It’s been a
long time since Ye Fei returned. Even Lu Qing and Bai Yanran were worried in their hearts. They looked towards the distance more than once, silently thinking about something, Zhao Qianjun, Fu Renjie, Pompeii, in cultivation Besides, I often look up at the stars.

“Could it be that Ye Fei really fell this time? If so, what’s the point of trying to cultivation?” Some vicious place, Emperor Fan was covered in holy light, Purple Qi has reached 800 in!

He is born Saint, blessed by heaven. Both the realm and the battle strength are enough to disdain the list of heroes, but Di Fan regrets that he has never been able to surpass Ye Fei. At present, it seems that he is even more unable to surpass.

“Ye Fei, where are you, do you know that today, I will be sent to the emperor, I will never be able to wait for you on this dry cliff…” On the cliff, Zhao Yu was sad Distressed. When Divine King’s palace made the decision to send her to the emperor, she once fought fiercely, but with a word from Divine King in autumn, Zhao Yu’s resistance was put to waste.

Because of the autumn Divine King, he actually used Qing State to threaten. If Zhao Yu does not agree, Divine King Palace will send troops to cooperate with Wind and Cloud Sect and Sword Palace to attack Qing State and slaughter Ye Fei. The relatives and Yu Dang!

But if Zhao Yuken obeys the arrangement and heads to Emperor Tian, ​​Qiu Divine King also said that he can stand still and not attack Qing State for the sake of Qing State’s relatives and for the safety of the land. Zhao Yu will eventually compromise.

But Zhao Yu also has one condition, that is, let Divine King Palace, allow her to send people to report to Qing State, Divine King Palace also agreed, and even in front of Zhao Yu, sent Ziyue , Go to deliver the letter.

Secretly, the order Ziyue received was not to go to Qing State, but to Wind and Cloud Sect and Sword Palace to join the Two Great Influences and attack Qing State together. One was broken. The hope of desperate Heavenly Palace’s resurgence is to completely let Ye Fei’s traces disappear in Heaven Realm.

This makes Ziyue very embarrassed. I don’t know whether to follow Divine King’s orders. But I am ashamed of Zhao Yu’s care for her. You must know that she cooperated with Du Chong and framed Ye Fei once. Fortunately, Zhao Yu was forgiven. If she betrayed again, once Zhao Yu learns about it in the future, she thinks of hearing Ye Fei. With the news of Fei’s death, Zhao Yu’s all thoughts were ashamed, and Ziyue’s heart was cold and cold.

“No, you have to listen to Divine King’s orders. Uncle Zhao Yu, I must not offend me, otherwise, if Ye Fei is not dead, Divine King Palace will never protect me.”

In the end, Ziyue made a wise decision. While contacting Wind and Cloud Sect and Jiangong, he sent another person to Qing State to inform Zhao Yu of the news.

Shortly after Ziyue left, another major event occurred in the Divine King Palace. Zhao Yu actually attacked the messenger from the Emperor Heaven, and wanted to break out of the Divine King Palace and head to the Demon State in person.

Zhao Yu’s actions also completely angered the Qiu Divine King. He simply imprisoned Zhao Yu directly, forcibly ordered Qiuyun’s ancestor, and accompanied the messenger, to send Zhao Yu into the Emperor Heaven.

Of course, all these young people who are still cultivating in a certain valley do not know at all.

Earth Sovereign has fallen, but the remaining sword power of the emperor’s coffin still covers the entire mountain range, turning this ordinary mountain range into a peculiar sword mountain. Ye Fei is now Long Jiaojiao, together with Long Guang, cultivation on Jianshan.

A full three years.

Ye Fei not only completely stabilized the early-stage realm of the gods, but also broke through the ancient God Golden Body Asura realm. Not only did the defense become more terrifying, it was also a divine force, and it was also extremely terrifying.

At this time, even if Ye Fei doesn’t use profound energy, he can crush the same realm opponent Divine Ability with the power of the fleshy body. Not only that, he has learned the lesson of the heavenly demon mountain being surrounded by human ancestors. In the years, Ye Fei has worked harder in the cultivation martial arts, comprehending magical powers.

Among them, Azure Dragon Wings, with the help of Long Guang, Ye Fei completely turned this Dragon Race supernatural power into a supernatural power. Azure Dragon Wings are completely behind Ye Fei. , Forming a pair of huge flame dragon wings.

The speed at which the dragon’s wings open has reached the limit of Divine Sovereign Realm.

“Ye Fei, now your speed, except for a few gods, ordinary gods, can’t catch up with you.” Long Guang was amazed. Azure Dragon wings are Dragon Race martial arts. It is very difficult to cultivation. As a result, Ye Fei only used it for three years. Not only did he learn, but he also immediately improved, becoming the Divine Sovereign Realm speed supernatural power that is suitable for Human Race and can also be used.

This perception made Long Guang amazed. It is no wonder that the previous patriarch was so optimistic about Ye Fei. He did not hesitate to let Long Guang hand over the fate of the entire half-dragon human to Ye Fei.

“The last generation patriarch has the foresight…”

“That’s a must, Big Brother Ye, you see, I finally become Big Dipper Divine Fist.” Just listen. When it comes to complimenting Ye Fei, no matter who is, Long Jiaojiao is very happy. At this time, she ran to Ye Fei with a look of excitement.

