Chapter 2522 wants to punish the quasi emperor

Chapter 2522 wants to punish the quasi emperor

bang bang bang!

The emperor’s coffin shakes, more than twenty The head corpse demon, explored their hands together, grabbed a corner of the emperor coffin, and tried to lift it up and snatch the emperor coffin from Ye Fei. Once there was no emperor coffin, Ye Fei was only in the middle of the Taoist period. Renzu, he no longer has a threat.

Seeing the four human ancestors snatching the emperor’s coffin, Ye Fei did not at all take action to stop those corpse demons, but let them go. The corpse demons grabbed a corner of the emperor coffin. At the same time, a drop of blood essence flew out of Ye Fei’s palm and fell onto the emperor’s coffin.

Ye Fei held on to the emperor coffin, and shouted like he was talking to himself, “You don’t want to be held by others, but now, there is a corpse demon who wants to catch you and dedicated it to the ancestors. Angry, when will you stay?”


With Ye Fei’s words, the entire Emperor Coffin was awakened like a sleeping Primordial Wild Beast, a huge sword The whistling, shaking the Quartet, those corpse demons who shot, not only could not lift the emperor coffin, but also instantaneously, the fierce sword power formed the swirl of the sword of swallowing the world, turning these corpse demons. All strangling shattered.

“This impossible…this emperor’s coffin seems to have the immortal spirit of the ancient emperor, which can cut anyone who approaches, except for Ye Fei…”

“Not good, quickly retreat! ”

The large number of corpse demons collected in the heavenly demon hall can’t move the emperor’s coffin. The four ancestors are all a little scared. They no longer act, but quickly Back, moved towards heavenly demon The main hall retreated.

“This emperor coffin is indeed powerful, but it is a pity that Ye Fei’s realm is too low to completely control this emperor coffin. This is his weakness, as long as he grasps his weakness, please get out of the quasi emperor. We can still win in the end!”

The ancestors of the heavenly demon temple retreat to find reasons for their own reasons. However, this is also a fact. The sword power of the emperor coffin is certainly powerful, but that, after all Even though the ancient emperor who has died was extremely powerful before his death, how much formidable power can remain in this ancient emperor’s coffin after death? How long can this formidable power last when facing the emperor?

“It seems that 80% of Ye Fei is an arrow at the end of its flight. He controls the emperor coffin and kills many corpse demons, which is already the limit. He breaks impossible and moves on. Break into the heavenly demon mountain!”

Heavenly demon mountain, which is where the heavens of the heavenly demon main hall are located. Inside, there are heavy defenses and the quasi-emperor sits in town. It is very difficult to attack. Once attacked, it will cost Great power.

Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao also looked at Ye Fei worriedly. They both hope that Ye Fei can save the soul of the gods in one breath. They are also worried that Ye Fei will attack Heavenly Demon Mountain. Exhausted the energy of the emperor coffin, thus giving the heavenly demon hall a chance to counterattack.

At this moment, Ye Fei, how should he choose?

Is it war, or retreat?


Ye Fei gave the answer in his own footsteps; he once again carried the emperor coffin and strode forward. Behind him, there are bones all over the floor, he In front of it is the towering Heavenly Demon Mountain.

In this way, step by step, he walked out of the city of heavenly demon, and directly, came to the foot of the mountain of heavenly demon, on the mountain of heavenly demon, countless heavenly demon temple disciplines, all turn pale with fright, “this People are simply killing stars. For a trifling of the soul of the Taoist realm, he really dared to come and attack my heavenly demon mountain?”

It is not only the heavenly demon temple discipline, but whoever follows it. As a martial artist, his heart is shocked. Even if Ye Fei failed to attack the Heavenly Demon Mountain this time, and fell here, this will surely become a legendary part of the two states of God and Demon.

In the realm of the Taoist monarch, carrying the emperor coffin, killing the ancestors, slaying the corpse demon, fighting the sword alone, straight into the heavenly demon, such a feat, besides Ye Fei, who else?

“The evil spirit is number one, name is not in vain! If this child doesn’t die, maybe it’s really comparable to the situation!”

