” Chong’er !”

In the stands, King Muyang suddenly burst into tears. He has many children, but the most talented ones are Qin Ba and Qin Chong. Some time ago, Qin Ba died, and King Muyang was very sad. Now, Qin Chong also died in the ring. Even if he was a quasi-emperor, King Muyang lost control of his emotions on the spot. Then, there was a terrifying murderous intention from King Muyang. The body broke out.

Ye Fei suddenly turned around and looked towards Lu Tian on the high platform, “Is it possible to regret what Huangtian said?”

“Of course it is impossible to regret, I said, you If you can kill people on it, then no one will dare to take advantage of this to take action against you, King Muyang, what I said is right?” Lu Tian’s tone suddenly increased, and there was a vaguely superior power, even if Mu King Yang did not dare to resist, he could only hold back his anger and stared at Ye Fei.

“Look at the face of Angel Lu, this king will not kill you for the time being, but you will definitely not escape the pursuit of my Muyang Palace!” Muyang King stared, hatred as deep as the sea.

Hearing that the emperor angel is another surnamed Lu, Ye Fei’s heart is also weird. In God King City, he killed Lu Mo from the emperor, and now, another Lu Tian ran out .

These two people, could it be the brother?

Ye Fei looked at Lu Tian subconsciously, Lu Tian also smiled, looking at Ye Fei, he even stood up, exuding a terrifying sovereign’s prestige, “You are very good, Space Divine Ability , It is extremely difficult to control, and the one who can control must be innate talent. The outstanding generation! Are you willing to be my follower and follow me to the emperor?”

What, Lu Tian wants this little boy to enter the emperor. ?

Not only the ancestors of Jin Family were shocked, but also the Sect Master, who knew Lu Heavenly Venerate, was faintly jealous. The two powers of Heaven’s Chosen killed that many people. It can make Lu Tian look different, and Ye Fei is just a battle, so Lu Tian has the heart to solicit. This is really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry.

Of course, the most annoying person is King Muyang. He even threatened Ye Fei’s fall, but Lu Pegasus started soliciting to accept Ye Fei as a follower and enter the emperor!

This is clearly hitting him in the face of Muyang Palace!

“Envoy Lu…” King Muyang was immediately anxious.

“Well, although you are my entourage in name, but as long as you are loyal to me, I can let the emperor to nurture you with all my strength!” Lu Tian didn’t even look at King Muyang, just watched with appreciation. Looking at Ye Fei, that kind of feeling, like a generation overlord, is recruiting his subordinates who will fight the world with him, but Ye Fei’s eyes are completely cold.

Any powerhouse has a backbone. It is better for jade fragments than for tiles! Lu Tian’s solicitation may be a great opportunity for ordinary martial artists, but for true powerhouse, it is an insult!

As a Human Sovereign, how can you subdue to others?

“Sorry, I am not interested in your proposal! I am here only for the profound veins, King Muyang, I defeated Qin Chong, the 5,000,000 profound veins, will you honor it?”

Ye Fei does not pay attention to Lu Tian, ​​but raised his head again, forcing King Muyang. Lu Tian’s attitude became slightly hard to look after hearing Ye Fei’s refusal.

Chapter 2615 The sword points to the two heroes

“What the king said, naturally counts!”

Muyang King, almost gritted his teeth and said Out of this remark, but unfortunately, this fight, which itself is Three Great Influences, was jointly organized. To this end, all the young, talented people in the hundreds of thousands of people were gathered.

At this time, King Muyang hated Ye Fei’s bones anymore, and he was not good to cheat in public. Instead, he immediately ordered people. The gnashing teeth handed the space belt with 5,000,000 profound veins to Ye Fei. .

However, Ye Fei refused to acknowledge allegiance. Lu Tian still let King Muyang relax. If Ye Fei joins Huangtian, then his son Qin Chong would really die in vain. Big, dare not to be an enemy of the emperor.

