Ye Fei felt very strange, “Vermilion Bird Senior, you are beginning to suspect that the bird is born again?”

Vermilion Bird One family, mostly unscrupulous, fierce and fierce, this one The golden Vermilion Bird, generally only when it can’t stand being played by the grass, will it become so honest like chicken plague.

The golden Vermilion Bird, who heard this, groaned on the spot. He didn’t want to answer this embarrassing question. He just pointed the bare bird’s wings forward, “Boy, you have stayed in the Celestial Emperor blood pond for ten years. God, don’t leave quickly and fight for the next chance, I guess you won’t even be able to drink the soup.”

Chapter 2726 Return of the King

Chapter 2726 Return of the King

The reminder of the golden Vermilion Bird finally made Ye Fei’s expression become awe-inspiring.

He can ignore other things, but he can’t ignore the safety of his friends like Emperor Fan, and he can’t help but report his hatred of the three ancient princes!

Ye Fei immediately rose from the Celestial Emperor’s blood pool, and then went to the twelve hills hanging in the air, worshipping each one, and then moving towards the blood pool not far away. Guangqiao rushed over.

The number of optical bridges here is much less than before, but there are dozens of them. Golden Vermilion Bird explained: “These optical bridges are the branches of the inheritance road, different branches. The light bridge can take you into different tests, Ye Xiaozi, you must choose carefully according to your characteristics and advantages.”

Although a little girl was used as a racket to shoot, It’s shameful, but between shame and life, Golden Vermilion Bird decisively chose the latter, but Ye Fei didn’t listen at all this time, but was very careful, distinguishing these light bridges, and then couldn’t get out. He expected that he really sensed a peculiar divine runes brand in the void of one of the light bridges.

This kind of branding can only be arranged by people who have a deep research on divine runes, and it happens that Bai Shizhong and Bai Yanran siblings are very powerful masters with spirits. These brandings have The probability of 80% was created by Bai Shizhong or Bai Yanran. That is to say, as long as this branch optical bridge, he can meet Bai Shizhong and the others again.

Ye Fei did not hesitate, stepping on the light bridge, the silhouette has gradually disappeared.

At the same time.

Sikonghao belonged to the ancient league, and the Ji royal family under the command of Ji Feng, the more fierce the battle, especially Ji Feng, in the battle of life and death, due to his own bloodline defects, Ji Feng, who was once known as a mad dog, has no outstanding talents. Even the bloodline is flawed. If he doesn’t pay attention, he will fall into complete madness.

It wasn’t until Ji Feng’s grandfather returned from the ancient gods that the Ji clan knew that the silver moon bloodline was not an ancient taboo, but an alternative enhancement of the Ancient Clan Bloodline. Ji Feng, who returned to the Ji family, received the most intensive training. The Yinyue bloodline also shined. Although it did not reach the height of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, it also drew with Sikonghao, which shocked many spectators. The martial artist.

But the most shocking is the prince of the three ancient countries.

Prince Wu, personally fought with Bai Shizhong. Although relying on the advantage of the ancient prince, he continuously broke the divine runes of Bai Shizhong, but at the critical moment, Bai Yanran’s shot and hard cultivation The success of Ghost God Zhentian Jue, but in Bai Yanran’s hands, showed extremely strong formidable power. The two siblings joined forces and fought against the prince of the State of Wu. They actually made each other unable to fight back.

Of course the most eye-catching ones are Fu Renjie and Difan, these two in Heaven Realm, the boundary of Heaven’s Chosen, which never shows mountains and dews. After entering the Ancient Sect site, assisted cultivation, not only bloodline With a great improvement, even the supernatural powers have become more terrifying.

Especially Difan, born sacred, even if no one is pointing, but only needs to uphold his own Saint luck, Difan is also fortuitous encounters constantly, and in his hands, it displays three supernatural powers. It was in public that the defeat of the Prince of the Moon Kingdom caused a sensation and curiosity among many people. They did not understand why such a natural Saint and the demon youth who can be incarnation dragons would go with Ye Fei.

After all, the killing order issued by Lu Mohan against Ye Fei is well known, and there are even more rumors that Ye Fei once smashed Zhang Wangu in public, and even Zhang Wangu also made it clear that the Sanglong Sect General Ye Fei discarded.

Now, the number of martial artists entering this place from Guangmen has become less and less, and Ye Fei still hasn’t been seen. Many people inevitably judge that 80% of Ye Fei has been used by the three ancient countries. The crown prince of Wang died in the previous checkpoint.

