Lu Mohan, the killing intent is more vigorous, and the howling cold air directly turned into a blizzard and swept this world, only because Zhao Yu was still with Ye Fei, Lu Mohan, not at all Do it now. ,

This is so, feeling Lu Mohan’s anger, everyone in the Han League couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts. Zhao Yu gave Ye Fei a slightly worried look.

After all, Lu Mohan is powerful, but it is recognized that this is the real Heaven’s Chosen that can suppress an era, much stronger than the strongest situation in Divine State.

“Ye Fei, you…”

“Zhao Yu, don’t say anything, you just have to remember that no matter who it is, you can’t take you away from me Go.” Ye Fei’s expression was stern. Facing Lu Mohan’s rage, Ye Fei didn’t refute, but moved Zhao Yu’s body forcefully towards his arms again. This time, Zhao Yu didn’t either. Rebelled, but allowed Ye Fei to pull her into his arms again.

“Ye Fei, die for me, come!”


Zhao Yu’s gentleness and obedience to Ye Fei, and the ass facing him The cold as ice and frost finally ignited Lu Mohan’s anger, intense jealousy, and crazy murderous intent, making Lu Mohan raise his hand to be a terrifying cold gang, forming thousands of swords, continuous The moved towards Ye Fei came from beheaded.

“Zhao Yu, you step back, I will meet him!”

Ye Fei fighting intent is infinite. Even if he knew that facing the angry Lu Mohan, he might be losing more than winning, but for Zhao Yu, for his own woman, he was still fearless and took a step forward. The sword in his hand broke out the most. The strong sword light collided with the thousands of cold swords.


At the moment of blade and sword collide, the entire void trembled violently. Ye Fei also suddenly felt a terrifying chill, which was going to be passed down his sword to his body.

Chapter 2664 Imperial Family Supreme Treasure


At the moment when Ye Fei is about to be frozen, Zhao Yu’s body is surrounded by flames, she Suddenly the snow and ice Goddess turned into the flame War Goddess. The blazing flame and the ice also formed the icy fire. Two extreme forces blasted forward, and they formed a very tacit cooperation with Ye Fei’s sword light. , Forcibly pushed Lu Mohan’s chill out.

“Lu Mohan, if you want to kill Ye Fei, kill me!” Zhao Yu, hair is like fire, and beautiful eyes are terrifying rays of light, but it doesn’t hurt her in the least. Beauty, on the contrary, has a special charm. Even in the midst of anger, Lu Mohan couldn’t help but lose his senses for a moment. It was also the momentary loss of mind. Ye Fei had already keenly grasped it.

Without the Destruction Sword order, it suddenly became as big as a mountain, like a sword mountain that splits the sky, and suddenly fell on Lu Mohan’s body, but at the critical moment, a piece of ice Divine Armor hangs here Human body actually resisted Ye Fei’s Jianshan, but Lu Mohan’s footsteps were slightly shaken back.

“Do you think that I am absent is a weak spot? Stupid, just like you ants, even if I stand here and let you cut, you won’t hurt me! Zhao Yu, Your vision is too bad, he is simply not worthy of your being together, Lone Star Elder, please take Zhao Yu away, I can’t tolerate her, stay with a trash!”

Lu Mohan , The cold air turned into a god and demon wearing an ice armor, and appeared behind him. Hearing what he said, the ancient emperor in the mirror, who had always followed Lu Mohan, suddenly walked out of the cold condensed mirror with a sneer, and even stepped directly into the pupils of Zhao Yu and Ye Fei.

“Ye Fei, you should not be against my emperor, Zhao Yu, with your talent and beauty, let alone stay with these dying ants.” The lone star who walked out The ancient emperor completely ignored Ye Fei, and when he raised his hand, he wanted to take Zhao Yu away.

Ye Fei and Zhao Yu both became angry. Facing the danger, they were not frightened by each other. Instead, they held two hands tightly together. This is the persistence of two people. With this persistence, no one and nothing can be separated. Even the ancient emperor is not good.


The hand of the ancient lone star emperor directly refractions through the mirror, appearing extremely abruptly in the void, Ye Fei firmly grasped the Destruction Sword order, Zhao Yu’s The eyes of the fire also flashed a lingering chill.

While facing the ancient emperor, I will never give up and never let go!

“Enough Lone Star, Junior’s matter, let Junior solve it by himself! If you intervene, do you despise my Ascension Sect is not strong enough?”

