Not far away, the emperor coffin is alive , and it seems to understand Ye Fei’s intentions. The entire emperor coffin suddenly emits a sword glow. The endless ancient Prestige of Sovereign seems to have the eyes of death, looked towards Ye Fei.

Chapter 2515 is born to be strong

Chapter 2515 is born to be strong

The sword light is vast, blocking Ye Fei’s way forward, the emperor coffin is alive, and he does not want to be Ye Fei In charge.

In the end, this is the coffin of Earth Sovereign, the coffin of the first generation of Human Sovereign. If it weren’t for the Human Sovereign Seal, it was approved by the Emperor’s coffin, and the Emperor’s coffin was appeased without the Destruction Sword order. Ye Fei, He definitely couldn’t walk in front of the emperor coffin. Even if he walked there, he was also impossible to touch the emperor coffin.

In the end, what sleeps in it is a real ancient emperor, the ancient Prestige of Sovereign, although it is not as good as the ancient gods, but it is not something that the Trifling Taoist realm can bear. The sword glow rose again, and the void couldn’t bear it, and a huge depression appeared.

The emperor coffin seems to sink into this depression, into the abyss of time and space. It does not want to be held by others.

“I know, you don’t want to be in charge of others, you just want to protect Earth Sovereign, the last remains, but have you ever thought about it, Earth Sovereign, doesn’t belong here, he belongs to the realm, he belongs to all Human Race! Human Sovereign, you shouldn’t be silent here, the hero must return to his hometown!”

Ye Fei stepped forward, bearing the ancient Prestige of Sovereign, carrying the power of sword glow, Suddenly, a strong Blood Sword light burst out of his body. The rays of light were so dazzling and so bright.

That is the rays of light belonging to Earth Sovereign and the rays of light belonging to Human Sovereign!

The emperor coffin shook again. Suddenly a sword light shattered Ye Fei’s golden body and tore Ye Fei’s chest. The blood flowing out, but was absorbed by the emperor coffin instantly After losing the blood essence, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his body was a lot weaker. Obviously, this was the emperor coffin warning him, keep approaching, it is very likely that he, the blood essence of the whole body, was absorbed by the emperor coffin.

It’s just that, looking back at those half-dragon human faces that are either scared or horrified, or at home, looking at the void, the larger and larger void in the void, Ye Fei’s teeth are there, tightening again bite.

In the end, it is the ancestor of the heavenly demon temple. If you break the heavens, not only will all the half-dragon humans who follow him be finished, it is also difficult for him to escape the ancestors. Chase.

“Instead of being killed by human ancestors in the chase, it would be better to die under this emperor coffin and die in the hands of this first-generation Human Sovereign! Earth Sovereign, although you are dead, you My spirit has turned into an emperor coffin. Without your Destruction Sword order, there would be no Ye Fei today! You want my blood, I give it to you, you want my life, and I give it to you!”

Ye Fei raised his foot and walked towards the Emperor Coffin again, simply regardless of whether his blood essence would be absorbed by the Emperor Coffin, he was betting on Earth Sovereign, the first-generation Human Sovereign, and he was unwilling.

The gods and demons have not been punished, so why return home?

But besides Ye Fei, where is Earth Sovereign to find a second person to shoulder the responsibility of Human Sovereign? Ye Fei’s desperate move of hob meat also made the emperor coffin tremble violently.

In the end, Ye Fei’s within the body has the same bloodline as Earth Sovereign. Ye Fei’s identity is even more like the Human Sovereign of Earth Sovereign. Since this emperor coffin is the spirit of Earth Sovereign How can it really hurt Ye Fei?

“too weak!”

The emperor coffin opened its mouth, and there was a sorrowful cry. I don’t know if it was Ye Fei or Earth Sovereign itself, but when speaking, the emperor coffin , Still absorbing Ye Fei’s blood, a lot of blood was lost, Ye Fei’s face became pale and his steps became staggered.

But he still did not stop. At this time, he walked to the front of the emperor coffin with a single breath, and while holding the emperor coffin with his palm, the blood of Mimi had flowed down the arm to the emperor. coffin.

“No one is born strong, but someone is born strong! Earth Sovereign is like this, I am like this, this is the nature of human beings, it is also the root of Human Race, strong and prosperous! You hate sky high, people are too weak, But I don’t know that in this world, there is a kind of power that can use the weak to defeat the strong! That is the will of man! My meaning is Exterminating Heaven and Earth, the God and Devil, the Emperor Coffin, can you help me?”