“It’s a pity, such a character, who can kill the Vice Alliance Lord, must be an innate talent. If he can endure for a period of time, temporarily give way to Lu Mohan, or serve I am soft, and temporarily bow my head to apologize to Zhang Wangu. Perhaps, this time, he may grow up quickly.”

“Hehe, this is fate! Who calls this person impossible to tell Good from bad, I thought I had such a little ability, so I ran to provoke a peerless Heaven’s Chosen like Lu Mohan. He recruited himself when he died.”

“The most regrettable thing is those two Jiao Didi. The beauty is also affected by this person. Once those young people lose the battle, the two Fairy’s fate will be miserable…”

On a hillside near Guangmen, there are several small forces. The martial artists gathered together, chatted with each other and told about the latest experience. It is inevitable that their conversation was accidentally heard by a black robed youth who walked out of the light door.

On this young man’s shoulders, there is a little red bird standing on the shoulders, with his head hung down, seeming to be dozing off, until he heard their conversation, it was a shock, Zhang With bare wings, he was about to speak.

The black robed youth has already flexed its fingers and flicked at the little red bird. The red bird has turned into a flame and got into the shoulders of the black robed youth. The martial artist of the force was in a daze, wondering where the bird was bounced.

After that, they saw the black robed youth with a clean smile on his face, and came over and asked: “Senior Brothers, please ask you something, the two you just said A Fairy, but one in white clothed, one in red-clothed, white clothed, looks very gentle, red-clothed, with a hot temper, and still loves kicking people?”

“Huh, Brother, do you know that they are fellows? But don’t think about it. Those two Fairy have already been booked as servant girls by the princes of the three ancient countries, and Sagong Hao from the Ancient League also said that they want to play them in public… …” Maybe Ye Fei’s smile is too simple and contagious. The young people of these small forces are all talking about the battles that took place in the past few days.

black robed youth I learned that the original battle between the Ji royal family and the ancient alliance has been going on for several days. During this period, the Ji royal family always wanted to break through, but they were all caught by the ancient alliance and the three ancient nations. With the advantage of the number of people, chase and intercept.

“By the way, I heard that one of them was unfortunately defeated yesterday and was captured by Prince Wu. The other party also said that if the Ji family does not give up resisting and surrendering, today, they will People beheaded in public!” The young people of these small forces are telling the latest news. Although they are not qualified to follow the battle, they are always inquiring about the situation over there.

Furthermore, the incidents of the Ancient League and the three ancient countries against the Ji clan have also made many martial artists suddenly realize that it is impossible to enter Taixu and rely on a few friends to experience together. If they want to live longer and not be bullied by those Great Influences, they must also unite and form various alliances.

So during this period of time, many people are forming alliances with each other. At this time, they saw someone walking out of the Light Gate alone. These small power youths immediately invited: “Brother, look at you You are also single, so let’s talk about it. It’s not as good as whether you are interested in joining the alliance we formed. In the future, you can take care of each other in Taixu.”

Chapter 2727 is extremely humiliating

Chapter 2727 is extremely humiliating

“Senior Brothers, I have taken kindly, but I already have companions. I want to go and join them now.” black robed youth politely refused.

“Well, then we won’t force it. There will be conflicts in the future. I hope that brother can keep his hands and keep his hands. By the way, dare to ask Brother’s name?”

“Ye Fei !”

Black robed youth finished speaking, already striding quickly, moved towards a certain direction and rushed over, leaving only a few small power young gods, looking at each other in blank dismay.

“Ye Fei? Why does this name sound familiar?”

Wait, Ye Fei…bang!

Like a thunderstorm, These young gods all looked at the black robed sillhouette that disappeared in amazement. They killed didn’t expect. Not only did Ye Fei not fall under the conspiracy of the three ancient princes, but at this time, they rushed out in time. Come over and find revenge for the three ancient princes.

It’s just that, on the path of inheritance where bloodline and treasure, and even Celestial Emperor’s magical powers cannot be used, Ye Fei is a trifling person, could he still be able to fight, the three ancient kingdoms and hundreds of people from the ancient league Nothing?

There is unavoidable doubt in the hearts of these young gods.

But it’s useless to doubt. Ye Fei is already angry and rushed towards the three ancient countries. It’s easy to find them. Just let Xiaocao feel where Spiritual Qi fluctuates. The strongest is fine.

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