Chu Fengxue squinted her eyes, suddenly turned around coldly, moved towards another Huangtian discipline, arched his hand, “Senior Brother Lu, you are the best at dealing with Space Divine Ability, please also Senior Brother Let’s try to identify whether it’s this person’s Space Divine Ability and kill Senior Brother Bao!”

Chapter 2638 Truth

Chapter 2638 Truth

“No problem!”

A tall and thin young man walked out from the team of Huangtian’s disciple with a touch of evil in his eyes. Especially when he saw Chu Ling, his glasses flashed a bright light. Feeling a moment of unhappiness, she was determined to help forward, but Ye Fei’s words just now obviously didn’t want to play the banner of Thang Longzong, but planned to solve it with her own power. This makes Chu Ling and Wu Yue both not knowing what to do.

“Lu You, Huangtian Inner Disciple! Your Space Divine Ability is so exquisite, it can solidify the space without any sound, and even let Bao Min Senior Brother get a bad hand!”

Lu You is polite, but there are poisonous snake traps hidden in his words. As long as Ye Fei makes a slight mistake and admits that he killed Bao Min, then even if Ye Fei comes from Shenglongzong, Chu Fengxue has enough The reason is to kill Ye Fei quickly.

With Ye Fei’s perception, how can you fail to hear the hidden traps in Lu You’s words? Hearing this suddenly said with a sneer: “You may have misunderstood. Bao Min’s death is because he is inferior People, so I died under the king’s sword side by side! What does it have to do with me?”

“hmph, Senior Brother Lu, don’t talk nonsense with him, fight him directly, I don’t believe it, he won’t Show your horse’s feet!” Chu Fengxue opened the mouth and said impatiently, eradicating the army of Demon Sovereign is the key to King Chu Mansion’s control of Chu State. Chu Fengxue will not tolerate any accidents.

It’s just Ye Fei’s identity of Thang Long Sect’s discipline, which makes Chu Fengxue feel a bit tricky. Killing it directly will inevitably cause disputes between Thang Long Sect and Emperor Tian, ​​especially, Chu Ling, this Sect Master’s Direct Disciple, witness on the spot.

The only way for Chu Fengxue to eradicate Ye Fei is to give Ye Fei the charge of killing Bao Min. In this way, he will have ample reason to kill Ye Fei, and then he will be promoted afterwards. Long Zong, there is no way to pursue it.

Hearing what Chu Fengxue said, Lu You didn’t say anything. The silhouette was already distorted and transparent, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, but Ye Fei clearly felt a terrifying space fluctuation. , Moved towards his sneak attack, and the speed surpassed the speed of his Azure Dragon wings.

At this time, if Ye Fei uses Space Divine Ability to move away, he will expose the fact that he can Space Divine Ability. Chu Fengxue will also insist that he uses it. Space Divine Ability, secretly calculated Bao Min, with Huang Tian’s strength, naturally he would no longer care about his identity as the Shenglong Sect’s discipline, forcibly shot, and even directly participated in this war.

But if he doesn’t dodge, Lu You’s Space Divine Ability will immediately strike him. Without the Ghost God tripod, Ye Fei feels that he is very likely to be injured.

Just when Ye Fei felt embarrassed.

Suddenly, within the domain portal in front, a large number of imperial city troops came out again, headed by the elite of King Chu Mansion. They found that they had not won for a long time, so they came to support. ‘t expect to see a confrontation between the two sides, and it was not Demon Sovereign who commanded the frontier army, but a young man wearing a black robe.

What is more surprising is that the man and woman behind the young man are all with dragon pets, which is a unique symbol of the Thang Long Sect.

“What’s the matter, after experiencing the last time, how can the Shenglongzong participate in Chu State?” There is also a woman with exquisite facial features in this supporting army.

At the moment when he saw that woman, Wu Yue’s whole body burst into a strong anger, “It was you, it was you, it was you at the beginning, posing as Princess Chu State, framed Me!”

“Wu Yue, how could it be you?” The woman who came out obviously didn’t expect that Wu Yue would appear in Chu State again.

After all, she pretended to be Princess Chu State last time, and after she framed Wu Yue, news came from Shenglongzong that Wu Yue was thrown into the Dragon God Valley because of misconduct and damaged the reputation of the sect, imprisoned for 10 years!

Therefore, this woman was completely unprepared for Wu Yue’s appearance.


