Knife cries, ghosts howl!

In front of Ye Fei’s eyes, there seemed to be countless ghosts and ghosts. These were all powerhouses who challenged the heavenly blade and were beheaded. There are old and young, male and female, and different Divine Ability , Crazy moved towards Ye Fei, blasted over.

The knife of the heavenly blade can actually produce illusions, which makes you can’t guard against it. Ye Fei finally understood why heavenly blade is so confident.

“It’s just a pity that the illusion is an illusion, after all, it is not real. If you want to defeat me with a sword, I will not deceive you. I will use sword dao to respond! Only sword, I am undefeated!”

The wind rises, Sword Soul dance! People move, Wan Jian is shocked!

Ye Fei dances with a sword. What he dances is the sword dance of Nine Heavens Sword. Although he has only seen it once, with Ye Fei’s perception, he stands at the height of the sword dao. I have already mastered this sword dance in my heart.

“Heaven has a spirit, a sword and a soul… The soul is immortal, and the enemy does not exist…”

The mighty sword dance, piercing the sky, shaking the world, Ye Fei follows the sword Wu, the whole world, at this moment, seems to be turning with his footsteps, all the killing and cutting all the way, all merged in Ye Fei’s heart, in the sword, and finally formed the Absolute Kill Sword, the sword, tear Splitting the illusion, at the same time, in front of everyone, a terrifying natural phenomenon surging forward with great momentum is formed.

A group of Divine Sword light evolved from Ye Fei’s sword dance, and condensed into a golden Deity, which formed a military formation. In turn, it surrounded the heavenly blade and caused an uproar among countless martial artists. .

The strongest heavenly blade in the palace was actually countered by an unknown person. Liu Yue, who was captured as a prisoner, also lifts the head with excitement and looked towards Ye Fei. Although Ye Fei cannot be seen, as long as she sees Ye Fei wearing bronze-mask and scarlet cloak, she I knew that Ye Fei was that person, the person who killed Wang Family martial artist in Longdi Mountain.

It’s a pity that Ye Fei not at all noticed that Liu Yue, all his mind, was immersed in this sword dance. It’s not the first time that Nine Heavens Sword master’s sword dance, but every Ye Fei will have different feelings for the second time.

For example, the dance of Nine Heavens Sword is a golden horse and iron horse, while the sword dance of the heroic spirit of Earth Sovereign is the endless sorrow and anger after the defeat. Then, how should his own sword dance be? What?

Ye Fei danced and fell into confusion, but this kind of confusion, with a shining knife gang, decisively sacred mountain, the moment when it came anger, Ye Fei’s eyes were also Now it becomes bright.

“The real sword dance represents my own mood, my own will, then my heart, what is it? My intention, what is it?” Ye Fei ignored the horrible sword , Just fell into deep thought, but his body automatically reflected. His sword dance, suddenly the golden iron horse of Nine Heavens Sword, became soft as water and fierce as fire.

Zhao Yu…Ye Fei whispered, the sword dance changed, the mood also changed, the mood changed, and the sword intent also changed astonishingly. The billowing Absolute Kill Sword suddenly became the one of miss The sword, this sword, is so soft and so tough, the heaven and the earth cannot be pressed, the sun and the moon cannot be moved!


Heavenly blade’s dead soul knife slashed over, but it was horrified to find that his knife that broke the mountain and the sea could not cut Ye Fei’s seemingly invisible Sword dance, and felt the threat of heavenly blade, Ye Fei’s intense thoughts suddenly produced a kind of lofty ambition, “A man should be self-reliant! A man, be a murder! My heart is my sword, my intention, It is the soul in the sword! Kill, Taiji Sword dance!”

hong long long!

Under the stimulation of everyone from the Blade Technique, the heavenly blade, Ye Fei’s stagnant sword dao bottleneck suddenly had a huge breakthrough. At this moment, he is no longer relying on Life Source Divine Ability. Come to use sword dao, but suddenly, try to fuse Life Source Divine Ability with its own Taiji Sword Dao, which is also a rather dangerous process.

After all, this kind of fusion is the creation of Martial Arts Divine Ability from nothing. It is much more difficult than cultivation Martial Arts Divine Ability. I don’t know how many times it is, but fortunately, Ye Fei’s hands , There is the immortal Sword Soul, which can greatly improve his perception, and beside him, there is a Blade Technique Grandmaster like heavenly blade, which constantly exerts huge pressure on him.

Under this kind of internal and external pressure, Ye Fei’s sword dao seems to have gone through a round of hell-like tempering. Taiji Sword is no longer a Taoist supernatural power, but directly promoted to a god Supernatural powers, and Ye Fei also combines the artistic conception of the killing sword and the dead sword. This also makes Ye Fei’s new understanding of the Taiji Sword dance, with killing and dead, two terrifying artistic concepts!

Faced with this artistic conception, Heavenly Blade Banzu was horrified to find that the sword he cut out either died by Ye Fei’s side or was swallowed by Ye Fei’s peculiar Taiji Sword dance.

Suddenly, when the Taiji Sword dance swallowed the sword to a certain extent, Ye Fei suddenly roared, and the Taiji Sword dance suddenly condensed into a huge Taiji Sword, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth , Also fiercely shattered all the heavenly blade half-ancestor’s knife gangs.

“This is the real Taiji Sword dance, Taiji, both offensive and defensive, defending like heaven and earth, and attacking like a thunderbolt! Heavenly blade, you say I don’t deserve to comment on your sword, it’s not that I don’t deserve it. , But disdain! You, the root is not a real Sabrewielder, it is just an eagle dog raised by the powerful!”

