Despite being unwilling, Ye Fei found helplessly. This time, he probably had no chance to kill Du Chong, a dangerous enemy.

Du Chong’s eyes flashed a touch of joking, and he was very proud and directly ordered: “Li Chong, you are here just right, now, from now on, block the fire eye for me, who dares to get closer to the gates of hell, Ge Kill!”

“Yes, Senior Brother!” Heavenly Monarch from the Divine King’s Palace, with murderous intention bursting on him. Two of Heavenly Monarch immediately guarded the gates of hell. The remaining Heavenly Monarch, together with Li Chong and the others, quickly moved towards Ye Fei and approached, trying to kill Ye Fei on the spot.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became dignified, and the situation was already done, and he gave up the possibility of entering the gates of hell. Seeing this scene of Bai Yanran, beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with a touch of firmness. Ignoring the hints in the eyes of Heavenly Monarch of Panwang Temple, she suddenly took a step and rushed to Ye Fei’s side, “Ye Fei, I will help you!”

“Get down, this is my grudge with Du Chong. It has nothing to do with your Panwang Palace!” Ye Fei shook his head, knowing that Bai Yanran was kind, how could he let Panwang Palace touch an Overlord Influence like the Divine King Palace.

“I can’t retire!” Bai Yanran looked at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes, and said seriously: “I am helping you as a friend, and it has nothing to do with Panwang Palace!”

Bai Yanran expressed her attitude very firmly.

This attitude also made Du Chong’s expression extremely cold, “Bai Yanran, you know that if you do this, you may die!”

Even if Bai Yanran is the king of Pan The core character of the palace is a beauty himself, but if he is offended, Du Chong will still not have any show mercy.

“Death to death! After stepping on Martial Dao, Bai Yanran was not afraid of death!” Bai Yanran’s body showed a heroic spirit, like a female soldier about to get angry.

At this moment, there was a sharp voice above Huoyan, “Hey, die? Bai Yanran, you can’t die easily before I play with you!”


Demonic energy billowed, a group of Fiend, surrounded by Wang Xiu, also rushed into Huoyan, and behind Fiend, there were more Heavenly Monarchs, and they were constantly rushing to Huoyan after receiving news.

“Wang Xiu, you are shameless pervert!” Seeing Wang Xiu again, Bai Yanran’s beautiful eyes flickered with an icy cold air.

Ye Fei hurriedly grabbed her and shook her head slightly, “Wang Xiu and Du Chong, originally a nest of snakes and rats, are facing each other, which is not good for us! Let’s see the situation first!”

This time, the Heavenly Ghost forbidden opening has undoubtedly affected the nerves of many people. Instead of meeting force with force with Du Chong at this time, it is better to watch the changes first.

For Wang Xiu’s appearance with Fiend, Du Chong’s expression was completely gloomy, “Wang Xiu, you take Fiend back, and we can still be friends. This eye of fire is owned by my Divine King Palace. !”

“Du Young Master, I would love to be friends with you, but our Wang Family, and Fiend are just cooperation, not a affiliation, I can ask them, but I can’t order them, even more how, I can’t be the lord at this time.” Wang Xiu shook his head and made a helpless look, but everyone could see the small man intoxicated by success look on Wang Xiu’s face.

Du Chong’s eyes suddenly turned cold, “You can’t call the shots, who can call the shots?”

“I can call the shots!” There was a calm voice over Huoyan, and then , A Fiend young man carrying a magic hammer, came coldly to the bottom of the fire eye.

Seeing this young man, Fiend present, including the Daoist Fiend, knelt down together, loudly said: “pay respects to Young Master!”

“Malie , Fiend Young Master! Du Chong, Divine King Palace Heavenly Monarch Number One Person! Bai Yanran, Pan King Palace genius with Spirit Master, God King City ten beauties, and this leaf demon head, a miscellaneous fish, not to mention it that’s all.” Wang Xiu triumphed and took the initiative to introduce the forces present.

“And me, Feng Jie! I also want to enter the gates of hell and take a share!” At this time, above the eyes of the fire, there was a large group of Heavenly Monarch, including men and women, and old men. There are few, those Heavenly Monarch who cultivated in the center of the earth almost all came.