“As long as this little vertical man does not join the emperor, even if he is given 5,000,000 profound veins at this time, this king will be able to slap him to death at any time, and then bring the profound veins back!” Mu Yang A fierce light flashed in Wang’s eyes.

Without his order, I found that Ye Fei was so stupid to refuse to join the Emperor Tian. There are already the gods and ancestors of the palace, sneered, and blocked this world from all directions.

In this way, Ye Fei has Three Heads Six Arms. As long as Muyang Palace is not nodded, he will never want to retreat from here.

I heard Ye Fei reject Lu Tian, ​​and I felt the with swords drawn and bows bent of Muyang Palace. In the crowd, I don’t know how many martial artists there were. In secret sigh, Ye Fei killed Qin. Chong, of course, is very happy.

But Ye Fei refused to acknowledge allegiance. Lu Tian fell in the eyes of everyone, that is, he can’t be stupid anymore. Even Liu Jia looked towards Ye Fei with a puzzled look, Even if Ye Fei killed Qin Chong and obtained a large number of profound veins from the royal palace, now he rejected the emperor, what should he do to retreat from this heavily guarded palace?

Ye Fei also quickly told everyone his choice.

He didn’t choose to leave, and even ignored the threats of experts from the surrounding palaces. He just raised his foot and walked to the second arena again. That was the arena where Wang Chen was in the Heavenly Mandate Sect!

The interest of the palace has been collected, but the revenge of the Destiny Sect has not yet been completed.

In the ancient emperor’s trial field, Ye Fei clearly remembered that it was the final blow of the Sect Master of Destiny, which smashed the tortoise shell of Dragon Tortoise and nearly killed Dragon Tortoise. This hatred, he was temporarily unable to attack Sect Master of Destiny takes revenge, then he can only point his sword at Wang Chen!


Ye Fei’s footsteps, once again set foot on the ring, this scene also caused the whole Muyang City to be in an uproar, no one thought that Ye Fei cut It was not enough to kill Qin Chong, and he had to challenge Wang Chen of the Heavenly Fate Sect.

“This person really wants profound veins, not life, even if he defeats both Wang Chen and Jin Unbeaten, as long as he does not join the emperor, he will gain more profound veins. Three Great Influences, you can also kill him at any time, and then take back the profound veins.”

“No, there is another possibility. This little man may feel that defeating Qin Chong is not enough, he still needs Defeating all the experts of Three Great Influences, and then joining the emperor with a full victory, let Angel Lu more value him!”

The ancestor of Jin Family, staring at Ye Fei with a cold expression. He thought that he had found the reason for Ye Fei to reject Lu Tian on the spot. Ye Fei, I am afraid that what he wanted was not just for Lu Tian’s follow-up.

It is Lu Tian himself, who also recognized the analysis of the ancestors of Jin Family, with a meaningful smile on his face, “Want to retreat as progress. Do you want to attract my attention? Interesting, I will give you this Opportunity, you all listen well. If anyone among you can defeat this person, they can all become my followers and follow me into the emperor heaven!”

Lv Tian’s tone reveals a touch of abuse, In his eyes, Ye Fei, Wang Chen, and Jin Invincible are not worthy of him taking seriously. After all, he comes from the emperor of aloof and remote. As long as he is a single thought, he can make these so-called Heaven’s Chosen, Fall from heaven to hell, or ascend from hell to heaven.

If Ye Fei wanted to use this method to attract his attention, he would have to pay the price of blood. Upon hearing Lu Tian’s words, Wang Chen and Jin were still a little nervous just now. All become excited.

The opportunity to join Emperor Tian, ​​who does not want to have it, even if it is just a follower of Lu Tian!

Others don’t know the identity of Lu Tian, ​​but Three Great Influences knows it clearly.

So, the moment Ye Fei stepped onto the ring, Wang Chen smiled icyly, “You know, if you do this, you can certainly attract Huangtian’s attention, but it may also cause you to lose. Life!”

This threat made Ye Fei couldn’t help but laugh. He did this not to attract Lu Tian’s attention. He came here this time with only one purpose, that is kill!

“you two, let’s go together!”

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