“haha, Fengyun, in the next life, don’t watch Where is the heavenly demon mountain, even if he breaks through, the emperor’s coffin sword power will decrease. At that time, it was the quasi-emperor of the heavenly demon hall, when he shot.”

Not only the quasi-emperor, but also in the nearby crowd , There are already many human ancestors, hiding in secret, ready to do it at any time, planning to take advantage of Ye Fei to consume the sword power of the emperor coffin, and then kill people to seize the coffin, competing for this extraordinary opportunity.

The four ancestors of the heavenly demon hall, despite their ugly faces, a glimmer of anticipation flashed in their eyes. Ye Fei used the emperor coffin to attack the heavenly demon mountain, Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao, suddenly I became extremely nervous, and I wish I could sound transmission immediately and persuade Ye Fei.

But instead of waiting for them to sound transmission, Ye Fei, who was standing at the foot of the mountain with the emperor coffin on his back, suddenly grinned. He not at all, as the heavenly demon ancestor wished, attacked the heavenly demon mountain, but Suddenly, the emperor’s coffin was erected at the entrance of heavenly demon mountain.

“Zhuzi, how dare you do this!” On the heavenly demon mountain, the four ancestors were furious together. They retreated to the heavenly demon mountain, in order to inspire Ye Fei to attack, so as to consume the formidable power of the emperor coffin.

But Ye Fei was good. He actually erected the emperor coffin directly at the entrance of the heavenly demon mountain, and also used the emperor coffin to block the gate of the heavenly demon hall, so. If the discipline of the heavenly demon temple wants to get out of the heavens, it must be close to the emperor coffin.

And the power of the emperor’s coffin is so terrifying, even the ancestors, it can’t be shaken, let alone the common disciple.

“Oh my god, this Ye Fei is too arrogant and too rampant. Knowing that there is a quasi-emperor on the heavenly demon mountain, he actually dared to use the emperor coffin to block the gate of the heavenly demon hall!”

This is no longer hitting the face of the Heavenly Demon Temple, but more directly, hitting the face of the quasi-emperor. The four great ancestors of the heavenly demon hall are already roaring angrily. This time, they won’t be able to leave the emperor without inviting them. If the emperor does not leave, let Ye Fei block the door like this, within three days, heavenly demon The hall will be exhausted with majesty and become the laughing stock of the Great Influence of the Demon State.

“Come here, quickly report this matter, and report to the quasi-emperor, please quasi-emperor, come and punish this child!” An ancestor yelled angrily. Immediately there was the god of heavenly demon temple, rushing into the depths of heavenly demon mountain.

Soon, within the heavens, an extremely dangerous aura radiated. After that, the infinite magic cloud turned into a black screen, covering most of the sky, and in the magic cloud above the black screen, a silhouette of a young man with white hair was standing.

“pay respects to Old Ancestor!” The four ancestors did not dare to neglect, they hurriedly led all the heavenly demon temple disciplines, knelt down to greet them, and everyone looked at that quasi-emperor with fear.

“The quasi-emperor of the heavenly demon hall, bones are withered! It is said that he is the founder of the hall of heavenly demon, and even more cultivation, the Divine Art, can keep him in the strongest youth state forever.”

In the crowd, Long Guang didn’t dare to neglect. Although they could not help Ye Fei positively, they could, secretly collect information for Ye Fei.

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s gaze coldly looked towards the bones on the magic cloud, and said coldly: “Hand over the soul of Divine Soul, I will leave immediately. Or the Divine Soul soul is not there, this Ye today, must bloodbath the heavenly demon hall, kill the ancestors, and punish the quasi-emperor!”


Endless sword power, such as The raging mountains and rivers are straight and point to the bone-dry throat. The sword light is so dazzling, and the silhouette of Ye Fei is so dazzling.

Face to the emperor, Ye Fei is not afraid. Brighten the sword on the spot, and want to punish the quasi-emperor!

Chapter 2523 The Hall of Souls

Chapter 2523 The Hall of Souls

Ye Fei’s bright sword makes the gods and ancestors of the heavenly demon hall look all Become a lot gloomy. If it weren’t that the emperor’s coffin was too powerful, they would never tolerate it. A small Daoist would shine his sword in front of them.

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