“Really, Demon Sword Ling Tian, ​​the power of eight swords is better than human ancestors.” Ye Fei looked at the sky in the battle of human ancestors, and his soul was also greatly impacted. Especially his sword dao, after this spectator, obviously has a greater improvement.

I just heard Ye Fei’s admiration. During the fierce battle, the fourth face of the divine runes puppet, but the voice of Sloppy Daoist yelled, “Ah, you have time to admire, don’t hurry in. The ancient gods hid, really thinking that the old man is invincible. Also, you won’t get into trouble in the future…old man, this is bad luck for eight lifetimes…”

Another chicken leg smashed over and was reminded by the grass. Ye Fei dodged in advance, and the white time behind couldn’t dodge in time. The bloody nose and swollen face smashed by the chicken leg on the spot, the body was more like a meteor, screaming and being directly caught Smashed into the ancient gods.

Ye Fei is not angry. He knows that Sloppy Daoist is just a weird temper, but he is actually a very good Senior. For example, this time, even if he knew he was defeated, Sloppy Daoist still rushed out without hesitation, and made a glimmer of survival for him. How can he fail this heart?

“Zhao Yu, let’s go!” Ye Fei grabbed Zhao Yu’s hand, and ran away towards the ancient gods. Seeing this scene, Lu Qing and Bai Yanran’s eyes became even more sad.

But when they were sad, suddenly, a big hand grabbed Lu Qing, and shouted to the dazed Bai Yanran: “Jump on my back, I will take you in!


The huge Azure Dragon wings stretched out, Bai Yanran suddenly understood Ye Fei’s intentions, she didn’t care about sorting out her mood, and quickly jumped to Ye. Fei’s back. Ye Fei’s body suddenly turned into a phantom of Azure Dragon, rushing to the entrance of the ancient gods like lightning.

But there, Zhan Feng, Snow Demon Nalan, and Jiang Hui all sneered, standing there, farther away, worshiping the god Yun, Li Moran, and Ma Bie, all with grinning faces. , Yelled together: “Ye Mo, where to go, today I will enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, and kill you demon.”

“get lost! My Ghost God, where is the tripod” “

Ye Fei yelled. He couldn’t beat the human ancestors, but he was not afraid of these gods. With his anger, the ghost God cauldron that had been smashed, gathered again and screamed again. Smashing to the front, the complexions of the three Zhan Feng suddenly became extremely ugly. They wanted to stop Ye Fei, but they knew the power of the Ghost God Cauldron, and they didn’t dare to face it directly. ,

All they can do is to retreat quickly, avoiding the sharp edge of the Ghost God tripod. Anyway, behind, the three gods, already charged with terrible anger and killing intent, rushed over,” Ye Mo, it’s hard for you to fly this time with your wings!”

“That’s not necessarily, I worship the god of cloud, my Master Lei Zu, say hello to you!” Lu Qing suddenly shot, quickly from the space belt, Take out a Zhang Leiting and change the reels. When the reels were opened, a terrifying Thunder Beast roar suddenly came out from the thunderbolt.

The Thunder Beast is as big as a mountain, and exudes the power of the ancestor. This is clearly the projection of Lei Zu’s true body. When the projection appears, worship the god of cloud, and immediately retreat in fear, Ma Bie Li Moran and Li Moran struggled to resist, but were thrown back by a roaring thunderbolt beam from Thunder Beast. Taking advantage of this time, Ye Fei finally rushed into the land of the ancient gods smoothly.

Behind him, there is the ancestor of Qiuyun, and the roar of the Purple Dragon King. The ancestor of Qiuyun, Ye Fei brought Zhao Yu in, and the ancestor of the Purple Dragon was furious and did not catch it. Ye Fei, forced to ask about the cultivation technique of Ancient God Golden Body. The huge anger caused the Purple Dragon King to fight madly. After fighting for only a dozen breaths, only a bang was heard. The powerful divine runes puppet was unexpectedly joined by the Purple Dragon King. Fight close to the body, blast through the chest!

Chapter 2485 Threat of the Purple Dragon King

Chapter 2485 Threat of the Purple Dragon King

Standing at the entrance of the Land of the Ancient Gods, Ye Fei saw it with his own eyes In this scene, the divine runes puppet controlled by Sloppy Daoist has its chest pierced. Inside, there is no blood, but there is something more terrifying than blood, dissipated by the power of the ancestors and strikes. That is the Soul Power of Sloppy Daoist.

In the sky, there was also a roar of anger from the Purple Dragon King, “so that’s how it is, eight-armed sword demon, you have cut your own cultivation base, and you are willing to become a half-bearer from the ancestor. Bu Shenjun, even if you still have the Divine Soul of the ancestor, you can control the divine runes puppet, after all, you are impossible as the opponent of the real ancestor. Complete destruction, Zilong burst!”


Heaven and earth burst and the void shattered. In front of Ye Fei’s eyes, there seemed to be stars burning. The divine runes puppets controlled by Sloppy Daoist were completely blown to pieces, and the same smashed were the Divine of Sloppy Daoist. Soul.

Ye Fei didn’t know how much the broken Divine Soul would have on Sloppy Daoist, but he still felt a sting in his heart. After all, Sloppy Daoist was fighting for him.

