
The flames burned the sky and filled the entire void. Then, is a Flame Giant, born from the flames. At this time, Liu Shaohua was standing by Flame Giant’s Behind him, he let out a cold laugh.

Chapter 2735 The Real Body of Fire

Chapter 2735 The Real Body of Fire


The Flame Giant roared and opened his mouth. Open, the sword light that had been cut off by Ye Fei was swallowed directly, but the body shook for a while, and then his body became taller and taller.

“That is the unique magical power of Raging Fire Sect, the real body of Raging Fire. I just don’t know, how many of Liu Shaohua has trained at this time?” There is a martial artist who recognized this magical power. This person’s words made everyone even more shocked. One Flame Giant is just terrifying. Could it be that Liu Shaohua can still condense the second one?


Facts have proved that person’s judgment. After summon came out of the first Flame Giant, immediately behind Liu Shaohua, he came out of the second powerful Flame. Giant. But the ability is different from the first one.

The first Flame Giant can swallow the opponent’s Divine Ability. This second Flame Giant has infinite Flame Power. This power makes the moment the giant appears, the flames all over his body, and the void The burnt redness also made Ye Fei feel like he fell into an endless fire sea. But at this moment, Liu Shaohua, who was hiding behind Flame Giant, moved again.

He burns flames all over his body. At this moment, he has evolved into a Flame Giant. This person has evolved into three real flames in one breath. At the same time, each Flame Giant seems to have mastered one. Too virtual and supernatural.

There are a total of three Taixu supernatural powers, fiercely moved towards Ye Fei fiercely moved towards Ye Fei in an extremely violent posture, “This is the price of opposing me. In the eyes of others, you are the one who has risen too empty.” Dark horse, but in my eyes, Liu Shaohua, you are just a stepping stone to my fame!”

Liu Shaohua is high-spirited and vigorous, although summon possesses three blazing fire bodies, which consumes his huge profound energy , But what he wants is to use the strongest and most crushing posture to kill Ye Fei and achieve his reputation.

At this moment, Di Fan, Fu Renjie, Ji Feng, and their expressions became tense. They all felt a wave of Death Aura from the body of Li Huozhen. They could not stop such an attack. !

“Ye Fei, can you stop it? Senior, don’t you want to take action?” Bai Yanran and Chu Ling, at this moment, crystal beads of sweat rolled on their nervous faces, really, these three Flame Giant, the pressure on them is too strong, even if the bloodline is restored, they will not have the confidence to face it.

Only the golden Vermilion Bird, with piercing eyes, staring at Ye Fei, but seeing Ye Fei without looking back, facing Liu Shaohua’s three-way siege, in the sky, a huge sword suddenly resounded Xiao, that is Ye Fei’s body, the sword sound that Ye Fei emits, Ye Fei at this moment, the whole person has turned into a sword light that soars into the sky, and both feet slammed out.

The howling sword light has once again condensed Tai Chi, cutting towards that Flame Giant in the middle. At the same time, Ye Fei’s hands and dragon roar continue to rise, and Dragon Boxing has evolved two golden war dragons, roaring Out, and tearing the sky, the two Flame Giants were immediately blocked by Ye Fei, but a sneer appeared on Liu Shaohua’s face, “Now your feet and hands are entangled, I see you, how Resist the attack of my last Flame Giant, kill!”

Liu Shaohua put his whole mind into the third Flame Giant, once again displaying a kind of flame-like supernatural power, blasting towards Ye Fei, this also made many martial artists who watched the battle express their heartfelt sighs. I have to say that Liu Shaohua is really Heaven’s Chosen in Heaven’s Chosen. But in his early twenties, he can gather the three real bodies of the flames and release them. There are three different supernatural powers.

Such achievements are rare in Raging Fire Sect.

Ye Fei’s expression also showed a slight dignity, but he still did not flinch, but furiously shouted again, suddenly opened his mouth continuously, and let out nine Ghost God-like roars, following his roar Behind him, nine heaven and earth divine cauldrons appeared, arranged like nine ancient stars, once again blocking the pace of the third Flame Giant.


In this scene, all the spectators were in an uproar. No one didn’t expect Ye Fei after the strongest sword dao and the promotion of Dragon Boxing. There is also plenty of profound energy, releasing the third supernatural power!

“It’s a tie, this Ye Fei, and Liu Shaohua, who is both proud of Raging Fire Sect, was tied!”

