“Lu Mohan, it’s too early for you to be happy!” Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly flashed with golden rays of light and anger. Since Lu Mohan violated the gambling fight, first If you shoot him, you can’t blame him. The eyes of Sacred Dragon within the body were suddenly activated, and Ye Fei’s left eye, as if turned into the eyes of Sacred Dragon, possessed the ability to freeze space.

Almost at the moment when Lu Mohan grasped the ancient god Blood Lotus, this powerful Space Power had instantly solidified Lu Mohan’s body, and even more completely condensed the space he was in, and then again A big black mouth stretched out abruptly from there, and directly at Lu Mohan’s in front of one’s eyes, he bit the ancient god Blood Lotus in one bite, and returned to Ye Fei as if offering a treasure.

Lv Mohan’s face instantly turned scorched. He didn’t expect to be killed. Ye Fei would have such terrifying Space Divine Ability, which can directly condense the space, even less. t expect, there will be a big black tortoise in the realm of Taoism, dare to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth, forcibly, and forcibly snatching the ancient god Blood Lotus from his eyes.

“I’m going to kill this turtle!”

The huge anger made Lu Mohan’s eyes look towards Dragon Tortoise as if he could eat people, and he came furiously. In an attempt to kill Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei’s face showed a sneer. He turned his head and swept towards the ancient emperor Akino and the ancient emperor Lone Star coldly, “The Emperor’s words are unbelievable, this Ye Today, I have learned it!”

“Impudent, dare to slander my emperor!” Ancient Emperor Akino and Ancient Emperor Lone Star were both irritated by Ye Fei’s words at the same time, but before they could take action, both The huge dragon roar resounded throughout the world. Everyone below the ancient emperor, upon hearing this dragon roar, felt the blood surge within the body, as if to explode from within the body.

Lv Mohan, who was planning to attack Ye Fei and killed the nasty black turtle by the way, as if was struck by lightning, even if he was Heaven’s Chosen with ten Grade 2 bloodline, at the same time Facing the sonic attacks of the two ancient emperors, he was also shocked by a bleeding in his mouth and nose, and had to retreat in embarrassment.

“Enough, Huangtian, are you not enough to be ashamed? It is you who made the gambling fight. Now you have lost. If you don’t admit it, don’t blame me for the bad hand of Shenglongzong. Let Lu Mo in advance. The cold falls!”

The eight-armed monster dragon, each of the eight arms condenses divine light, like the emperor of the monster dragon that rules the world, full of tremendous pressure, Rain Dragon is even more sneaked, and the body is suddenly filled with terror The Blood Fiendish Qi of Qiu Ye coldly glanced at the ancient emperor Qiuye and the ancient emperor Lone Star. The expressions of these two ancient emperors became more ugly, and they understood that if they completely angered the Thang Long Sect, they would use the eight-armed demon dragon and the Rain Dragon. Strong, it is really possible to desperately kill Lu Mohan, and that would be a huge loss for Emperor Tian.

But if you don’t fight, not only will Chu State be thrown away, but the emperor will also lose your troops, and you won’t be able to get any benefits. The ancient emperor Qiuye is also a lone star. It is slightly nodded in tacit agreement.

“Thanglongzong, we lost this gambling battle, we admit it! But don’t forget, Ye Fei and Lu Mohan have a ten-day appointment, since the matter has come This step is over, then there is no need to wait for ten days. Let’s see, just like today, let the two of them fight, and completely end this grievance!” When the ancient emperor Qiuye spoke, he looked at Lu Mo with profound meaning. Han glanced.

Lu Mohan smiled knowingly, “I have no problem, as long as he dares to fight, I can accompany him at any time, but the question is, this coward, does he dare to fight with me? He just dared to hide Behind the woman! Zhao Yu, if you don’t want him to die, come back to me now and promise to be my slave girl and let me ravage me!” This tone is already obviously insulting. When Chu Ling and Wu Yue heard this, they all became angry, and Zhao Yu’s eyes were even more icy. Only Ye Fei, remaining unmoved, could see through it at a glance. This is clearly Lu Mohan’s aggressive general.

The eight-armed demon dragon and Rain Dragon can also see it naturally. They turned their heads at the same time and said solemnly: “The emperor violates the gambling fight first, Ye Fei, you can not fight!”

“If you don’t fight, wouldn’t you really become a coward in the eyes of some people?” Ye Fei smiled. It was an indifferent smile. What Lu Mohan did made him completely angry.

Especially, Lu Mohan can insult him, but he shouldn’t. Insult Zhao Yu, based on this, he can’t help but fight!

“If you want to fight, right, then roll up and fight with me!”

Ye Fei’s hair is flying, walking with sword, step by step, towards the void. It is also left to many Hanmengs and Huangtian’s disciplines, a very horrified silhouette, who is Lu Mohan, Huangtian’s most talented discipline, is enough to suppress the Heaven’s Chosen of the era.

Ye Fei is just an unknown person who has risen by chance. He has the courage to fight Lu Mohan head-on?

“Well, this evil barrier is really as rumored, arrogant, supercilious, Mo Han, today you will use all your strength to let this evil barrier know what is Heaven beyond the Heaven!”

