Just before the Dragon Tortoise bounced back, the Vermilion Bird master soul bound by the thunderbolt chain suddenly let out an icy laugh, “Little turtle cub, the ancestors didn’t eat you. It’s so easy to die! Vermilion Bird, reborn from the ashes!”


The scattered flames suddenly gathered like living creatures, and the fire stars all over the sky unexpectedly gathered together again , It burned raging, and then, the burning flame suddenly stretched out a pair of red bird claws, a pair of sharp bird wings, and a long flame beak.

Vermilion Bird, reborn from the ashes again!

Moreover, the Vermilion Bird after rebirth became more and more tyrannical, looking towards Ye Fei, as if with monstrous hatred, “Little ant, you actually killed the ancestor once, and the ancestor treated you Fleshy body, I am really more and more interested, scum!”

With the sharp whistle of thunder, as the Vermilion Bird lifted its wings, countless flames turned into swords, raging across the world, and moved towards Ye Fei swept over, and the complexions of Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise turned ugly in an instant. In order to deal with this Vermilion Bird, he had exhausted his best and still was unable to kill it. Instead, it was this Vermilion Bird. , If this situation is allowed to continue, he and Dragon Tortoise can only be a dead end.

“Now, what shall we do?” Ye Fei looked solemn, and glanced at Dragon Tortoise, who was scared back to his body, but saw Dragon Tortoise, with a solemn expression and a childish cry, “Xiao Cao !”

Ye Fei’s face changed. Although he didn’t want Xiaocao to be in danger, but in the current situation, it seemed that they had no other way to deal with this Vermilion Bird except Xiaocao.

“Xiaocao, wake up soon!”

In desperation, Ye Fei could only move towards the Beast Seal Space and roar, hearing this roar, Vermilion Bird’s His eyes sneered, “hahaha, boy, you are such a stupid bird. Are you scared stupid by your ancestors, this Old Ancestor, don’t ask, ask for a piece of grass! Die!”

The sharp wings are like knives, the beak is like a gun, and the claws are like a hook. The Trinity, crazy moved towards Ye Fei, angrily killed, this time, Vermilion Bird is determined to kill Ye Fei in one blow. Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became cold, and she said loudly, “Little grass, it’s up to you!”


Ye Fei’s shoulder, rays of light flashed, a little girl carrying a rattan whip, already panting with rage ran out. The grass that awakened this time seemed to be a little different from before. Take a closer look, Xiaocao’s body is exuding It is no longer a multicolored divine light, but a six-color divine light, which actually has one more color than before.

“Xiaocao, did you have a breakthrough?”

In Ye Fei’s heart, suddenly there was a feeling of surprise, Xiaocao also proudly held her head up and shook her horn braid, saying The current grass has become very difficult to deal with.

When talking, Xiaocao even faced the Vermilion Bird array spirit that came over. Without looking at it, he waved his small hand and released the six-color light that he had realized in sleep.

This divine light is more overbearing than the colorful divine light. I think that at the beginning, Xiaocao’s colorful divine light would be able to hit the Remnant Soul of the human ancestor realm. Remnant Soul had no temper, and could only flee. At this time, as soon as Xiaocao’s six-color divine light came out, the Vermilion Bird array spirit immediately let out a scream of fear.

The main spirit of Vermilion Bird was even more terrified to see that its second soul was only swept by the divine light, and the soul was actually weakened. It was a person who finally came out of cultivation. The ancestral realm has fallen into one small realm.

“How can there be such a scary little girl in this world?”

Vermilion Bird has been watching the show just now, waiting to see Ye Fei, how was it The second soul was tortured and killed, but as soon as the grass came out, the main spirit of Vermilion Bird suddenly felt like have one’s hair stand on end.

But its injured second spirit is violent at this moment, like an angry god and demon, screaming, and swallowing it into Xiaocao’s body with its mouth open. Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise at this moment , Have become a little nervous.

After all, this is the spirit of the ancient Sovereign level. Xiaocao can sling Thunder Zu, but Ye Fei cannot guarantee that Xiaocao can also sling Vermilion Bird. Ye Fei can’t help but look towards Xiaocao with some nervousness , “Xiaocao, can you do it?”


Xiaocao is very domineering with a vine whip, Dragon Tortoise has turned into a crystal ball, He flicked to Xiaocao’s side, and then Xiaocao stepped on the Dragon Tortoise, holding a vine whip, six-color divine light in one hand, and at this moment, it merged with the vine whip, and suddenly moved towards the front.

Ye Fei saw in a daze, the grass whip of the vine seems to have turned into a god whip of heaven and earth, with incomparable power, fiercely beat out, that power actually made Ye Fei was standing in Divine Soul in Heavenly Palace. She felt a sharp pain and had to close Heavenly Palace quickly.