Chapter 2536 The King of Demons

Chapter 2536 The King of Demons

It turned out that Ye Fei was not only cultivation in the three years of Jianshan , Considering the innate fleshy body of half-dragon human is powerful and very suitable for close combat, he simply passed on Big Dipper Divine Fist, the imperial powers of the death battle palace, to Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao. For this magical power, Long Guang has no talent, but Long Jiaojiao learns very quickly.

No, in only three years, Long Jiaojiao has already condense the real Big Dipper, and it is estimated that he can fight Jiang Hui. At this moment, Long Jiaojiao looked at Ye Fei expectantly. Ye Fei was very embarrassed, but she could only extend the hand and touch the dragon horn on Long Jiaojiao’s forehead. To show encouragement. Long Jiaojiao’s face was slightly red, but she was holding Ye Fei’s arm with enjoyment.

Long Guang, who saw this scene, opened his eyes even more, and he stopped talking again and again. You must know that dragon horn is a very important part of Dragon Race. Generally, except for family members, outsiders can’t do it casually. Touching it, and seeing Ye Fei’s familiar look, not only touched it, but obviously touched it more than once, and Long Guang was very tangled in his heart.

He simply rolled his face and pretended not to see it, but suddenly a big black mouth came over, with a big black pot in his mouth, Long Xing was so angry that he could not fight it out. Tortoise’s heart was beaten to death.

“Ye Fei is good with everything, but he shouldn’t touch my daughter all the time, let alone raise this black fatty!” Long Guang was heartbroken, but had to bear the pain and took out a few profound stones. Help Ye Fei feed Dragon Tortoise.

Seeing that most of the black pot is not full, Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth is even darker, and he casts Long Guang’s eyes on the spot, holding his rice bowl in his mouth, and ran back to the beast print space. The grass is lying on the ground, hu hu is asleep, as if trying to cultivation very hard.

As Xiaocao sleeps, the original three-color light on Xiaocao’s body has gradually turned into a colorful light, mysterious and magnificent, but Xiaocao’s gu from time to time gu sounded, but they were telling Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise that Xiaocao hadn’t eaten the black stone for a long time.

Put down the black pot and walk out of the beast seal space again. Dragon Tortoise is even more pitifully holding a carrot and chewing. It looks like a lot of sadness and sadness. In three years, Dragon Tortoise is even more sad. It is a miracle to lose weight three times from hungry.

It’s just that Dragon Tortoise went hungry, but in three years, Dragon Tortoise turned hunger into cultivation, unexpectedly the unprecedented fast breakthrough reached the later stage of Daojun, which surprised both Long Guang and Long Jiaojiao. Shocked the power of Dragon Tortoise bloodline.

I felt the resentful look of Dragon Tortoise again, and the profound stone profound veins needed for cultivation were almost exhausted. Ye Fei finally decided that it was time to leave this sword mountain.

After three years, the remaining sword power of the emperor coffin has become weaker and weaker. Even the towering No Destruction Sword order also consumes a lot of energy, from the number of 1000 meters to several hundred meters.

Recently, it has reached the size of several dozen meters. If it continues, at most three months, the sword power of this sword mountain will completely disappear. Ye Fei also walked over and grabbed the hilt of the Destruction Sword Order again, “Earth Sovereign has fallen, and the Lord Nine Heavens Sword does not know that he is behind. Without the Destruction Sword Order, from now on, I am your new master. , Are you willing?”

A drop of blood fell into the sword.

This time there is no Destruction Sword order, there is no resistance, but a cheerful trembling, turning into an ordinary black gold Divine Sword, falling into the hands of Ye Fei, right in Ye Fei, When the Destruction Sword order was taken back to Heavenly Palace Divine Court.

Suddenly there was a huge sound of breaking through the air from the distant mountain peak. In the last three years, Ye Fei and the others have not only occupied the mountain as the king, but also the mighty sword. It is obvious that rare treasure was born. The nearby forces, large and small, are impossible to be disturbed. After a fierce battle, The most powerful demonic path force nearby, Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, eventually occupied this place.

Three years ago, Ten Thousand Demon Caves sent an ancestor to lead a team to go deep into Sword Mountain, but the ancestor was out of luck and was crushed by the Earth Sovereign hero a sword light. Now three years later, Finally, the sword power of Jianshan began to weaken, and the high-levels of Ten Thousand Demon Caves were no longer satisfied with collecting the sword energy diffused by Jianshan, but decided to send an expert to go deep into this Jianshan to find rare treasure.

At this time, it is the five new gods sent in from the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns who scold Ye Fei. Not only are everyone wearing high-level enchanted armor, these five gods also faintly form a magic formation. Avoiding Jianwei, went deep into Jianshan, but as soon as they entered, they discovered that someone had collected Jianshan’s rare treasure.

They also didn’t know that the three Ye Fei were in Jianshan. They thought that Ye Fei and Long Guang were sneaking in and want to steal rare treasure. These five gods became angry at the same time. .

“Stop, kneel down immediately, and hand over the Divine Sword, otherwise, my Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, I will definitely want you to wait for life instead of death, and taste the suffering of hell!” These five gods, master the devil Yun quickly surrounded Ye Fei and Long Guang.

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