After speaking, there was a vague murderous intention in her eyes. Feeling this murderous intention, Ye Fei was slightly smiled, and continued to mutter in a low voice: “You want to kill someone. Then enter the Muyang Palace and die by yourself? I advise you to dispel this idea as soon as possible, otherwise when I shout, not only will your plan fail, but the orphans and widows hidden in other courtyards will also be implicated.”

Liu Jia’s face turned pale in an instant. She didn’t expect. Her momentary kindness, not only did not pay off, but also caused the greed of black robed youth. Her heart could not help but panic, “What do you want? “

“It’s very simple, give me your disguise mask, and then take me into the Muyang Palace, you go to assassinate your princely son, I will go to the Palace to pay a birthday, and get a half official Job.” Ye Fei as it should be by rights threatened.

Hearing such shameless remarks by black robe, Liu Jia’s desperate heart is gone, and she has no choice but to hold the handle in Ye Fei’s hands. She can ignore her own safety, but she can’t ignore Liu Family’s last bloodline .

Liu Jia can only gritted her teeth, once again took out a peculiar animal skin from her body, and threw it to Ye Fei, “Here you are, this is my Liu Family’s ancestral star and moon mask! Put on It, under the ancient emperor, can’t be seen through!”

In the first place, Liu Jia planned to get into the palace and change his identity at any time, assassinating a lot of important figures from the palace, didn’t expect now. , But was ransacked by shameless by the black robed youth in front of him. The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was. Suddenly Liu Jia made a very crazy move, which was to take Ye Fei’s arm and moved towards Teleportation Formation Platform. .

Since this guy wants courting death, then she doesn’t mind, send him a ride. And before the assassination was successful, she was not relieved and let Ye Fei act alone.

So, Ye Fei was helpless to find that he was actually held hostage by Liu Jia, and he went to the Teleportation Formation Platform together. With a whirl of heaven and earth, when he appeared again, Ye Fei had already arrived. A splendid royal city.

This royal city is where the Muyang Palace is located, and it is also the strongest city among the surrounding hundreds of thousands. Especially today, it is the day of King Muyang’s three thousand years old birthday. It also caused a sensation in the hundreds of thousands.

Not only many small schools of the Academy, but also high-level officials came personally, and even the ancestors of Jin Family, as well as the Sect Master of the Destiny Sect, came in person to congratulate the palace, just the expression of King Muyang , But always remained gloomy.

The guests around are also very surprised. They don’t understand why the prince is in a bad mood. Only the ancestor of Jin Family and Sect Master know that King Muyang is lamenting Qin Lang and Qin Ba. The fall of the two sons, especially Qin Ba, was the most talented man in the royal palace. King Muyang had high hopes, but he died in the trial field, which made King Muyang most unhappy.

Also unpleasant, there are Jin Family ancestors and Sect Master of Destiny, especially Jin Family ancestors, because of the broken Taoism, the mood is even worse, but this bad mood, in a When the youth wearing the golden shirt was dropping from the sky, the faces of the three quasi-emperors actually showed a brighter smile than one.

“He who has seen the emperor’s angel!” King Muyang started, and the Sect Master of Destiny then rushed to salute this golden robe young man. The expression of this young man was actually very indifferent, just cold and nodded. and said: “King Muyang, I don’t have that many time. I’ll be polite with you. Let’s start quickly. If you have something to do with your children, I can take them into the emperor heaven.”

” Many thanks Envoy!”

The three quasi-emperors waited for this sentence, and immediately gave the most respected theme to this young man. Although this young man is no more than the late god Realm, but none of the people present dare to object.

Because this young man comes from the emperor!

Even the most common Emperor’s discipline is comparable to a prince in the outside world.

Seeing the young man of aloof and remote, the elder son of the palace, the Young Master of the Jin Family, and the discipline of the Destiny Sect, they all showed worshipful and fanatical eyes. Then, in the middle of the royal city, appeared A huge battlefield.

This battlefield is soon divided into three parts, each part has a brilliant void arena.

The old ancestor of Jin Family, standing in the void, moved towards the martial artist of the entire imperial city shouted, “Everyone, now the emperor angels, gave us the young martial artist of the entire city, one who entered the emperor’s cultivation Chances are, as long as one of you can defeat the arena, I am Golden Dragon Sect, Destiny Sect, and Heaven’s Chosen of the Palace. Now, the competition begins!”

shua~ shua~ shua~!

tone barely fell, on the three arenas, there are already three more silhouettes of young people. Among them, in the middle of the arena, there is a prince’s son who appears coldly towards all around.

