the camp of the Divine King Palace, Ziyue also looks at aloof and remote, such as Ye Fei sitting cross-legged by Divine King, she also feels very uncomfortable in her heart. She once thought of Ye Fei as a small place. The turtle that came out didn’t even have the qualifications to pursue her, but now, the young people in this small place have overwhelmed the crowd and become legendary characters like the wind and clouds.

She suddenly came to her senses. It was not that she despised Ye Fei, but she, simply not worthy of Ye Fei, “Maybe, only a peerless beauty like Uncle Zhao can be worthy of him.”

Zi Yue whispered, and then she felt a pair of cold eyes staring at him. It was Xue Qianqiu’s ghost-like eyes after waking up, the shame of kneeling in public, and the pain of Sword Soul being broken. , Completely distorted the soul of Xue Qianqiu, the sword dao genius.

It’s just that the evil list is not over yet. Li Moran and Xue Qianqiu can only stay below, watching Ye Fei, but they don’t dare to move at all. Now that the ranking is over, then , Is the reward.

As the chief of the evil spirit, Ye Fei will naturally be the first to be rewarded. The ancestor of Zheng Tai, also rarely showed a gentle smile, looking at Ye Fei and said: “Ye Fei, you are the chief of the evil spirit, you can Make a request to Divine Dynasty.”

Ye Fei’s heart moved. His request was originally very simple. He wanted to use the power of Divine Dynasty to find Demon Sovereign, as well as the whereabouts of Shangluo and Wang Bai. I only saw Zhao Yu and Qiuyun’s ancestors, fiercely opposed to him and Zhao Yu’s affairs; Ye Fei had an idea, and suddenly asked: “Any request?”

“As long as Divine Dynasty can Do it, you can mention it!” Zheng Tai, the ancestor, a rare atmosphere. The expressions of the gods and human ancestors of many of Ling’s forces changed, and the worship of Yun Shenjun and Li Moran was even more tense.

If Ye Fei took the opportunity to ask Divine Dynasty for shelter, then they would have no choice but to retaliate against Ye Fei.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why Zheng Tai, the ancestor, is so generous. When he speaks, there seems to be a color of appreciation and encouragement in his eyes. It seemed to encourage Ye Fei to speak out, asking Divine Dynasty for blessing.

Chapter 2478 Divine Dynasty gifting marriage

Chapter 2478 Divine Dynasty gifting marriage

Ye Fei said nothing. In the golden light of the sky, he The chief’s golden chair stood up, all eyes were on him, Zheng Tai’s face, the color of encouragement was stronger, and the faces of the gods of the cloud and Li Moran were distorted.

Yin Tianjin clenched her fists unconsciously, and the eyes of Zhan Feng and Snow Demon Nalan also flashed cold glow.

“Ye Fei, if you really beg Divine Dynasty for asylum, then you, the chief evil of the land, would have failed too much.”

Someone in the crowd was sarcasm, it was Ye. Fei has offended too many people and offended forces in this time. These forces don’t want Ye Fei to rise, and they don’t want Ye Fei to join the Chiyue Divine Dynasty to make the future more variable.

It can be said that if this is not the center of the Divine Dynasty and the suppression by the four ancestors of Zheng Tai, these forces will be unable to bear it and take action against Ye Fei, especially Wind and Cloud Sect and Yin Yang Palace, will not let Ye Fei, Jian Palace, and because they all lose the qualifications of the Earth Demon List, the leader of the team, Ma Bie Shenjun, has already revealed a vague murderous intention.

Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing, it is precisely this point that he vaguely proposed his willingness to solicit. He also believes that with Ye Fei’s cleverness, he can definitely understand what he means. .

Seeing that Ye Fei just stood up and didn’t speak, a certain ancestor beside Zheng Tai spoke directly and asked in a deep voice: “Ye Fei, you would like to be an official in Divine Dynasty. For Divine Dynasty, for Your Majesty?”


The words of this ancestor shocked all the martial artists present. Although Divine Dynasty has fallen, the attitude is always aloof and remote, and rarely invites directly. Once, there was only one person with this treatment, and that was Fengyun!

Now, there is Ye Fei again.

Doesn’t this mean that Divine Dynasty has lined up Ye Fei with Fengyun? Instead, it was the Battle Front and the Snow Demon Nalan, who seemed to have been ignored to a certain extent.

The battle front’s fists suddenly clenched, and Snow Demon Nalan’s eyes became more and more cold.