The hand not at all fell, in the sky, two huge dragon roars had been heard, it was an eight-armed demon dragon, and Rain Dragon, the ancient emperor of the Thang Long Sect, arrived.

Among them, Rain Dragon’s legs directly stepped on the void, leaving behind a huge dragon mark. This dragon mark shattered the void and also shattered the big hand of the ancient emperor Lone Star.

The remaining eight-armed demon dragon is directly in front of Ye Fei. Suddenly, all eight arms came out and blasted forward. A whole world was blown and exploded. Lu Mohan was the first to bear the brunt. , Immediately as if was struck by lightning, his body retreated like lightning, and quickly left the ancient emperor’s attack range.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly sank, and then I understood why the two ancient emperors of Chu Huang and Shenglongzong were not optimistic about his battle with Lu Mohan, it is really Lu Mohan’s bloodline talent Too strong, even in the face of the ancient emperor’s blow, he can retreat calmly.

If this person inspires Bloodline Strength, he is currently not an opponent, but he is just competing with Martial Arts Divine Ability. Ye Fei thinks that he will not be much worse than Lu Mohan.

Seeing Lu Mohan falling into the attack of the ancient emperor, the lone star Elder could only roar. Helplessly gave up the arrest of Zhao Yu, but quickly retreated to Lu Mohan’s side, “Shanglongzong, Lu Mohan is my emperor Heaven’s Chosen, if there is anything wrong with him, my emperor must be with you. Rising Dragon Sect, irreconcilable!”

“Get out of your egg! Ye Fei is the Core Disciple of my Rising Dragon Sect. If there is anything wrong with him, I will swallow you!” The eight-armed demon dragon, violently violent, At this time, it is directly transformed into a terrifying monster dragon as big as a mountain. His eight arms are eight terrifying dragon claws, which are extremely powerful.

The face of the ancient emperor Lone Star changed suddenly and he was helpless. At this time, the Dragon Sect and the two ancient emperors, he was alone, and naturally impossible to be the opponents of the two ancient emperors. Under shame, Lone Star The ancient emperor suddenly looked towards all around, “Where is King Chu? Why didn’t you make a move?”


The entire Chu State imperial tomb suddenly trembled violently, but During the battle between Emperor Chu and the ancient Emperor Qiuye, the lone star confronted the two ancient emperors Rain Dragon, the eight-armed demon dragon. King Chu went into the Chu State imperial mausoleum silently.

The purpose of King Chu is very simple, that is, taking advantage of everyone’s attention, being attracted by the ancient emperor, taking the lead by himself, entering the imperial tomb, taking advantage of his own Chu State Imperial Family, and keeping the first emperor of Chu The Supreme Treasure is in hand.

And only the treasure of the first ancestor fell into his hands, and it was only half the battle before he took control of Chu State. What King Chu absolutely didn’t expect was that Chu State’s imperial mausoleum could not be entered without having the Imperial Family bloodline.

In the core of the Mausoleum of the First Ancestor, there is actually a hidden restriction. This restriction was triggered by King Chu, and the entire Chu State Mausoleum was shaken violently. .

Seeing this, the Emperor Chu, the eight-armed demon dragon, and the Rain Dragon all stopped fighting, gaze as if a torch, looked towards the violently shaking imperial tomb. , A terrifying sword light burst out suddenly, and moved towards King Chu directly. That is the magical power of the sword dao hidden in the tomb of the first emperor of Chu.

Faced with this magical power, King Chu’s face was covered with cold sweat. He simply did not dare to resist this sword, but called for help from the Emperor and the Emperor, “Two Daoist Brothers, save me…”

The expressions of the ancient emperor Qiuye and the ancient emperor Lonely changed drastically. In the end, King Chu was the key to their intervention in Chu State. There was absolutely nothing to do. The two ancient emperors immediately did not want to pursue Ye. The matter between Fei and Zhao Yu was over, and at the same time, they exploded with all their strength and blasted towards the tomb below.

“Dare you guys!”

This scene also deeply angered the Emperor Chu. After all, this tomb was the place where the Emperor Chu was buried in the past. If the Emperor is left alone Attack, the entire imperial tomb must be destroyed.

The Emperor Chu burst out with the strongest power immediately, and confronted these two ancient emperors Divine Ability. Unfortunately, the power of the Emperor Chu was far from the opponents of the two ancient emperors. Although blocking the ancient emperor Lone Star.

But the flame sword of the ancient emperor Qiuye brushed his arm, and together with King Chu, resisted the attack of the ancient sword of the imperial tomb.

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