So many Heavenly Monarch powerhouses, gathered in Huoyan, even if the scope of Huoyan is larger, it becomes crowded.

Chapter 2314 Fire Eye mutation

Chapter 2314 Fire Eye mutation

With the influx of Feng Jie’s scattered Heavenly Monarch, the atmosphere of Earth Core Fire Eye , Became more subtle, the strongest among them were undoubtedly the Divine King Palace and Fiend, followed by Feng Jie’s scattered Heavenly Monarch forces.

Obviously these Heavenly Monarchs also know that they can’t compete with Divine King Palace and Fiend on their own, but if they unite, the advantage of numbers alone will be enough to make Divine King Palace and Fiend, had to hesitate.

On the contrary, Ye Fei and God King Temple. Because they offended Divine King Palace and Fiend at the same time, Heavenly Monarch who was present was the least optimistic about Panwang Temple’s Heavenly Monarch. They became extremely nervous. Bai Yanran also whispered a sound transmission: “Ye Fei, the situation is getting more and more complicated. Now that we enter the gates of hell, we don’t have much chance of winning.”

“But just give up like this, it’s not in vain Is it cheaper for Du Chong and Wang Xiu?” Ye Fei was also very depressed. He had known that extinguishing the earth fire would cause such a change. When he sealed the Broken Bloodline, he should be gentle. Helpless, things have happened.

Faced with the sudden influx of scattered Heavenly Monarch, Du Chong and Mo Lie’s expressions became dignified. No matter how strong they were, they were also impossible to breathe in. Get rid of all.

Du Chong stared at the Heavenly Monarch who came down first, if not for these people spreading letters, how could there be so many Heavenly Monarch squeezed into the eye of fire.

It’s just that he didn’t want to think about it. If there were no messages from these people, he would simply not know that the earth fire went out, thus inferring that Ye Fei was not dead.

At this time, Wang Xiu rolled his eyes, and suddenly he handed over to Du Chong and Mo Lie and said: “Ma Lie Young Master, Du Young Master, in the current situation, neither of us is impossible to monopolize this In the eyes of fire, then we might as well unite, so the chances of getting the Heavenly Ghost Clan treasure will be greater?”

Malie praised: “I agree!”

Divine King Palace Heavenly Monarch was a little moved, and Li Chong bluntly said: “Big brother, if we continue to monopolize the eye of the fire, it will only arouse public anger. It is better to join forces with Fiend, so that even if you enter, you can take the absolute initiative?”

Du Chong is nodded, and gloomy face said: “I also agree, but I have a condition that other people can enter, but this person is absolutely not allowed to enter! Mo Lie, in order to show the sincerity of cooperation, You and I will join forces and kill him first!”

Swipe, Du Chong’s hand suddenly pointed towards Ye Fei. All Heavenly Monarchs also looked towards Ye Fei, with surprise, sympathy, and of course more. Most are indifferent, even taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. ,

Heavenly Monarch of Panwang Temple became completely nervous, and some people complained: “Ye Fei, it’s all right now. Who should offend Du Chong and Fiend together. Now we I will be killed by you.”

“You are afraid of death, you can leave!” Bai Yanran glared at these Heavenly Monarch dissatisfiedly.

Ye Fei shook his head slightly, “Don’t worry, you will not die! Bai Yanran, thank you for your help, but this is my business and has nothing to do with you!”

Then, Bai Yanran suddenly felt uneasy, and then before she could react, Ye Fei had already taken a shot, confining Bai Yanran, and at the same time, she violently moved Bai Yanran towards the sky above Huoyan.

“Take Bai Yanran, you guys go quickly!” Ye Fei said to the Heavenly Monarch in the Panwang Palace. These Heavenly Monarchs all showed shame, but their original purpose was to protect Bai Yanran. They could only rise into the air and wanted to leave with Bai Yanran.

“Where to go, Bai Yanran, today I, Wang Xiu must play with you!” Wang Xiu sharpened his voice, fiercely rushing towards Bai Yanran.

Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst out at this moment with a huge anger, the mysterious iron heavy sword, with a whistling, smashed at Wang Xiu, who also frightened Wang Xiu with a fright.” Molie Young Master, save me!”


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