Obviously, the three parties are fighting for the origin contained in these corpses. Especially the origin of human ancestors, for martial artists below the gods, Insights Realm, and Comprehensive Law, all have the effect of twice the results for half the effort, not to mention that there is also an Earth Sovereign hidden in the Earth Sovereign pass.

There must be a more precious source of the ancient emperor!

“Sword Soul mourns, Earth Sovereign heavens! Sword Demon Senior, is this the purpose for you to come to the City of Gods and Demons?” Silently watching the gods of Cai Family disperse, Ye Fei did not Go deeper.

The last god, the conspiracy against the Long Family, also secretly worried Ye Fei, “No, this matter, it’s better to tell Long Family that it’s important.”

Let Xiaocao It was confirmed that there was no prince secretly peeping, Ye Fei exited the forbidden area of ​​the gods and demons at the fastest speed, on the edge of the forbidden area, the two Cai Family Daojun, who were still paying off, accidentally walked out of the forbidden area, but did not pay attention. Then, someone had entered and exited the forbidden land of gods and demons under their noses.

The entire Long Family, not at all, was not at all because of Ye Fei’s departure. Instead, under the impetus of a caring person, it became Ye Fei. She was afraid of Long Jiaojiao, and not only did not dare to go to Longtu. Ge, fought against Long Jiaojiao, and finally hid, leaving many half-dragon humans deeply disappointed.

Outside Long Tu Pavilion, Long Jiaojiao’s eyes also flashed deep disappointment and sadness. Why does she insist on being a candidate for patriarch? I just don’t want to marry Heavenly Demon Pavilion and marry Heavenly Demon Young Master.

For the heavenly demon pavilion marriage, half of the Elders in the Long Family held a supportive attitude, especially after Long Xing’s big mouth leaked his own dead spot. Supporting the marriage of Elder is even more so, even patriarch Long Guang cannot refuse.

Today, it also happens to be the Heavenly Demon Pavilion Young Master, who came to hire him to marry Long Jiaojiao. Those who support the marriage of Elder also came outside Longtu Pavilion early, earnest and well-meant Advised and persuaded: “Jiaojiao, the heavenly demon Young Master, a talented person, and you are the right person. Even Patriarch has no objection to this matter. Why are you stubborn? We are also for your good.”

Long Jiaojiao sneered and said angrily: “What is good for me, you just want to unite with the heavenly demon hall, enter the heavens of Earth Sovereign, find the origin of Earth Sovereign, and help you break through a stronger realm!”

This remark said that a lot of Elder complexion changed, some people are ashamed, some people are embarrassed, and even more Elder, fly into a rage out of humiliation’s shouted: “Stop talking nonsense! We do this, not Just for yourself, but also for the entire Long Family, Long Jiaojiao, you are also a member of the Dragon Race, can you watch our half-dragon human fall?”

Finally , Still moved Long Jiaojiao, she can ignore her happiness, but she can’t care about the life and death of the whole half-dragon human. At this time, the sound of gongs and drums was also heard outside.

A group of black clothed persons in the heavenly demon hall, carrying various gifts, entered the Long Family, and went straight to the outside of Longtu Pavilion. The head of them was a handsome young man in lilac-clothes. With a feminine enchanting atmosphere.

“Long Jiaojiao, I said a long time ago that you are destined to be my woman. Now, come with me. We will get married today and enter the bridal chamber.” When talking, this Jiangyi The young man’s eyes scanned Long Jiaojiao’s body unscrupulously. Long Jiao’s delicate face paled.

Patriarch Long’s Great Elder, who holds the marriage, is smiling, and moved towards heavenly demon Young Master. He said: “Virtuous nephew, marriage is okay, but our Dragon Race and heavenly demon hall are allied?”


” Don’t worry, our Palace Lord said, whoever is my Young Master’s wife, my heavenly demon hall, I will be loyal to whom, as long as Long Jiaojiao marries my young Master, then my heavenly demon hall, naturally Will be with Long Family, Life and Death Together.” In the heavenly demon hall team, a serious demon god stepped out. Together with Heavenly Demon Young Master on the spot, he issued the Heavenly Demon Blood oath. It thoroughly demonstrated the great sincerity of the Heavenly Demon Temple.

Long Family Elder, who supports the marriage, naturally smiles, but Long Jiaojiao’s face is extremely pale. Watching the heavenly demon Young Master come over, pinching her face, she wants to kiss in public. .

Long Jiaojiao just about to resist, the cold voice of Heavenly Demon Young Master has already reached her ears, “Long Jiaojiao, you can figure it out clearly. I have won the support of my Heavenly Demon Temple. The battle between you gods and demons is the key to victory, I know, you will definitely not refuse me, hehehe……”

In all eyes, this heavenly demon Young Master actually stuck out a long tongue, moved towards the dragon When Jiaojiao licked her face, it was obvious that she did not treat Long Jiaojiao as his wife, but as a plaything. Seeing this scene, many young people in the Long Family were full of anger. Many Elders were also extremely embarrassed, but no one stopped all this.