Ye Fei closed the sword, turned around, not at all to kill the heavenly blade, the previous battle, With the pride of Sabrewielder in mind, heavenly blade deliberately only used the mid-term of the gods to compete against Ye Fei Blade and Sword Dao. However, he suffered a fiasco and almost lost his life. The whole person of heavenly blade became desperate, “I practiced at the age of ten. Knife, 20 years old Blade Technique, the breakthrough Daojun, 30 years old, the breakthrough god, comprehend the knife way, but now a hundred years have passed, I still can’t take that last step and become an ancestor. It’s not because I am not good at Blade Technique. Yes, my heart is not sincere?”

Chapter 2583 My sword is ruthless

Chapter 2583 My sword is ruthless


The golden sword fell to the ground, this time the sword battle, the powerful half-ancestor heavenly blade, was hit by Ye Fei, who took the initiative to abandon the sword? Give up the pride of Sabrewielder and the dignity of a half-ancestor?

The crowd was shocked. Even Muyang’s little Prince was taken aback, and then there was a strong anger, which made Prince Qin Lang’s face become pale and twisted. In the end, Muyang The palace, but the overlord of this area, if there are so many of them, they can’t take Ye Fei, the majesty of the palace will inevitably be damaged.

Of course, what dissatisfied Qin Lang most was the attitude of Heavenly Blade, “Heavenly Blade, your mind is confused, good half ancestor, you are full of self-descendence, and compete with him Blade and Sword Dao? You? Hurry up, use your half-ancestral cultivation base to take him down, I want him to kneel in front of me and offer the Pill Recipe!” There are many Muyang Prince women, and there are very good ones.”

Wine, the wine Qin Lang from the Wangji restaurant has drunk it, and it is more delicious than the fine wines of the royal palace. If it is presented to King Muyang as a birthday gift, it will certainly steal the limelight from other brothers and sisters. For this, Qin Lang is determined to win.

Hearing Qin Lang’s words, the large group of royal guards had once again surrounded Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also ignored these guards, but coldly looked towards heavenly blade. Just now, Nian was under the pressure of the heavenly blade and let him realize the Taiji Sword dance, so he didn’t kill this person. If heavenly blade persist in your own wrong doings, he doesn’t mind, kill this person.

“Heavenly blade, don’t fight yet! Take out your half-ancestral power!” In the rear, Qin Lang has been impatiently scolded, but this time, the heavenly blade hasn’t acted, or even missed it on the ground. The golden sword, but suddenly, moved towards Ye Fei with a solemn hand, “You are right, I am not Sabrewielder, I was just a powerful eagle dog! I am not sincere, how can I kill the enemy with a sword? Many thanks for advice Now, I, Blade Technique Great Accomplishment, will fight you again and say goodbye!”

A majestic blade appeared at the foot of the heavenly blade. At this moment, the heavenly blade ignored Qin Lang. Directly, walking with the sword, rushing into the void in the distance, “from now on, heavenly blade, no one in the palace, little Prince, you do all the bad things, turn around as soon as possible!”

Muyang Palace Divine Sovereign Realm Number One Blade, just abandoning Qin Lang, and go spontaneously. The heavenly blade that left is no longer an eagle dog, but the king of swords standing in the world.

This scene is shocking, and it makes the gaze looking towards Ye Fei full of fear, defeating a god without terrifying, but defeating the opponent, but also convinces the opponent, abandoning the knife and leaving. Such a tolerance is beyond the reach of many human ancestors. Later, people noticed the realm of Ye Fei, but in the middle of the gods, can they convince the half ancestor?

Even though he is arrogant as Qin Lang, his face has changed a little, and he stared at Ye Fei coldly and shouted: “Who is your Excellency! You know that my Muyang Palace belongs to the Divine Dynasty of Chilong” The clan, offended us, it is offended Chilong Divine Dynasty!” Qin Lang’s words shocked the nearby martial artist even more. Qin Lang’s notoriety, who doesn’t know, offended this person and the whole family was destroyed. It is possible, as it is now, talking to Ye Fei in a good voice, it was the first time that he was unprecedented.

“Who I am, you are not qualified to know, the Pill Recipe of brewing is in my hands. If you want to fight, you will fight, if you don’t fight, you will get out!” A special Pill appeared in Ye Fei’s hands. Recipe, when I saw that Pill Recipe, the Qian Family martial artist who had arrived after hearing the news suddenly changed his face, “It’s really the Pill Recipe of Drunken Dragon Fragrance, that is Wang Qiang’s heirloom, he was willing to give it away? Little Prince, What should we do now, he is only one person, but we, there are so many people…”

When talking about Zuilongxiang, the head of Qian Family, greed inevitably flashed in his eyes. He is not good at wine, but many of the rich and powerful in the Chilong Divine Dynasty are very good at wine, and many are even addicted to wine.

A good brewing Pill Recipe is the best opportunity to curry favor with the rich and powerful. Not only did the Qian Family not want to give up, but the insulted Qin Lang’s expression turned pale on the spot, but Qin Lang still had some brains. Seeing that the strongest heavenly blade was defeated by Ye Fei, if he was strong, he would inevitably lose a lot. It may endanger his life.

Qin Lang turned around and left without saying a word.

The owner of the Qian Family was stunned on the spot, and the guards of the palace were also stunned. This was obviously not in line with Qin Lang’s normally style. At this moment, Liu Yue suddenly mustered his courage and broke through himself. The seal of Ye Fei loudly shouted at Ye Fei: “Senior, be careful, Qin Lang is sinister. If he retreats at this time, he will inevitably notify the ancestors of the palace and let the ancestors take action against you…”

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