the back of the crowd, Wu Yue walked into the air with a young man in flames in his hand. In order to let everyone see more carefully, Wu Yue also deliberately asked the imprisoned Zhang Qiao to raise his head. The Huangtian discipline, who was still clamoring, shut up, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

The morale of the frontier army broke out after Ye Fei killed Chu Fengxue and captured Zhang Qiao. There were cheers of victory everywhere. These cheers also made the expression of Huangtian’s discipline more difficult to look at.

Lu Mohan’s expression also suddenly showed an extremely cold murderous intention, coldly looked towards Ye Fei, “If I don’t let others go, what shall I do? If I have the ability, you will kill Zhang Qiao!”

“Alliance Leader…” Zhang Qiao looked up inconceivably, looking towards Lu Mohan, Ye Fei, and he was also puzzled. Could it be that Lu Mohan didn’t care about Zhang Qiao at all. Life and death, but in this way, the young Heaven’s Chosen who joined the Cold Alliance, wouldn’t they be chilled?

Appearing to feel Ye Fei’s doubts, Lu Mo smiled coldly and indifferently, “You dare to stand in front of me, the only bargaining chip is the captive Zhang Qiao, if you kill Zhang Qiao, you will die, so No matter what, you dare not kill anyone, let alone threaten me!”

The Emperor’s discipline, this is a surprise. Zhang Qiao finally realized that he is now Ye Fei’s “life-saving straw”. If Ye Fei kills him, how can Ye Fei resist Lu Mohan’s anger?

“hahaha, joining the Cold Alliance is indeed the most correct decision I made, Ye Fei, Wu Yue, you two turtles, it’s best to let me go right away, maybe I can still plead with the Alliance Leader , Let the Alliance Leader let you go…”


A sword light suddenly cut out, and instantly, it pierced Zhang Qiao’s chest and directly penetrated a blood The sparkling big hole, Zhang Qiao, is looking at Ye Fei with fear. The sword just now cut off all the vitality of his fleshy body. Only Zhang Qiao’s Divine Soul was suppressed by the seal of the Taiji Sword , Can’t move.

But even so, Zhang Qiao, King Axe, can be considered half-life removed. His fleshy body has been destroyed by Ye Fei, and only the lone Divine Soul is left in Ye Fei’s sword. Next, shiver coldly.

Zhang Qiao, completely afraid of Ye Fei.

This scene also made Huangtian’s discipline stared wide-eyed in shock. Ye Fei’s sword is so terrifying, but it only cuts the fleshy body without hurting Divine Soul!

Although in Heaven Realm, as long as Divine Soul Inextinguishable, there is hope of resurrection.

However, Fleshy body was beheaded and was equivalent to, and Zhang Qiao died once.

This strength makes people fearful, but Ye Fei calmly withdrew the Destruction Sword order, again coldly, looking towards Lu Mohan, “I only count three, the first one, Give you time to think, the second sound, if you don’t let go, I will cut his fleshy body directly, and the third sound, if you don’t let go, I will cut his Divine Soul!”



Lv Mohan was not given any chance to think, Ye Fei killed Zhang Qiao’s fleshy body with a single sword. The second sword was immediately issued, slashing towards Zhang Qiao’s Divine Soul, simply ignoring any warning from Lu Mohan. .

Ye Fei is betting on Lu Mohan. As the Alliance Leader of the Hanmeng, if he fails to save his subordinates, it will definitely chill the hearts of the Hanmeng and even cause the Hanmeng Falling apart.

After all, those who can join the Han Alliance are the young Heaven’s Chosen from Nine Big Sect. Although they respect Lu Mohan and recommend him as the Alliance Leader, if Lu Mohan does not satisfy them, Han Powerhouse stand in great numbers within the league, there is bound to be someone who may replace it!

“Now, it depends on Lu Mohan, whether Hanmeng is important or Chu State is important!” Ye Fei thought in his heart, the sword in his hand, ruthless, has been cut off, Zhang Qiao’s Divine Soul , She also trembled violently with fright, and said a voice of fear in her mouth, “Alliance Leader, save me! Save me!”

“Stop, if you dare to take a sword, I will let Chu Ling, Humiliated!”

