“Zhao Yu, wait for me!”

Ye Fei, suddenly yelling up to the sky, suddenly jumped off Dragon Tortoise and appeared in the belly of Dragon Tortoise, just dragging Dragon Tortoise like that , It also makes Dragon Tortoise’s speed become more rapid, like a black meteor, piercing the sky, and rushing out of God King City!

Chapter 2370 is just waiting for him

Chapter 2370 is just waiting for him

In God King City, the battle is in full swing, outside God King City, Ye Fei was confused. He went to Divine State with the biggest goal to find Zhao Yu. Unfortunately, Zhao Yu was close at hand, but he had to leave God King City because of the ghost emperor tripod.

“This world is so big, where is my place?” Ye Fei sighed deeply.

“The host asked me to follow you, wherever you go, I will go!” Mad Dog said indifferently, he doesn’t care where he goes.

This is a pure person, Ye Fei nodded, and shook his head again, knowing that it is a waste of time to consult a mad dog. He finally looked towards Bai Yanran.

Bai Yanran said: “The ancestor did not say, let us head east. It is said that there are the remains of the desperate Heavenly Palace. Maybe we can hunt for treasure and improve our strength.”

” That’s how it is said, but do you know, where is the specific location of that ruin?” Ye Fei retorted depressedly.

The king of this pan is really true. He always doesn’t speak clearly. At this moment, the silent mad dog suddenly thought of something and said with a weird expression: “What remains, I don’t know, but I listen to the host Said, the east of God King City seems to be the sphere of influence of Sword Palace.”

“What, Sword Palace?” Ye Fei’s blank eyes suddenly flashed a light, he did not forget, Nine Heavens Sword Lord, his entrustment.

He just came to Divine State, he was looking for Zhao Yu so much that he put the sword palace aside, now, after leaving God King City, why not go to the sword palace and try one’s luck?

Maybe, he can use the power of the sword palace to return to God King City faster and pick up Zhao Yu. Thinking of this, Ye Fei is no longer confused, but an instant, full of fighting spirit, said solemnly: “Okay, let’s go to the sword palace. Dahei, let’s go!”

“Xiaocao pay attention to the way! “Ye Fei stepped on the Dragon Tortoise, not forgetting to let Xiaocao pay attention to whether someone was following. After all, the ghost emperor cauldron in his hand is too hot, even if he leaves God King City, it is impossible to guarantee that no one will be killed halfway.

So Ye Fei did not dare to be careless while on the way.

The battle in God King City also came to an end soon after Ye Fei left. The gods who shot were hidden. Only the bloody battle between Xue Tu and Li Moran lasted ten days and ten nights. .

Ten days later, Divine King’s palace finally couldn’t bear the fall of his own god, so he forced a shot to rescue Li Moran. Blood Slaughter was severely injured and unconscious under the siege of several Divine Kings.

In this battle, King Pan, who has never been exposed, also showed a shocking and terrifying battle strength. King Pan, alone, blocked the five gods and saved them even more powerfully. The blood slaughter shocked the ancestors of the Divine King Palace.

There is another thing that shocked the Divine King Palace, that is, Zhao Yu retreats for several months, and finally breaks through Daojun and leaves. It was just because of the ghost emperor’s tripod that most of the senior officials of the Divine King Palace gathered together to discuss, but did not have time to come to Daoxi.

However, there is also a person who waited there nervously before Zhao Yu left the customs. This person is not someone else, but Ziyue.

Following the death of Yang Hao in battle, Du Chong and Yang Hao, borrowing the name of Zhao Yu, to assassinate Ye Fei were also revealed, although this incident was suppressed by Ziyue Elder’s father Coming down, but Ziyue knew that if she could not be forgiven by Zhao Yu, she would be in trouble in the Divine King Palace.

With Du Chong’s deception, Ziyue finally made the right decision in regret, so Zhao Yu walked out of the retreat and saw Ziyue kneeling in front of her.

