Emperor Chu’s expression became extremely ugly, as if he was caught in a certain hesitation. Empress Ye next to him calmly said, “Husband, at this time, what else is there to hide? “

The Emperor Chu sighed and said with a solemn expression: “That’s all, since King Chu has violated the ancestral instructions and betrayed the information of the first ancestor. Then I have nothing to hide. In fact, my Chu State is different. Supreme Treasure! One is the sword dao magical power left by the first ancestors, but this magical power can only be known by the emperors of Chu, and King Chu does not know it.”

“However, there is another treasure in my Chu State. It is said that he followed the first ancestor and was buried together in the Chu State imperial tomb. The first ancestor was on it and laid a very difficult test. Only the Imperial Family in the past can participate in this test, and there is only one chance to pass! Expect, King Chu actually revealed such a secret to Lu Mohan, King Chu, in order to fight for the throne!”

The body of Chu Huang showed strong anger and murderous intention. King Chu was vying for the throne. He didn’t blame King Chu, but King Chu violated the ancestral instructions so easily and revealed the secret of Chu State imperial tomb, and Emperor Chu was completely offended.

Demon Sovereign said nervously: “What are you waiting for? I dare to go to the imperial tomb immediately. Lu Mohan himself has ten Grade 2 bloodline. If you let him get the treasure in the imperial tomb again, ten In the battle of Queen Chu, the hope of Ye Fei’s victory is even slimmer.”

“Okay, go to the imperial tomb!”

The reminder of Demon Sovereign made Chu Huang finally made up his mind, although Bringing outsiders into the imperial tomb violated the ancestral motto, but now that Chu State is going to die, Emperor Chu can’t care about so much.

“If such a treasure really falls into the hands of outsiders, it is better to fall into the hands of Ye Fei than to fall into the hands of Lu Mohan and Huangtian!”

Hold this Thought, the Emperor Chu waved his hand, and he drove Ye Fei and Demon Sovereign and the others to the imperial tomb of Chu State moved towards Chu State. At this time, the Chu State imperial tomb was a group of people gathered here in secret. .

These people are all wearing the same clothes as Lu Mohan. They are obviously from Hanmeng. The leader is actually an ancient emperor from the emperor who is attacking the imperial tomb. .

In the end, the first ancestor of Chu State was once a powerhouse that followed the Celestial Emperor. Although it was named a sword slave, its ability was also heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and even only one step away, it was breakthrough The ancient gods.

For such a powerhouse, the restriction left by it is of course not trivial. Unless the person who enters has the Imperial Family bloodline, he will immediately be attacked by the restriction. And the ancient emperor of the emperor was specifically responsible for breaking this prohibition, and then allowing the Heaven’s Chosen in the cold alliance to enter the imperial tomb at will, just like the Imperial Family in the past, for trials.

It’s just such a move, it will inevitably anger the Emperor Chu, and it will be disrespectful to the entire Chu State Imperial Family. Therefore, Lu Mohan will be so impatient that he wants to support King Chu ascending the throne. After all, only King Chu Only by enthroning can they stop many unnecessary rumors and make their actions more smoothly.

Unfortunately, due to the strength of Emperor Chu, Demon Sovereign’s troops, and the participation of Ye Fei and Shenglongzong, the situation of Chu State has become more and more complicated. This also makes the ancient The emperor became more and more anxious, and even took some violent means to forcibly destroy the tombs of the ancient Chu emperors, and speed up the destruction of the prohibition.

The other members of the cold alliance are responsible for controlling the tombs all around to prevent people from entering without authorization and causing unnecessary hidden dangers.

“You said, how long will the Chu State imperial tomb prohibition be completely cracked?”

“It’s hard to say, the first Emperor Chu, after all, did he follow the Celestial Emperor The character, he said, it was the bloodline ban. Such a ban is the most difficult to break. Without the bloodline of the Chu State Imperial Family, it can only take time and a little bit of time.”

“It’s a pity that King Chu failed to seize power. Otherwise, why should we be so anxious, we can easily break through this formation and follow the Alliance Leader and Fairy to search the Chu State Imperial Tomb…”

, The person’s gaze was also subconsciously looked towards the mountain not far away, and I saw a devastatingly beautiful woman standing above, although she was wearing a light gauze, she still couldn’t hide her beauty.

This beauty makes the young Heaven’s Chosen of these cold alliances show their emotions and obsessiveness, and then they sigh helplessly. This woman is not something they can get involved, but the Alliance Leader. Sweetheart.

There are even rumors that half of the reason why the Alliance Leader has spent a lot of time to win the Chu State imperial tomb is because of this woman.


At the same time when these people wanted to get into trouble, the imperial tomb in front had already heard a huge roar, obviously. The bloodline restriction of the first ancestor was finally completely broken.

Inside, an ancient emperor wearing a Divine King robe also came out. This ancient emperor, with a tired face, only showed a gratified smile when he looked towards the woman on the top of the mountain. “Zhao Yu, Chu State’s bloodline is banned, and I have gotten through it. Although Mo Han hasn’t arrived yet, you can enter the imperial tomb in advance and experience it.”

This devastatingly beautiful The woman was actually Zhao Yu. Originally, Zhao Yu was sent to the emperor as a maid, but Zhao Yusheng’s is so beautiful, the tenth-grade cold bloodline is also very powerful, even comparable to some weaker Grade 11 bloodline Up.