Ye Fei, still did not speak, he just, step by step, stepped down the steps, and passed through the top ten of the list, one after another silhouette, Bai Shizhong’s face shined, pleased Said to the mad dog: “This kid has a conscience and knows that he can’t eat alone. Since he is an official, of course everyone should be together.”

“You think too much, he didn’t come to us to be an official. He is here to talk to Zhao Yu.” The look of a mad dog was strange.

Ye Fei’s footsteps were also on Zhao Yu’s seat, and stopped, he extended the hand, looked towards Zhao Yu, just a gesture of communication, Zhao Yu, suddenly understood what Ye Fei meant .

Her body suddenly trembled, it was excitement and hesitation. In the end, it was Ye Fei’s stubborn eyes that melted and became gentle.

“Give me, your hand!” Ye Fei said, his tone was extremely firm.

“What are you doing?”

Zhao Yu glared lightly, all eyes were full, and even in front of hundreds of thousands martial artist, Zhao Yu’s cheeks were hot. Red, but facing Ye Fei’s sudden dominance, Zhao Yu still blushed, stretched out his hand, and the two hands clasped together again.

This is the hand that spans countless distances from the land boundary to the Heaven Realm. When held together again, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly bumps and jumps uncontrollably, Zhao Yu’s pupil light, also Become like ripples in the clear pond.

The holding of hands at this time also made all the martial artists present boil again. If Ye Fei and Zhao Yu are hugging in the ancient gods, it can be said that Zhao Yu is threatened, but now , The eyes of the people are full, in front of many gods and ancestors, Ye Fei, suddenly dare to stretch out his own evil claws. Zhao Yu, known as the Goddess of ice and fire, did not refuse, but was ashamed to let someone’s Claw, grabbed her hand.

All the young martial artists who saw this scene cast great anger and endless murderous intention at Ye Fei. Almost Ye Fei’s move has offended the young people present. Mostly.

“Impudent, Ye Fei demon, don’t let go!” Qiuyun Ancestor was inexhaustible, as if what Ye Fei was holding at this time was not Zhao Yu’s hand, but herself Hands.


With the anger of the ancestors, a terrifying dark cloud appeared in the entire sky of the imperial city of Chiyue.

Ye Fei didn’t wait for the Qiuyun ancestor to go wild, and immediately took Zhao Yu’s hand and walked to the four Divine Dynasty ancestors, said solemnly: “Four Seniors, my request is me. I want to marry Zhao Yu as my wife! I beg Divine Dynasty to grant marriage. If it can be done, this Ye, how about joining Divine Dynasty?”

This is Ye Fei’s plan. In this way, not only can he break through the resistance of the Qiuyun ancestors and be truly with Zhao Yu, at the same time, he can also obtain the asylum of the Divine Dynasty to avoid strangulation from other forces. Moreover, by joining Divine Dynasty as an official, he can even use the power of Divine Dynasty to find the power of Demon Sovereign, Shangluo, and Wang Bai.

Now, it’s up to Divine Dynasty to see if there is this metric that can accommodate him.

After saying this in one breath, Ye Fei stopped speaking, but stared at the four ancestors of Divine Dynasty with piercing eyes. This also made the four ancestors headed by Zheng Tai embarrassed. If it were other women, they would give the marriage that’s all, but this time Ye Fei asked for Zhao Yu.

You must know that Zhao Yu’s talent is also highly valued in the Chiyue Divine Dynasty. Not only is Fengyun interested in Zhao Yu, but also the princes of the dynasty, who know Zhao Yu’s good name. At this time, Zheng Tai did not dare to agree to Ye Fei’s request casually. Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked towards Qiuyun Renzu: “Qiuyun Renzu, what do you say?”

“Lao Niang Wu In other words, the god-slayed Devil Ye, and the damaging Yu’er, how can you not kill the old man!” Qiuyun Ancestor, angrily scolded even the swearing, which shows how angry this Ancestor is.

tone barely fell, a strong human ancestor’s might, has turned into a magic sword of flame, cut out suddenly, wishing to smash Ye Fei to death on the spot, Ye Fei’s expression changed, but it was feeling Zhao Yu took his hand and began to let it go.

“Master, please kill me first, then Ye Fei!” Zhao Yu opened his arms and let the flames fall, Qiuyun’s ancestor trembled.”

Yu’er, you and I are called master and disciple, you are really a mother and daughter, you can think clearly, how many forces this Demon Head has offended, how many terrible disasters he has caused, you will not be happy if you follow him The deity estimates that whether he can survive today is a problem!”

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