example, with his battle strength at this time, he can easily kill Qin Chong and Jin Unbeaten. However, in the face of Lu Tian, ​​he not only cannot kill, but also feels that he cannot beat him. However, Ye Fei not at all is discouraged because of this, his body is filled with fighting intents, like stars blooming bright radiance.

“Compared with magical powers, I am inferior to Lu Tian, ​​but my advantage is not magical powers, but treasure! Ghost God tripod, give me suppression!” Ye Fei roared, in front of Lu Tian’s terrifying serial magical powers, Ye Fei finally lit up He showed his strongest trump card, that is, the Ghost God cauldron, this cauldron, which is the condensing of the ghost emperor, and was even sacrificed by the ancient gods.

Its real formidable power can kill human ancestors. When Ye Fei took out such a treasure, it suddenly activated the space shift, and instantly appeared from the front in Lu Behind Tian, ​​the three quasi-emperors including King Muyang who also watched were frightened. If Lu Tian was also beheaded by Ye Fei, they could not bear the anger of the Emperor.

“hahaha, Ye Fei, do you think no one can break your Space Divine Ability?” Lu Tian suddenly laughed, without turning his head back, his hands suddenly pinched, and his mouth was even more pronounced The voice of the ancient gods, “The emperor’s trapped dragon seal! Set!”


The mighty Dragon’s Might burst out of Lu Tian, ​​forming a special Divine Seal, Suppressing this piece of void, it seems that the void is fixed in place. This feeling is actually stagnant with Ye Fei’s space. It has the same effect as the space of Ye Fei. It is just the trapped dragon seal of the emperor, which can only hold the void, but cannot make the void completely. The stagnation of Ye Fei is not as good as Ye Fei. With the Divine Sovereign Realm, the quasi-emperor can be anchored, and the quasi-emperor can’t move and display magical powers.

At this time, Ye Fei can not only display magical powers, but at the moment when the trapped dragon seal is fixed, Ye Fei’s body bursts out a terrifying Dragon’s Might, urging the Ghost God Kanae to get out. Fiercely smashed at Lu Tian.

“courting death!”

Lu Tian was completely angry, his body stayed still, and the surrounding Golden Dragon Avatars gathered together and turned into a special The Golden Dragon divine spear, Lu Tian, ​​once again like an angry young emperor, sweeping away the heroes, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

Finally, Ye Fei’s Ghost God tripod collided with Lu Tian’s Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. Lu Tian’s mighty sovereign’s prestige could not resist the Ghost God tripod’s Nether rays from hell. of light.

Golden Dragon divine spear, burst into streamer, Lu Tian’s body was also smashed backwards continuously, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but it was also this trace of blood that made Lu Tian completely violent, The ant, do you dare to hurt me! roar!”

Extremely angry, unexpectedly made Lu Tian’s mouth emit a terrifying dragon roar, which is not the real dragon roar, but in Lu Tian’s body, Sovereign Dao Dragon Qi is flooded with too much and too strong. These Dragon Qi, due to the perennial refinement, have produced a certain degree of spirituality. At this time, Lu Tian released the Dragon Qi in his body with a brain.

These Dragon Qi instantly turned into 49 golden Divine Dragons, roaring in anger, and moved towards Ye Fei strikes together.

“The emperor’s unique learning, the evil dragon! Can force me to use this unique school, even if I die, you will have no regrets.”

Chapter 2620 Ancient Emperor’s Magical Powers


Chapter 2620 Ancient Emperor Supernatural Powers

Emperor Heaven, there are two astral qi, the most powerful, one is the emperor Tiangang that can be cultivated by any discipline, one is Only Huangtian Core Disciple can cultivation the Dragon Dragon!

As a descendant of the emperor, Lu Tian, ​​naturally also learned the Tiansha Longgang, but with his realm, it is a very laborious thing to motivate the Tiansha Longgang, so he never used it. Until, the powerful Ghost God Ding, the persecuting Lu Tian, ​​had to expose this hole card.

With the appearance of the Tiansha Longgang, Lu Tian’s body, the emperor’s power is even more terrifying, but this is not to say that Lu Tianjiu is the real emperor, but because of his savings within the body There are too many sovereign auras, enough to produce a natural phenomenon of Tiangang.

“The ants of the lower realm, now I will let you see, my emperor is the strongest and most unique! Paragon Nine Dragons!”

hong long long!

Following Lu Tian’s blooming sovereign’s prestige, behind him, there appeared a Lu Heavenly Void with the crown of the emperor. The illusory shadow is extremely tall, like a giant, with fiercely palms. On the next shot, the Hei Sha all around was blown apart.

