Ye Fei turned around and walked out of the light mask released by Sacred Dragon.

He was standing on the elevated platform of Shenglong. Below, there were many disciples of the Shenglong Sect, shocked and complicated faces. Chu Ling’s expression was also surprised and complicated, with a hint of grievance and frustration.

At the beginning, she didn’t expect that her fight with Ye Fei would be the result. It is clear that the bloodline of her and Guanglong is better than Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, but she , I lost to Ye Fei.


Chu Ling looked at Ye Fei who walked down the steps. This is why she waited here for three days and saw Chu Ling look like , Ye Fei complexion turned cold, “Should you do something before asking?”


Chu Ling’s eyes are red, she is not only talented, but long She is also beautiful. I don’t know how many people pet her and let her, but she kindly asks Ye Fei for advice. Ye Fei’s attitude is so indifferent, but if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, Chu Ling is not a shame, even though she felt wronged, she lowered her head and said: “I’m sorry. I apologize to you.”

“Wu Yue, you can accept it?” Ye Fei looked towards Wu Yue.

“Forget it, it’s all the same sect, besides, although I was framed, but I said that I was unfounded and suspected, so I should be.” Wu Yue shook his head calmly, but his smile was full of bitterness.

Since Wu Yue didn’t pursue it anymore, Ye Fei would naturally not continue to pursue it, and he also felt that although Chu Ling’s temperament was a little bit stubborn, her nature was not bad, but she had never experienced it. The storm is a bit too naive.

“The reason why you lose is because you have stayed in Thang Longzong for too long. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? The flowers in the greenhouse will bloom again and again, once Encountered wind and rain, it’s easy to die. This is you, the real reason for the failure!”

A light glance at Chu Ling, no matter whether Chu Ling can accept it or not, he and Wu Yue At the same time, leaving the Shenglongtai, only Chu Ling was left, standing still, due to Zhang Lang’s doting, and her own talent and beauty, in Shenglongzong, everyone pampered her and let her She, her path is also smooth, and she has hardly encountered any setbacks.

And this precisely, has become her biggest weakness.

“It’s no wonder that at the 32th-layer, he knew that he might die. He could press forward to kill it. However, because of the fear in my heart, I chose to retreat. This is why I am inferior to him. Reason! But, I won’t admit defeat, Ye Fei, one day, I’ll hit you on your knees and begging for mercy, aaaaaah…”

After frustration, Chu Ling screamed again. stand up.

Hearing that scream, Ye Fei, who had already walked away, his face was dark, and he always felt that it would be very dangerous for him to stay in the Dragon Sect. After all, Chu Ling is Sect. The Master’s Direct Disciple itself is a female. If it is lightened, it will not serve as a deterrent. If it is heavy, Zhang Lang, the ancient emperor, may have to go out in person and ask him to “discuss”.

“It seems that we must find a way to leave the Dragon Sect as soon as possible.”

Ye Fei secretly thought that at this time, Wu Yue also brought Ye Fei to Dragon God Valley. By the edge, there are actually two Divine Dragons of the quasi-imperial realm sitting in town, staring at Ye Fei and Wu Yue, just like staring at the two prisoners. Wu Yue pointed at the two Divine Dragons and said: “Ye Fei, you bring your war pet over. , To verify the body, no matter what mistakes you make, as long as you get the approval of the dragon god, these Divine Dragons will not embarrass you, but will let you leave.”

Ye Fei looks strange,” I’m leaving, what do you do?”

After all, Wu Yue helped him at first, hoping to leave Dragon God Valley through him. Hearing this, Wu Yue suddenly and the small emerald dragon on his shoulder, extremely A wretched glance at each other, that glance caused Ye Fei’s confidence to be extremely shaken, and he began to wonder whether Wu Yue really peeped at the Princess Chu State bathing.

Soon, Ye Fei’s more shocked expression happened, and he found that it did not attract the attention of the two Divine Dragons. The emerald snake suddenly became larger and transparent, and it merged with Wu Yue. Wu Yue’s voice was heard, “brother Ye, Ah Shui’s Emperor Artifact supernatural powers are a combination. As long as I pretend to be a battle pet and let you go out, the two Divine Dragons, It shouldn’t be, are discovered.”

Ye Fei is still a little worried, “Even if you go out like this, if the Thang Longzong finds out, don’t you have to be punished more severely?”