“Uncle Master, I did something sorry for you. I was cheated by Du Chong, stole your notes, and borrowed your name to invite Ye Fei to meet at Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant.” Zi Yue obediently and honestly, told the story of the matter. She did not dare to conceal the slightest bit about Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu listened quietly, her expression was calm, only her heart made waves. Ye Fei came to God King City. She subconsciously thought that Ye Fei came here to find her!

It’s just that, because Divine King’s palace is too strict, I hope she will break through Daojun as soon as possible. She actually missed Ye Fei’s best opportunity to meet.

Even Du Chong and Yang Hao joined forces and borrowed her name to plot Ye Fei.

“At that time, he must be very disappointed. For me, he did not hesitate to kill from the realm to Heaven Realm, and from Qing State to God King City. As a result, I did nothing for him. Even I almost killed him.” Zhao Yu’s eyes suddenly burst into tears.

Ziyue looked at Zhao Yu in shock. In her impression, Zhao Yu was noble and indifferent, like Goddess in Nine Heavens, not interested in mundane affairs.

At this time, Zhao Yu was crying for a man, for Ye Fei, and for Ye Fei, Ziyue’s heart was shocked and filled with incredible speculation, “Could it be that Uncle Zhao Yu and Ye Fei , But a couple, how is this possible… These two people are completely the gap between Heaven and Earth!”

But if it weren’t the case, how could Zhao Yu, who had always been indifferent, cry so much for a man? ? Ziyue’s mood suddenly became nervous. She thought about Ye Fei’s departure, and she asked her to tell her. Originally, Ziyue didn’t want to send a message for Ye Fei.

However, Zhao Yu’s attitude caused Ziyue and the ghost to speak: “Uncle Zhao, Ye Fei asked me to speak for him before he left.”

” ?” Zhao Yu’s tone was a little nervous.

Ziyue looked strange and said: “He said, let you wait for him, one day, he will come to Divine King Palace to pick you up.”

I heard By this, Zhao Yu’s heart could not help being slightly trembled, and at the same time there was a warm current that quietly waded, and the tears in his eyes turned into a faint smile.

“This guy, just like before, is still so arrogant. Does he think Divine King Palace is so easy to come in? And Du Chong…”

His face suddenly became cold again, and suddenly moved towards the largest palace of the Divine King Palace, hurried away, where is the place where the Divine King Palace high-level discussions, only the gods, can enter, the discipline of Divine King Palace, only two people can enter , One is Zhao Yu, the other is Du Chong.

At this time, Du Chong stood inside with a gloomy face, and accepted the inquiry from the Divine King’s senior officials. They mainly inquired about Ye Fei and the ghost emperor, and even the gods put it directly Then, we must send someone to hunt down Ye Fei and take back the ghost emperor cauldron.

At this time, Zhao Yu walked in and instantly attracted everyone’s attention. Du Chong also subconsciously looked towards Zhao Yu, habitually showing a handsome smile, slightly nodded.

Zhao Yu, I didn’t even look at Du Chong. He just walked forward, looked towards the god Elder who was all around, and the ancestors sitting high above, “I’ve seen all the ancestors, Zhao Yu, I have a request!”

“Yu’er, what’s the matter?” Among the ancestors, a female ancestor wearing a red robe looked at Zhao Yu in love, she is Zhao Yu’s Master , Qiuyun ancestor.

“Master, I would like to ask you all to take my life back and don’t chase Ye Fei. I even hope that Master will allow me to go out of the palace to find Ye Fei.” Zhao Yu plucked up his courage and faced Qiu. Yunrenzu.

This remark also made the sitting ancestors startled. One of the ancestors shot the table on the spot and said: “Zhao Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? You know, that Ye Fei is Devil, he not only killed Yang Hao, but also took away the ghost emperor cauldron that should have belonged to our Divine King Palace!”

Zhao Yu suddenly raised his head stubbornly and looked straight at the ancestor with a firm tone Said: “I don’t care whether Ye Fei is a god or a demon, even if he is just a mortal! I am only waiting for him in my whole life! You kill him, you kill me!”

Chapter 2371 Journey to the Sword Palace

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