Chu Ling gave Wu Yue a white look, with rare excitement on her face, and suddenly moved towards imperial city and rushed out. Ye Fei was completely speechless, but to prove Wu Yue’s Innocent, he still quickly followed along.

Different from the harmony in imperial city, the outskirts to the east of imperial city are almost in ruins. It is obvious that there are signs of war. It can be seen that the one-word king is indeed in the emperor of Chu. When I was seriously ill, I raised troops and seemed to have attacked imperial city, but not at all succeeded. Instead, I was besieged in the forest area east of the imperial city.

“Could it be that the word is the king, really rebelling?” Wu Yue was a little worried secretly. If the king rebelled side by side, how could he prove his innocence?

Ye Fei is also a little heavy, feeling that Chu State’s imperial power struggle is unexpectedly complicated, but Chu Ling is getting more and more excited, the world outside, and her during the cultivation of the Dragon Sect , Completely different, full of surprise and excitement.

This made Ye Fei a little worried. He broke Chu Ling in this way. Looking back at the ancient emperor Zhang Lang, would he directly kill him?

whiz whiz whiz!

While Ye Fei was struggling with this problem, in the dark night, in the distant woods, a dozen cold arrows burst out suddenly, frightening Ye Fei and Wu Yue, and Chu Ling was even more stunned. , But the little light dragon next to her reflected the speed. The dragon claw waved continuously and had already smashed all these cold arrows. Just as the little light dragon was about to rush into the woods in anger, there was a burst of impatient great shout from the woods. , “Stop it all, these all are the discipline of Shenglongzong, don’t get hurt by accident!”

shua~ shua~ shua~!

A team of armored soldiers came out indifferently from the dark woods. The leader was a middle-aged general of the Divine Sovereign Early-Stage, dressed in cold iron armor, and filled with a strong atmosphere of the battlefield.

Obviously, these all are the iron Blood Fighter, even if facing the three gods of Ye Fei, these armored fighters have no fear, but they still watch them vigilantly. .

“You are the underlings of King Keshi side by side, have you rebelled side by side with King Keshi?” Wu Yue has been in Chu State for the longest time, and at a glance he can see the costumes of these armored warriors come from the Chu State border.

Wu Yue was eager to prove his innocence, so he asked, only his this remark, but he angered all the soldiers present. All the soldiers showed great anger, the god of Early-Stage The general has a strong murderous intention, “Shut up, we let you go. It is the prestige of the Dragon Sect. If you dare to insult my Lordship, we shall die and defend our dignity!”

“General, give an order, this is the internal affairs of our Chu State, Huangtian and Shenglongzong, why run in to participate!” An impulsive iron Blood Fighter said angrily.

It can be seen that the word side by side the king is extremely prestigious in the army.

Ye Fei couldn’t help being slightly nodded, and quickly walked out, and pulled Wu Yue back, “Forgive me, my brother is a little impulsive. We are not here to participate in the battle of Chu State. I just want to meet the king with one word and ask some things.”

“Impudent, is the prince you, you can see if you see it!”

More soldiers, The crossbow arrow aimed at Ye Fei, which made Chu Ling and Wu Yue both nervous, but the general headed, seeing Ye Fei walking out of the darkness, trembled fiercely.

Chapter 2636 master and disciple reunion

Chapter 2636 master and disciple reunion

“Stop it! Dare to ask this Young Master, you are called Ye Fei?”

These iron Blood Fighters are all orders and restrictions, and quickly suppress their anger. Such an iron army, despite its low realm, makes Wu Yue and Chu Ling a little moved. .

Ye Fei is even more weird. He entered the Thang Long Sect, but in January, Chu State was also his first visit. Why, this middle-aged general called his name in one mouthful?

“Yes, I am Ye Fei, how did you know me?” Ye Fei looked towards this person in a deep voice. But when I saw this person and heard his name, I took out another portrait. After careful comparison, one-knee kneels down with excitement, “Young Master, please look”

Chu Ling is curious He came over to take a look, and was surprised to find that the portrait was painted like Ye Fei, but compared with the current Ye Fei of Divine Sovereign Realm, Ye Fei in the portrait has a more Sovereign atmosphere, such as The king in command of the world has a severe weather.

“That is, when I was in the realm, I became a Human Sovereign, the way I was when the Witch Sovereign!”

