that it can ignore the Heaven and Earth Rule and freely travel between the boundary and the Heaven Realm. Of course, in addition to the Heavenly Dao tree and the war tree, there are many others in the Heaven Realm. The race has a variety of abilities, but these races are very mysterious, and it is difficult for ordinary people to meet.

“However, other races have the advantages of other races. Our Human Race also has the advantages of Human Race, that is, strong learning ability and infinite creativity. This is also a human advantage.”


Ye Fei thought, he walked into the 5th floor space, and then the 6th floor bloodline space. During the period, Dragon Tortoise kept following behind. It was only sixty times the pressure of the bloodline. Let Dragon Tortoise send out There was a groan of pain.

“Da Hei, if you can’t hold on, you can stop…” Ye Fei couldn’t help but said.

Roar roar!

Dragon Tortoise shook his head firmly, even if the pressure was painful, Dragon Tortoise was still little by little trying to climb forward. Obviously, Dragon Tortoise also knew The opportunity is rare. At this moment, I naturally try my best to climb into the 7th floor.

And seeing Dragon Tortoise working so hard, Ye Fei is naturally impossible to slack off. Compared with Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei will only be even more crazy.

Discovering the bloodline pressure on the 6th floor, but still unable to crack the bloodline seal of his within the body, Ye Fei’s heart was overwhelmed and suddenly he lifted the golden body of the law!

“Since the pressure is not enough, then I will create pressure! Sixty times is not enough, that is 70 times! I don’t believe it, I can’t break this damn seal!”


Ye Fei’s footsteps are even heavier. He is like an ant, carrying a huge mountain. He is advancing hard, stimulated by Ye Fei’s actions, and Dragon Tortoise, who has already exhausted himself to hold on. , Suddenly did not know the power coming from there, the heavy body actually rolled on the ground with difficulty.

Since you can’t climb, roll up. Even if you want to roll, you have to roll to the bloodline space on the 7th floor!

Dragon Tortoise took this obsession, little by little, followed Ye Fei and rolled into the 7th floor with difficulty!

The pressure here is more terrifying, 70 times the space pressure, like a vast ocean, squeezed by the violent and heavy moved towards Dragon Tortoise.

“fuck off!”

Ye Fei suddenly yelled. It is rare to see Dragon Tortoise working hard. How can he let Dragon Tortoise disappoint? He simply uses his body to harden In front of Dragon Tortoise, “Da Hei, follow me, we rush forward!”

Dongdong dong!

Ye Fei strides forward, at this moment, he is so small , But it was so tall, and under the pressure of layers, Ye Fei’s body was deformed, the chest was sunken, the skeleton was distorted, even the face became flat and round, but Ye Fei still did not recede.

Relying on Ye Fei’s share, Dragon Tortoise also did not back down, but still gritted his teeth, followed Ye Fei, rolling hard.

One step, ten steps, a hundred steps! ,


Dragon Tortoise’s shell suddenly trembled, and there were countless cracks on it, but Dragon Tortoise still kept on, just continued to gritted his teeth and followed Ye Fei. At the same time, the strong pressure almost squeezed Dragon Tortoise’s body into a flat sheet of thin paper, and countless blood was forcibly squeezed out of the body and burned like a fire.

But Dragon Tortoise still did not flinch, but continued to follow Ye Fei closely, so that it followed until the entrance of the 8th floor. Facing the pressure that was as majestic as heaven and earth, Dragon Tortoise stopped abruptly after a moment of hesitation.

At the moment when Dragon Tortoise stopped, countless divine runes suddenly appeared in the space of the 7th floor, releasing peculiar energy, pouring into the body of Dragon Tortoise. The exciting Dragon Tortoise roared, and the demon blood and dragon’s blood within the body merged with each other at this moment, gradually turning into a demon dragon mark, and integrated into the body of Dragon Tortoise.

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