But this fist failed to harm Ye Fei. At the critical moment, a layer of purple-golden flame, such as a torch, ignited Ye Fei’s entire body, Ancient God Golden Body, and Mortal Realm !

As the name suggests, this is the process of removing the mortal body and becoming a Divine Physique! Jiang Hui’s Big Dipper Divine Fist is certainly very strong, but facing this invincible Ancient God Golden Body, there is still a certain gap.


Seven consecutive attacks. Strikes were in the same position, but the sword light was withered, annihilating too much energy. When it finally strikes on Ye Fei, there is not much formidable power.


Above the void, Ye Fei screamed. Regardless of Jiang Hui’s attack and gaze, he just stared at the receding Snow Demon Nalan, six heavenly tripods reappeared, with the same breath, continuously hitting Out. The inexplicable death crisis caused Snow Demon Nalan to roar in anger. He was ignited with demon blood and condensed into an emperor of Monster Race.

The ancient demon turned into a streamer and rushed out, resisting the rays of light of the tripod, but only for a moment, the ancient demon formed by the streamer was already in the six heavenly tripods, all split up and in pieces . Nalan ancient demon screamed even more, spurting blood, pale face, and was blasted into the iceberg that he had condensed. Subsequently, the iceberg melted quickly. It turned into a vast ocean of water, and the furious voice of Snow Demon Nalan heard from the water.

“Ye Fei, when my Monster Sovereign passes through the Great Accomplishment, I will wash away today’s shame!”

“No need to wait for the future, now, I will get rid of you Two wild dogs blocking the road!”

The golden body is bright, and continues to resist Jiang Hui’s Big Dipper Divine Fist. Ye Fei completely ignored Jiang Hui’s attack, just kept staring at the snow demon Nalan, chasing and killing the six heavenly cauldrons, directly landing, without looking at it, already aimed at the northeast corner of the ocean, and crashed down. In Wang Yang, he immediately rushed out of the Snow Demon Nalan, vomiting blood in its silhouette.

“Ye Demon, don’t stop, Snow Demon Young Master is the most important genius of my Nalan Family. If you kill Young Master, you will be an enemy of my entire Nalan Family.” Nalan The Taoist of the Family clan, desperately shouting.

Hearing this, Ye Fei is coldly smiled, “Nalan Family, I am not offended. Since I dare to rob me, then I must prepare to be robbed by me. Snow demon Lan, hand over the Monster Sovereign Sutra. I will not chase you. If you don’t hand it over, I will kill you as a Demonic beast.”,


Ye Fei’s words are not finished, Nalan Snow Demon, already vomiting blood in anger, who would have thought that he even dared to plot against and gained the upper hand, but met Ye Fei, but suffered a fiasco. Is about to be killed by anti-robbery.

“Ye Demon, I would rather die than humiliate…” Snow demon Nalan was quite hard-spirited, but beside him, many of the Dao Monarchs who followed him were face deathly pale and shouted together: ” Young Master, calm down, stay with the green hills, don’t be afraid that there is no firewood! Monster Sovereign, anyway, you have learned, temporarily give him life, it’s important to save your life!”

Nalan Snow Monster’s face changed suddenly, looking at it. Jiang Hui, who couldn’t do much harm to Ye Fei, looked at the six heavenly tripods that Ye Fei had gathered again. Snow demon Nalan trembled in his heart. In the end, he resisted the humiliation and took out an ancient book with a pale face. moved towards far away. “Monster Sovereign scripture is inside. If you want, you can get it yourself.”

“Asshole, Snow Demon Nalan, you dare to pit me!” Unable to break through the golden body defense, Jiang Huizhen He didn’t have the thought of being a oriole anymore, he just wanted to take advantage of Ye Fei to chase and kill the snow demon Nalan, and quickly escape.

As a result, Snow Demon Nalan suddenly moved towards him the ancient book of the Monster Sovereign Sutra, and Jiang Huiqi’s hair exploded. Nalan Xue who fled The demon, with an indifferent ridicule on his face, “It was you who said you wanted to unaware of the oriole behind, and intercept Ye Fei halfway with me. As a result, I was seriously injured, but you were unscathed. How can you get what you want? Use you to change my life!”

Chapter 2469 Faces the war front

Chapter 2469 Faces the war front

A scream in the mouth, Nalan Xue The demon turned directly into a demon peng and rushed into the vast void. Behind him, there were also six heavenly tripods and the crazy roar of Big Dipper Divine Fist.

It’s just that, compared to the divine light of Tianding, Big Dipper’s rays of light are too faint. It is like a candle in a violent wind. It has not burned much light. Once the gust of wind passes, the candle The fire went out.

Jiang Hui vomited blood, his front was stained with blood, and his eyes were shocked. “The golden body of Despair Heavenly Palace is impossible so strong. My Big Dipper Divine Fist can’t resist even a half-step god. Why does it attack? Don’t break your defense!”

“Because you are too weak!”