Ye Fei’s mind could not help but shake, such a portrait, a person who is not in the realm, impossible After describing it, he couldn’t help becoming excited, looking towards the middle-aged general, “This is the one-character drawing by the king? Dare to ask the name of the king?”

“Sorry, the lord’s name is taboo , I can’t tell you, but the lord has been looking for Young Master for decades, but we have searched Chu State and other ancient countries around. Collecting intelligence everywhere, we just can’t get Young Master’s news, didn’t Expect Young Master, he actually joined the Thang Long Sect.”

The middle-aged general was obviously more excited. He stood by the side and had a great kindness to him, but the task was entrusted to him. However, several decades have not been completed. He thought that in this life, it was impossible to find out about the whereabouts of Ye Fei, but Ye Fei took the initiative to appear in Chu State.

This may be that, in the dark, there is providence.

Ye Fei also didn’t expect that he would meet an deceased person in Chu State, and this deceased person is probably someone he has always cared about.

“I want to see the king of the word side by side!” Ye Fei said without any doubt.

“Young Master, please!”

The middle-aged general immediately got up, respectfully, but before he took Ye Fei to go, there was a sudden explosion in a certain direction. , The middle-aged general’s expression suddenly changed, “Not good, it must be the group of Huangtian, who are attacking us again.”

“Huangtian? They also participated in Chu State?” Chu Ling and Wu Yue glanced at each other, feeling that things were unexpected. Ye Fei didn’t say anything. The wings of Azure Dragon behind him had already expanded to the limit, and the moved towards the explosion rushed over.

There, it is obvious that the main force of the king of the word side by side is where a large number of frontiers have been gathered, and there are many generals of Divine Sovereign Realm, fighting with the enemy in the air, and the side that fights is still imperial. The army of the city.

“He is the son of King Chu, Chu Fengxue! It is said that this person is very talented and in the realm of Taoist monarchs, he was favored by a certain senior Elder in Huangtian and became an Elder disciple!”

Wu Yue has been in Chu State for the longest time, and he recognized it at a glance. This time he led the team to attack the king. It was the son of King Chu Mansion. Beside Chu Fengxue, there were a group of young men and women with sovereign aura standing. , Are wearing Huangtian Inner Sect costumes.

Just now, these are the disciplines, taking advantage of the night, sneaking in, and even taking advantage of the frontier army, not daring to kill the Emperor’s discipline, actually opened the Domain Portal in public to make imperial city The army can be transmitted continuously through the Domain Portal, and directly attack the Chinese army that is side by side, and launch the most sudden attack.

It’s just this attack. Not at all achieved the effect they expected. The enemy of imperial city, the king of the word side by side, seems to have long expected that they would launch a night attack, and they actually took the frontier army. All of the elites were concentrated here, launched the most fierce counterattack, and killed the army of imperial city completely unprepared.

Furthermore, the battle strength of the frontier army is obviously stronger than the army of King Chu Mansion. A fight in the dark, it is actually the army of imperial city, retreating, Chu Fengxue’s expression suddenly changed It was extremely difficult to look, and quickly looked towards the companions around him: “It seems that I still have to ask you Senior Brother Junior Brother to help me.”

“hahaha, Junior Brother Chu, you are polite, betrayal Thief, let me wait for the imperial family to be the enemy! For my brother, this will cut off the king, help you Chu State and eradicate the troubles!”

Behind Chu Fengxue, a breath came out The majestic Huangtian youth, he is only in the late stage of the gods, but he gives people a terrifying power in the ancestral realm, “kill!”

With this person’s low roar, the terrifying Huangji Tiangang has already Stabbing shatter void, flattening the army, directly, moved towards the depths of the void and killed the past. There, there are quite a few, the Divine Sovereign Realm expert of King Chu Mansion, surrounding a man who is as deep as darkness and fights wildly, but that The man was too terrifying, and his body was like a black hole that could swallow all energy.

The attacks of these gods not only failed to break the black hole, but made the sword light in the man’s hands become more terrifying. It was the sword of the battlefield and also the Sovereign Sword, the howling sword light, tearing apart. After the world, it also broke through the interception of those gods.

But just as the man was about to break through and return to the army, a terrifying divine spear, with the power of judgment, suddenly pierced down, actually piercing the black hole into a deep Deep cracks.

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