“Yes! King Chu, give him the antidote!” Lu Mohan sneered. He didn’t care about the life and death of Demon Sovereign. He just wanted to kill Ye Fei now. This bad breath in my heart.

Seeing Ye Fei actually challenged, Wu Yue and Chu Ling both became anxious. Knowing that Ye Fei could not be stopped, they could only look towards the Eight-armed Demon Dragon and Rain Dragon, “Two uncles, stop him!”

“How to stop? He fights for the teacher, this is righteous! If we stop again, won’t we let outsiders look down on my Shenglongzong?” Rain Dragon reluctantly shook his head, looking towards Ye Fei’s eyes Suddenly a touch of appreciation appeared in the eyes, then turned his head, looked towards the eight-armed demon dragon.

The eight-armed demon dragon, also nodded, suddenly took a step forward coldly. Just when everyone thought that he might stop Ye Fei, one of the arms patted Ye Fei’s shoulder heavily. , “Boy, although the lord has ordered you not to be in danger, but you are so value emotion, value friendship, I can’t stop you, Emperor, you can fight, but there must be a premise, this kid…”

The remaining seven arms pointed at Lu Mohan coldly at the same time, “This kid, if there is a seed, he must guarantee that he will not use his bloodline power, so it is fair!”

After all, Lu Mohan’s most powerful talent is the bloodline talent of Ten Grade 2, which makes Lu Mohan stand out from the crowd, and it is hard to meet opponents. If Lu Mohan inspires bloodline, Ye Fei, it is absolutely impossible to be Lu Mo Han’s opponent.

So, the eight-armed demon dragon deliberately added a limit to this challenge, not allowing Lu Mohan, and using Bloodline Strength.

Chapter 2659: Dragon Boxing

“Yes, as long as he has a seed, even without bloodline, I, Lu Mohan, why should I be afraid of a battle?” Lu Mohan’s expression, Full of pride, this is his confidence in his own strength.

When talking, Lu Mohan’s eyes were already provocative, looking towards Ye Fei, “I don’t use bloodline, do you dare to fight?”

“You want Fight, I will fight!”

Ye Fei is fearless, Alliance Leader of Hanmeng, so what, same realm, he is not afraid of any Heaven’s Chosen, this is also Ye Fei’s confidence, just for Ye Fei was confident, Lu Mohan, but a sneer flashed across his mouth.

The world only knows that his bloodline is strong. I don’t know that he is the strongest. In fact, it is not bloodline. But Lu Mohan will naturally not tell about this, but will let Ye Fei fight. Really feel what is the real fear.

“King Chu, give him the antidote now!”

Seeing Ye Fei’s promise, Lu Mohan suddenly spoke to King Chu coldly and asked him When taking out the antidote, in the sky, which ancient emperor of the emperor sky suddenly waved his hand indifferently, “Wait, since there is a fight, how can there be no prizes? In my opinion, this battle, the loser must If you leave Chu State, you must not interfere with Chu State. What do you think?”

This person actually wants to use this competition to determine the future of Chu State in one fell swoop.

The expression of Emperor Chu’s face changed suddenly, and King Chu let out a gloomy laugh, “hehe, I agree, Imperial Brother, do you dare to agree?”

Chu The emperor’s face became more ugly.

After all, the competition this time is not the ordinary Emperor’s discipline, but the Alliance Leader of the Cold Alliance, Lu Mohan, known as the invincible existence of the peers, even if the bloodline is not used, it is not easy to defeat.

Subconsciously, Emperor Chu looked towards Ye Fei.

But I saw Ye Fei nodded to the Emperor Chu with a serious face, in order to save Demon Sovereign, even if he desperately lost his life, he did not hesitate. It’s up to now, Chu Huang, whether he has this courage.

“Okay, I agree! However, it is not to compare now, but to compare in a month!” Chu Huang gritted his teeth, Demon Sovereign’s brother’s affection, and Chu State’s current situation Finally, Chu Huang made up his mind to put Chu State’s future on Ye Fei’s body.

After winning, Chu State turned the crisis into safety, and if he lost, he could at least save Demon Sovereign, all his brother’s feelings.

For Chu Huang’s decision, many City Lords with soldiers and Qin Kings felt incredible. They admitted that Ye Fei is very strong, but even without Bloodline Strength, Ye Fei’s hope of defeating Lu Mohan is also Too vague.

They don’t understand why the Emperor Chu made such an impulsive decision. Is it because he wanted to save Demon Sovereign and abandon Chu State’s great foundation?

Seeing Chu Huang nodded, King Chu finally gave out a tricky smile, and at the same time opened the mouth and said gloomily: “No, January is too long. We will only give you ten Days! Alliance Leader, do you think ten days are enough?”

