Ye Fei, who was standing not far away, was even more in a cold sweat. For this kind of thing, Chu Huang talked about it in private. At this time, he deliberately said it so loudly because he was afraid that Zhao Yu would not hear it. Are you there?

Ye Fei quickly looked towards Zhao Yu, but saw that Zhao Yu was smiling very depressed, and there was no sign of anger at all. Ye Fei couldn’t help but suspicious, and Wu Yue’s envious eyes turned red, and he patted Ye on the shoulder and sighed Said: “Brother, you are so lucky. The woman I was looking for was not only beautiful, but also so generous in heart. It happened that I knew a few beauties from the Shenglong Sect and I would introduce them to you in return. In return, she looks like Zhao Yu Such a beautiful and generous woman, how many do you know, please feel free to introduce it to me.”

Wu Yue’s look of an upright gentleman, but unfortunately, the wretched eyes of the emerald small dragon on his shoulders have already been betrayed. Wu Yue’s heart.

After all, the pet and the owner are connected with each other.

This remark, Ye Fei is even more listen to have one’s hair stand on end, turn around and go, how fast you go, see Wu Yue unfathomable mystery, “brother, even if you don’t want the beauty I introduced , Don’t have to walk…it’s so cold, my God…”

Almost immediately when Ye Fei left, a terrifying iceberg suddenly came and moved towards Wu Yue and fell down on the spot, but Wu Yue reacted very quickly. The phantom Dragon Transformation stick was unexpectedly swift. He wanted to rush up bravely, smash the iceberg, and perform in front of the Emperor Chu. But in an instant, that iceberg turned into a fire and exploded.

So Wu Yue was very sad, and rushed into the fire sea, and soon, there was a smell of barbecue. The people who saw it were have one’s hair stand on end, Ye Fei voted silently With a sympathetic gaze, he hurriedly looked towards Zhao Yu, but when he saw Zhao Yu, there was still an alluring smile on his face, and there was no trace of his action.

In Ye Fei’s heart, he couldn’t help but feel more sympathetic to Wu Yue, “Wu Yue, I really know a few women you want, or else I will introduce them to you?”

“No more, brother, I suddenly want to understand, such a woman, I can’t bear it.” Wu Yue was completely black and black, and when he escaped from the fire sea, he still sprayed one after another white smoke , Chu Huang was shocked, and instantly he lost his thoughts of giving his daughter to Ye Fei as a concubine.

Ye Fei took a long breath and whispered to Zhao Yu: “Thank you.”

After all, if it weren’t for Zhao Yu’s move, the Emperor Chu might really take some measures. He tied him to Chu State. After all, he not only acquired the ancient god Blood Lotus, but also the sword dao memory of the first Emperor Chu. It can be said that the two treasures of Chu State are all cheaper than Ye Fei.

This is also the reason why Emperor Chu desperately wanted to pull Ye Fei into the Chu State Imperial Family, but Zhao Yu’s attitude made Chu Huang dismiss the idea of ​​marrying his daughter. Zhao Yu looked at Ye Fei with a faint smile, “Why do you want to thank me for the good thing that disturbed you?”

“There is nothing better than meeting you!” Ye Fei suddenly looked at Zhao Yu with a serious look. Hearing this, Zhao Yu’s face suddenly turned blushing, like a peach with watery spirits, giving Ye Fei a kind of urge to go up and take a bite, but before he came forward, Zhao Yu was already with Ye Fei in an instant, The distance of 500 metres, for fear that Ye Fei would take the opportunity to be thinner than her, still left a comment on glib tongue.

Ye Fei was speechless in an instant. There was an urge to catch Zhao Yu and have a spanking. Unfortunately, there are too many people around the imperial mausoleum. Things to deal with in Chu State, Too much.

In the end, Ye Fei was taken away by Demon Sovereign and Chu Huang to help them deal with the aftermath of Chu State. Emperor Chu also fully fulfilled his promise. The first thing he did when he returned to imperial city was to order Ye Fei to be the new King Chu, and to reward Ye Fei with everything from King Chu Mansion, Queen Ye. He also personally came forward and named Zhao Yu the King Chu concubine.

Wu Yue and Chu Ling also received awards from Jiangonghou and Shenglong. The eight-armed demon dragon and the Rain Dragon also received the title of Protector of the Kingdom, but these rewards, Ye Fei, Wu Yue, and Chu Ling all rejected them. Only Zhao Yu, who did not know what to think, actually accepted King. The title of Concubine Chu made Ye Fei speechless for a while.

Knowing this way, he would not refuse King Chu’s title.

However, although Ye Fei rejected King Chu’s title, Ye Fei did not forget that at the critical moment, the thin man who helped him, so when he proposed to resign from King Chu title, Ye Fei also proposed one The condition, that is, to keep the skinny man and his brother sister’s life.

Although Zhao Yu was forced to become the ancient emperor’s discipline, but in the end the status of master and disciple is still there, so Zhao Yu also asked Rain Dragon to return the body of the ancient emperor. , Good life is buried. Rain Dragon also agreed, but Rain Dragon also made a condition, that is, Zhao Yu must leave the Emperor Tian and join the Shenglong Sect.

Zhao Yu will naturally not refuse.

Ye Fei is very depressed about this. After all, he hasn’t figured out whether he really wants to join the sect, but when the condition of Rain Dragon comes out, Ye Fei just wants to join, it is impossible. I can only compromise, obediently and honestly the eight-armed demon dragon and the others return to the Thang Long Sect again.

