
The golden Vermilion Bird’s mouth uttered an extremely tyrannical and contemptuous whistle. The long beak has turned into a brilliant golden divine spear at the same time. , Following the gap in Ye Fei Taiji Sword dance, he pecked at Ye Fei’s body.

“This is the kind of pecking that I wait for too imaginary and fierce birds! You can die under the emperor’s pecking with the scum talent of the tenth-grade bloodline. Even if you die, you can I squinted. It’s a pity that Dragon Tortoise is really fat, and it must be very slippery.”

While pecking Ye Fei on the spot, this golden Vermilion Bird did not forget to be proud. , Showing off his strength and record, but soon, the golden Vermilion Bird felt something was wrong and was pecked by it. Ye Fei’s body did not show any signs of bleeding. Instead, it slowly collapsed like a piece of paper. Dissipated.

At the same time, behind this golden Vermilion Bird, another silhouette of Ye Fei emerged, with two fists like dragons, continuous punches, powerful fists, with the roar of Sacred Dragon , But Ye Fei is not using Sacred Dragon punches at this time, but rather weaker Dragon Boxing.

But even if it’s Dragon Boxing, the dragon gang condensed by Ye Fei’s fists is still extremely terrifying. At this time, Dragon Tortoise also roared, as if it was threatened, directly transformed it into A monstrous mouthful of demon-light black pot was rounded up by Ye Fei, and hit the back of the golden Vermilion Bird’s head extremely fiercely, smashing out a series of amazing flames.

The body of the Golden Vermilion Bird was smashed and staggered several times and almost fell to the ground. The entire bird capital of the Golden Vermilion Bird was a bit embarrassed, but soon, it became furious again. He made a sharper long whistle, “Boy, do you think you can sneak attack your Vermilion Bird ancestor by clicking Space Divine Ability? Vermilion Bird’s fury!”


The golden Vermilion Bird screamed, the terrifying sound wave, directly formed the sound of killing, shaking the void, shattering everything, Ye Fei’s Dragon Boxing had just been beaten out, and the highly condensed Long Gang was actually shocked by this sound wave. It collapsed.

“Scum! Dare to attack me with a black pot, this Old Ancestor swallowed you alive!”

The ancestor of the dignified Vermilion Bird One clan was actually used a black pot to sneak attack , The golden Vermilion Bird seemed to be in a rage, the whole body turned into a terrifying flame, and then the flame became bigger and bigger, and turned into a huge Vermilion Bird mouth condensed by the flame, like a terrifying flame. Flame Abyss, suddenly swallowed Ye Fei with one mouthful.

Ye Fei’s forehead instantly rolled down a series of cold sweats. The terrifying of this golden Vermilion Bird was beyond his imagination. Even if it was sealed with the cultivation base, he still felt a sense of death. Clouds hit my heart.

But the more dangerous the moment, the more crazy Ye Fei’s fighting intent, he also not at all like other martial artists swallowed by Vermilion Bird lose one’s head out of fear, or because Fear, fall into a desperate situation.

In the moment of being swallowed, Ye Fei already roared with anger, his feet moved towards the void, the endless sword light, already swept like a storm of howling swords When he got up, his fists threw out, and the howling monster Qi and Dragon Qi exploded at the same time, forming a terrifying and huge Dragon Tortoise form, with both feet standing on the ground, and the dragon head shook the sky.


Following Dragon Tortoise’s domineering angry roar, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise have spurred the Emperor Artifact to fight at the same time, connecting with each other, Human and Dragon Unite, Ye Fei I feel that at this moment, I feel like incarnation has a strong as an ox Dragon Tortoise. The dragon claw slams forward. The terrifying dragon has tore through the flames, directly, from Blazing Vermilion. Below Bird’s mouth, a hole was forcibly killed.

Chapter 2713 Second Soul

Chapter 2713 Second Soul


Dragon claw condensed with Ye Fei With it, the entire mouth of the Vermilion Bird formed by the flame, as if a huge balloon had broken a hole, quickly dried up and dissipated.

The golden Vermilion Bird also issued an angry scream, huge wings, suddenly like sharp double knives, burning up Fire of Burning Heaven, the flame burned through the void, and the wings cut off the mountains and rivers, again Came to Ye Fei angrily.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became cold, and the continuous fights made him understand that even if it was not Vermilion Bird’s opponent, but also the ability to protect himself, behind him, the form of Dragon Tortoise changed. Suddenly from a black pot, it turned into a crystal ball of light, and fell into Ye Fei’s grasp. Ye Fei, who held the crystal ball tightly, instantly burst into a strange light in his eyes.

That is the Eye of Space!

Although his bloodline and Celestial Emperor’s magical powers were sealed when he entered Taixu, the spatial eye that originated from the Sacred Dragon’s eye was preserved. It was outside just now. Ye Fei was reluctant to use it for the siege of hundreds of ancient martial artists, just to rush into the golden gate and face the moment of the ancient emperor’s formation spirit.

A glance!