Lu Mohan, also not deterred by Ye Fei’s methods, was completely angered, and the cold knife approaching Chu Ling suddenly broke out. He wanted to take all of Chu Ling’s clothes. Shocked, obviously, compared to Ye Fei, Lu Mohan’s methods were more cruel and poisonous.

Chu Ling screamed even more. She is a woman. If she is so humiliated, she might as well exterminate herself in public and come here with great joy. Lu Mohan, also betting on Ye Fei, absolutely dare not really kill Zhang Qiao, so that Chu Ling suffers a huge humiliation.

Chapter 2657 Emperor vs. Emperor

The strength of Ye Fei puts Lu Mohan in trouble, but as the Alliance Leader of the Cold Alliance, Lu Mohan is stronger than Ye Fei There was nothing worse than that, he actually wanted to humiliate Chu Ling in front of him, to persecute Ye Fei, and to save Zhang Qiao’s life.

Wu Yue and the soldiers of the frontier army were completely irritated by Lu Mohan’s actions. Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with cold, cold light, and huge anger, which made him very angry. He wanted to kill Zhang Qiao, but his reason told him that he couldn’t do that. After all, Chu Ling was still in Lu Mohan’s hands. Although I met Chu Ling not long ago, Chu Ling’s innocence and kindness made Ye Fei treat her as a friend.


The rays of light not ordered by the Destruction Sword, almost cut through the Divine Soul attached to the Zhangqiao, and pierced the void with cracks. This shows that Ye Fei Killing Zhang Qiao is definitely not just talking, but what you can do if you really say it.

This scene also made Lu Mohan’s murderous intentions become more and more intense. Two equally powerful people collide with each other. Either the other side gives way first, or they are destined to break the blood. flow.

As the Alliance Leader of Hanmeng, how can Lu Mohan bow to Ye Fei?

So, even though Ye Fei had stopped, Lu Mohan was still very indifferent. Suddenly the cold knife turned and slashed towards the Xiaoguanglong beside Chu Ling, killing Chu Ling, the consequences would be too serious, but if Just killing a little light dragon can’t be considered a big problem.

“Last chance, let Zhang Qiao go, otherwise, die!”

The cold light flashes, the blood light appears!

Xiao Guanglong, instead of being killed, was Chu Ling. At the critical moment, Lu Mohan was shocked when he stretched out his arm and blocked the deadly knife. Is this woman crazy? It’s just a battle pet, one dead, you can find another one at any time, but Chu Ling is willing to risk the broken arm to save this little light dragon.

Ye Fei and Wu Yue both showed a look of shock, and they had a feeling of admiration for Chu Ling. Then, Ye Fei’s third sword was suddenly raised. This time, it was not against Zhang Qiao. , But directly, slashed towards Lu Mohan.

“What I have to do, Lu Mohan, no one has ever been able to stop it. I said that if I want the life of this little light dragon, then it will definitely die!” Lu Mohan is too strong Now, this kind of person, simply won’t be threatened, let alone the life or death of anyone.

The terrifying cold knife slashed directly at Chu Ling’s arm, “You are trying to block the cold knife, and breaking your arm has nothing to do with me!”

“Even if it is death, I don’t allow you to hurt my companion!” Chu Ling said decisively, “If you want to kill Xiaoguanglong, you must step on my corpse first!”

At that time, Chu Ling not only slammed her arm into the cold knife, but also slammed her head. This was a crazy woman and a persistent woman. As long as she recognized the right thing, even if she sacrificed her life. Will do it.

The moment when everyone saw the cold knife, many closed their eyes unbearably, not wanting to see Chu Ling’s vanished fragrance and crumbled jade, Wu Yue even roared, Ye Fei also sighed With a sound, suddenly lifted the sword and plunged into the ground.

“Lu Mohan, you win, you stop, I let go!”

In the end, Ye Fei still can’t be as vicious and ruthless as Lu Mohan. Ignoring anyone’s life, Lu Mohan’s face also showed a triumphant sneer.

Those who become a major event should be regarded as non-disruptive means. Compared with Ye Fei, the gap is still too big.

The howling cold knife suddenly paused in front of Chu Ling. While Chu Ling was instantly frozen, a touch of cold light still slashed towards Xiao Guanglong.

“It’s late, what I want to do, Lu Mohan, then must do it, kill!”

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