Unexpectedly, Demon Sovereign actually resigned from the title of Side by Side King, and refused Ye Fei’s invitation to go to the Dragon Sect. When he left, Demon Sovereign looked even more solemn. Ye Fei pulled aside and said solemnly: “Ye Fei, I don’t know why, so that the Thang Longzong attaches so much importance to you, and actually sent two ancient emperors to watch you secretly. Although they have no evil intentions, they are defensive. You can’t live without a heart. In Big Sect, there is no backing, that’s arrogance! So after entering the Thang Long Sect, you don’t have to worry about being a teacher. You should immediately seek a strong backing. It’s best to be able to worship the ancient gods. Paul!”

Chapter 2674 A Trip to Taixu

Chapter 2674 A Trip to Taixu

In the northern region of Heavenly Martial Continent, there has always been a tradition , That’s an apprenticeship and can only worship once in a lifetime. Therefore, every man in the Northern Territory is very cautious about apprenticeship, because once the apprenticeship succeeds, then no matter how high the achievement of the discipline is, as long as the original Master is not nodded, Then you must not worship other people as teachers.

This is also the reason why Ye Fei, from the land boundary to the Heaven Realm, would rather go around by himself than join the sect to apprentice, because without Demon Sovereign nodded, he would apprentice again, which is always bad, until When I met Demon Sovereign this time, I heard something like this, even though I knew that Demon Sovereign was for his good, there was still a sour feeling in his heart.


“Don’t say anything, as long as you remember me as a Master!” Demon Sovereign is very open-minded. After all, he is already It’s hard to tell Ye Fei. A true master teacher is not a complacent and blindly blocking the path of the discipline, but allows the discipline to spread its wings and achieve higher and more dazzling achievements.

And Thang Long Zong is a stage where Ye Fei can spread his wings and fly high. Demon Sovereign will naturally not restrict Ye Fei. On the contrary, Demon Sovereign also takes out the two things that were prepared long ago. thing.

One is the space belt, the other is the peculiar ominous beast inner core.

“Ye Fei, this belt is for the teacher to be a shoulder-to-shoulder. The savings of a lifetime, almost ten million profound veins, you take it, so that you and the fat tortoise and grass on your body can not eat and wear I’m worried.”



In the space of beast prints, seeing Demon Sovereign so generous, Xiaocao happily hugged Dragon Tortoise and rolled around on the ground. Ye Fei was inexplicably vague, so he hurriedly looked at Zhao Yu At a glance, Zhao Yu unfathomable mystery, “Look at what I am doing. Since it was given by your Master, you can hold it.”

Then. Zhao Yu took the space belt and forced it into Ye Fei’s hand, but when he saw the beast pill, Zhao Yu was a little strange, “Demon Sovereign Senior, what is this thing?”

” This is the land of emptiness, some kind of ominous beast inner core, and Dragon Tortoise inner core. It is the treasure that I and Chu Huang once attacked an ancient country and discovered. At that time, I thought of Ye Fei’s black fatty. I have kept it until now…” Demon Sovereign was excited, and attacked that ancient country. It was the most prestigious thing Demon Sovereign did when he was the king of the side. Immediately, Demon Sovereign wanted to blow it out in front of his own discipline.

As a result, Demon Sovereign didn’t finish talking. When I heard the Dragon Tortoise inner core, a certain black fatty on Ye Fei’s body, I trembled with excitement, and not only broke away from Xiaocao’s embrace in an instant, The big black mouth also protruded directly from the beast mark space like lightning, swallowing the inner core of the Taixu Dragon Tortoise in one bite.

Dragon Tortoise smiled, and ran back to the beast print space contentedly, and continued to accompany the grass, rolling around on the ground.

Demon Sovereign’s face suddenly turned dark.

Ye Fei also felt dull, Zhao Yu’s willow leaf eyebrows, even when Dragon Tortoise came out, inadvertently jumped, she seemed to vaguely see that the grass seemed to be rolling on the ground. Come and go.

Even though it was Xiaocao’s way of expressing happiness, Zhao Yu still felt that Ye Fei’s way of educating Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise was very problematic. One hand also appeared in Ye Fei’s He twisted his waist vigorously, “Look back and call out Xiaocao, I have to talk to her!”

Ye Fei felt not only a pain in her waist, but also a cold vest in her waistcoat. Throwing a look for help at Demon Sovereign, Demon Sovereign actually coughed, completely ignoring this master and disciple feeling, turned around and left Chu State, decided to go to the Divine Dynasty in the first heaven, and also went to the land. The people reunited.

Of course, Demon Sovereign is not the only one who left, there are also thousands of elite frontiers who have also vowed to follow. These all are Demon Sovereign’s guards can also be regarded as the emperor of Chu, who cares about brother’s affection. A gift for Demon Sovereign.

It is worth mentioning that the thin man who once reminded Ye Fei and a group of his brother sisters chose to leave Chu State, follow Demon Sovereign, and go to Divine State. This makes Ye Fei also became a little looking forward to Demon Sovereign’s trip to Divine State.

“This time Demon Sovereign Senior traveled far, I don’t know when I will be able to meet again.” Looking at the silhouette of Demon Sovereign leaving, Zhao Yu felt a little sad inexplicably. She hasn’t seen her relatives in a long time.

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