Ye Fei’s heart also suddenly had a horrible emotion, but soon, he suppressed this emotion, Lu Heavenly God is strong, it is a fact, but his Ghost God tripod , It will not be too weak!


A thick flame of blood erupted from Ye Fei’s body. He was holding a Ghost God cauldron, and seven heaven cauldrons appeared behind him, blasting forward with the posture of suppressing the gods and demons, and the last Ghost God’s tripod, as the eighth tripod, used the power of killing demons to follow closely from behind to kill Lu Tian’s body.

However, Lu Tian’s Tiansha Longgang is too powerful.

This is no longer an ancient magical power, but an infinitely close to the Taixu magical power. In the sky, the emperor-like illusory shadow has been photographed in anger, and it has been continuous, shattering the seven heavenly tripods. Let Ye Fei spout seven a mouthful of blood in a row. ,

After all, every soul cauldron must be condensed with hard work, the soul cauldron is broken, and Ye Fei’s hard work will also be damaged.

However, he still gritted his teeth, holding the last Ghost God tripod, like a violent Divine Dragon, and smashed forward, colliding with Lu Tian’s emperor illusory shadow again, making a loud noise .

Afterwards, there was the sound of the emperor’s palm being smashed by the Ghost God cauldron. In the end, this soul cauldron was condensed by the ghost emperor. It was broken and could kill human ancestors.

Lu Tian’s Tiansha Longgang is powerful, but it is limited to the realm. He simply can’t display the complete supernatural powers. Therefore, in this contest between treasure and magical powers, he holds the Ghost God tripod. Ye Fei of Ye Fei, who is very skilled, once again smashed Lu Tian’s illusory shadow, and then fiercely moved towards Lu Tian’s body smashed past.

Lü Tian’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his mouth was even more stubbornly roaring: “Ant, if you don’t have this tripod, I will kill you, with no difficulty! “

“So what, kill you, that’s my ability!”

Ye Fei has an indifferent expression and wins with treasures. It is indeed dishonorable. This is not a contest, but Desperately, since Lu Tian wants to kill him, he must have the consciousness of being killed by him.

After that, all directions vibrated!

Ghost God tripod carrying a terrifying divine might, moved towards Lu Tian’s body tightly, but Lu Tian did not panic. Instead, there was a look of hideous and madness on his face, “I wanted to catch you alive. Ant, forcing you to awaken the secret of the ancient divine corpse spirit, now I have changed my mind, I want you to die in front of me very ugly! The ancient emperor’s magical powers, show me!”

Lv Tianda Roar, suddenly tore his clothes, revealing a peculiar ancient mirror inside. In that mirror, there is a silhouette of the ancient emperor at this time, as if to walk out of the mirror, and the moment he saw Ye Fei, the ancient god was already Indifferent shot, directly through the mirror, releasing magical powers.

hong long!

The entire Muyang City is shaking violently, and the black evil that permeates the entire Muyang Palace, even more instantly, was passed by this ancient emperor. The mirror releases Divine Ability, and the shot disappeared. This is the terrifying of the ancient emperor. It is just the aftermath of a magical power that can make the black evil dissipate. What’s more terrifying is that the ancient magical power this time is not only to eliminate the black evil. .

Under Lu Tian’s control, the ancient emperor’s magical powers stored in this mirror were directly suppressed by moved towards Ye Fei. Under the terrifying sovereign’s prestige, Lu Tian showed a cold face, “Ant, do you feel desperate and terrifying? This is the battle against the emperor, no matter how strong you are, as long as your realm is not as good as the ancient emperor, Then you can only die under this ancient emperor Divine Ability!”

“Unfortunately, this ancient emperor’s magical power, this Young Master was originally intended to deal with the ancient divine corpse spirit. You ants like you are really reckless waste of natural resources!”

Lv Tian’s expression is both contempt and jealous. He comes from the royal family and is not as powerful as the Ghost God Ding. Ye Fei’s treasure, and Ye Fei, just a sloppy untouchable, could have such a treasure, and defeated him.

But all of this will soon be over. Now, he only waits for Ye Fei to die, that the powerful Ghost God tripod will inevitably fall into his hands. Thinking of this, Lu Tian looked towards Ye Fei’s eyes became playful again, like a cat playing with a mouse.

Ye Fei’s expression, also at the moment when the ancient emperor’s magical powers descended, showed great panic and dignity. The beast print space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise all turned pale at the same time, even Dragon Tortoise thought Come out again. To resist this terrifying attack for Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s face suddenly changed.

“Xiaocao, be optimistic about Dragon Tortoise, Divine Ability of the ancient emperor, I have seen the ancient gods, and I am afraid of the ancient emperor!”

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