didn’t know who it was, and shouted loudly. Many of the disciplines of the Inner Sword Palace followed.

Niu Hao is even more embarrassed. He walked over and enthusiastically hugged Ye Fei’s shoulders and said: “Female…cough cough, Ye Fei, this time you have set up a huge for my inner sword palace. Credit, do you have anything you want, such as a woman and so on.”

Niu Hao tried to be subtle, but Bai Yanran, who knew Niu Hao’s intentions, quietly gave Ye Fei a wink. . Ye Fei is not stupid either. When Niu Hao said this, the situation is very bad.

He quickly picked up the sword commander in his hand and said: “Niu Senior, at present I just want to cultivation and break through Daojun as soon as possible.”

“That’s it.”

Not holding Ye Fei as a cheap son-in-law, Niu Hao was obviously a little disappointed, but if he didn’t act too hastily, it would be bad if Ye Fei was scared away. He said solemnly, “You are right. Men should focus on Martial Dao! After all, it will not be long before the Chiyue Divine Dynasty, the day when the Divine Ranking will be set. Work hard, maybe this time, there will be a place for you.”

Re-patted Ye Fei’s shoulder to show encouragement. Niu Hao also turned and left. After all, Sword Sect is the place where Heavenly Monarch disciple experienced. Generally speaking, the gods will not stay here unless they bring people in. It is also a respect for Sword Sect.

After all, Sword Sect is the third force of Sword Palace.

Even if Jian Sansheng, after losing to Ye Fei, he did not dare to mess around. Instead, he glanced at Ye Fei with a cold look, holding the unconscious Ma Fang and walking into the mountains. between. ,

The mad dog’s eyes flashed coldly, “The owner said, the Imperial Family son, has always been cold-blooded and cruel, and terrifying than our killer list. Jian Sansheng was defeated by you, for sure I won’t let it go.”

“It’s okay. Anyway, I came to Sword Sect for cultivation, and I didn’t want to join the Sword Sect, and get along with this person day and night. In Sword Sect, we just have to be careful.” Ye Fei lightly saying.

The mad dog is nodded, and with Bai Yanran, moved towards Jianta. With the end of the battle between Ye Fei and Jian Sansheng, the entire sword tower became lively again.

After all, these young martial artists entered Sword Sect to condense Sword Soul, or breakthrough Daojun. Moreover, as long as the breakthrough twenty-four levels, you can stay in Sword Sect cultivation, which is also invisibly, reducing the difficulty of the assessment.

This is the case. There are still many young people who are doing their best to attack higher levels. At first, Ye Fei does not understand this behavior.

Until, when he saw a white clothed swordsman with a breakthrough 36 levels, he was suddenly swept away by a rays of light in the mountains, and other people also showed envious eyes, Ye Fei suddenly realized that, it turns out, breakthrough The higher the level, the more you can get the attention of the half-step gods of cultivation in the mountains. If you look right, the person will be picked up and go directly to the mountain for cultivation.

What happened next was exactly as Ye Fei had expected. Anything from breakthrough to level 36 was picked up by the rays of light in the mountains. If there is a breakthrough seventy two level, it will be robbed by a dozen rays of light in the mountains.

Suddenly, the rays of light on the 100th floor of the sword tower shone. Before people came out, in the sky, dozens of Divine Consciousness noises were heard.

“Very good, I finally waited for a genius with hundreds of levels, this discipline, I am going to make it!”

“The old man will try to break through the gods, life and death are uncertain, everyone To save face, let this person inherit my Legacy?”

“Get out of here, it’s a girl doll, or it’s better to follow the old one”

Finally, another wife appeared The voice directly cut off other people’s Divine Consciousness, and immediately swept away Bai Yanran who had just walked out of the tower.

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and then he saw that the mad dog staggered out of the one-hundred 4-Layer tower.

Despite the look pale and weak aura, half of the mountains among the mountains burst out with divine light and caught the mad dog.

But they are fast, and some people are faster. I saw the topless middle-aged man suddenly rushed out of the mountains, carrying an iron rod, such as the ape Mount Tai, directly descending on his body and catching a mad dog Run, “Your bloodline is crazy, you should learn my madman warfare!”

“Cudgel, you shameless! Just say Divine Consciousness, you actually came here!” in the sky, the part passed Half-step god, flustered and exasperated anger.

The naked man laughed heartily, spitting at the sky, “Bah, you have a kind to bite! Tell you, this is the compensation that promised me!”

“That Position…”

The voices of scolding suddenly fell silent, and then countless Divine Consciousness, suddenly looked towards Ye Fei. Ye Fei thought that he would definitely suffer more Senior disputes. When grabbing.

At this time, all of these Divine Consciousness disappeared, and there was no intention to attract Ye Fei. Ye Fei’s face was dark, and suddenly there was an urge to curse.

Bai Yanran was robbed, and the mad dog almost fought. As a result, he was the sword chief, and there was no one who could take care of him. Then he worked so hard to seize the title of this sword chief, what use?

If possible, Ye Fei really wants to lose the sword commander in his hand, but only thinks that he still needs to find a way to condense the Sword Soul in Sword Sect cultivation. In the end, Ye Fei can only bear it. I was very aggrieved by Divine Consciousness, and approached Jiankui Ling.

“Since no one wants to point me, then I can only rely on myself.” Ye Fei was extremely depressed, walking towards the mountains while groping for the token in his hand.

Shortly after, Ye Fei’s body was shaken all over. In the Jiankui Order, in addition to the detailed markings of the 108 peaks, he also discovered a huge sword wall pattern. And the name of this sword wall is called Nine Heavens Sword Wall!

Ye Fei’s whole person became excited.

On the other side, the first thing the man who took the mad dog back to the mountain was moved towards the void sound transmission, “old man, originally I was optimistic, it was the kid of surnamed Ye. He. It’s the best candidate for cultivation my crazy tactics. Why don’t you let me give him advice? Don’t let other people give him advice. It’s so good and so beautiful, it’s a shame to put it!”

“Cudgel, if If you don’t want to be cut by the old man, you’d better stay away from Ye Fei, this child, with his own destiny…If he is really, the old man is waiting for…”

The last sentence is almost inaudible, but just the first half sentence has made the stick demon, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, keep quiet out of fear, can’t say a word, can only be angry in my heart He cursed: “This Old Guy is really getting more and more terrifying. If I can’t beat him, I will snatch Ye Fei over. If it is him, he will definitely be able to thoroughly practice this crazy tactic!”

The more angry, the stick demon simply picked up the iron rod, and fiercely walked out of the cave fiercely, and shouted at the mad dog who was still standing there dazed: “That kid, give you three months, you must learn how to be mad. The method of tactics is 1st floor. If you can’t learn it in one day, just play a meal. If you can’t learn it in ten days, you can play ten. Today, have you learned it?”

The man showed a cordial smile, this smile , But the scared mad dogs are all looking like earth.

Chapter 2394 Xue Qianqiu

Chapter 2394 Xue Qianqiu

Among the mountains, there was a roar and then the sound of iron rods beating the flesh .

It’s just this. No one cares about it. After all, the senior experts who are reclusive in Sword Sect have different temperaments. It is understandable that they are occasionally violent. There are also many martial artists. , I wish there would be a little bit of violence against them.

Unfortunately, not everyone can win the favor of the mountain owner. Except for the mountain owner’s initiative, most people can only worship the past one mountain top, hoping to pass the test. Get the chance to go uphill cultivation.

Moreover, the more hills that pass the test, the more proof that person’s strength is.

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