This reminder also made Ye Fei realize that this sea youth must be out of the ordinary, otherwise it is impossible to obtain treasure in the land of the emptiness. Instantly ignited a flame of blood soaring to the sky, and decided to go all out to fight this person.

The sea youths sneered disdainfully: “Grade 11 bloodline, no wonder you have the confidence to fight with me, but unfortunately, Grade 11 bloodline, I also have it, and my bronze battle clothes will only be stronger than you! ”


Same as Ye Fei’s plan, this sea youth, as soon as he came up, used all his strength. At the same time, he had bronze battle clothes on his body. Ten runes of different colors were actually burned. In other words, this sea youth had a total of ten bronze battle clothes fused!

Ye Fei, plus the gift of the battle front and the snow demon Nalan, and the capture of Liu Shaohua, there are only four runes!

Chapter 2739 too weak

Chapter 2739 too weak

“Ten runes, if you press a piece of bronze battle clothes, an increase of bloodline is calculated, ten A piece of bronze battle clothes, the increased bloodline is ten layers, equivalent to upgrade Grade 1 out of thin air!”

Bai Shizhong siblings could not help but let out an exclamation. This exclamation also made Ye Fei’s expression became extremely dignified. After all, this sea youth is a powerful Heaven’s Chosen from Grade 11. Now with the addition of bronze battle clothes, his bloodline level has risen to Grade 2, battle strength. Has been comparable to the peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

At this time, Ye Fei used the bronze battle clothes with four runes to fight against the opponent with ten runes. This is destined to be unbeatable. Even more how, there is a bloodline gap between the two sides.

Boom ka!

The fight was just a round, Ye Fei felt that his sword light was torn apart by the tyrannical Trident of the sea youth, but fortunately he was in a hurry. The condensed seal of life and death barely resisted the blow that pierced the eyebrows, and a touch of surprise appeared on the face of the Sea Clan youth, followed by a sneer.

“This life and death seal method, I have heard from the elders, it is said that it is the land of the emptiness, one of the top ten magical powers of the emptiness, fully trained, and can be upgraded to the Celestial Emperor magical power. I planned to kill you ant, but now I have changed my mind and handed over this seal method. I will spare you not to die!”


This time Trident is not stabbing Sweeping towards Ye Fei’s eyebrows, but at Ye Fei’s hands and feet, it was obvious that he planned to abolish Ye Fei’s hands and feet first, and then extorted a confession.

The arrogance of the Sea Clan youth finally made Ye Fei angry. He did not retreat, but suddenly burst out of the Ancient God Golden Body, his feet out of the sword, his left hand out of fists, right hand pinching, and mouth spit The voice of Ghost God, floating on the back of heaven and earth. Many supernatural powers, gathered together, moved towards the sea youth blasted over.

Difan and Ji Feng and the others were not idle either. They saw the strength of this sea youth wearing bronze battle clothes, knowing that fighting alone is not an opponent, everyone suddenly vacated. , Moved towards this sea youth.

“hahaha, a group of ants who have not unblocked the bloodline, want to fight me too, are you guys here to make fun? You will never know the power of battle clothes without wearing battle clothes!”

hong long long!

sea wave overflowing heaven, killing intent is boiling.

The youth of the Sea Clan directly ignored the attacks of Emperor Fan and the others. Even if Emperor Fan and the others displayed, many of them were too imaginary, but there was no increase in bloodline or treasure. Their attacks, He couldn’t even break the defense of the bronze battle clothes, and he was shocked by the void waves everywhere, vomiting blood and falling into the void.

Ye Fei’s mood also sank to the bottom.

If it’s outside, it’s the bloodline of Grade 11 of this young man. He relies on Celestial Emperor magical powers and Ghost God tripod. Without Destruction Sword order, he can leapfrog and kill him. But here, he wears the bronze of ten runes. Battle clothes, this sea clan youth, just like the incarnation of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, invincible, simply unable to defeat, let Ye Fei breathe, display four super virtual powers.