Long Jiaojiao finally closed her eyes in despair. For the sake of the family, she had to jump in even if there was a fire pit ahead.

Seeing that the disgusting long tongue was about to lick her face, suddenly there was a cold sarcasm in the crowd, “Long Family, is this virtue? Actually sacrificing a woman , To protect the family, let this woman be humiliated in public! You are not a group of dragons, but a group of insects!”


The amazing sword light broke out from the crowd , Directly envelop the heavenly demon Young Master. The heavenly demon Young Master was shocked, ignoring the frivolity of Long Jiaojiao, hurriedly rolled his tongue, and his body was strangely distorted. He actually avoided the sword light, and let Long Jiaojiao resist this sword light.

In the crowd, there was also a more indifferent irony, “You see, this is your so-called marriage partner. Before you pass the door, you will insult in public, and it is even more ruthless. From this long worm , You can know what the real heavenly demon hall is, this kind of cold and ruthless thing, you still expect to live and die with it through marriage?”

Dragon Race Many Elder’s expressions have become difficult to look, but there are also Elders who are full of anger and shouted in deep anger: “Who is it, dare to speak rudely, our Elder’s decision, when, it is your turn to be an outsider to interrupt!”


The huge dragon roar turned into a blast, pushing the crowd away, revealing the silhouette of Ye Fei Motionless As Mountains. Long Jiaojiao also looked at Ye Fei in amazement. She didn’t expect that at the last moment, Ye Fei, who she felt disgusted and disappointed, would stand up and speak for her.

“This elder brother is not useless. He still has some courage.” Long Jiaojiao was a little happy, but thinking of Ye Fei’s weak strength that she dared not face, her pupil light became again Sadly.

“Brother, your kindness has been accepted. Now the whole family expects to sacrifice one of me in exchange for their high position and great wealth. What’s the point of your opposition alone?” Long Jiaojiao is very Said sadly.

Chapter 2499 Confronting the gods

Chapter 2499 Confronting the gods

“Long Guang, what the Old Guy has done, for so long, I haven’t come forward to explain This matter?” Ye Fei was very depressed. Knowing that Long Jiaojiao had misunderstood so deeply, he would not have played that joke with Long Xing.

Moreover, he did not stand up this time for Long Jiaojiao. He simply didn’t want the family of Sloppy Daoist to be fooled by the Cai Family and Heavenly Demon Hall.

Just seeing Long Jiaojiao’s pitiful eyes, Ye Fei still sighed, moved towards she said with a smile of encouragement: “Since you are willing to call me brother, what about you, I can’t leave it alone.”

“Well, one can’t leave it alone. This marriage is my heavenly demon hall and Dragon Race. They have discussed it a long time ago. Your patriarch also agreed. This matter, Long Family must explain to us!”

Heavenly demon Young Master is angry. He came this time to play with Long Jiaojiao, but before he succeeded, he was almost killed by Ye Fei, heavenly demon Young Master, there was a huge anger on his body. Feeling this anger, the Great Elder, who was afraid that he would not be able to form an alliance with the Heavenly Demon Hall, roared inexhaustably, “You quickly retreat, you are not worthy, to our Dragon Race “I’m not worthy of this matter!”

“I am not worthy? Are you worthy of the compromised old fogey? The family order is here. Now I announce that this marriage will be cancelled!” Ye Fei sneered, suddenly Take out a token. It also made countless half-dragon human minds shake.

Great Elder was also taken aback, “this child, have what skills and abilities, actually let a patriarch, even the family order, gave him…”

” The so-called seeing order is like seeing the Patriarch, heavenly demon Young Master, take your gifts, go away, from now on, you are not welcome.” Ye Fei held the order and announced coldly, instantly making everyone in the heavenly demon hall look ugly .

“Young Patriarch, good job!”

Long Xing looked at him with raised eyebrows and a loud voice, and roared again, but this time no one laughed at him, regardless of Ye Fei’s strength, but Ye Fei’s courage to stand up at a critical moment has been recognized by many young half-dragon humans.

Heavenly demon Young Master, his face became distorted in an instant, marrying Long Jiaojiao, humiliating the entire Dragon Race, is the Cai Family’s plan to the Heavenly Demon Temple, how can Heavenly Demon Young Master be willing failure.

“What shit Young Patriarch, since the dowry is given, then Long Jiaojiao, life is the person of my heavenly demon hall, and death is also the ghost of my heavenly demon hall. If you say cancel, cancel it, what thing are you! Don’t get out of my sight yet!”


Under the anger, Heavenly Demon Young Master started directly, and even the shot was a killer move. I hate it, let Ye Fei beheaded in public, without any hesitation, the majesty of Dragon Race. Many Elder’s expressions changed again. Ye Fei was Young Patriarch, and some Elder was ready to take action to block the heavenly demon Young Master. At this time, Great Elder gave a cold drink.

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