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Yu entered Huangtian, he was taken seriously. From the humblest maid, he was promoted to Huangtian Outer Disciple. Fortunately, Divine King, the predecessor of Divine King Palace, had been in the palace for many years. Later, I finally broke through the ancient emperor, and his status was as the tide rises, the boat floats. So after learning that Zhao Yu was also from the Divine King Palace, the ancient emperor simply promoted Zhao Yu to the Inner Disciple, which was even more income. Door wall.

Of course, what prompted the ancient emperor Akino to do this, in addition to the incense sentiment from the Divine King Palace at the same time as Zhao Yu, there is one more thing, the ancient emperor Akino wanted to cheat Lu Mohan very much. Gaining a higher status in Huangtian, so the first thing that the ancient emperor Qiuye accepted Zhao Yu was to take Zhao Yu and deliberately go to see Lu Mohan.

Unsurprisingly, Lu Mohan was very satisfied with Zhao Yu’s beauty and talents. He actually developed an admiration for Zhao Yu. Not only did he force Zhao Yu to join the Han League, he took the initiative this time. Invite the ancient emperor Qiuye and Zhao Yu to come to Chu State for treasure hunting together.

Chapter 2662 This heart will never change

Chapter 2662 This heart will never change

“Master, I’m tired and don’t want to enter, you Let others go in first.” Zhao Yu’s pupil light is very cold. After the battle in the Divine King Palace, she has undoubtedly grown a lot. She no longer thinks about escaping from the emperor. After all, she has no strength. Even if she can escape from the emperor, in the Heaven Realm where the powerhouse is respected, her beauty will still bring her a huge disaster.

So, during Huangtian’s years, Zhao Yu settled her heart and started crazy cultivation. Now her realm has also broken through to the early-stage of the gods, which is only short of the mid-term. One step, such a realm, if Zhao Yuanxin stays in Huangtian, he will definitely receive more attention.

It’s just that, whenever I think about it, in God King City, walk for her with the sword, for her at the strength of oneself, against the entire Divine King palace’s youth silhouette, there is one in her heart Kind of inexplicable pain and happiness.

Seeing the change in Zhao Yu’s eyes, the ancient emperor Qiuye couldn’t help being coldly snorted. He was the Divine King of the Divine King Palace. When Zhao Yu was accepted as a disciple, he naturally started from Divine. From King, he learned about Zhao Yu and Ye Fei. For this reason, the ancient emperor Akino enlightened Zhao Yu more than once. After all, in the eyes of the ancient emperor Akino, Ye Fei is just a country boy who did not know where he came from. .

And Lu Mohan is enough to suppress Heaven’s Chosen of an era.

With Zhao Yu’s beauty and talent, naturally he must be combined with Heaven’s Chosen like Lu Mohan to be considered a good match.

“Zhao Yu, you are still thinking about Ye Fei! As the teacher knows, you and that Ye Fei have a deep relationship. That kid, for you, does not hesitate to use a humble body with me, Divine King Gong starts a war, and it can be considered affectionate and true, but you still have to look forward. You follow a humble ant, and follow a Divine Dragon who is destined to soaring through the Nine Heavens. Which is happier, you must think clearly.”

Qiuye’s ancient imperial words are very heart-warming, and he is completely thinking of Zhao Yu. Hearing this, Zhao Yu’s expression is very firm, and he resolutely said: “Master, I don’t care whether he is strong or weak. Whether it is noble or poor, I only know that I like him, I like to be with him, he is an ant, I will accompany him as an ant, he is Divine Dragon, I will accompany him, soaring through the Nine Heavens!”

“You are stupid! Zhao Yu, don’t forget, who made you the place you are today. If you weren’t the emperor, you are still a little maid of the emperor outer sect, struggling, how can you? Can you get the care of the emperor, and can you get the favor of Lu Mohan?” Ancient emperor Qiuye, complexion ashen, he felt that Zhao Yu was too stubborn.

You must know that in the emperor, I don’t know how many beautiful women there are. I want to plunge directly into Lu Mohan’s arms, even if I share with others willingly, Zhao Yu faces Lu Mohan’s pursuit. , But never responded, and sometimes even directly ignored, which seriously affected his plan to indulge Lu Mohan. Every time he thinks of this, the ancient emperor Qiuye feels extremely upset, so that his words are already threatening.

After all, the emperor’s competition is extremely cruel. If Zhao Yu loses the protection of his ancient emperor and refuses Lu Mohan’s pursuit, then Zhao Yu’s future status in the emperor will definitely be dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

With the fierce competition between Emperor Tian, ​​once Zhao Yu falls, it is very likely that it will be consigned to eternal damnation.

Listening to the overtones of the ancient emperor Akino, Zhao Yu’s expression became extremely indifferent, “It was you who forcibly accepted me as a disciple, not my own will! If you are dissatisfied, you can drive me away. It’s better to drive me out of the emperor when I go out, but let me forget Ye Fei. Unless I die, this heart will never change.”

“You wicked disciple! Be kind to your teacher , For the sake of you, this was the result…” The ancient emperor Qiuye was so angry that he raised his slap and was about to hit Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu’s gaze was full of stubbornness, and she could give in. The only thing I like about Ye Fei is that I can’t tolerate half-step retreat.

The hand of the ancient emperor Qiuye was not at all. First, Lu Mohan paid too much attention to Zhao Yu. If he hit Zhao Yu, it would not only seriously affect the master and disciple relationship, but also Will cause Lu Mohan’s unhappiness.

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