As a Vermilion Bird formation with only a soul and no fleshy body, it is sturdy and sturdy. After the vine whip of a small grass, suddenly, the Vermilion Bird formation has just been unstoppable and extremely arrogant, Just with the old hen who had been hit by chicken plague, she screamed in pain, and her whole body shrank in fear.


Xiaocao refused to let go of this Vermilion Bird, especially when I saw that Ye Fei was covered with blood, and he was obviously badly injured. The cheeks banged, and immediately released more than a dozen rattan whips, all hitting Vermilion Bird’s body in one breath. The second soul of Vermilion Bird trembled fiercely before he had time to ask for mercy. The soul flew away and scattered, turned into a burning ruby, and fell to the ground with a clink.

When I saw this scene of the Vermilion Bird main array, my eyes were dull and I felt a nightmare. I saw that a strange bird was killed accidentally, and a shiny ruby ​​fell down. Xiaocao’s eyes were filled with big hearts in an instant, he ran over with his feet, picked up the stone, and ka-cha took a bite.

Chapter 2716 The bird is plucking hair

“Eat, she actually ate it!”

The golden Vermilion Bird’s eyes are not dull, but thorough Fear, you know, what Xiaocao just ate was not an ordinary ruby. It was the Vermilion Bird Array. It was hard to split his soul. The soul stone he trained was, as the name suggests, this is the crystallization of the soul that stored it. . As long as the crystal is not broken, the golden Vermilion Bird can use the golden gate array to reborn from the ashes without being really killed.

It’s hard to think of killing the golden Vermilion Bird. In this world, there are people who can even eat the soul stone. This is too cruel and too terrifying. For a while, the golden Vermilion Bird looked at the grass, I don’t know what to say.

Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise also have a sluggish feeling. Xiaocao actually ate that stone? Will this have any bad effects on Xiaocao?

After all, the stone was transformed by the second soul of the golden Vermilion Bird. Ye Fei rushed to Xiaocao, hugged Xiaocao and asked, “Xiaocao, how are you, how can you eat that stuff?”

“Eh!” Xiaocao lowered his head. The expression of a child who did something wrong, he was about to sneak away the soul stone that had been bitten in half. The Dragon Tortoise who followed by was already heartbroken. Seeing the grass can eat, Dragon Tortoise said nothing, a piece of black The mouth was stretched out, ka-cha uttered, and he swallowed a half of the soul stone that the grass hadn’t finished eating.


The Dragon Tortoise who swallowed the soul stone suddenly spewed a terrifying flame from his mouth. This is no longer dragon flame, but unique to the Vermilion Bird One clan The burning Heavenly Fire flame, when this flame sprayed out from the Dragon Tortoise’s mouth, it not only shocked Ye Fei and Xiaocao, but the golden Vermilion Bird not far away was also shocked, “This black servant He grew up eating what he was eating, how come he is a freak again, that is the soul stone of the ancestor!”

The golden Vermilion Bird was heartbroken.

“Soul Stone, what’s the use?”

Ye Fei saw Dragon Tortoise eat the stone, but kept breathing fire, no other discomfort, and quickly looked towards the gold Vermilion Bird, waiting for its explanation, the golden Vermilion Bird is very dissatisfied with Ye Fei’s tone, very unhappy coldly snorted and said: “hmph, the little ant of Human Race, you use this attitude to tell this Old Ancestor Asking for advice?”

“My ancestor, right? Very good, Xiaocao, drag it out and give me a fiercely fight!” Ye Fei sneered. Since Xiaocao has been forced to expose, he too There is nothing to worry about. At this time, I naturally took the advantage of the golden Vermilion Bird to be trapped and stepped on it completely. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, and seeing Dragon Tortoise spitting fire, Xiaocao also began to worry.

The rattan whip in the hand, with the bright six-color divine light, has quickly drawn to the body of the golden Vermilion Bird, and the golden Vermilion Bird also screamed in anger. It is the ancient emperor Vermilion Bird. Although the second soul was destroyed by Xiaocao, the dignity of the ancient emperor made it impossible to bow to a little girl. Therefore, the golden Vermilion Bird used all its strength to try to block the vine whip of Xiaocao.

But the rattan whip ignored the golden Vermilion Bird, the flame that was enough to burn the sky, and with a snap, it split the flame and hit the golden Vermilion Bird again.

A mournful scream was heard from the golden Vermilion Bird’s mouth. It finally knew why its second soul, facing the vine whip of the grass, would be like a chicken plague and be directly The fight broke down.

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