“Sword Demon Senior…” Ye Fei roared, with a strong impulse that made him wish he could not, immediately rushed out of the ancient gods, killed the Purple Dragon King, and also paid homage to the heroic spirit of the eight-armed sword demon in the sky .

At this time, among the broken divine runes puppets, a chicken leg flew out and hit Ye Fei’s body accurately. Ye Fei was out of control, and his body moved quickly towards the ancient gods. Flew deep.

“Don’t howl, the old way is not dead, and you are howling to death, cool over there, holding your three little lovers to do exercise…” Sloppy Daoist’s mouth is still so vicious.

Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, Bai Yanran, their faces are pitch black. Ye Fei also has the urge to beat people. At least, Sloppy Daoist can still curse people. That means that the Purple Dragon King cannot kill Sloppy Daoist.

The complexion of the Purple Dragon King suddenly became extremely gloomy. He said with a sneer: “Junior Brother, you are too happy too soon. You know, what price is needed to split Divine Soul, That was the price of a lifetime, unable to restore the human ancestral realm! Now his Divine Soul is crippled, and the puppet is destroyed, even if he does not need the king to take action, any god in the sword palace can easily end him!”

“Now, just a word from this king can command the sword palace, to clean up the sect, kill the head of the eight-armed sword demon, and send it to you!”


The purple dragon king moves his feet, like a purple dragon fighting a dragon, walking through the void, just one step. The broken divine runes puppets have been turned into powder. Due to the special nature of the ancient gods, the gods and ancestors cannot enter , The Purple Dragon King did not continue to attack Ye Fei, but suddenly turned his head and stared in the direction of Jian Palace.

“This king wants your sword palace, within one month, bring the eight-armed sword demon that has become a waste, and behead on the spot, sword palace, is it possible?”

Facing the gaze of the Purple Dragon King, Ma Bie Shenjun was sweating coldly. Although he knew that doing so would inevitably damage the reputation of the Sword Palace, he thought that the rise of Ye Fei might pose a huge threat to the Sword Palace, and Ma Bie was still nodded in the end. Said solemnly: “Don’t worry about the Purple Dragon King, our sword palace has no intention of being an enemy of the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue. Within one month, we will surely escort the old bastard of the sword demon to the prince and behead personally!” /p>

“Very well, Zheng Tai, wait for the four of you, and personally accompany the horse god to the sword palace!”

The Purple Dragon King has a grin, he is a cold-blooded very ruthless How can people credulously believe in other words? In order to prevent Jian Gong from bucking or deliberately letting go of the Eight-armed Sword Demon, the Purple Dragon King, he simply ordered the ancestor of the Divine Dynasty to come and arrest people himself.

Ma don’t be indifferent and expressionless, many young Jiangong disciples dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Although the sword palace is full of contradictions, in the end, the Sword Sect controlled by Sloppy Daoist is indivisible. It has cultivated a large number of elite disciple inside and outside the sword palace. From a selfish point of view, they do not want swords. The palace handed over Sloppy Daoist’s.

But it’s a pity that Ma Bie Shenjun seems to have been determined to please Divine Dynasty Chiyue and the Purple Dragon King, and also wants to take this opportunity to eradicate Sloppy Daoist and completely control Sword Sect, so for Mabie was unwilling to persecute the Purple Dragon King, but in his heart, he was already happy, and almost the Purple Dragon King had just issued his order.

Ma Bie has already smiled towards the four ancestors of Zheng Tai, not only flattering and fawning, but also the first to lead the way, taking these Divine Dynasty ancestors to the sword palace to arrest people.

This scene also clearly fell into Ye Fei’s eyes. Ye Fei’s fist was instantly clenched, and his intense anger and unwillingness made his nails plunge deeply into the flesh.

Mimmi’s blood flowed out, seemingly imperceptible, Ye Fei’s gaze was just staring coldly at the Purple Dragon King, and even more staring at the god Ma, who led the way. Suddenly, he one-knee Under kneels, face the ancient emperor heavens.

“The heaven and the earth are the evidence, and the emperors are the lessons! I, Ye Fei, swear that the horse is not the god, if you dare to lead the wolf into the house and capture the sword demon Senior, when I become the sword, it will be the sword palace. There is the Purple Dragon Palace, when it is completely destroyed!” Ye Fei’s expression is solemn and solemn, he is like an ancient god, sworn to heaven and earth. The entire heavens, under Ye Fei’s oath, sent out rolling thunders, like Heavenly Dao, all felt.

Outside the ancient gods, all the forces were shocked, threatening the ancestors with Taoist monarchs, how crazy is this? With one person, he threatened to destroy the Destruction Sword Palace and the Purple Dragon Palace. How arrogant is this? ,

Quiet is only a moment. Many forces have been in an uproar, but no one is optimistic about Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei’s power is too weak, but the power of Sword Palace and Purple Dragon Palace is too strong. Up.

even more how, now Ye Fei has been trapped in the ancient gods, how can there be a chance, escape alive? sword dao Great Accomplishment?

“It’s a pity, this Ye Fei could have become an existence comparable to the situation, but he has offended too many people since he was courting death. He should not offend or offend people.”

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