Ye Fei’s eyes twinkled with golden eyes. After looking at this golden Vermilion Bird One eye, the golden Vermilion Bird, the whole body that was rushing into anger suddenly became stagnant, as if it had been settled. The body is normal, set in place, and even the Fire of Burning Heaven burning on its body has become frozen under Ye Fei’s gaze.

“Space! You can actually master the principles of space! No, this kind of power, even the so-called Human Race Heaven’s Chosen of Grade 2 bloodline, can’t control it, you simply cannot control it! Scum! “

An even louder scream, this golden Vermilion Bird, trying to break free from Ye Fei’s eye of space, but it has forgotten that its current state, realm and battle strength, have all been put on the ring Suppressed by the thunderbolt chain, simply couldn’t break free, let alone exert the power of the ancient emperor.

However, as a powerful race comparable to Dragon Race, the golden Vermilion Bird, although its realm is sealed, the powerful Vermilion Bird spirit still makes the sound of The earth shook and the mountain quivered when struggling. Shake the void, causing the space to make a crunching sound that cannot be frozen.

Ye Fei’s forehead, the cold sweat that rolled down the lower layers in an instant, his space eye, even Lu Mohan could freeze ten breaths, but when Vermilion Bird was stagnant, it was only After two breaths, it can actually start to struggle.

This aspect is the advantage of the Vermilion Bird race, which makes its Vermilion Bird spirit inherently possess terrifying offensive power. On the other hand, it is the realm of the ancient Vermilion Bird emperor. Suppressed, still has a terrifying explosive ability.

Discovering this point, Ye Fei finally stopped hesitating, and an astonishing cold light flashed in his eyes, “You can no longer keep your hand, you must forcibly wipe it out before it can break free! Kill! Tai Chi Tribulation Sword! The rising dragon is in the sky!”

The fist shines, and the sword light shines.

Ye Fei punches with one hand and sword with the other. The fist is the killing fist, the sword is the Demon Slayer sword!

In this rays of light of fists and swords, the golden Vermilion Bird’s eyes flashed not with fear, but with deep anger, and boiling murderous intention, “Human Race’s little thing.” You completely angered your ancestors! Do you really think that this Old Ancestor has been trapped here for thousands of years, only to become a target for you juniors to pass the trial? Vermilion Bird!”


The body of the golden Vermilion Bird did not move, still in the confinement of the eye of space, but Ye Fei could clearly feel that the golden Vermilion Bird within the body seemed to have a A special flame was burning, and then, in less than half a breath, the golden Vermilion Bird’s within both eyes suddenly spewed out a beam of flame.

“This is the fire of Nirvana and the fire of rebirth! This Old Ancestor has endured thousands of years, and finally found the best hope of getting rid of the spirits and regaining freedom. Now, I will let you, the tiny ant , See the horror of my Vermilion Bird One clan!”


The spewing flames of the golden Vermilion Bird within both eyes unexpectedly formed another one, which is only better than the golden Vermilion Bird A slightly smaller Vermilion Bird, this Vermilion Bird is exactly the same as the golden Vermilion Bird One. Whether it is breath or soul, the only difference is that the golden Vermilion Bird’s array spirit is the ancient emperor’s array spirit, and this head is more The little Vermilion Bird, evolved, is the spirit of human ancestors!

But even the human ancestor formation spirit cannot be resisted by Ye Fei, because the body of the second Vermilion Bird formation spirit is not at all like the golden Vermilion Bird, entwined with the thunderbolt chain, In other words, this Vermilion Bird can fully display the human ancestor-level battle strength, Ye Fei’s complexion is instantly pale, “How could this be, if it is the Golden Gate’s array spirit, they all have this ability. Any one of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, wouldn’t one come in and die? In this way, the Sacred Domain sect, how to choose the best discipline?”

“gā gā gā, choose the best discipline? It is ridiculous! At the beginning, this Old Ancestor was just a little bit lucky, and was caught by this group of Sacred Domain sect people, destroyed my fleshy body, and refined my Divine Soul! It also trapped me here for thousands of years and became an array spirit! However, they underestimated my Vermilion Bird One clan. My ancestors endured the humiliation for thousands of years and finally practiced my Vermilion Bird One clan taboo cultivation technique, dividing the soul into two, and the main soul replaced the ancestor and continued to be suppressed. Here, the deputy soul is devoted to cultivation, just waiting for the day to get out of trouble!”

“Human Race’s little scum, you are really bad luck, you are actually the second soul of the ancestors , When breaking through the ancestors, broke into the customs clearance, you said, how can the ancestors thank you for sending in a perfect fleshy body!”

The eyes of the golden Vermilion Bird are greedy like a poisonous snake, Staring coldly at Ye Fei, suddenly, Ye Fei felt like have one’s hair stand on end, even though the Vermilion Bird didn’t move, Ye Fei was still a single thought at the moment, she showed space shift. Leaving where he stayed.

As Ye Fei moved away, there was already a terrifying flame silhouette where he stayed. That silhouette, waving his wings, turned into a magic sword of flame, and pierced Ye Fei’s brow. , A knife pierced into Ye Fei’s chest. If Ye Fei hadn’t relied on years of fighting instinct to get out of the way in advance, maybe the two stabs were not his afterimage, but his body.

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