Many people couldn’t help but exclaimed and listened. At this time of exclaim, Liu Shaohua’s handsome face showed a touch of extreme anger and distortion, “Tie? This is not what I want, what I want is crushing, stepping on his corpse, witnessing my glory , Ye Fei, the three supernatural powers are your limit, but not mine, kill!”

Boom ka!

between Heaven and Earth, a terrifying one emerged The flame ball, that was Liu Shaohua, once again activated his own bloodline, sending out the Life Source Divine Ability of Golden Crow, and this time, Liu Shaohua was launched from his body, and the crowd was completely shocked.

Nobody didn’t expect. In addition to controlling the three blazing fire bodies and activating the supernatural powers, Liu Shaohua can actually use his own body to activate the fourth supernatural powers, so the four supernatural powers are superimposed. Formidable power, it is enough to hit the expert of the late Renzu period. It is estimated that only Renzu Ji Realm’s powerhouse can resist.

“At this time, Ye Fei’s hands and feet, including the nine gods, were blocked, how can he resist Liu Shaohua’s ontological attack?”

” Look, this Ye Fei, 99% is about to lose, if he doesn’t escape at this time, maybe he might fall here!”

“haha, escape, where does he escape? Near here , Was surrounded by Three Great Sects. In addition to his death in battle today, he also had his wings…”


Suddenly there was a terrifying dragon roar from the sky, then It was actually a huge black armored Dragon Tortoise. This Dragon Tortoise, burning with terrifying fire, was not afraid of the Flame Giant. It was extremely arrogant. It collided with one of the huge flames.

“That’s, Da Hei?” Bai Yanran and Chu Ling had their eyes dull, Emperor Fan and the others also wiped their eyes vigorously, completely unable to take away the domineering god Dragon Tortoise. Linked with Dragon Tortoise, which is usually delicious and lazy.

Emerald small dragon and Xiaoguanglong are even more embarrassed. For the black fatty who only eats, they are both war pets. They are usually very disdainful, but at this time they disdain the black fatty. Suddenly they became so brave, which made the jade small dragon and the little light dragon suffered some inexplicable blow.

At the same time, the appearance of Dragon Tortoise hit Liu Shaohua completely unprepared. He stared at Dragon Tortoise blankly and knocked over one of his Flame Giants. Ye Fei, who had freed his hand, also caught This opportunity quickly condenses a strange handprint, which is the seal of life and death! There are a total of 12-layers, but Ye Fei continuously displays these seals.

Suddenly, the entire void seemed to flash twelve runes of life and death, six of which shattered Liu Shaohua’s Golden Crow’s bite, and the remaining six life and death seals were all in one breath. It was shot on Liu Shaohua.

“Liu Shaohua, I want to use me as a stepping stone. Let me go home and take a few more years of milk!”

bang bang bang!

The world trembles, Under the continuous strikes of the big seal of life and death, Liu Shaohua’s body is like a kite with a broken line, being photographed constantly backing away. In his mouth, he can’t help vomiting blood crazily, and at the same time, a clear shock and a touch of shock appear in his eyes. Spiteful.

Chapter 2736 Inviting humiliation to oneself

Chapter 2736 Inviting humiliation to oneself

“Ye Fei, this is what you forced me, even at any cost , I want to kill you too! Ahhhh…” Liu Shaohua was furious. As the double pride of Raging Fire Sect, there is also a second only to peerless Heaven’s Chosen big brother on it. Liu Shaohua’s Marital Dao Path is a smooth wind. , He has never encountered setbacks, almost whoever he wants to step on, that person must be stepped on by him, and he can never turn over.

The reason why Liu Shaohua chose Ye Fei to step on is that Ye Fei has been too popular recently. If he can step on Ye Fei under his feet, he will surely become famous in Taixu, even Lu Mohan Ye Fei couldn’t deal with Ye Fei, Liu Shaohua, he stomped to death with just one foot, which not only improved his fame, but also indirectly slapped Lu Mohan in the face. It was worth showing off.

But the reality is that fiercely slapped Liu Shaohua in the face. He tried his best. Instead of trampling Ye Fei to death, he was trampled by Ye Fei. It was beaten and exhausted. Loss, how can Liu Shaohua, who has never suffered setbacks, endure it?

So, in order not to be beaten as a dead dog by Ye Fei and lose face, Liu Shaohua finally showed his last trump card. All the bloodline on his body burned up, but not for Ye Fei Fei tried desperately, but summon had a bronze battle clothes draped on his body, and this layer of battle clothes exuded more intense aura than the battle clothes of Battle Front and Snow Demon Nalan.

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