This not only avoids conflicts, but also allows Nine Great Sects’s discipline to gain some advantages. Other optical bridges are also mostly like this. Although it is not as good as Nine Great Sects, dominates one, but it is usually Two or three forces, or an alliance, work together to control one.

In this regard, the Sacred Domain sect also acquiesced. Since Ye Fei is also the disciple of the Shenglongzong, he naturally has to go to the light bridge on the other side of the Shenglongzong, but without waiting for Chu Ling and Wu Yue to pass by, the Shenglongzong At the light bridge, a disciple of the Dragon Sect had already said indifferently and indifferently: “Sorry, we are not going to walk with the demon who killed Zhang Senior Brother Heng, and the wretched Wu Yue, we are not qualified. Of course, if you are willing to come, Chu Ling, I think Wan Senior Brother Gu will definitely agree.”

“That’s natural, Chu Ling is the Junior Sister who grew up with me, her business, It’s my Zhang Wangu’s business, Chu Ling Junior Sister, if you come by my side, I will definitely protect you. As for Ye Fei and Wu Yue, the two of you, although you have misbehaviors, have repeatedly ignored my First Senior Brother, But I am Zhang Wangu, not the kind of person who has a little chicken belly. I read that you are also a member of the Thang Long Sect. You now apologize to me in public and come here too.”

Zhang Wangu’s expression Awe-inspiring, with a very reasonable appearance, the other forces that did not know the situation were secretly nodded, and I felt that Zhang Wangu, as the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, was indeed tolerant.

While Ye Fei and the others who knew the truth sneered, Chu Ling was also completely disappointed and said: “Zhang Wangu, I have received it with good intentions, but I will protect myself without anyone protecting it!”

I heard that Chu Ling no longer called him Senior Brother, but called him by his first name. Zhang Wangu’s face was ugly than pig liver, and the look towards Ye Fei was even more obvious. “Junior Sister, you can figure it out clearly. The discipline of the Dragon Sect is always united, but it is inevitable that there will be one or two scums. Beware of those who are close to the ink. Not to mention being in danger, it may also affect my reputation of the Dragon Sect!”

Chapter 2706 Void Scorpion

Chapter 2706 Void Scorpion

Those who can come too empty, there are no weak people, they can hear it naturally. The scum in Zhang Wangu’s words refers to which two people. Many people look at Ye Fei and Wu Yue with good eyes.

After all, during this period of time, the Vice Alliance Lord Ouyang Changkong was killed, but there was a lot of rumors, which also made many people hear the name of Ye Fei for the first time, especially the words of Lu Mohan After the spread, many people secretly cast sympathetic glances at Ye Fei. Before entering Taixu, they at the same time offended two peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Basically, what is the difference between this and courting death?

I felt the eyes of these people, Ye Fei did not explain, after all, any explanation is not as powerful as the sword in his hand. Lu Mohan and Zhang Wangu regarded him as their prey, and Yan Zhi, didn’t he treat these two people as prey?

After all, this trip to Taixu is fair to everyone. At least for the first period of time, even the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, without the advantages of bloodline and treasure, and other martial artists , The gap will not be too big.

“It is estimated that this is also the reason why people like Lu Mohan will form an alliance. They want to take advantage of the large number of people and undo seals in advance in the land of the emptiness to gain an advantage.”

Ye Fei thought silently, and then followed the crowd and chose the nearest light bridge. This light bridge was jointly controlled by several ancient countries and ancient tribes. Since Zhang Wangu has already torn his face, then The same goes for choosing the light bridge of the Ji family.

Seeing Ye Fei’s choice, Wu Yuebai Shizhong and the others, are all followed along. The most striking thing is Chu Ling. Faced with Zhang Wangu’s invitation, not only refused, but at this time Together with Bai Yanran, they are all with Ye Fei. These two women, one surpassingly beautiful and the other like a burning rose, but also one to the left and one to the right, stood beside Ye Fei, not knowing whether it was intentional or What special relationship does the three have.

Many martial artists can’t help but cast extremely uncomfortable glances at Ye Fei, and hate the two beauties standing next to them, why not it is themselves, Zhang Wangu, who was just magnanimous, At this time, his face was even more ashen on the spot. Secretly clenched his fists and whispered: “Ye Fei, you’d better not meet me in Taixu, otherwise, I want you to look good!”

“hmph, this Ye Fei, death is coming, It’s no wonder that Lu Mohan can say that if he can kill this person in the illusion, he can promise to the party.”

The promise of an ordinary martial artist is not important, but The promise of a peerless Heaven’s Chosen is the discipline of Nine Great Sects. He is very happy to have it. After all, he has the promise of a peerless Heaven’s Chosen. As long as this person does not die, it is the promise of a future ancient god. How precious?

So I saw that Ye Fei was not entering the light bridge controlled by the Thang Longzong. Many forces were beginning to stir, and there were even more people. They directly sent some excellent disciplines and entered immediately. This light bridge.

Unfortunately, Ye Fei, who has already walked on the light bridge, doesn’t know. After all, there are too many young martial artists who want to enter Taixu. It is estimated that the nine heavens, all young people, Heaven’s Chosen , All concentrated here, the number is not hundreds thousand, there are also 80 thousand.

With so many people crowded on the light bridge, Ye Fei is naturally impossible to notice the others, and standing on the light bridge is not absolutely safe. Just when Ye Fei was standing on the light bridge, Faintly, he seemed to hear the terrifying roar from both sides of the light bridge.