Many martial artists also gave out shocked voices, “Not good, is First Prince Qin Chong, it is said that this person’s talent, second only to Qin Ba, is the palace, 2nd day pride!”


“There is still gold invincible! It is said that this person went out to experience three years ago, didn’t expect, the appearance of the emperor angel, unexpectedly attracted this person back.”

“There is also the Head Disciple of the Destiny Sect, Wang Chen! Wang Chen comes from the Tianlong Wang Family. Not only is the bloodline powerful, but the supernatural powers are also terrifying. If it is not the Sect Master’s son, the Destiny Sect should be respected!”

“haha, still fate, don’t you know that Zong fate, Qin Ba, and Jin are not bad three Heaven’s Chosen, have already fallen on Longdi Mountain, otherwise, Three Great Influences, how can you suffer from untold hardships? The emperor angels who rushed back from Dynasty to stay?”

The martial artist who knows the inside story has an expression of indignation and jealousy. If not surprisingly, this time, he can follow the messenger and enter the emperor’s heaven. Unbeaten Jin, Qin Chong, and Wang Chen emerged among the three.

However, there are still a lot of small forces, Heaven’s Chosen, who have the mentality of being a dark horse, and are unwilling to give up this opportunity to climb the emperor, and continue to rush to the ring. The middle ring is the First Prince Qin Chongsuo. Occupy the ring. The one who jumped into the ring was the son of a dojo Hall Master around the palace.

“In the next day of wind dojo, Wujin, I have heard about the reputation of First Prince for a long time, please Prince for advice!” Wu Jin’s attitude is respectful, and he is obviously in awe of the palace. He came up obviously not to join Huangtian, but Experience the supernatural powers of the palace.

Chapter 2613 Under the Reward

Chapter 2613 Under the Reward

Qin Chong also knew this, but in the face of Wujin, he There is no good face, but full of contempt, indifferent shouted: “You are just a pariah from trifling dojo, you are not yet qualified to let this Prince point you, three breaths, and roll down from this ring, one, two… …”

“bully intolerably!”

Wu Jin was so ashamed that he came with a heart of reverence, but he faced Qin Chong’s face-to-face humiliation, even if it was rateless. Dojo, Wu Jin also had anger, but, before he vented his anger, the terrifying Dao Gang had directly cut off Wu Jin’s head.

“Untouchables, only a dog’s life, not worthy of standing in the same arena with this Prince!”

Qin Chong stood with a knife, full of endless murderous intention, more faint and directed Wang Chen and Jin were invincible and provocative. Wang Chen, who was fighting with others, suddenly became ugly. He suddenly yelled, and also killed his opponent on the spot.

The undefeated Jin in the third ring closed his eyes and rested his mind. No one in his ring dared to challenge him. Obviously, they are all afraid of Jin’s undefeated reputation. The old ancestor of Jin Family suddenly felt that his old face was light, and looked towards the golden robe young man who was in the theme: “Angel Lu, what do you think of Jin’s undefeated?”

“The breath is calm and has a general style , He should have been in the military, right? Unfortunately, if I take action, he will not support a round!” Lu Tian looked indifferent and full of strong confidence.

This made the Jin Family ancestor, Sect Master of Destiny, and King Muyang all complexion changed. After all, they finally left Lu Tian who passed by, in order to let their respective disciplines enter the Emperor Heaven. Opportunity, at this time, they naturally couldn’t let Lu Tian down.

“It seems that the battle must be made a little bit fierce!”

“But our children are too strong, ordinary martial artists, I am afraid that they are scared to enter the venue… …”

“It’s okay, as the saying goes, under the reward, there must be a brave man! Come, pass this Prince command, and those who dare to play, only support ten rounds, can get millions of profound veins Reward, winner, reward 5,000,000 profound veins!”


Muyang Palace is really rich and rich. With one breath, he promised such a big reward. The martial artist present. Many people’s eyes are red. They don’t want to win, but as long as they can support ten rounds, that is a big profit.

Suddenly, the deserted ring suddenly became hot, and there were impatients everywhere, silhouettes who wanted to challenge, especially those Small Sect, the young Heaven’s Chosen of small forces, and they defeated I don’t have confidence, but I have confidence in supporting ten rounds. These people are the main force in the ring, but it is a pity that these people are easy to go up, but it is difficult to support ten rounds.

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