A strong fighting intent erupted from Ye Fei’s body, but the emperor coffin was silent, and the sword glow all over the sky was restrained, it seemed to fall into a deep sleep In the middle, Ye Fei’s eyes became gloomy. Could it be that he couldn’t get the approval of this emperor coffin?

“Even if I shed all this blood, I can’t wake up your thoughts of war and save these innocent people? It seems that Human Sovereign is dead, and the realm is gone!” Ye Fei got up sadly and wanted to leave. .

Since he can’t move this emperor coffin, why would he fight to the death?


The crack in the sky is even bigger. Vaguely, I have seen the silhouette of a tyrannical ancestor. From that crack, I squeeze into the heavens, dragon The broad dragon eyes suddenly flashed a touch of death, “Ye Fei, take the clansman and go quickly, the old man is gone!”


The huge dragon roar shakes the world, Long Guang, rushing to the crack, wants to replace clansman and strive for a glimmer of survival. But at this moment, after the ancestor’s squat, the Cai Family, the god of the Qin Family, and the god of the heavenly demon temple all rushed out of the crack.

“Long Guang, the end of your Dragon Race has come, and Ye Fei’s good fortune has come to an end. Now in front of the ancestors, do you still dare to resist? Don’t quickly kneel down and take your treasure , Give it all over!”


The dozens will make a shot together. This formidable power can already fight against the ancestors. They immediately surrounded Long Guang. And the ancestor of the heavenly demon temple didn’t even look at Long Guang. He walked with his hand held down, with a pair of excited eyes, directly staring at the silent emperor coffin, “This is the coffin of the ancient emperor. , Very good, it seems that my heavenly demon hall will soon have an ancient emperor’s body!”


In the eyes of this ancestor, there is simply no Ye Fei’s existence, but directly, shot at the emperor coffin, the silent emperor coffin was instantly angered, the infinite sword light was released, and within a hundred steps, it became a complete Absolute Death Region, but that heavenly demon The god of the temple is very cunning. He did not approach the emperor coffin for a hundred steps, but smiled indifferently. Beyond a hundred steps, he activated various magical powers to try to consume the power of the emperor coffin.

The emperor’s coffin screamed more and more, and there was a strong anger in it. Unfortunately, the emperor coffin has spirit, but it cannot move. The human ancestor is not close, and the emperor coffin simply cannot attack the human ancestor.

“hmph, Sora has powerful power, but cannot move. The deity depends on how long you can support a dead thing, and the kid over there, immediately roll away from the emperor coffin, if not The Young Master opened his mouth, took a fancy to your body, and interceded for you. The Divine Consciousness of the deity can destroy you into powder!”


While testing the emperor coffin , The ancestor of the heavenly demon temple, seems to have only seen Ye Fei’s tiny silhouette, his eyes burst out with a magic light, piercing the void, looking towards Ye Fei. With just this glance, Ye Fei actually felt the tingling sensation of Divine Soul. He did not hesitate, the Ancient God Golden Body had already bloomed with the strongest rays of light.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s hand once again grasped the emperor coffin in front of him, “You have power but cannot move. I have speed but no power. For the last chance, borrow me, your power, I You can hold the sword and slash this ancestor!”

Chapter 2516: Holding the sword and cutting the ancestor

Chapter 2516 Holding the sword and slashing the ancestor

Words from Ye Fei , Such as the sound of thunder, shaking the heavens.

Life and death, the enemy is strong and we are weak, he did not give up, but wanted to use the power of the emperor coffin to hold the sword and kill the ancestors! The entire heavens were shocked by Ye Fei’s rhetoric. After that, Cai Family, heavenly demon, and Qin Family, impudent laughter, body possession, heavenly demon Young Master, also With disdain, he walked proudly into the Earth Sovereign heavens.

“The trifling Daoist also wants to kill the ancestors, which is the strongest situation in Divine State, and I dare not say such rants as you, Ye Fei, Ye Human Sovereign? I ah, the lower bounds are flowing up. It’s just a pariah. If it’s not your body, it’s useful to this Young Master, this Young Master will surely break your corpse! Also ask the ancestor to take action and capture this person!”

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