“Qian Family. You want to die?”


With violent murderous intention and anger, Ye Fei rushed out of the restaurant. Directly, just moved towards Qian Zheng killed the past.

Qian Zheng, who was torturing Wang Qiang, within both eyes, immediately broke out the most indifferent murderous intention, moved towards General Qin, and said: “General Qin, this is the demon who prevents me from taking Pill Recipe. Think, dedicated to Muyang Palace…”


The world resounded with huge sword sounds, behind Ye Fei, the immortal Sword Soul burned violently, immediately At the moment, there was a horrible Destruction Sword light, which penetrated Qian Zheng’s forehead.

Chapter 2580 The Power of Sword Dao

“You…” Qian Zheng was not only stared wide-eyed in amazement, he could not even dream of it. He once climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix to win the Muyang Palace The move will actually come in exchange for such an end.

Seeing Ye Fei’s behavior, Wang Qiang cried bitterly. He rushed to Qian Zheng frantically while shouting loudly: “Gongong, you go, they are the gods of Muyang Palace. I beg you, take my child and go quickly. The Pill Recipe for brewing is on my child!”

Qian Zheng’s death did not make Manager Qin any move, just hearing After Wang Qiang’s words, he looked indifferent and nodded and said: “If you die, you can get a top grade Pill Recipe in the wine. It is also a profit! You go in, grab Wang Qiang’s child, and bring it back. Palace, if there is resistance, kill it on the spot!”

“As for this Young Master, no matter where you come from, you must have heard of our Muyang Palace. If you know the current affairs, then leave immediately. , Don’t interfere with the private affairs of my palace, we won’t embarrass you!” When he said this, General Qin was very confident. After all, Muyang palace is the absolute overlord of this generation, regardless of Ye Fei From nowhere, alone, I can’t beat Muyang Palace as a local tyrant.

Ye Fei naturally understood what General Manager Qin meant. Looking at Qian Fang’s body on the ground, Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with cold light, and then he walked to Wang Qiang, who was still biting Qian Zheng’s body frantically. By his side, “I want to take him away.”

“No, this untouchable refuses to be a slave to my palace. He and his heirs must die!” General Qin squinted his eyes, he is a late god The great expert of Ye Fei is one small realm higher than Ye Fei in the middle stage. There are three companions of the Early-Stage, who steadily crushed Ye Fei.

Hearing these conversations, the crazy Wang Qiang suddenly raised his head in despair and looked towards Ye Fei, but Ye Fei didn’t say anything, he just let his body aside.

Manager Qin also showed a satisfactory expression, “You are very good, the so-called a wise man submits to circumstances, if you want, I can introduce you to Prince Muyang.”

“Introduction is unnecessary, Muyang Little Prince, I will see it myself, but I need a few gifts, please fulfill it!” Ye Fei handed over it politely, and General Manager Qin asked subconsciously. , “What gift?”


The sky trembled, and the gods broke into the sky! At the moment when a divine emperor crossed Ye Fei and tried to enter the restaurant, six divine cauldrons had been blasted out continuously, smashing that divine emperor into meat sauce!

“My gift is your head!”

“Zhuzi, you are your own courting death!”

The god of the palace was actually killed When he was smashed to death, General Manager Qin became completely angry, and with his rage, a layer of terrifying blood light turned into a thick knife gang, sweeping the world, terrifying matchless. At the same time, Director Qin actually burned a layer of terrifying blood flames. Obviously, aware of the power of Ye Fei, Director Qin used the bloodline power to try to kill Ye Fei instantly.

“Senior, be careful!”

Seeing General Qin’s horrible knife, Wang Qiang was heartbroken. Now his family is broken and he does not want to see it. This helps them Senior, also corpse on the spot.

It’s just that, after all, he is just a little Heavenly Venerate. Facing the battle at the level of the gods, let alone intervene, he can’t even see the movements of the two. Fei completely swallowed.

Next to General Manager Qin, the remaining two gods also sneered disdainfully, “hmph, no matter how talented you are, if you provoke someone you shouldn’t provoke, you still die!”

While speaking, they have raised their feet, intending to enter the restaurant again. They said that it was too late, it was soon, and suddenly a terrifying black gold sword light tore through the sky full of swords, and whistling again, from these two The throats of the gods were chopped, and the two gods Early-Stage’s royal mansion expert watched, their heads rolled on the ground, and another demon man with a bronze-mask stepped under their feet.

When they die, they can’t believe that they will be killed instantly!

General Qin’s eyes flashed with deep fear, and he could stop him from dying with a single knife. Ye Fei was obviously not as simple as an ordinary genius.

“Who are you and where are you from? You know, Muyang Palace is not only an ancestor, but also a quasi-emperor! Why do you have to be an enemy of my palace for a few humble ants?”

Manager Qin backed away in horror. Ye Fei’s Black Sword Divine Sword was constantly moved towards General Qin’s throat, and found that he couldn’t avoid it. General Qin was cruel, and suddenly burned all the bloodline within the body, with a backhand, trying to force Ye Fei back. , But Ye Fei didn’t even look at it, letting the blood energy knife of this god slash on his body.

At the same time, his Black Sword Divine Sword, already carrying a scarlet blood light, has passed by the person’s neck in an instant, only listening to the pu’ sound, Qin’s head, already carrying blood donation , Rolled down at Ye Fei’s feet.

At the same time, a frightened Divine Soul rushed out of the broken body, trying to escape to the distance, “Little Prince, help…”

The cry for help stopped abruptly. A terrifying ghost Gate of the Gods suddenly emerged from behind Ye Fei. There seemed to be an invisible Ghost God hand inside, which jammed the throat of General Qin Divine Soul, and dragged him into the ghost Gate of the Gods.


With a grieving roar, Director Qin’s Divine Soul has been disappeared, but Director Qin’s body, Ye Fei, has not let go. He glanced at the tortured impersonal Wang Qiang, Asura Cut the blood, immediately used, fiercely refining the bloodline of Director Qin.

“Vajra bloodline of Grade 6? No wonder this person can become the head of the palace… Wang Qiang, let go of your mind and refining this blood bead…” Before Wang Qiang reacted, Ye Fei has already The Asura blood beads from flicks with the finger and refining have entered Wang Qiang within the body. Seeing that Wang Qiang was seriously injured, Ye Fei simply took out a large number of profound veins and used the Destruction Sword to refining and injected it into Wang Qiang within the body.

This is Ye Fei’s character. Ye Fei believes that he is not a good person. He can kill people who are unfair and unpleasant, but if he meets those kind people, Lovely people, he will not spare any effort to help them.

Do anything, act recklessly, follow the heart, this is Ye Fei.

With the help of a large number of profound veins and Asura blood beads, Wang Qiang’s broken hands and feet recovered. At the same time, Wang Qiang’s within the body exudes a strong bloodline power.

“This is…bloodline…” Wang Qiang looked at his body in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that there was such a magical means in this world that changed him from an ordinary martial artist. Become a bloodline martial artist. But this is also the difference between ancient gods and mortals!

Ye Fei cultivation Ancient God Golden Body, naturally also has a certain place out of the ordinary.

Chapter 2581 Heavenly Blade Half Ancestor

“Damn, I am useless, I killed you…”

Injury recovery With bloodline, Wang Qiang did not have the slightest happiness, but was full of endless pain. In his arms, the person he loved most had died, even his unborn child.

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