Just when Wu Yue met the woman, Ye Fei finally made a decision on the other side. He had already made the decision when Wu Yue and the woman confronted each other. The decision was not to use the space movement, but to directly activate the Ancient God Golden Body to open the Purple Gold Tai Chi.

Lu You’s Space Divine Ability strikes came over. It didn’t hit Ye Fei’s body, but hit Purple Gold Tai Chi. Although he started to retreat in the shortest time, Ye Fei still attacked The space fluctuation of Lu You found the essence of Lu You.

The immortal Sword Soul burned instantly, forming a horrible beam of destruction, smashing void, revealing a strip of terrifying space cracks, and just in front of the crack, Lu You looked embarrassed and looked at his chest The bloodstain drawn by the sword, if it weren’t for his Space Divine Ability was too subtle, the sword just now, it is very likely that he would have been seriously injured.

After being injured, Lu You no longer dared to fight Ye Fei. Instead, he walked back to Chu Fengxue’s side with the ripples of space at the fastest speed, and shook his head slightly. Obviously, his Space Divine Ability very difficult to deal with, its own battle strength, but not very strong.

Xiaocao also opened his eyes at this time, fiercely stared at the landing tour, not giving this person a chance to escape into the void again.

Ye Fei did not continue to chase, but walked to Wu Yue and said: “Wu Yue, you can see clearly, this person is the Chu State princess who impersonated you?”

“I will never read it wrong!” Wu Yue said bitterly.

Ye Fei is also nodded. Suddenly looked towards Demon Sovereign, “Master, this woman, but a member of the Imperial Family?”

“hmph, she is an Adopted Daughter adopted by King Chu, not a child of Emperor Chu.” Demon Sovereign sneered, Wu Yue trespassed in the Imperial Palace and spied on the princess’s bathing. He had been making trouble in Chu State, and Demon Sovereign had also heard about it.

Moreover, the identity of Demon Sovereign is one word side by side. His words are very weighty. He said that this woman is not a princess, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with this remark. Even more pale, he looked towards Chu Fengxue subconsciously, but saw that Chu Fengxue was full of anger, and suddenly slapped the woman’s face, “slut, are you making your own way? You wronged Wu Yue, don’t you hurry down on your knees? Apologies!”

The woman reacted and moved towards Wu Yue very unwillingly. She knelt down and said: “Young Master Wu, I’m sorry, I can’t bear your harassment. This is the only way to make her own way. I just made a joke, and please forgive Young Master.”

“What, I can’t bear my harassment, I made a joke? Your joke almost made me notorious and became a sinner of the sect. It’s just Kidding?” Wu Yue was very angry.

Chu Fengxue coldly looked towards Wu Yue, “If you are dissatisfied, you can kill this slut to vent your anger. Her life and death have nothing to do with my palace.”

” The palace has nothing to do! If you want this, let me stop the Shenglongzong?” Chu Ling couldn’t help getting angry. After all, Wu Yue was framed and the reputation of Shenglongzong was also damaged.

Hearing this, Lu You returned with a sneer, “So what, Wu Yue was framed, but Bao Min Senior Brother’s death must be yours. This woman has already apologized. What do you want?”

“Not so, I just want Huangtian to quit Chu State!” Ye Fei stepped forward, staring coldly at Chu Fengxue.

Chapter 2639 The defeated is dead

“Not so good, I just want Emperor Tian to quit Chu State!”

Ye Fei’s plain words are actually In the crowd, overflowing heaven stormy seas were set off. Why did King Chu dare to peek at the imperial power? First, the emperor Chu was seriously ill and was about to die. Similarly, Chu Fengxue invited many disciplines of the emperor, which is the real reason why King Chu dared to take the risk of usurping the throne. It is also because King Chu has the support of the emperor that he chooses to take refuge.

If the emperor retreats, then these officials will collapse in an instant. After all, although the Chu State is strong, the Demon Sovereign army backed by the Dragon Sect will only be stronger.

In the world of martial artist, what determines the fate of a country is never the number of troops, but the attitude of controlling the nine heavens and sects. Today, Huang Tian chose to support the King Chu Mansion where Chu Fengxue was located, while Ye Fei chose to support the frontier forces where Demon Sovereign was located.

It can be said that Ye Fei’s words changed the level of this war from the dispute of Chu State to the dispute between Thang Longzong and Emperor Tian. This is also what Ye Fei had against Chu Fengxue. Some kind of revenge.

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