King Chu’s words seem to have a meaning. Lu Mohan thought for a while and was already indifferent and nodded: “Well, in ten days, Ye Fei, ten days later, you and I will fight on the top of Chu State, the imperial city! King Chu, give him the antidote!”

After finishing speaking, Lu Mohan turned around and left, showing extreme confidence and courage. This was a fact that he had to use to force Ye Fei to fight.

After all, as the disciple of the Thang Long Sect, taking the medicine, but repenting of fighting, will inevitably damage the reputation of the Thang Long Sect. Perceiving Lu Mohan’s scheming, Ye Fei could not help but sneer in her heart, “You Lu Mohan is courageous, don’t I have it, Wu Yue, let him go!”

Since Lu Mohan has given the antidote and Chu Ling has already rescued him, there is no need to do it with Zhang Qiao. The hostages, Wu Yue, let go of the imprisonment of Zhang Qiao’s Divine Soul, but Zhang Qiao did not have the joy of getting away, but stared at Ye Fei very bitterly, “Destroying my fleshy body, this hatred is hard to get rid of. Ye Fei, in ten days, wait for you to die!”

The dignified Raging Fire Sect Heaven’s Chosen, but the fleshy body that was beaten collapsed, leaving only Divine Soul living in the world. Zhang Qiao’s heart was filled with After being frustrated, Chu Huang’s expression changed again when he heard Zhang Qiao’s threat, and he hurriedly asked: “Ye Fei, ten days later, are you really confident to defeat Lu Mohan?”

“Your Majesty, I dare not say that I will win, but as long as Lu Mohan does not use Bloodline Strength, same realm, I am not afraid of anyone!” Ye Fei’s tone was also a little solemn.

Lu Mohan’s courage, and Zhang Qiao’s words, let him know that the battle in ten days must be a fierce battle. However, even if let Zai choose again, in order to save Demon Sovereign, he will still choose to fight to the end!

With the antidote given to him by King Chu, Ye Fei hurriedly asked Chu Sovereign Dao: “Is King Chu’s antidote reliable?”

“It should be reliable! King Chu Although insidious, in the presence of the two ancient emperors of the Shenglong Sect, he did not dare to mess around.” The Emperor Chu was somewhat nodded and said.

Ye Fei put the antidote into Demon Sovereign’s mouth, and delivered profound energy to help the unconscious Demon Sovereign, quickly refining medicinal power, Chu Huang’s judgment was correct, King Chu did not play tricks this time. Instead, he gave out the medicine obediently and honestly. Under the action of the antidote, Demon Sovereign not only released the poison, but also opened his eyes. He opened his mouth and cursed: “Should I be a teacher! I’m sorry, you have to stun me. You used a black pot…”

Black smoke came out of Demon Sovereign’s angry nostrils.

Ye Fei also obediently and honestly apologized, “No matter how you scold me, you are my Master, then I can’t die without saving!”

Demon Sovereign was taken aback. , His eyes were also sad, and he felt that he had harmed Ye Fei. Seeing Demon Sovereign’s attitude, Chu Huang’s heart was even more tense, and he suddenly sighed: “Ye Fei, in the battle ten days later, you can do your best. It doesn’t matter if you win or not. The most important thing is to save your life!” /p>


Ye Fei was completely speechless. The people of Emperor Tian just ignored him. As a result, even the Emperor Chu didn’t care about him. He quickly looked towards Eight Arms Monster Dragon and Rain Dragon, but seeing these two Dragon Race ancient emperors, they were also full of awe, warned repeatedly: “Boy, Chu Huang, it makes sense. You are still young and the road is long. As long as you live, one or The failure of two times will not affect your future.”

In Ye Fei’s heart, there was a sudden urge to beat others.

And the more Chu Huang and the others said that, Ye Fei became more kind, and pressed Lu Mohan to the ground and beat him hard, “Competing Bloodline Strength, I’m not as good as Lu Mohan. , But compared to Martial Arts Divine Ability, I don’t believe that I will be inferior to him!”

The strength of the opponent inspired Ye Fei’s fighting spirit.

I feel Ye Fei’s fighting spirit. Both the Eight-armed Demon Dragon and Rain Dragon looked at each other in blank dismay. I don’t know how to comfort Ye Fei. Instead, it was Chu Ling who suddenly decided What happened, he came over fiercely and said: “Ye Fei, you are right. You can’t compete against bloodline. Then let’s compete against Martial Arts Divine Ability. I will teach you the Dragon Boxing. Ten days later, you use this Fist, help me fiercely’s lesson Lu Mohan! It’s better to beat him for two weeks, can’t get up!”

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