“It is the ominous beast! Every time the trip of the too virtual opens, these ominous beasts will appear, come to attack the light bridge and devour us, we must rush to the brigade too ominous Before the beast besieged, rush to the end of the light bridge ahead of time!”

Hearing the roar of the beast, in front of the crowd, a martial artist immediately roared up loudly, as if to remind everyone to pay attention to the danger. In the crowd, Sure enough, someone was frightened. In order not to fall behind and become the ration of the ominous beast, they started to run wildly, trying to get ahead of others and rush to the end of the light bridge.

It’s just that the distance between the light bridge is so long, and there are hundreds of thousands of meters away. When these martial artists who think they are one step ahead, charge ahead, the darkness is in the sky, suddenly A shining cold hook, like a steel needle, plunges into the body of these martial artists, forcibly taking their lives and devouring their blood essence.

“Oh my God, it’s a Void Scorpion, everyone rush, don’t stab the Scorpion!” In the crowd, there were a few screams of horror, but it was a bad deal. Few people are so stupid enough to rush forward again, but they are very careful to separate from each other, releasing all kinds of strong light Divine Ability, and illuminating the void all around as much as possible.

Ye Fei also released a sword light, like a raging fire burning the world, finally saw the scene outside the light bridge, only saw both sides of the light bridge, I don’t know when, it’s already full Huge scorpions as big as mountains are spraying venom to corrode the rays of light of the light bridge. Once a certain part of the light bridge is corroded out of the gap, these giant scorpions will throw their terrifying stings in, ruthlessly Kill the martial artist on the bridge.

Ye Fei only then knew that those who were the first to remind them were simply uneasy and kind. When seeing so many disgusting poisonous scorpions lying on both sides of the light bridge, Chu Ling and Bai Yanran almost screamed in fright. They hurriedly left and right, grabbed Ye Fei’s arm and said: “These Scorpions are disgusting, they won’t rush in, right?”

“It shouldn’t be, my grandfather told me that the test of the bridge of light is the easiest, most dangerous, and simple It is these monsters that can only extend a certain part of themselves, and cannot completely break through the blockade of the optical bridge, which greatly limits their ability. The danger is that there are too many martial artists who walk on the optical bridge. Crowded together, it is easy to become the target of these monsters. Therefore, we must rush to the opposite side of the optical bridge within an hour, otherwise, the optical bridge will completely lose its protective effect!” Ji Feng said solemnly.


Following his words, there is another light bridge. A huge hole was smashed by a sudden beast claw, several leaning against each other The young martial artist still didn’t understand what was going on. The body was grabbed by the beast’s claws and dragged out of the light bridge. Only in the darkness, there was a faint chewing sound.

Ye Fei suddenly felt like have one’s hair stand on end. Knowing that to stay in place is to wait for death, he immediately and Di Fan, Bai Shizhong looked at each other, “Bai Shizhong, take care of you Your younger sister, Di Fan, take good care of Chu Ling, and I will open the road ahead!”

Mutual familiarity, Ye Fei and the others quickly formed a small group in the face of danger Alliance. Except for Bai Yanran and Chu Ling, there are some who are not quite used to this bloody test. Everyone is acting at the fastest speed.

Ye Fei directly opened the Ancient God Golden Body at this time, opened the Purple Gold Tai Chi-like body-protecting light ball, and rushed towards the front of the light bridge first.


As Ye Fei rushed forward, the light bridge on his left suddenly trembled violently. It was another terrifying beast claw, fast Stick out, want a hand, drag Ye Fei out of the light bridge!

Chapter 2707 Guangqiao Murderous Intention

Chapter 2707 Guangqiao Murderous Intention


I only heard a beast roar, then The terrifying beast claw has been moved towards Ye Fei’s body and grabbed it. I have seen this scene where the ominous beast devours a martial artist with my own eyes, and Ye Fei’s forehead is sweating. But fortunately, he had Space Divine Ability, which he used almost instinctively, and disappeared from the spot with a brush.

The beast’s claw fell and did not hit Ye Fei, but it knocked a young man from Tsing Yi who rushed behind Ye Fei. The brain collapsed and turned into a pile of meat sauce on the ground. Ye Fei suddenly had a seed. The feeling of escaping from the dead, even though the fight just now was only a short time, the ominous beast is just a beast claw, which can reach into the light bridge from the emptiness, but Ye Fei was shocked to discover through the breath it exudes. This is actually the ominous beast of Ji Realm!

What is Ji Realm?

Only one step away, to enter the ancient emperor, this is the ancestor Ji Realm! And outside the optical bridge, such ominous beasts are everywhere. Ye Fei only knew how dangerous Tai Xu is. If it were not for the Sacred Domain sect, he opened up this optical bridge that can temporarily block the ominous beast. Not to mention these gods, who are human ancestors, they will definitely come in one by one and die.

“Kill, don’t stop me, whoever dares to stand in my way, I’ll kill anyone!” Finally some people couldn’t bear the fear of being treated as prey. They started mad forward, trying to There was a bloody road in the crowd.

Anything that stops them is the target of these people’s attacks. The crowd instantly becomes chaotic, and Ye Fei sighs that this danger is never an ominous beast, but a human heart!

However, if this situation continues, he will inevitably be involved in this chaotic battle. Ye Fei no longer keeps his hands, but accelerates again, rushing to find the way ahead.

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