“hehe, you just Don’t worry, when I was shut down, Sect Master said, as long as I find a way to break out of the Dragon God Valley, he will be spared my punishment, otherwise, let me be obediently and honestly shut here for ten years! At the same time, Tianya Fallen, brother Ye, you won’t die, right?” Wu Yue’s pitiful voice came from the mouth of the emerald small dragon.

Ye Fei is a bitter cold, can only mention the emerald small dragon, moved towards the exit guarded by the two Divine Dragons and walked over, the two Divine Dragons also stared at the dragon eyes instantly, coldly They stared at Ye Fei and glanced, but after sensing that Ye Fei had the breath of Sacred Dragon, they closed their eyes again and continued to sleep lazily.

But when Ye Fei walked out carrying the emerald small dragon, he still let out a cold sweat. It’s really because he was afraid that the old man, or the people of the Shenglong Sect would block him back until it was true. Ye Fei walked out of the Dragon God Valley, Ye Fei put out a long breath, his shoulders, the emerald small dragon and Wu Yue, also jumped to the ground, released from the state of integration.

Wu Yue moved towards Ye Fei very earnestly and said: “Brother Ye, this time, many thanks to you, as long as I am not dead, Wu Yue, you have something to do, just ask me.”

After that, Wu Yue is about to leave with the emerald small dragon. Ye Fei has a very unpleasant tone in that tone. He hurriedly stopped him and said: “Wu Yue, are you going to take revenge?”

He remembered that Wu Yue was framed before being locked up in Dragon God Valley. At this time, he got out of trouble and said goodbye. Ye Fei had guesses in his heart. Wu Yue did not hide it, and his face was nodded. and said: “I was framed by others, not only destroyed my reputation, but also affected the sect. I can’t swallow this breath. My reputation can be destroyed, but the innocence of the sect cannot be tarnished! Brother Ye, goodbye!”

Speaking, Wu Yue has already turned and left. Seeing Wu Yue’s determination, Ye Fei’s heart was moved. He was worried that he didn’t take him out of the Dragon Sect. It would be better to follow Wu Yue out to see him.

“Brother Wu, wait, I’ll go with you.” Ye Fei followed along. Wu Yue’s figure trembled, “Brother Ye, this is my own business, so why do you…”

“When I’m a brother, don’t say such things. Besides, I I am also a member of the Dragon Sect. Now that the reputation of the sect is affected, how can I remain indifferent?” Ye Fei devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence said.

Chapter 2634 Chu State Dispute

Chapter 2634 Chu State Dispute

“You guy, actually has such a high level of consciousness? And Wu Yue, you really Was wronged?”

When Ye Fei devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, there was a very discordant voice behind him, which shocked both Ye Fei and Wu Yue and turned their heads. Look, it was Chu Ling who came out.

It turned out that Chu Ling got advice from Ye Fei in Thang Longtai, and her curiosity was unavoidable. Ye Fei could say that, and her talent is not too bad. Why does Ancestor Master want one? When you meet, throw Ye Fei into Dragon God Valley? So she wanted to come over and inquire about it, and she saw that Ye Fei helped Wu Yue and mixed up the scene of Dragon God Valley. It happened that she heard the conversation between the two.

Chu Ling walked out immediately, staring at Wu Yue with beautiful eyes, “Wu Yue, what the hell is going on, who framed you, why didn’t you tell me when you came back?”

“I want to say, but apart from Ye Fei, have any of you trusted me?” Wu Yue was very wronged, but Chu Ling stared, “Who tells you to be so wretched when you see a beautiful woman, It’s like losing your soul.”

“Chu Ling, don’t talk nonsense, I am so wretched, A Shui is wretched, and it is also lewd. In fact, I am an upright gentleman!”

Wu Yue has a solemn face, on his shoulders, the emerald small dragon Ah Shui, but a face of grievance, immaturely retorted: “Master, it was not you who let me go up and harass those mothers, and then give it to you Rusting, creating opportunities?”

Faced with the debunking of the jade small dragon, Wu Yue face doesn’t change and said calmly: “Well, I admit that I usually have some ideas, but I peep I can’t do things like other people’s bathing, whether you believe it or not, even if you don’t want this life, I will definitely prove my innocence, brother Ye, let’s go?”

It’s the brother, and Wu Yue is no longer hypocritical. If two people go there, it is better than him to go alone. The hope of success is greater.


Ye Fei did not refuse either. Although he was selfish in helping Wu Yue, at this time, since Wu Yue really regarded him as a brother, he naturally did not Mind, help Wu Yue this time.

“Wait a minute, there is me!”

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