This Divine Ability is enough to kill the weaker human ancestors directly, but the sea youths just broke the bloodline and burned the battle clothes. The powerful Trident has turned into a piece of silver. The waves destroyed his Divine Ability.


Finally, this Trident’s blade light smashed Ye Fei’s Ancient God Golden Body on the spot, drawing a long line across his chest. Ye Fei’s bloody mouth, but at a critical moment, Ye Fei’s space shifted, and he successfully dodged it, avoiding the possibility of being pricked by Trident.

The expression of the sea youth became more and more surprised, “You actually have Space Divine Ability. I have to say, you are really strong, but unfortunately, you entered the Scarlet Battlefield too late, you, too Weak! The last halberd, I will send you to the west! Sea King cut!”


The waves roared, layer by layer like a wall of blades, moved towards Ye Fei crazy, that kind of imposing manner , It is really like being plunged into the vast sea, invincible, the Emperor Fan and the others who fell into the void are all shocked and dazed. Wu Yue even shouted loudly, “Ye Fei, leave us alone, you go!”

“Fart, he’s gone, isn’t the ancestor going to die here! Ye Fei, yours Another type of Space Divine Ability, use it quickly and kill him!” Golden Vermilion Bird also rarely showed a touch of fright. Hurriedly reminded Ye Fei.

Ye Fei hearing this smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: “The Eye of Space can only be used once a day. When dealing with Liu Shaohua, I have already used it…”

” It’s you stupid bird with poor strength. The ancestor chose to follow you. I really suffered a big loss. Let go of your mind and let this Old Ancestor come to possess! Scum!”

Gold Vermilion Bird The little red bird suddenly became huge, like a fire beast that swallowed the sky, suddenly devouring Ye Fei, but Ye Fei did nothing to stop him. After all, the soul crystal of the golden Vermilion Bird is still in his hands. If the golden Vermilion Bird is critical He will perish in minutes.

So, Ye Fei let go of his mind decisively and let the golden Vermilion Bird possess his body. Then, he felt that his body had undergone tremendous changes. In the void, incarnation became a fierce man. The cruel golden Vermilion Bird, the extremely hostile spirit and murderous aura, emerged from his Vermilion Bird’s body, giving Ye Fei the feeling that the real incarnation is Vermilion Bird.

Within the body’s eyes of Sacred Dragon, at the moment of feeling this power, a group of terrifying Sacred Dragon light burst out fiercely. This rays of light, suppressed Xu Xukongzhi The snake spirits all began to shiver coldly, and they were even more angry. The other void snake spirits were born smoothly and smoothly, and they were so happy. It is very easy to control the host, only it, since its birth in Ye Fei bloodline, has been plagued with disasters and bad luck!

First suppressed by Sacred Dragon, now a remnant of Vermilion Bird came to bully it.


The angry Void Snake has nowhere to vent, but also deliberately lent a part of its power to enter Ye Fei’s within the body, in the sky, and Ye Fei incarnation’s Vermilion Bird’s eyes have also undergone obvious changes. One of his eyes carries a strong holy light, and his other eye carries a terrifying evil light. When this holy light and evil light meet The moment.

Ye Fei’s eyes not only stagnated the space, but also shattered the space at this time, bursting out an astonishing space fluctuation. The sea youth who was shooting suddenly felt that his body was stagnant. The crushing power of the space made his bronze battle clothes creak and endure huge void pressure. The expressions of the youth of the Sea Clan were immediately full of shock, “What evil do you use, you treat me What did you do, bloodline, explode for me!”

bang bang bang!

Wearing ten-runes bronze battle clothes, the sea youths are really too terrifying. Even Ye Fei’s fusion of Sacred Dragon, Vermilion Bird, and the Void Snake Spirit’s mixed Twisting Power can’t completely defeat this young man, but can only hurt him.

Then, the injured Sea Clan youth, already struggling with anger, bloodline burning, battle clothes shining, unexpectedly slow and firm, and about to struggle out of the stagnation and strangulation of this space!

Chapter 2740 Flute Hengkong, Qu Jing Nine Heavens

Chapter 2740 Flute Hengkong, Qu Jing Nine Heavens


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