Ye Fei’s feet are in the air, in front of Jiang Hui , Grasping that ancient book, this book still exudes a trace of the ancient god’s breath, obviously, this is the Nalan Snow Demon, the harvest in the memory of the ancient god.

As the first to enter, he obtained the ancient god blood essence and saw the ancient god Remnant Soul.

As the second entry, Snow Demon Nalan, obtained an ancient book, then, what will the third entry of the battle front obtain?

And Jiang Hui, what did he get?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s gaze suddenly stared at Jiang Hui coldly, “You are in the ancient gods, what treasure you have obtained, hand it over, look at the face of Xuetu Senior, I will put it Pass you once.”

In the end, Jiang Hui comes from the Palace of Death, and the Battle of Death is owned by the Palace of Death. Even more how, Yan Bing, is still in the cultivation of Death Struggle Palace, Ye Fei just leave a way out.

Just hearing this, Jiang Hui was angry and vomited blood on the spot. You know, his original plan was to be a oriole by himself, and to join the snow demon Nalan, first capture Ye Fei, and ask the ancient gods. The chance also intercepted Hu of the front. But now, instead of being a siskin, he was kicked down by Ye Fei and became a prisoner. Jiang Hui’s angry lips were trembling.

“If you don’t speak, it’s okay? It’s useless to keep you. Just be me. Don’t you dare to kill you?” Ye Fei lost his patience, and the black gold emperor sword suddenly raised and assassinated .

“Don’t kill me, what I got is a congenital martial arts, I just eat it to become the impossible Big Dipper Divine Fist! If you want, I can give You.” Jiang Hui seems to have accepted his fate, and actually wants to pass Big Dipper Divine Fist to Ye Fei. Ye Fei never refused to come, shouted coldly, “Bring it!”

“It’s in my belt, you can take it away at any time.” Jiang Hui lowered his head, his tone was frustrated, only his eyes, At this time, a deep cold light flashed.

After that, he felt lighter. The space belt has fallen into Ye Fei’s hands. Inside, Ye Fei discovered a large number of profound vein medicine pill, and he also found an ancient book called Big Dipper Divine Fist.

However, Ye Fei not at all, as Jiang Hui expected, took the initiative to look through it, but on the spot, cracked the seal of the entire belt, and looked at Jiang Hui indifferently, “Do you think that I It is Loose Cultivator, you will be eager for this Big Dipper Divine Fist, and then look at the impatient, you don’t have to deny it, I understand what you mean, you want to use Big Dipper Divine Fist as bait, let me look, even Cultivation, and then, attracted the crazy pursuit of the Death Struggle Palace!”

“After all, this cultivation technique is the unique knowledge of the Death Struggle Palace. If I learn it, the Death Struggle Palace will pursue it. It’s just a pity to kill me to the ends of the earth. I look down on such a cultivation technique!”

In front of Jiang Hui, Ye Fei took out the Big Dipper Divine Fist punch Pu, suddenly swinging his sword, cut this boxing sheet in half, half, he stayed in his own hand, and the other half, suddenly threw away, and at the same time deliberately shouted loudly: “Jiang Hui, listen carefully, death fight I have divided into two parts, one part, I will throw it to everyone, let everyone understand, and the other part, I will keep it in my hand, waiting for you to redeem it!”

“If you don’t redeem it, or if you dare to chase me down, I promise that this other copy will be announced to the entire Divine State. I don’t want Big Dipper Divine Fist, Divine State martial artist, a manned copy. You take 5,000,000 profound veins to redeem!”

It just so happens that Ye Fei cultivation Divine Sovereign Realm’s Ancient God Golden Body requires 5,000,000 profound veins to be able to cultivation success. He has been worried about this, after all The number of profound veins in this selection is too large. He and Xiaocao Dragon Tortoise, two of them are a turtle, and they are all big people who eat profound veins. If it weren’t for Jiang Hui to block the way, Ye Fei would have to die.

Looking at Jiang Hui at this time, Ye Fei suddenly felt pleasing to the eye, but Jiang Hui, who heard this, looked like earth, looking at Ye Fei, as if he saw the most terrifying demon in the world.

You must know that Jiang Hui gave Big Dipper Divine Fist, and it was just like Ye Fei’s analysis. He was uneasy and kind. As a result, now, not only did he harm Ye Fei, he was also very likely to become Big Dipper Divine Fist, the ancient sinner in the Death Struggle Palace circulating everywhere, Jiang Hui was trembling with anger, he vomited blood on the spot, and fainted.

The other death fight palace lords did not rush to rescue Jiang Hui at this time, but were dispatched frantically, hoping to take back half of the Big Dipper Divine Fist that Ye Fei threw out to avoid The cultivation technique leaked out, but before they rushed over, the half of the boxing score that was thrown out suddenly went through without wind. At the same time, the writing on it turned into golden characters, one by one, flying to the sky. The void forms half of the Big Dipper Divine Fist’s cultivation technique.

This is naturally Ye Fei’s handwriting. Since Jiang Hui wants to play, he simply wants to play bigger.

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