The ancient emperor Qiuye showed cold glow on his face, but he hadn’t finished his words yet. Two dragon roars were heard from the opposite side, and the eight-armed demon dragon roared with the urn sound: “You can fight, but this In the First World War, neither side should use the bloodline. If anyone dares to move, Rain Dragon and I should kill them at all costs!”


Between words, two strands The power of Divine Dragon shook the world, and the four pairs of dragon eyes stared at Lu Mohan with extreme indifference.

Chapter 2670 Peak Battle

Chapter 2670 Peak Battle

Lu Mohan’s heart suddenly tightened, knowing that if he uses it once The power of bloodline is probably the two ancient emperors Qiuye and Lone Star, and neither can keep him. After all, the Eight-armed Demon Dragon and Rain Dragon are not ordinary ancient emperors of the Shenglong Sect, but the favorites of the previous generation Sect Master and this generation Sect Master. Especially the eight-armed demon dragon followed, but an ancient god, the battle strength must be even more terrifying.

“But so what, fight your ant, even if you don’t use the bloodline, I will kill you!” The bloodline’s power disappeared, and Lu Mohan’s breath, since it hasn’t been weakened at all, it has changed. Get stronger.

Zhao Yu could not help but came to Ye Fei very worried, “Ye Fei, Lu Mohan is Huangtian’s Sect Master’s son. His cultivation technique and magical powers are all from the Emperor’s cream of the crop. You must be careful.”

“I will be careful! You retreat one after another and wait for me to come back.” Ye Fei looked at Zhao Yu with a touch of tenderness in his eyes. This line of sight made Zhao Yu’s face suddenly become slightly red. Then, she mustered up her courage and suddenly kissed Ye Fei’s lips again. Then she quickly turned around and retreated into the void, leaving everyone with infinite imagination. Back view.

Ye Fei was stunned immediately, and then a happy smile appeared on his face, and the fighting spirit on his body became even higher. But Lu Mohan, who saw this scene, was on the spot. All around the cold air burst.

Who doesn’t know the entire Hanmeng and Huangtian, he Lu Mohan is interested in Zhao Yu, but now Zhao Yu, not only puts himself in the arms of others, but also makes such an amazing act in public, Lu Mohan, thoroughly The bottom cannot be tolerated.

“Death, I want you to die! Eternal Cold Knife!”

The terrifying cold air turned into a huge blade light, which directly slashed the heaven and the earth, even more towards Ye Fei The body smashed in angrily, but Ye Fei’s silhouette suddenly disappeared in place. The space shift was launched again, like an afterimage, suddenly appeared beside Lu Mohan, a mountain of swords rose from the ground, slashing forward.

Boom ka!

At this moment, the world trembles violently under the collision between the sword light and the blade light of the two people, and Lu Mohan’s hands are suddenly discharged, layered on top of each other. If the glacier is surging, it seems that this world will be sealed by ice, which is extremely terrifying.

At least, when they saw this blade, the Hanmeng and many emperor’s disciplines, they all changed their faces. They thought that adding one piece to all of them might not be able to resist this terrifying sword.

This is where Heaven’s Chosen terrifying in the era of suppression. Even without Bloodline Strength, Lu Mohan still has battle strength that can kill people across borders. It’s just that his battle strength has encountered the severe test of Ye Fei Taiji Sword Dao. Tai Chi itself is good at defending. Not to mention, Ye Fei still integrates all the memory of the sword dao of the original Chu Huang at this time. Memory cannot allow Ye Fei to break through, but it can infinitely improve his sword dao.

The original incomplete Taiji Sword dance became perfect in an instant. It went directly from the ancient magical powers to the Taixu magical power level. The indestructible emperor sword, the sword palace magical power, was even in the early Chu Huang Under his memory, he also got a huge increase, and he also reached the super-virtual supernatural power level in one fell swoop.

At this time, Ye Fei used these two sword dao magical abilities to make up for the shortcomings and give full play to their strengths. In the end, Ye Fei’s body is no longer pervasive. The sword light is the terrifying Taiji Sword picture and the powerful void black hole, which swallows the world and makes the sun and the moon desolate.

But in this sadness, there is a cold knife, teaching the world, cutting the void, that is Lu Mohan, a terrifying silhouette holding the cold knife, especially his cold gang , He was born with an ice-bound power, which made Ye Fei faintly feel that his spatial movement became slow, and he felt threatened by a cold knife at any time.

“This ant Divine Ability is so strong!” Lu Mohan is also more and more frightened. The world only knows that his bloodline is strong, but they don’t know that his perception is also terrifying, but in the realm of the gods, He has created his own Emperor Extreme Cold Gang, and learned many supernatural powers, so that Divine Ability, placed in any ancient country, can suppress national fortune.

And Lu Mohan’s mastery is not one, but two, which is enough to leapfrog and kill some weak, late-stage experts, but when facing Ye Fei, Lu Mohan actually felt like he couldn’t start.

In fact, Ye Fei’s Taiji Sword Dao is too strong. There are not only Ye Fei’s own sword dao, but also the memory of the sword dao of the first generation of Chu Huang. This also makes Ye Fei’s sword dao has been promoted by advanced by leaps and bounds. The same metamorphoses two supernatural powers.

Moreover, this is not the limit of Ye Fei sword dao!

When I sensed that the two supernatural powers were difficult to defeat Lu Mohan, without the Destruction Sword order, there was a huge roar. It was the anger of Heavenly Dao and the arrival of Jiejian .

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